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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 349 KB, 1200x1190, St._John's_College.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12141846 No.12141846 [Reply] [Original]

Where are you learning?
What are you learning?
But most importantly, what are you reading?

>> No.12141859

University of Kansas
The Aeneid and Crónica de una muerte anunciada

>> No.12141868

>graduation rate: 60%


>> No.12141873

Wayne state university, Detroit
The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.12141887

Paris (exchange student)
At the moment really nothing.
I'm reading Rayuela at the moment. Probably going to read some Sartre or something after that. Recs on simple stuff in French would be appreciated though.

>> No.12142276
File: 240 KB, 1024x1024, Colby_College_Seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colby College
Printmaking, History
Gravity's Rainbow; The Dog of the South

>> No.12142279

Computer Science
Go Down, Moses / Berlin Alexanderplatz

>> No.12142281

Local Shithole Community College in NJ
Associate's in Science
Dead Souls

>> No.12142288

rereading lovecraft stories

>> No.12142343

The school of hard knocks
The case for suicide
My diary desu

>> No.12142413

You can get a 21 on the ACT if you're a Kansan and still be admitted, some people here are probably just not cut out for college

>> No.12142418

Do you like it? I got halfway through El lado de aca and put it down. I can't stand Traveler and Talita, the Paris part was great though.

>> No.12142442

>Recs on simple stuff in French
Balzac and Le Clezio are good

>> No.12142526
File: 276 KB, 750x749, University_of_texas_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my longbros at?
Studying Environmental Science, hopefully can finish with halfway decent grad school prospects
Just finished zama and started moby dick

>> No.12142538

transfew to lit and becaom an auther my dude, you dont want to be an enviroman.

>> No.12142559

Corfu, Ionian University
The Murderess by Papadiamantis, it's about an elderly woman living on a village during the later 19th century, who after reconsideration of her life and the life of other women, comes to the conclusion females are born to live unhappy and as slaves, as burden to their families as well. With this in mind she starts murdering the village's young girls in order to rid them and their families of their future problems.

>> No.12142593
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Political Science
Rule Breaking and Political Imagination. It's for class and I probably won't finish it by tomorrow morning, which is when I was supposed to have read it by. It's unfortunate but it seems that a precipitous drop in personal morale has rode in along with this dreary weather. I can't muster up the wherewithal to actually concern myself with my academic career. It's quite frightening in a curious detached sort of way. It's as if I was watching someone being eaten by a shark from the safety of sandy shores.

>> No.12142607

Were you trying to throw as many typos as possible into that post or are you having an aneurism?

Not planning on spending an extra 2 years on a transfer, idk where you study if at all but UT's liberal arts is jammed full of underachievers and leftist bugpeople, not exactly something i wanna come out with 40k+ in debt for. At least in stem I have the optons to pursue further up academia or get a decent paying job if I please. I'll still be able to read on my own time, no reason to pay to have some tenured professor force me to read the latest fotm latinx poc progressive writer

>> No.12142641

UT Arlington

Finishing up my undergrad in English and tech writing minor, got a paid internship lined up soon so I'm p happy with that. Gotta start teaching myself XML and working with Adobe once I graduate.

Reading primary 18th century documents on Sarah Winnemucca for my research paper. Senior Seminar topics course I got was American West; been reading Zitkala-Sa essays and also Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko. I've really enjoyed it, I recommend all those writings if you're not familiar with native women authors. Great stuff

>> No.12142659

latenx is unronicly based authors of today

>> No.12142718


>> No.12142751

University of Waterloo
Computer Science

>> No.12142796
File: 351 KB, 1200x1166, harvard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if you don't study History and Literature at the top one (1) university then you will never be intellectually fulfilled.

>> No.12142806
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>study History and Literature

>> No.12142814
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>> No.12142828

Harvard admits people based on the color of their skin. Sounds like a true meritocracy where intellectualism wins the day.

UCLA (grad school).

I'm in the public affairs school (worked in campaigns and now work in government).

Reading "End of the Battle" by Evelyn Waugh.

>> No.12142989

Universidade Nova de Lisboa
The Ring Of the Dove by Ibn-Hazm
Tratado das Paixões da Alma by António Lobo Antunes

>> No.12143001

Based trainspotting heroin addicted /lit/ anon

>> No.12143014

Anyone here go to Williams in Mass.? How's the English program there?

Long story short: my adviser said that I was a shoo-in for a transfer into Stanford, and it got me thinking about branching out to the opposite coast. I've always wanted to go live in Massachusetts, so Williams has always been in the back of my mind.

>> No.12143472

I'm moving through it pretty slowly but I'm hoping to get done with it by the end of the month. I'm honestly liking the bits in Argentina way more than the Paris sections--I think I'll probably have to re-read a lot of the book before coming down one way or the other about how I feel about it.

I hadn't thought to read Le Clézio before; I'll have to check him out.

>> No.12143483
File: 496 KB, 2435x2336, Syracuse_University_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically doxxing myself because by majors are whacky, but I'm going for a BS in physics and a BA in classics

Haven't had much time to read but starting translating the vulgate to keep me from getting rusty

>> No.12143625

I am convinced that students at elite private universities are intellectually inferior to us proles at merely respectable schools

Spiritually inferior, that's obvious. The only people who could survive the modern admissions process are neurotic termites who have been groomed since birth to believe that associating with a selective superbrand university will prove they're geniuses. Fundamentally, these are eusocial creeps obsessed with status and attention. They are not people so much as they are insentient and fleshy nodes of social information. Look at their faces and you will see they've got that "Innsmouth look," a sort of hollow and perfectly groomed, over-socialized self-satisfaction characteristic to sociopaths and Nancy Pelosi. Sometimes I feel the urge to pop their heads like pimples and see all the likes and "good boy" pats on the bottom come pouring out like pus.

Intellectually inferior, though? But don't the exceptional test scores which their parents bullied them for prove that truly we are among gods?


For one thing, if standardized test scores were an actual measure of intellectual ability and not distantly correlated with it, then the only thing that universities with 4% admissions rates should need to look at are the test scores themselves. And once upon a time they WERE. Harold Bloom, Ezra Pound, and T.S. Eliot--these were mediocre high school students who were of the correct social class and who performed relatively well on entrance examinations, and thus were admitted to the halls of Yale, UPenn, and Harvard, respectively.

But in the age of the Chinese Striver, the Prep Class, the Teacher Recommendation, the Tiger Mom, the only thing that matters are "leadership skills," "extracurriculars," and "personality." The test scores are just the credentials which allow you to even be considered (because, as admissions officers know, just about anybody can do well on a test).

