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12144236 No.12144236 [Reply] [Original]

How many pages do you read in one session?

Bonus: current book you're reading.

>> No.12144238

who cares lmao
just read a book you insecure fuck

Current book: Selected Works of Cicero :)

>> No.12144242

Pierre, or the Ambiguities

>> No.12144297

Between 1 and 100.
I'm reading herodotus and epistulae ciceronis

>> No.12144318
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>epistulae ciceronis

>> No.12144410

currently on ego and its own, around 15~25 pages in an hour

>> No.12144416



I'm not reading anything at the moment

>> No.12145685

Hunchback of Notre Dame
I'm going about 100 a session, since I have work every day.

>> No.12146999

Between 20 and 40

>> No.12147008

Ego and its own is actually a harder read than I expected. It seems to pick up later in the book.

>> No.12147029

I try to read 65 pages every day. I’m currently reading Ulysses. It’s weak. Clearly derivative of Gertrude Stein.

>> No.12147757

I read about 20 pages of Antigone earlier, and will probably read another 20 in the hour.

>> No.12148430
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I'm reading two books right now
Day of Deceit by Robert Stinett: I usually can make about five or ten pages a session because right now it's kinda boring; going over in excruciating detail the complexities of the US surveillance network on Japan before WWII. I get why the author had to include all this and the information is damning but it's difficult to read through.

War Letters by Andrew Caroll: this one I can barely get through a page and a half, not because it's boring but rather it's so emotionally moving I start to tear up (yeah I'm a pussy I know)

>> No.12148452

It's good that you're able to emotionally connect with stories, I find it extremely difficult unless it's written just right. I wish I was able to enjoy the things I read as much, would read all day every day if it were so.

>> No.12148503

Depends on the book.
With some writers (Kafka, Nabokov, Proust) I need a break after about 25-50 pages, while with others I tear through 50-100 pages.
Genre fiction is even quicker, normally.

>> No.12148516

I read 10 chapters of the Bible per day.
Actually, this has reminded me to read the Bible.

>> No.12148520

got through 100 pages of John Williams' Augustus yesterday, another 60 today so far

>> No.12148527

Like 8 pages of Thus Spoke Zarathustra in an hour

>> No.12148599

0 pages in five days (+15 on and - 15 on the next.)
Vom Kriege (on war) from clausewitz.

It's quite hard, I sometimes misinterpret so I have to back track.
I also only started reading it a while ago.
And worst of all i started writing like him in German so now no one understands me anymore.

>> No.12148631

20-30. that is usually a chapter, or atleast a break in subject.

I might read 100+ throughout the day, but never at once, that doesnt allow for comprehension and leads to reading to read and not to learn

>> No.12148767

I read the whole thing in one session every time

>> No.12148778

After about 25-50 pages, depending on the writer, I stop being able to take in information properly, and find myself reading the same sentence over and over
Even a very short break can be enough sometimes though, and the nearer I get to the end of a book, the more I read. Pretty sure I've read the last 100 pages of quite a few books in more or less one sitting - Bel Ami (very easy read as far as comprehension goes) was a recent one that fell into that category.

>> No.12148784

A minigun spinning up and then firing, but instead of bullets it shoots "based" and "redpilled" in alternating order

>> No.12148802

Lately because I’m only reading Dune I’ve been doin like 75

>> No.12148809
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About 300
Currently reading two books:
-The Odyssey
-The Great Gatsby

>> No.12148817

About 300 or so pages in a hour of reading. Ive read 3 books in the last week.

>> No.12148851

Generally 40ish.
Currently reading
The Pale King
There and Back (MacDonald)
The Night Land
The Worm Ouroboros
Book of the New Sun
(Seeing that written, I should probably try to narrow down some)