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/lit/ - Literature

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12142992 No.12142992 [Reply] [Original]

I believe happiness/content comes from living and surviving among a group of tightly knit people, like tribalism with a primitive survival layer added to it. Any books exploring this?

>> No.12143003

The Way of Men by Jack Donovan
Becoming a Barbarian by Jack Donovan

>> No.12143012

Island by Huxley. First chapters are terrible but it picks up

>> No.12143015

stop larping incel

>> No.12143024

I had sex once

>> No.12143063

Tribe by Sebastian Junger

>> No.12143148
File: 82 KB, 740x1015, tumblr_pedxrxnRiM1wf5evro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These, and also "Operation Werewolf: The Complete Transmissions" (something like that anyway), by Paul Waggener, who is Jack Donovan's tribesman, and Industrial Society and it's Future, by Ted Kaczynski (AKA The Unabomber Manifesto by FC).

Varg Vikernes also talks about these topics a lot, although more in his youtube videos than his books, which are mostly about his religious views.

>> No.12143154

Growth of the soil. Although Hamsun later writes much about the stagnation in small communities, in his wanderer cycle. I wish to be a nomad among nomads.

>> No.12143178
File: 134 KB, 1280x484, wolves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some info on Wolves of Vinland.

>> No.12143210

"The ugly duck" HC Andersen

>> No.12143213

A real biker gang would kick their ass and rape their women.

>> No.12143222

Are you that guy from the /r9k/ thread on tribalism a while back?

>> No.12143225

I love this image so much.

>> No.12143246

My boy John Greene's brother says Sartre says relying on a group for personal satisfaction puts one at risk of living inauthentically.

>> No.12143249

Biker gangs aren't exactly known for fitness, martial arts, or being under 60.

>> No.12143250

I've read excerpts from these books and they're even gayer than he is.

He said he wanted to feel like part of a tribe, not a group of people who read airport literature.

>> No.12143253


And some people believe there's a magical being controlling their lives. Who gives a fuck what you (wrongly) believe?

>> No.12143254

That picture always makes me laugh no matter how many times I see it.

>> No.12143256

You don’t know shit about getting into a fight. And if you want to talk about fitness, look at the numales in that pic.

>> No.12143273

Look, buddy. I trained in karate, in hand-to-hand combat, for 2 years when I was in middle school. Have you ever seen someone kick a wooden board in half? Well I have. Not that I can do it myself, but that's the power of karate. Don't fuck with me.

>> No.12143406
File: 150 KB, 681x955, ISAIF p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I don't go there

I'll look into these

>> No.12143410

Daemon and some works of Neal Stephenson explore Techno-Tribalism, possibly the only mode of tribalism which can sit face to face with modern civilization and technology.