The whole system is so stupid and outrageous that the only people who are dumb enough to trust it are the students who survive the meatgrinder themselves. People want to go to Harvard because Harvard is selective--not because Harvard is a particularly good school with an interesting history where you would learn important things. Harvard is not a university, Harvard is a networking opportunity, a live-in job fair, a real live, interactive LinkedIn page.

What's more is that just about EVERYBODY has caught on by now--except the students at these schools! The rubes! The morons!

One day we're going to look back and laugh at how stupid the whole farce, the whole PERFORMANCE was

>> No.12143651
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Texas A&M
Wildlife Science and Statistics
>they're giving me a research scholarship for some shitty proposal about Bobwhite Quails I wrote in an hour
I started Blood Meridian but am only reading textbooks until December 12th.
>hurr durr muh barton springs salamander

>> No.12143689
File: 1008 KB, 1299x990, Swansea-University-Logo-301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English Literature
That Harold Bloom was broadly right
The Good Soldier Svejk and The Heart of the Matter

>> No.12143726
File: 2.08 MB, 1168x1600, vapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fellas, should I study philosophy? I know I'll end up starving, but is it worth it?

>> No.12143837
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For what purpose?

>> No.12144059


>> No.12144070

I'm right there with you champ

>> No.12144081


>> No.12144088
File: 21 KB, 398x336, Butler Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be surprised if anyone on here goes here
Finished up Infinite Jest and started A Hell of a Woman by Jim Thompson

>> No.12144091

U. of Mississippi
basket weaving
Oxford's history of the french revolution

>> No.12144095

Based af, thanks for writing this

>> No.12144143

UC Berkeley
Molecular Biology
Bhagavad Gita lmbo

>> No.12144146

The Royal Game (Zweig)

>> No.12144163

Msu(the rapey one)
Crime and punishment

>> No.12144175

Good post

>> No.12144178

So does everywhere else with comparably high-achieving student bodies. You only have a point if there’s a school with students as good as those at Harvard which doesn’t engage in any non-meritocratic admissions practices.

Besides that, it’s pretty hard to argue with the size and impact of the university as a whole and all the ways an undergrad can use those resources.

>> No.12144190

How are they rubes for engaging in something that’s obviously profitable? Also you can evaluate a school’s faculty by more than just reputation.

>> No.12144475

You mean applicants like this?

>> No.12144556

>Harvard admits people based on the color of their skin. Sounds like a true meritocracy where intellectualism wins the day.
t. underachieving whitie
how does it feel that someone poorer than you beat you out

>> No.12144580
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Just end my fucking life

>> No.12144586
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>invent everything worth inventing
>create the best art, best literature, best philosophy, best science, best laws, best civilization, best everything
>be the best at literally everything
>chill out for a while
>get bored
>conquer basically entire world in the span of a few generations
>draw pictures of yourself standing astride continents
>rename brown people's entire homelands after your fat bitch queen
>import all the good stuff god accidentally put on the continents of lesser peoples, turn them into factories to produce it
>chill out for a while, content to have defeated space and time
>get bored again
>try having some massive planet-spanning internecine wars
>develop ability to destroy entire world because why not
>finally get bored of even that
>need to devise a new way to fuck with inferior races
>decide to invite them into our homes, let them shit all over the walls, condescend to them and patronize them
>even tolerate them becoming whiny and spoiled and feeling entitled to it
>even tolerate their insults and pathetic admonishments that they are entitled to our homes and we don't deserve them
>lift our inferiors onto our shoulders for a goof, the view ruined by the knowledge that they only have it at the sufferance of the giant who is lifting them
>give everything to them when it is precisely not having things handed to you that makes you strong some day, permanently othering them
>remain the eternal Same
>remain kings of the universe
>still run their homelands as slave factories for mass producing baseball hats and tampons

>> No.12144596

I did my undergrad there, not a fan anon?

>> No.12144597

>what is an indicator species

E. sosorum is just one species of a much larger distribution of Eurycea connected throughout the Edwards Plateau riparian network, If a city can't manage to protect one species it proves them incapable of maintaining a stable groundwater supply.

go back to jerking off your horses, hick

>> No.12144607

Yes, you probably should, but heres the thing: consider how you would feel not doing it. If you can picture yourself doing something else, you should probably do that, because philosophy is isolating and thankless work outside your immediate academic circle. If you genuinely care about it though, it is the best decision you can make, because nothing else will ever be enough.

Also, if you do it, do it all the way. At the very least follow it through to a Masters. If you don't want to do that, you shouldn't do a bachelors.

>> No.12144675

I attend Princeton.

Literature and Philosophy are where my focuses are

I'm currently reading Suba Hibi (a VN), but I'm also reading Wittgenstein's Tractatus since I heard it would help me understand the VN better

>> No.12144683

lmao it was a just a goof, bud. Also we fuck Deer in the wildlife department horses are strictly animal science.

>> No.12144778

Stevens Institute Technology
Computer engineering and I hate it
Crime and Punishment

>> No.12144801
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electrical engineering

brothers karamazov and gravitys rainbow

>> No.12144808


I am at Columbia (New York). Do not be deceived by the whole idea of the Core Curriculum: it's not very well executed.
I'm majoring in Comparative Literature & Society, might also try to squeeze in a minor in philosophy.
Most recent book I read solely for pleasure was a biography of one of the more obscure but colorful figures of the Decadent era in England, Count Eric Stanislaus Stenbock. Seems like he wasn't a very good writer himself, but he was remembered fondly by several who were major writers.

>> No.12144914

i'm at hunter college
studying english literature but probably going to drop out after this semester and learn a trade, keep having deeply unsettling panic attacks in the middle of class
reading wide sargasso sea for class, cities of the plain by mccarthy on my own time

>> No.12144948

are you saying Asians don't have a chance of rising up?

>> No.12145036

Borough of Manhattan Community College
General liberal arts
Many things

>> No.12145045

I hear St. John’s College has an unspoken partnership with UChicago, in that they send kids over for just about any subject.

Any St. John’s or UChicago student have any input?

>> No.12145092
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junior at harvard
studying government and math

currently reading: confidence men (ron suskind); political theories of the middle age (otto gierke); a secular age (charles taylor); the king's two bodies (ernst kantorowicz); the royal touch (marc bloch); the discovery of the individual 1050-1200 (colin morris); the vocation lectures (max weber); and the enforcement of morals (patrick devlin). some other maths stuff but that's neither here nor there.


i'm a white, conservative-leaning male without legacy or athletic status. not particularly superlative grades or SATs either, to be honest.

what you say is pretty true, though. i got here and it's not what i expected--there are some really gifted people, no doubt; but man, there really are some tards as well.

