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12143776 No.12143776 [Reply] [Original]

I don’t know much but I like his thoughts on racism and nationalism. Is The 4th Political Theory worth reading?

>> No.12143778

He's a really good reader of Evola and Heidegger from what I can tell

>> No.12143817

He's a hack

>> No.12143871

I used to think he's a madman, now I think he's one of the few sane men left around.

>> No.12143901

Kike propagandist whose ideas are actively used by Russia to destroy America.

>> No.12143908
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He is a prelude to the meta-political hyper-humanism that will cement itself in opposition to accelerationism on the Tech v Flesh polarity fated to dominate the 21st Century.

>> No.12143999

4th Political Theory is interesting, but really only meant to be a beginning of a large collaborative endeavor to develop a political system that works and is sustainable before the Liberal order implodes. Dugin is quite humble in his text, admitting he has no answers.

I recommend watching his debate with Fukuyama that is up on youtube.

>> No.12144027

He is propped up only due to his ideas being convenient for the current regime, he is hardly of the caliber that his fame would imply.

>> No.12144031

He is criminally underrated by retards only able to think in terms of realpolitik.

>> No.12144033

Anti-american faggot. fuck him.

>> No.12144036

the Thomas Cromwell of the Russian Federation.

>> No.12144414

4th Political Theory is pretty good. Million times better than the conservative "writers" who just spout party orthodoxy for 250 pages to collect a paycheck. If there's any book I'd recommend right now to identify future trends in political thought that's probably it.

>> No.12144574

Yes. Even if you don't like his National Bolshevism, his model of the three ideologies of modernity is a useful framework.

>> No.12144577

America is the Jewish homeland so that doesn’t make sense. You have more Jews than Israel.

>> No.12144660

1 hour plus video, no thanks.

>> No.12144753
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Where does Dugan stand on the Jewish question

>> No.12144821

He says he likes Jews, but I don't think he really does, thankfully.

>> No.12144928

>I don't think he really does
What makes you say that

>> No.12144933

How could he like Jews when they stand for everything he hates, i.e., Atlanticism?

>> No.12145132
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I can't believe somebody unironically reading Dugin here. He is just a schizophrenic most of Russians never heard about even in the 90s when he along with Limonov had some authority. Now he is remembered only on russian imageboards as a meme clown. I can't even describe how ridiculous the idea about him being some kind of Kremlin mastermind sounds for Russians.

>> No.12145536

>He is propped up only due to his ideas being convenient for the current regime

Are there any political philosophers to whom this does not apply?

>> No.12145580

He has quite the following in the West.

>> No.12145584
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>> No.12145660
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>> No.12145679

>quite the following
You mean polyps and particularly insane kind of MAGAhattters?

>> No.12145680

conspiracy theory retardation typical of common core excrement that is the american citizenry
he is along others a typical product of more antimodern tendencies in contemporary russian culture and politics
lauren southern taking a picture with him surprises me since ive always taken her as very different from him, more of a classic liberal

>> No.12145769

>conspiracy theory retardation typical of common core excrement that is the american citizenry
the anger got to you for a second and diminished your ability to articulate yourself.

>> No.12145790

dude tellurocracy lmao

>> No.12145795

im not an english native and not particularly skilled in it, but i believe i made my point clear in a picturesque way
i would rahter describe my feelings as disgust and pity

>> No.12145798


Quantity of his beard hair pretty much equates how many books he has read, but he has nothing to offer. Only acid dreams of traditional society of trolls like himself.

>> No.12145825

zeitgeist is on his side tho

>> No.12145840


His commentary on the collapse of Russia is pretty dumb. I didn't expect such a simplistic approach from him.

>> No.12145846

well i look at him mostly from the wider picture
after reading "traditionalist" authors you eventually get tired fo bullshit and start plaing them within social context and as stupid as he is he is an indicative of social change, especially within russian context

>> No.12145889


Russian society is as solid as a piece of fine mineral, which can be transformed only through decades. Nothing has changed in the basis of it. Dugin's implications about it are always uncertain. I never heard anything straightforward on this topic from him. I even figured out hte schee of his comments:

a) Historical analysis.
b) Discourse, revealing different opinions and facts.
c) No certain conclusion.

>> No.12145892


>hte schee

the scheme*

>> No.12145900

Anyone got Foundations of Geopolitics in English lying around?

>> No.12145903

>as solid as a piece of fine mineral, which can be transformed only through decades
That's the most poetic description of "бeзвoльный тepпилa" to date.

>> No.12145910


Meaning: "бeзвoльный тepпилa" will "тepпeть" for a long-long time.

>> No.12146550

Thank you, anon. I see this shit all the time, “hur dur, Dugin is like Putin’s Rasputin, he’s his right hand man! His main advisor!” And I just put my head in my hands and cry at how stupid these people are

>> No.12146582

American leadership is advised by thelemites and theosophists but they aren't taken seriously by the general public.

>> No.12146670

The American Dream is the cultivation of Vril

>> No.12146675

Of course they are, Misha.

>> No.12146685

The only REAL living realpolitik philosopher left. Very interesting guy with opinions that, like the orignal fascists (and to a lesser extent early anarchists), are sort of all over the place and don't fit into any particular box. His former political party managed to count communists, nationalists, liberals, and anarchists as its members-- so you can see why America fears him. Any unity of misfits against American oligarchy must necessarily be derided as "fascist" to save face.

>> No.12146729

Haхyя вaм Дyгин, лoл?

>> No.12147275
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>Is The 4th Political Theory worth reading?
How about don't you read it and get back to us?

>> No.12147289

So is this guy Zizek in opposite land?

>> No.12147364

>all these anons gushing over dugin and saying he is realpolitik
are most of the people on /lit/ morons?

>> No.12147760


>> No.12147792

Дyгин для тepпил.

>> No.12147855

Are there any philosophers full stop for whom this does not apply?

>> No.12148267
File: 157 KB, 830x949, DMT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based attempt to revive a tolerable fascism with a foundation around Tradition rather than modernism and to negate the corrosive effects of liberalism and capitalism upon the soul of mankind.
Based anti-Americanism and anti-atlanticism. I
much prefer his Eurasianism or the work of Soral to the despicable right-wing populism espoused by Bannon, Trump and the American alt-right.

Why the fuck is he shilling for zionism though? I understand leaving it out of the calculation altogether, but if he doesn't understand that the JQ is intimately linked with the American liberalism he claims to be against he is either a fool or in cahoots with the noses himself.

>> No.12148292

He has a big head and a normal-sized face