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12146150 No.12146150 [Reply] [Original]

what was his deal with horrible, unnatural, violent death? himself with the microwave, madame psychosis's mom putting her arms in the garbage disposal, the dad in the pale king getting dragged by the train, not a death but the schizophrenic guy getting put in shaker thing, probably way more. easier to understand why he suic'd when you consider he had that shit rattling around all the time

>> No.12146165

he was obsessed with pain, so much so that he felt guilty for having none of it, so he made some for himself. pretty badass desu

>> No.12146171
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nigga needed deleuze in his life

>> No.12146174

>he felt guilty for having none of it, so he made some for himself

that's goth as hell

>> No.12146272

He was an insecure brainlet.

>> No.12146278


>> No.12146372


Why would you write about a boring death?

>> No.12146384

good, honest post.
based and redpilled even.

>> No.12146396

most of those are attempts at comedy, of the "wil e coyote getting hit on the head with an anvil" variety. it's all so wacky that i can't take dfw seriously when he calls infinite jest a sad book

>> No.12146414

How did this guy die again?

>> No.12146430

hired goons
he found out stuff the IRS didn't want him to
michael pietsch's edition of the pale king, while consisting mainly of dave's actual writing, was done as a cover up and excludes or censors the politically sensitive chapters

>> No.12146985


His fame was predicated on a blood oath owed to the shady men who rule our society. He fell afoul of whatever that contract was, but I can't speculate what he must have done. Perhaps he resisted being a mouthpiece for them, like literally every other yaskweening bluecheck given airtime today.

>> No.12147311

Literally nobody knows. The main speculation is he hanged himself but, not unlike with richard iii, there's a whole society of people who are convinced it was something else. A very popular opinion is that his bitch wife killed him, tortured him and killed him, because she was a psycho, along with his ex whom he legit kicked out of a car. The ring-wound around his neck that's supposed to imply hanging was deemed "suspicious" by the coroner, but nothing came of it. His death certificate has a dash after C.O.D iirc

There's also the idea that he's still alive, which, as much as i'd want that, obviously isn't true

>> No.12147339

there's enough evidence of straight depression that I don't feel compelled to reach for the conspiracy. didn't he switch meds right before he died? would that not have capsized his already listing mental state? and was this switch not done with his consent?

>> No.12147341

all retarded.
My theory is that he probably killed himself because he was fucking his students and was going to be exposed. He was clearly fighting with his wife at the time and would disapear to hotels regularly "to write"

>> No.12147345

It was done with his consent. He was trying to make changes, but he failed and gave up.
Probably died convinced he was right.

>> No.12147348

he was also institutionalized multiple times from 2005-2008. Married in 2004.

>> No.12147349

He switched meds and had bad enough clinical depression that they gave him the ol brain zaps to set him straight. The dude just spent most of his life miserable do to poo brain and then hung himself. I don't understand these bullshit conspiracies when the trail of breadcrumbs lead to suicide.

>> No.12147360

There are many brainlets in this world but hes not one of them. C’mon dude, be kinder in your judgement

>> No.12147397

>The ring-wound around his neck that's supposed to imply hanging was deemed "suspicious" by the coroner

>> No.12147450

My imagination, lad, i thought that part would be a dead giveaway

>> No.12147455

Such a vivid imagination. Perhaps you are the famous David Foster Wallace and you really did fake your death so that you could enjoy the anonymity of shitposting in suicide threads made about you.

>> No.12147464

No need for all that, i meant no disrespect to dfw, i only know that people say his wife was awful and that we all know he hanged himself out of severe depression, and perhaps feeling stuck in his marriage contributed to that

>> No.12147468

>>12147455 is more imagininative than you are nicer too.

>> No.12147472

Well, i apologize then

>> No.12147508

I legit feel bad, im gonna go think about things

>> No.12147622

In the pale king, the final, really long David Wallace self-insert character scene involves a low level female employee from Iran sucking his dick in a closet, providing sexual pleasures to poltical higher ups as according to how she was trained her native Iran (a means of survival in the midst political crisis). Meanwhile she has him confused for someone else, a different david foster wallace, a transfer from rome,ny. He also imagines his penis is unrealistically long as she fellates him.
He hammers on this whole "I'm a fraud" thring the whole way through.
kinda makes sense.

>> No.12147625


i read IJ almost ten years ago and i still think about the fucking microwave with the hole in the door lined in aluminum foil and the was it fifteen or fourty-five minutes to the detonation that made hal think of food after a long day's no breakfast and so just now finding himself on a lunchbreak only to walk into that