>> No.12145112

We go to the same university, I'm an econ major but I've taken a good amount of polisci courses. There's a non-insignificant chance we know each other IRL.

>> No.12145117

Trainspotting was set in Edinburgh m8

>> No.12145125

Working on my application.

>> No.12145135

Ut Dallas
Just finished sanctuary, reading Foucault for philosophy class, occasionally chesterfield’s letters to his son for motivation

>> No.12145163

Yee yee feller. I love college station. pretty girls and funny rednecks

>> No.12145175

History and Public Policy
I'm reading Crusade In Europe but not for class. This school is shit and I should have just gone to community college, unfortunately I'm balls deep at this point

>> No.12145176

Im the university of arkansas student that gets ignored in every one of these threads lol

In several classes but the only one I care about I'm learning group, ring, and field theory.

Currently reading postcapitalism by Paul Mason and total fears by bohumil hrabal. Violence by zizek is next on my list.

looking at going to UT austin for grad school. my prof did his phd work there so it probably wouldnt be too difficult to get in with his recommendation. Is austin bearable? I'm sick of the new "hipster" movement in northwest arkansas and a lot of it seems to copy what people think of austin. are people there more genuine? may be the wrong place to ask but maybe anonymity will warrant better responses

>> No.12145188

Athabasca University
Just working on my bachelors
On the Fourfold Root

>> No.12145203

I want to agree and believe in this but I am made suspicious by the likelihood that we're all just young men of mediocre academic sucess trying to communally console and reassure ourselves

>> No.12145630
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Atx definitely has its pockets of hipsterdom but it is by no means ubiquitous throughout town. A lot of the people reinforcing that general aesthetic are downtown tech industry transplants unwelcomed by the majority of native austinites. There is a pretty clear distinction between the "stay weird" austin-hippie types and the insufferable yuppie crowd, and both are easily avoided simply by steering clear of the right bars and venues that they inhabit. The university area especially is mostly out of towners uninvolved in the culture so you should have no difficulty in that regard especially if you are actually putting reasonable time into your grad research. You're much more likely to be annoyed by the recent influx of lazy fuckers riding electric scooters that has been plaguing most large cities as of late.

Wherever you end up for grad hopefully it works out, have a meme

>> No.12145796

>i'm a white, conservative-leaning male without legacy or athletic status. not particularly superlative grades or SATs either, to be honest.
How the FUCK did you get in?

>> No.12145835

>Discourses on Livy
All three are pretty good so far

>> No.12145856

University of Oulu
Computer science
Inherent vice and Oblomov

>> No.12145872
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I knew I'd find Princetontoad in this thread. I'm sure your life still sucks but at least you are reading.

>> No.12145879


>i'm a white, conservative-leaning male without legacy or athletic status. not particularly superlative grades or SATs either, to be honest.

I am too, but my ACT and GPA were pretty good. It is more about personality and diversity status. Either one works

>> No.12145901

>Discourses on Livy

big brain

>> No.12145960
File: 635 KB, 737x1070, body_harvardapp_essay1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /lit/ think of Harvard student and academic superstar Allen Cheng's personal statement?

Keep in mind that he has a higher IQ than you and was admitted to every single elite university he applied to DESPITE being Asian.

>> No.12145983
File: 179 KB, 737x370, body_harvardapp_essay2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would /lit/ be intellectually capable of snoozing Allen Cheng's alarm clock? Somehow I'm doubtful

>> No.12145996

Just got a B.A in russian language... Soon going for an MA in International Relations.
Currently reading Post Office by Bukowski

>> No.12146012

Sure it’s cringy, but I have never read an undergraduate application essay I liked.

>> No.12146195

thanks for the response and meme pal

>> No.12146266

I wish I could go back to uni, as an actual student and not just an alum turned townie who walks his dog through the quad on Christmas

I live in the same town as my alma mater so sometimes when I'm bored I just hang around the uni library on weekends reading academic books that would be too rare and expensive for me to come by with my own money

>> No.12146552

its not the best thing I've read this trimester, but its pretty good. Also read Iliad, Republic, Aeneid, Politics, The Prince, Paradise Lost

>> No.12146556

Do you live on-campus or off?

>> No.12146606

University of São Paulo
The Sirens of Titan

>> No.12146614

good class

>> No.12146648

yea we get a core curriculum where you can take some pretty culturing classes. Definitely creates a unique environment where everyone is at least well read in about a dozen important foundational texts of philosophy, literature, and politics. The stem part of the core is pretty shit though. Taking one class on biology doesn't teach the same as three on classics

>> No.12146669

Is public affairs an intellectually enriching field? Sounds like it could be interesting combination of subjects like economics, political science, sociology, etc.

>> No.12146678

Study economics for real if you want anything that incorporates economics. Polisci and sociology are valid, but there are far more enriching fields

>> No.12146681
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>he lists his course reading

>> No.12146691

I had such trouble when doing these while applying to college. I was not happy with anything I wrote and all the online examples are shit. Some people do have genuinely amazing circumstances or achievements to describe, but most of the time these essays are clearly pointless in showing them, as Allen Cheng's essay shows.

I mean, it's a chance to show writing skills, thought process, etc, but i think it'd be much more efficient to just do that through submitting a essay to a more analytic prompt.

>> No.12146707

>i'm a white, conservative-leaning male without legacy or athletic status. not particularly superlative grades or SATs either, to be honest.

I was talking about the school generally and not you specifically.

>there are some really gifted people, no doubt; but man, there really are some tards as well.

That's been my experience. I've spent plenty of time around Ivy League people (both at UCLA and at Cambridge; also am in a relationship with one). Obviously for every notable person from those school there are thousands who are not notable. Most of them probably aren't mega-geniuses but are just a bit brighter than people from slightly less good schools (though these days with the cultural trends I sort of wonder).

>> No.12146725

Computational Linguistics
All the pretty horses

>> No.12146731

>pic related
I’m slowly starting to realize this school is shit and i should’ve gone into the liberal arts lmao

>> No.12146736

>> No.12146737
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forgot pic

>> No.12146762

>Most of them probably aren't mega-geniuses but are just a bit brighter than people from slightly less good schools (though these days with the cultural trends I sort of wonder).
As someone at a top five uni, the vast majority of my peers either went to boarding or regular private school, the remaining at public schools were in magnet schools. Its got nothing to do with anything other than class and environment. People here are smarter because they’ve been raised to be, but I have trouble conflating merits of self with merits of environment.
That being said, plenty of them are geniuses, but plenty are dumb as bricks

>> No.12146775
File: 245 KB, 800x806, Yasunari_Kawabata_c1946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PhD student at an Ivy league school
MSc graduate from a Golden triangle uni in London
BSc graduate from a top public school in the US

Machine Learning

Currently reading Eyeless in Gaza - Huxley
Just finished Beauty and Sadness - Yasunari Kawabata

>> No.12147002

Albion College
Killing Hope by Bloom

>> No.12147478

Linköping University, Sweden.
Mathematics and Didactics.
Henry David Thoreau and Strindberg.

