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12144066 No.12144066 [Reply] [Original]

>keep buying a bunch of books
>never actually read them
How do I break this cycle?

>> No.12144069
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Read a book.

>> No.12144071

dedicate your time to something else reading isnt for you

>> No.12144101

common problem on this board. Stop buying them. You don't like reading books. You like buying books.

>> No.12144118

books are my accessory and part of my lifestyle

>> No.12144125

Just stop buying them. Finish 75% of your library before you allow yourself to buy anything new

>> No.12144136

From someone that's broken the cycle:

Make a target for yourself to read a certain amount of pages a day (I went between 50-100 depending on how busy I was/how easy to read the text was). Start smaller, be careful not to overextrend to the point where you crash and give up.
Make a list of books you most want to read.
Only read what you get something out of - some books you've bought will fall by the wayside as you find you're no longer interested in reading them. Some books will be best left for the future, when you're ready for them. Still, you lose that feeling of being way behind on your reading/guilt at the time you've wasted.

>> No.12144211
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>tfw read entire books in one sitting
>no buffer of books to read

>> No.12144234

I usually find I buy a bunch of books and then end up reading them a few months to a year later.

>> No.12144243
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>read most of my books from the library
>only buy books that aren't at my (very good) local libraries
>take forever to deliberate over my order whenever I do buy them
>keep reading a bunch of books
>never actually buy them
Am I the ultimate patrician?

>> No.12144247

pretty standard i'd say

>> No.12144254
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I feel ya'. I was on a book buying spree for a while earlier this year and now I have half a shelf of backlog to get through, which actually started to stress me out a bit at one point - I think that's where you're at now.

I'm making some good progress on the stack now though. I finished two books last weekend and one last night (though the one I finished last night was one I picked up a long time ago, not from the recent binge). I've committed to reading at least five books from my backlog before I buy another book, and I've found that forcing myself to do that makes me even more eager to get that next book, which in a weird way motivates me to read more. Hacking my retarded consumerist brain, in a sense. You just have to start reading.

Honestly, internet shit has been kinda' stressing me out lately, so reading has become perhaps a bit of an escape from all of that - meditative in a sense - a forced disconnect from everything else going on. To just sit in a comfy place and focus in on a good book has been really helpful for me mentally. Give it a try - your backlog will diminish and you'll feel better about everything else in life, just get the hell off 4chan and start reading. Your brain will thank you.

Good luck anon.

>> No.12144258

What's the longest book you've read in a sitting? I think mine was about 300 pages.

>> No.12144395

I checked, 567 pages (Ghost Story)

>> No.12144409

I bought 50 books off amazon this week bruh and subsequently got an annual audible subscription with 24 credits.

>> No.12144415

Thrift shop books should be the majority of your purchases OR ELSE

>> No.12144465
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Truth. Used books, even really nice condition hardcovers, can be had for so damn cheap sometimes if you're out thrifting.

Everyone should visit their local thrifts every so often.

>> No.12144490

Ebay is much better (at least in the UK) for buying online.
Better deals, and I always get the edition I ordered, unlike amazon where companies seem to sell whatever edition they like. WHSmith online is cheaper than amazon for new books 9 out of 10 times too.
Amazon is pretty shit now, tbqh.

>> No.12144527

>buying used books
Might as well steal them from book stores at that point.

>> No.12144786


>> No.12144789

>keep buying books
>read them all on a tablet at work anyway because its stealthy

>> No.12144827

>You like buying books
But why should anon stop buying books then?

>> No.12145427

You have to actively give up other things you do to make room for reading.

>> No.12145987

I have the same problem. I justify it to myself since a lot of what I buy is semi-rare OOP SF and I figure it's better to buy, and be able to read later, than to pass up and have to scrounge ebay/amazon and pay out the ass.

I will say that the internet in general, and this website in particular, is POISON for being able to read for long stretches.

>> No.12147123

>eat more bran
>spend more time on the can
>read more books in a shorter time span

>> No.12147132

because books are for reading

>> No.12147281

underrated post

>> No.12147285

I used to have tons of books that I liked the idea of finishing, but never got around to. Still in my phase of figuring out what I actually liked to read.

An ex threw them all out which helped with the transition to only buying what I gave a shit about.