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1214587 No.1214587 [Reply] [Original]

How many books are on your to-read list?
Too many for me; like 15.

>> No.1214607

Just Joyce's works, for now.

>> No.1214622

Only 2, Naked Lunch and On the Road

>> No.1214627

i have 143 books on my ereader.

i those i have probably read around 20 or so at a guess.

so the remainder are technically my "to read" list.

good times :)

>> No.1214638

Pale Fire is next on the list, then Voices from Chernobyl and 100 Years of Solitude. So that makes 3. Cheers, OP.

>> No.1214643

I don't know. I have to write down the uh... I don't know what it's called, but one of them is BL1139.242.B35 E5 2005 and it lets me find the book because they aren't organized by simple categories and then alphabetized. I write down books I want on the back of library receipts but I end up losing them pretty often, so I've probably got a good few dozen written down that I haven't read.

>> No.1214644

Somewhere between 5-600.

>> No.1214650

Before I deleted my goodreads there was around fifty books on it.

Now I'm just not keeping tabs. Next up will be Neuromancer and then I'm finishing Mort. I've found that reading becomes much less tedious if I don't end up making a list that I can never clear.

>> No.1214653

I have about 15 as well, but these are just books I own. I probably have near 100 books I want to read, but don't own yet.

>> No.1214655

I bid you good luck. If you put in the time and the effort and read them in order, you'll get a great deal out of it.

On the Road is great. Terrible writing, but great nonetheless. Naked Lunch is sort of the same way, but it's not really worth reading IMO. I got like 50 pages into it and said this is bullshit and a waste of my time, I'm gonna go actually shoot up instead of reading about shooting up.

And as for your question, I'm just reading Don Quixote and I love it.

>> No.1214659

Last night I counted all the books in my room I haven't read yet. There were 98.

>> No.1214666

I have a huge list of amazon bookmarks which I add to and delete from daily. If a books been on there for a long time I buy it.
Atm? About 80 books.

>> No.1214680

All of the books.

>> No.1214678

75 on my actual list, but there are so many more that I buy and intend to read that don't go on my list; or I just hear about and neglect to add; or classics, which I don't need to put on the list to remind myself of.

>> No.1214686

Finishing the last 600 pages of Feast for Crows, then I'll quickly read Sphere, Killer Angels, and Blood Meridian.
After that I'm going to start on the Foundation books. Hope to have all this done by Christmas.

>> No.1214689

I want to read more Russian lit, so my list consists of Pale Fire, Notes from the Underground, The Idiot, etc.

>Knows nothing beyond Tolstoy, Nabokov, and Dostoyevsky

>> No.1214693
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This. I have a Kindle.

>> No.1214710

A bunch of Dickens books. That should keep me occupied for a while.

>> No.1214725

Tim? lol

>> No.1214747
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A lot.

And I want to read all of them right now! Everytime I come here I see mentioned at least one book, that somehow looks interesting. So I google the name, look at the Wikipedia, browse some reviews, read few pages on Amazon and I know I have to read this one too. Fuck you /lit/ in last two hours I added another two books to my list and I want to read them now.

RIGHT FUCKING NOW! And it drives me crazy.

>> No.1214911

Around 250 books about 100 of which I own...

Can't wait till I graduate, my lesuire reading will go up heaps.

>> No.1215677


>> No.1215705

Mistborn Series - Brandon Sanderson
The First Law Series - Joe Abercrombie
A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (on book 2)
Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan (on book 10).
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever - Stephen R. Donaldson

>> No.1215734

The Portrait of Dorian Gray
Little Brother - Cory Doctorow
Generation X - Douglas Coupland
Writing Comedy for Television - Brian Cooke
Story - Robert Mckee
The Writer's Journey - Christopher Vogler
Looking for Alaska - John Green
Confederancy of Dunces
The Dice Man
The Book Thief
On the Road

But I picked up Haunted, The Stranger, Fahrenheit 451 and Jane Eyre (for a total of $10) on the weekend so it feels awesome

>> No.1215741

Just out of what I own, 104. I've also got a wishlist of things I will buy eventually that I guess also technically count as to-read, and there's 456 more on that list.

>> No.1215763
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My first Joyce was Finnegans Wake.

I'm in the middle of On the Road right now. terrible writing, yes. But truly powerful stuff

>> No.1215793
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>The Portrait of Dorian Gray

>> No.1215805

My wife keeps making this mistake. Half the time, I don't have the heart to correct her.

>> No.1215846


>The Dice Man

Don't bother man, I read it not long ago. Fucking waste of time.

I'm also an Ausfag, so you can definitely rely on this advice.

>> No.1215874

Over one hundred. I don't think I'll get much read until next summer, though, as I'm in the middle of an English degree. As a result, most of my reading time is taken up with reading secondary texts.

>> No.1215878


Too many books, but working on a degree in American Studies (problem, guy I quoted?). Also not enough time.

>> No.1215880
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>> No.1215882


my face

take your lecture elsewhere

>> No.1215883
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i h8 myself

>> No.1215886

The Castle by Kafka is shit, but Amerika is a good book. Also Hamlet, Great Gatsby <3

Furthermore, why 'height' yourself? I haven't read 90% of those books either. The biggest part of being a pretentious dick is bluffing.

>> No.1215890

thx 4 ur support. im only bluffing to you guys tho

>> No.1215939

Too many.

The Count of Monte Cristo
The Three Musketeers
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Madame Bovary
For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.1215982

Convent Mirror (to waste time)
Sartor Resartus
Petersburg (again)

>> No.1216019



>> No.1216022

13 but I think I won't read Lolita, I have already read 3 Nabokovs and I don't feel like reading more from him right now.
I could name the other 12 books now but I only know the German names and I don't feel like searching their English names right now.

>> No.1216029

Too much!

The Nature of all being
Thinking about logic
Ending aging
Good Natured
and, whatever my curriculum requires me to read

oh, and one piece of fiction:
Time enough for love

>> No.1216053

I don't keep a list but I plan to read the major works of Faulkner, McCarthy, and David Foster Wallace pretty soon. Eventually Joyce and Pynchon, too. All while reading whatever Vonnegut books I can get my dirty little hands on.

>> No.1216067

46 :(

>> No.1216369

Literally over 600.
About a hundred on my bookshelf, and over 500 more e-books after I discovered the Sandy Gunfox archive.