>> No.12147529
File: 66 KB, 564x265, UC-Davis-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UC Davis
Heart of Darkness and The Story of Philosophy

>> No.12147758


Public Admin/Policy is a great field but most people imagine it’s a lead-in to the kind of bureaucratic grunt work you can get without any degree at all, at least at Bachelor’s and Master’s level. The field is only worth it if you can get a PhD or study some more exciting and engaging aspect of policy and public sector work for your graduate thesis or dissertation. Or if you study institutions and policy in a hands off, academic way and go the consulting route.

>> No.12147766
File: 10 KB, 160x89, downloadfile-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Crete
Electrical engineering
A brief history of time

>> No.12147771

Not a real student anymore but doing ASU’s TESOL certification as a ticket into a possibly better job

>> No.12147775

In my country (greece) you'll starve like hell,poeple here study it even tho they know they'll end up homeless

>> No.12147782


>> No.12147910


Francis Klingender - Art and the Industrial Revolution
Samuel Beckett - The Unnameable
Michel Houellebecq - The Art of Suffering
van Fraassen - Possibilities and Paradox

discord: dextromethorphan#1072
let's chat shit.

add me bruh, computational linguistics sounds fascinating

>> No.12147938

You'll starve in Greece even if you study mechanical engineering, to be fair

>> No.12147970

>lying to yourself

>> No.12147974

Anybody know anything about Xavier U, in Cincinnati?

>> No.12148067

I like to think this, but I'm a fuckin' retard.

>> No.12148076
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>> No.12148084
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>They are not people so much as they are insentient and fleshy nodes of social information. Look at their faces and you will see they've got that "Innsmouth look," a sort of hollow and perfectly groomed, over-socialized self-satisfaction characteristic to sociopaths and Nancy Pelosi. Sometimes I feel the urge to pop their heads like pimples and see all the likes and "good boy" pats on the bottom come pouring out like pus.


>> No.12148094

>rereading lovecraft stories
Which one are you reading?

>> No.12148101
File: 129 KB, 487x548, robespierre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fundamentally, these are eusocial creeps obsessed with status and attention. They are not people so much as they are insentient and fleshy nodes of social information. Look at their faces and you will see they've got that "Innsmouth look," a sort of hollow and perfectly groomed, over-socialized self-satisfaction characteristic to sociopaths and Nancy Pelosi. Sometimes I feel the urge to pop their heads like pimples and see all the likes and "good boy" pats on the bottom come pouring out like pus.

Is it time?

>> No.12148111
File: 191 KB, 887x901, Miskatonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Look at their faces and you will see they've got that "Innsmouth look"
Indeed, the only university trully respectable is the Miskatonic University

>> No.12148125

University of Sydney
Nietzsche- Beyond Good and Evil, as well as some Aristotle on the side (Athenaion Politeia)

>> No.12148137

Reading Kafka's oeuvre again

>> No.12148157

Central Michigan University
pretty much nothing, just using my GI Bill
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights

>> No.12148168

Study something like German instead, philosophy is basically German without German language classes, so you might as well pick up a language doing it. Either way go for the MA, a bachelor's is just an entry ticket to it at this point. And I tend to agree because a bachelor's degree teaches you fuck all in anything, it's basically an introductory course.

>> No.12148184

To he fair thats not true,engineering never let anyone starve,unless you are a retard

>> No.12148185

Do i tho?

>> No.12148192

Can we just all agree that studing art is huge waste of time?

>> No.12148194

I have an SOI (statement of intent) due soon and need help, any tips or pointers guys?

>> No.12148200

haha soi

>> No.12148201

Is this undergrad? Just write some sob story about how you were born into poverty and you want to do X because your grandmother died of cancer or some shit. That's what I did.

>> No.12148208

>UMBC '17
>Finance Economics
>Nothing atm, finishing up NaNoWriMo then once I'm done I'll be finishing Blood Meridian which I'm halfway through

Also, I'm thinking of getting my MBA soon. If I can't get into an Ivy+Stanford/MIT/Chicago what are some good Southern schools for business?
>tfw half yankee and half southern by blood and live in Maryland by chance
Strange feels

>> No.12148211

MBAs are worthless without actual business experience.

>> No.12148218

Personal favorites are Cioran, Giono and Beaudelaire

>> No.12148242

Thanks for the help anon.

>> No.12148244

Yes, and?

>> No.12148249

East Coast, Comp Sci, Crime and Punishment

absolutely loving this book, im almost done it. tried brothers k but my little pea brain coundnt understand it. C&P is fucking based tho

>> No.12148251

east coast of canada*
didnt want to be too specific

>> No.12148318

the myth of sisyphus

small world. we should grab a pint and chat shit some time

>> No.12148333

University of Leeds
Chinese and History joint honours
Right now I'm reading My Main Man Mair's Big Book of Traditional Chinese Literature, alongside Water Margin and (whenever I'm at my shitty flat instead of my gf's, which is never) Canterbury Tales.

Kinda enjoying flexing on all these /lit/lets who only know the western canon. You niggas ain't ever even heard of Han Shan or my boy Li He.

>> No.12148352
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Every humanities professor here is a meme.

>> No.12148393

Not unless you go to a top-tier uni.

Anything but top-tier unis will not teach you philosophy well enough to bother with. And idiot interviewers will actively discriminate against philosophy graduates, for no real reason.

If you go to a top-tier uni, then it doesn't actually matter what degree you get because people will just get starry-eyes at the name of the uni.

>> No.12148397

Instruction Center Admiral Braz de Aguiar
Maritime engineering
I´m just finishing storm of steel, next is going to be a book about the historical of economic policies in Brazil.

>> No.12148635

university of toronto
political philosophy
mostly german idealist writers, as they relate to my classes. also junger and nozick

plenty of retards and mindless chinks here

>> No.12148668


>How to be unemployed with a mountain of debt

>> No.12148714


top one lol


everyone is invited to quad formal withn me

>> No.12148722


hm new guy don't think we've seen him around?>>12145879

>> No.12148766

University of Dubuque
Flight operations

>> No.12148779


Nice dubs. What do you want to do with your life? Do you want to fly airplanes? Do you want to start a family in Iowa? Do you like Iowa? Do yu ever feel like moving to a big city?

What do you like to do in your free time? HOw old are you? Do you love your family?

>> No.12148783

I agree but you come off like one of those dumbasses from high school who say shit like “heh, everyone knows that it’s the C students who make the businesses that the A+ students work for” so they can cope with knowing that they suck at school. Maybe you should hit more on how tests aren’t everything and dynamic intelligence (multitasking, logic, and problem solving) is more valueable than rote memorization.

>> No.12148794

Seconding others French rec itt. Also Stendhal's prose is pretty accessible.

>> No.12148873
File: 379 KB, 1200x1200, rerumcognoscerecausas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

London School of Economics
Accounting & Finance
The First Philosophers (pre-Socratics and Sophists)

>> No.12148875

>Where are you learning?
University of Groningen

>What are you learning?

>But most importantly, what are you reading?
Currently it is the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy part II

>> No.12148878
File: 38 KB, 432x432, sad_hoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conversations with friends

>> No.12148889

is college worth it? Feel for the no debt meme but now am 20 w/ no direction and feeling like I should just suck it up and go to college

>> No.12148955

Copious amounts of cope

>> No.12148973

Depends what you mean by 'worth it'. Do you want a better job? Do want to learn? What do you want from college?

>> No.12149006

>>>12148766 (You)
>Nice dubs. What do you want to do with your life? Do you want to fly airplanes? Do you want to start a family in Iowa? Do you like Iowa? Do yu ever feel like moving to a big city?
>What do you like to do in your free time? HOw old are you? Do you love your family?

Obviously I want to fly airplanes, but I don't know specifically what I'll do. I don't want children or a wife, just someone to keep my dick wet. Iowa is boring as hell, but this is one of the best flight schools in the country. I came here from LA and I want to go back eventually. I mostly shitpost, play video games and listen to music in my free time. I'm 18 years old, and yes I love my family and they love me too.

>> No.12149048

If you want to be working class, it's not necessary.

>> No.12149079


>> No.12149087

Can I be your date to quad formal?

>> No.12149095

I noticed that too

Hello Mr. >>12145092 , reveal yourself

>> No.12149135


>> No.12149142

College is a scam but you should still go if you don't want to be eaten alive by the gig economy

Don't major is something stupid, don't worry about prestige, get in and out as quickly as possible, and you'll be fine

A lot of 4chan's resentment towards college seems to be coming from 100 IQ boomer tradies on pol. They were too stupid for calculus and now celebrate their stupidity as a point of pride. Do not listen to them or their memes, they are miserable and hateful people who work manual labor like common chimps and are pissed about it

>> No.12149162

big cope

>> No.12149178

The sign of a superior copypasta. It puts a smile on my face every time.

>> No.12149246
File: 60 KB, 617x800, 8fc3189eb33c669034537e8c0810d70f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got rejected from Oxford yesterday, sad times. Going to have to go to Durham. Didn't even get an interview either.

>> No.12149288

You and I would be frens.
I love van frassen. Laws and symmetry is amazing

>> No.12149298
File: 459 KB, 900x638, arrietaMesaDesordenada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, thank you anons, I'll strongly consider this
You know, to learn and stuff, perhaps I can get a gf while we're at it

>> No.12149312

>higher IQ than you

>> No.12149329

He'll grow out of this mediocrity. I believe in him.

>> No.12149334

Nothing but articles and textbooks fml

>> No.12149336

i go to a school that the /pol/fugees probably don't like (hint: we need some muscle over here)

>> No.12149339

Portland Community College
Studying towards a paramedic licence
Recently finished The Humain Stain, now reading Ezra Pound’s A B C’s of Reading and my textbook for emergency medical care.
Spent a year at a prestigious American college, it was terrible. There were smart people, lots of them, but even more so were the insufferable psueds who just parroted their professors opinion. Not to mention all the identity politics bullshit, if I heard one more nigger complain about how hard it was being the only black person in their country club I was going to loose it. That and I faced ongoing harassment because some psycho bitch accused me of “hugging her in a way that made her feel uncomfortable”.
Really don’t see the appeal of prestigious education any more. Sure it’s more rigerous, and I enjoyed that, but at least cc is filled with interesting genuine people who aren’t neurotically sucked into their own assholes.

>> No.12149340

lad come Warwick!

>> No.12149359

sounds like you had an awful experience, man. hope you find your studies rewarding going forward. best of luck

>> No.12149391

Thanks bro. So far I’m enjoying the community college scene. No campus culture to speak of, the professors are all interesting people, and the material is really fascinating. Once I get my Associates I’ll go back to uni for a BA, but honestly I prefer it this way. Less stress about what I’ll do after college, or how I’ll pay for loans: I’ve got no debt and I’ll have a degree which gauruntees me a job which if not profitable, is at least challenging.

I’d recommend everyone to do the same desu. So many people go to college to “find themselves” then end up buried in debt without prospects in life. CC education is just as good, offers more options (for example, I can take law enforcement classes on interrogation, homeland security, and crime scene photography just for fun), and costs a fraction of more “prestigious” schools.

>> No.12149407

Damn, that does sound cool. I'm literally searching my local community college's catalog for crime scene photography classes right now

>> No.12149412

University of Kingston (Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy)
Modern European Philosophy
Critique of Pure Reason-Kant
Phenomenology of Spirit-Hegel

>> No.12149729

>>12143837 (Me)
Why do you need an institute to learn and stuff? What does the paper at the end signify to you? If there are greater aspirations beyond knowledge, pursue it, but if not, find something better suited to your time and pocket.

>> No.12149751

Stall this..

I go to a third-rate uni colloquially referred to as Trinners in Dublin, but I am not entirely retarded.

I am stalling Lit.

Reading Eliade and Plato.

I look forward to your abuse.

>> No.12149874

how is that a third rate uni? mines worse. also ive seen ur library on 4chan a handful of times, its so pretty

>> No.12149967

41st says fuck you

>> No.12149970

Oh, it's probably a good thing you didn't get in. Whilst there are great people there to make friends with, the workload is.. insane.

Maths has 5 problem sets a week, and I think they're meant to be around 8 hours each. Plus you have lecture and tutorial time.

Physics, 2 - meant to be 8-10h I think; some of them are excessively long). But labs take up a day a week in first year; 2 days a week in 2nd and 3rd. This has been a thorn in my side. Wish I'd done maths because I _hate_ labs. The computing lab was awesome (building a basic computer and programming it with machine/assembly) but that was it. For me, a person with ADHD (undiagnosed til midway through second year) and several sensory processing disorders, the lack of accommodations made me a depressed, anxious wreck.

Best to avoid.

Essay subjects are at least a bit better because you get to be creative, but still, all my friends complained about the workload / being constantly stressed.

Essentially, they expect you to be autistically obsessed with your subject, which, unfortunately, I am not.


Hey, let's make it happen. You not a discord? Check name ^

He does sound interesting; came across his name in a book called "Causal Reasoning in Physics". The book you mentioned sounds right up my alley; Possibilites and Paradox is just a textbook on modal logic though.

>> No.12150122

Are you attending St Johns? I'm really interested in going back to school (after only doing a year of state school) and am considering it and Thomas Aquinas College due to their great books curriculum. Would be cool to get some input on how student life is and how rigorous the academics are, is it as rewarding as I think it would be?

>> No.12150188

I am.
It's better than anything I could have hoped for. I always sound like a "shill" when I advise people to come here, but I honestly recommend this school for anyone.

Student life is pretty much what you put in. All classes are discussion-based, so if you aren't putting in your insight, you are kind of pushed out of the social scene. It all starts in the classroom.
There's a lot of extracurriculars; most popular is study groups for interests (Russian, German Poetry, Bible Study, etc..) and some sports. I'm on the row team, and though we get our teeth kicked in by the Naval Academy across the street (duh. . .) we have a great time.
Girls are a little more traditional than what I've found on other campuses.
Guys are pretty nerdy, but in the positive way. Many bros are to be made; the campus also seems to attract a lot of wealthy people (this surprised me when I first came. My tour guide was some Norwegian aristocrat who loved the college). I don't know if that very much matters to you, though it's certainly present on campus. I've been invited to many formal dinners, many of which my wealthier peers have insisted on paying for.
Everyone's genuinely interested in the material.

Academically, it is RIGOROUS. I'm not going to exaggerate. We study the equivalent of what someone at a traditional uni would for a double major. Maths are much more conceptual, aiming to have a higher understanding of the subject than a technical. Greek's the hardest class.

I'd say it's pretty rewarding. Johnnies go to all sorts of institutions (I think we had 3 go to Harvard, 2 go to Oxford this year)
As the third oldest college, I guess there's some unspoken "prestige" to some institutions.

If you have any questions I'd like to answer them. This is all written from the perspective of a middle class freshman, so take it as you so will

>> No.12150275


>> No.12150301


>> No.12150302

Case Western Reserve University
Math And Physics
Ovid's Metamorphoses

>> No.12150304

>it's a posh fag thinks math somehow gets more rigorous the more money you give an institution thread

>> No.12150315

Thanks for the input seems like you are really enjoying your experience there. I can understand the lackluster performance in rowing again the Naval Academy but at least you all have the crochet scene locked down.
I'm not surprised by the amount of wealthy people, being in Annapolis and all, I have some family in the area and whenever I visit it's like stepping into another world coming from my more rural roots.
Did you go immediately after high school, what is the age range like in students? Only other thing I'm left to wonder is what's the music scene like? I know there's choir but to your knowledge is there any other kinds of musical activity on campus?

>> No.12150316


>> No.12150333

"To kill", pronounced "lù", however depending on the readers' interpretation could also mean "the path", or "the deer", as both are also pronounced "lù" to devastating connotation not dissimilar to the poetry of Mallarmé

>> No.12150369

>whenever I visit it's like stepping into another world coming from my more rural roots
I felt this too. It's a real cozy place to be.

I did go immediately after high school. By my senior year I was locked on to the college. I think the brochure this year said the age range was 15-65. Mostly, though, I'd say it averages to about 22-25.
The music scene is pretty active. There are some fringe meet ups here and there for bands. We have a concert band, too. I play trombone. I think some guys go out and perform in some of the local venues.

>> No.12150393

University of Toronto
I shouldn't have gone to the University of Toronto

>> No.12150409

I'm here 4free and I'm really smart/have drive. Additionally my school isn't shit and it cares for its own. Keep falling for the STEM meme, kid

>> No.12150554


I got into Rothman but choose to go to Ryerson last minute because I got my 90s with a shit work ethic and now I REALLY regret my life choices

>> No.12150572

hi john

>> No.12150573

Care to elaborate? I'm currently in the process of applying to grad school at UofT. What should I be worried about?

>> No.12150743

That's the thing. I do enjoy learning and am above 100 iq. I don't wish to proclaim any higher than average intelligence but math comes easy for me and I'm generally pretty quick when it comes to science. I'd to make as much money as my father does (lower six digits) and do not wish to stay within academia. I'm thinking something within comp sci would suffice? I enjoy philosophy but lol that doesn't pay the bills! I'd also like to meet more like-minded or capable minds. Sounds cliche but come from a relatively small town with a culture I find no solace in. Want a reason to leave.

>> No.12150756


I took a Chinese Lit class for my Asian Studies degree and forgot just about every writer except Lu Xun

>> No.12150827

What are you applying for anon?

I did my undergrad and MA at UofT. You should definitely talk to grad students at the department/uni you apply to no matter where you're thinking of going. It's good to get the inside scoop.

>> No.12150829

>shoo-in for a transfer into Stanford
The transfer acceptance rate is lower than normal admissions -- what makes you a shoo-in?

I've visited W before and I liked the atmosphere. Can't speak to its English program but it seems like you'll have more attention from profs and stuff because of smaller class sizes. In school near Boston so I can speak more about Mass if you'd like

>> No.12150848

Duke probably

>> No.12150872

David Copperfield

>> No.12150883

I'm still an undergrad, so maybe it gets better, but so far almost every history and english course I've taken has seemed very political. Professor seem to enjoy thrusting 21st century concepts on ancient history, going on long tangents about feminism, colonialism and imperialism when describing, for example, the roman empire or the british empire

I'm not a /pol/fag, but hearing my ancestors being shit on for four semesters gets really tiring. I wouldn't want a professor who was full 14/88 gas the jews tier right wing, but hearing self proclaimed communists mostly ignore the achievements of civilizations whose existence directly lead to our own, and instead choose to demonify those cultures is kind of painful, especially since I'm paying for these courses out of pocket

I just want to learn history, I don't need to be "woke" about how Augustus was actually the worst human being to have ever lived

>> No.12151093

I go to an Ivy.

I agree that the admissions process is fucked, and a lot of the elite nature of the university, at least in my experience, is somewhat performative. That said, the idea that people at lower-tier schools are somehow more intelligent as a result of this is laughably misguided. The world is FULL of glass eyed-normies, and they're going to be everywhere, Ivies and community colleges alike. Yes, many people here are status-obsessed and not particularly aware. But at the same time, almost everyone I have encountered here is EXTREMELY talented in at least one, if not more, fields; students are for the most part VERY well-read; and I've run into FAR more people who I can relate to intellectually, including several who I believe to be actual geniuses, than I ever did at home.

And by the way, you may doubt the quality of the education, but this past semester my literature course has read (either selections from or in entirety) The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Aeneid, Metamorphoses, The Symposium, The Bible, Aristophanes, The Oresteia, and Sophocles.

Stop comforting yourself with this pseud backwater white trash outsider seething resentment narrative. Not getting into good schools doesn't make you smart. Everyone who thought this post was good is a fucking idiot.

I don't go here because I think the school is *that* much better than others. I go here because *other* people think that, which looks good on my resume. If I'm going to make a living as a writer, one of the best things I can do is attend a university with prestige in the public perception, not to mention faculty with connections. It's a game, sure, but I'll play if the other option is to study some soulless money-making work somewhere else.

You are thoroughly mediocre. Stop believing this fairy tale that you are anything but that.

>> No.12151104

I wouldn’t read your works based off your arrogance and feigned superiority. Good luck though. I’m sure you’ll have enough books to keep you warm through the winter.

>> No.12151119

I don't think I'm better than you. I think that anyone who's fallen this hard for the "liberal universities" meme needs to be checked.

Look, like I said, almost everyone everywhere is fucking brain-dead and asleep and sorely lacking in critical thinking. But acting like the pseudo-faux elitism of Ivies somehow makes people who don't go to one MORE intelligent is simply delusional. Uni is a game. And going to an Ivy is a pretty good choice if you have to play.

>> No.12151124
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I am confused whether all the top-tier uni names in this thread bullshit or not.
I mean, why would an anonymous shitposting board will have crowds from Oxford, Harvard, Berkeley, Austin? Sense machine br0ke

>> No.12151125
File: 14 KB, 225x225, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting at College of Charleston next semester
Planning to study classics, probably gonna double major
Right now I'm reading the Coddling of the American Mind, and a couple poems by Catullus

>> No.12151131

Why wouldn't they? It's not that hard to get into these universities. And it's not surprising that users of a forum dedicated to literature are more academic than most populations.

>> No.12151134

I browse 4chan because I'm a secret degenerate social outcast who's managed to game his way into a good uni. I hate you people and your idiotic bigotry and general hostility, but I also hate all these normie liberal fucks who've never challenged their ideology in their lives.

Oh well. I'm too numb to kms

>> No.12151146

Only if you’re a minority.

I can tell that you’ve gotten pretty good at bullshitting. It’s been known that a large percentage of the population are idiots. Even idiots know this. Uni is also not a game. It’s what you make of it. I know some scarily bright minds who’ve went the CC route and are making six figures with excellent upward mobility opportunities. Put that aside. Knowing people is one thing. Bonding with people is another and way more important. I’m just an anon on an anime body-pillow enthusiast congregation, but I hope for your sake you don’t end up “in” with a group of people that filture the purity of the light that makes this all worth it before it has a chance to reach you. Godspeed.

>> No.12151154

How does the general teaching method in top 1% unis vary from 'normal' unis?

>> No.12151155

Nah you’re just too pussy to challenge your dumb ideology

>> No.12151172
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>Acceptance rates less than 5%
>'not hard to get into'

>> No.12151194

If what you mean by my "ideology" is that I dislike the bigotry of 4chan...

...you do realize that that bigotry is its own contrarian ideology that you've fooled yourself into thinking is more "awake" or "intellectually honest" simply on the basis that dumb liberals disagree with it for the wrong reasons.

God I hate this website. It's full of absolute ingrates.

>> No.12151205
File: 46 KB, 420x160, Logo_of_Deep_Springs_College.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not truly /lit/ if you didn't matriculate here

>> No.12151212

I was prodding you. Why do you still subject yourself to this you fucking masochist? You’re tilting at windmills. Close this tab, and any other involving social media or 4chan and never come back. This will be your pact to me and mine to you, dear stranger.

>> No.12151249

you don't go there.

>> No.12151259

>i'm just, like, more intelligent maaan :)

>> No.12151270

Cambridge, Trinity
Singapore Story

>> No.12151307

5% is a pretty big percentage you retard. They let in thousands of people per year, and you're surprised that a handful of them, from several years, post on this popular board on this popular site?

>> No.12151320

Hunger Games (for the 3rd time).

>> No.12151325


>> No.12151339


Same. This whole place went from South Park style edgy ironic humor to being infested with genuine dickheads.

>> No.12151351

Jealous because I'm rich and I can afford Yale and you can't? ;D

>> No.12151361

I'm not American luckily, so I don't have to go to class with the kikes luckily

>> No.12151374

Some random ass shit school in Vietnam studying Mechanical Eng. Quitted my 9to5 job to study this and am kinda regreting it.

Wells' War of the worlds, totally blew my mind.

>> No.12151375

Federal University of Ceara (Brazil)

Agronomic Engineering

Musashi of Eiji Yoshikawa

>> No.12151393

Yeah but I'm also retarded

>> No.12151394

>what makes you a shoo-in?
A metric fuckton of extracurriculars (journalism, publishing) and publications in reputable literary magazines. I was also a linguist in the USAF. I heard Stanford liked ex-mil, so I turned my sights onto them a while back.

Yeah, I heard Williams has a student-prof ratio of somewhere around 7.0, which is way more than ideal for me. What's Massachusetts like? I love the state, speaking from an American history lover's POV, but I also loved how traditional and cozy the whole place felt when I visited.

>> No.12151496

How's Maths undergrad? Will I enjoy it if I liked Maths in A levels?

>> No.12151729
File: 308 KB, 1024x1024, moo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Texas
B.S. in Mathematics
The Structure of Value, by Hartman

>> No.12151760

Where do you go right now?

>> No.12151786

Syracuse anyone?

>> No.12151884

Two community colleges in the SF Bay Area

>> No.12151887

I go to small state university in my home town, and my lit course has read most of the same books you listed. It's pretty reductive to base the quality of your education on the books you're reading. A good lit class is small, talkative, and has a good professor to guide the conversations along loosely. The homework is rigorous but allows for mistakes to be made. My sister claims that the lit classes she took at Lehigh were alienating and dumb, but she's an engineer so idk. I imagine ivy league schools as an extreme of either lax or rigorous.

>> No.12151894

>Oxford, Harvard, Berkeley, Austin
One of these things is not like the others

>> No.12151897


please tell me I didn't take a class with an unironic neo-nazi

>> No.12151930

Comp Sci
I dunno if i want out or what. I'm good enough at math and problem solving to be good at programming and it's interesting, but i don't know if I want to be stuck in a super competitive field where the passion isn't 100 percent there. Hesitant to do any humanities tho because of job opportunities and such.
desu I wish I could just walk into a company, start on the ground shitty floor and work my way up to a decent salary over 5 or so years while reading what I want on the side instead of college.
end faggy blog I'm just unsure if there's anything I love enough to risk making a career out of it through acedemia

>> No.12151932

North Dakota State University
Majoring in Psychology
The Republic and Mason & Dixon

I have only read a couple philosophy books, but I'm really enjoying them, and I think I might want to study more philosophy, is it a ba idea to change my major? I'm just in my first year and psychology is just what interested me the most at the time (I used to work a lot with troubled kids in high school)

>> No.12151942

English, planning on doing a focus on the early modern or post modern. I've talked to profs at my school that went to UofT and all have regarded it positively, though that was a 10-20 years ago.

That's fair. Part of my concern is that UofT has become politically reactionary after the whole Peterson thing. Luckily my current school (Dalhousie) is pretty good when it comes to dealing with these issues. Even in classes that I've taken that have been cross-listed as gender studies have left the debate open. Still, I tend to sympathize more with second-wave feminists than third wave, but it tends to go over well with the profs. I'll keep that in mind when I apply though.

>> No.12152067

Basically this >>12151134
It wasnt even hard for me to get into my uni, they were forced to admit me due to some bs rule about automatic admission to students ranking in the top 7% of their high school class, even though my high school was in the ghetto and 85% idiots and future drug dealers

>> No.12152114
File: 370 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-University_of_Texas_at_Austin_seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finance, might double major Mathematics
Being Mortal - Atul Gawande
The Idiot - Dostoevsky

>> No.12152265

Good luck getting into Stanford! What's your intended major?

>> No.12152380

Right now, they're English and art history; that's why I'm going to two colleges at the moment. I'm gonna have to go with English when I transfer for utility's sake, but it was fun getting an AA in art history.

>> No.12152396

this nigga doesn't know grammar lmao

>> No.12152414

What'd I say?

>> No.12152439

>tfw can't participate because I go to such a meme university for such a meme degree that I would be easily identifiable

>> No.12152450

What's up Cameron?

>> No.12152471

i dont got a discord. but ill add u when i make one

>> No.12152479

whats ur discord tagg?

>> No.12152551

What do you intend to do with the degree? Teach? Grad work?
No idea what he's on about.

>> No.12152582

delete this right now

>> No.12152585

>board full of anglocucks

what went wrong?

>> No.12152592

UT math was my backup school! :D

>> No.12152596

Yo cam, what's up my man?

>> No.12152621


self-taught (lol fuck uni)
blockchain engineering
i dont read, audiobooks, just the characters of great men: caesar, napolean, hannibal, etc

>> No.12152661

I've been so focused on class work and writing that I haven't really pondered that question too often. At this point, I think I'm going to do something in publishing. I'm the editor for both my campus's newspaper and its lit. mag, and I've enjoyed the experience so far. I've still got a few years to figure things out.

Are you still the guy who lives in Massachusetts?

>> No.12152729

Hahahaha Physics fag here.. my dad stacks shelves and my mum is a teaching assistant at a secondary school. Keep dreaming.


Yeahhh I went through a phase.

>> No.12152741

>My white collar upper middle class parents aren't even CLOSE to being the richest people in my neighborhood! Keep projecting, dirtbag

>> No.12152753

I'm not physicsfag but nice backpedal nigga lmao

>> No.12152869

No, I'm the College of Charleston guy from a little further up.
And yeah without a doubt, there's plenty of time to decide. I've thought about doing some kind of editing myself, probably not as a career but perhaps as a side gig. I have the attention to detail and knowledge of conventions to be a good copy editor I think.

>> No.12152884

University of Southern California
Notes from Underground

>> No.12152942

Neat. That's where my friend went.

Copy editing is a lot of fun, man. I started out as one for the paper, and you definitely get your money's worth with how much reading and editing you have to do. I don't know about how the career is in the real world, however. The adviser for our paper talked to me about how the copy editing position is eventually going to be dissolved and distributed as a task to all reporters and editors.

All in all, it's a pretty easy and a low-stress position.

>> No.12152988

That's cool, what did he study?

Yeah I might see if I can get that position at CofC's student paper if there is one. I like grammar anyway even if some people see it as a bit dry, so it's oddly soothing to read a piece of copy and look for mistakes.
That or I'm just a pedant, but chicken and egg I suppose.

>> No.12153053

She studied classics. Small world, man.

You won't need to employ the more advanced technicalities involved with grammar since journalistic writing is naturally simple and seldom needs much revision in the first place if your reporters are worth even a quarter of their weight in salt. You just need to have a eagle's eye and to be comfortable reading manuscripts over and over again. I came into the position as a greenhorn thinking I'd be able to show off, but the most advanced concept that I had to use was how antecedents interact with pro-forms and which verb tense to use with them. 99% of all issues in the manuscripts involved misspellings, stylistic issues, and incorrect punctuation. Nothing really interesting.

Half the work is reading the manuscripts, and the other half is checking the AP style guide. Though, there were some days where I spent the whole time at the press literally rewriting entire articles because the editor didn't have the balls to tell the reporter that she didn't know how to write in comprehensible English. You'll have to do a lot of fact checking as well.

>> No.12153532


Water Margin: it's one of the Big Four for a reason. It's remarkable how much thought the author put into realising every single character as their own unique individual. [Don't use Pearl S. Buck's translation]
Six Records of a Floating Life: absolute comfycore. A middle class Qing dynasty scholar approaches middle age and writes about his life thus far. His account of how he fell in love with his wife is so cute my God.
Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio: a collection of fairy-tales and urban legends that inspired Kafka and Borges (and you can tell). [Minford's translation for Penguin is still the best]
Investiture of the Gods: balls to the walls dumb Daoist fantasy bullshit. It's great. [there's only one full translation AFAIK, and it's usually expensive as fuck. And it's not online.]
Jin Ping Mei: decadent self-destruction filled with erotic taboo-breaking, only it's from late Ming China instead of late Victorian France.
Unofficial History of the Literati: some madman takes the piss out of his entire social class. Really funny.

Alas, most of these I couldn't find a good translation for the whole thing. Hence why I'm xueing the zhongwens.


>> No.12153548

Nice cope for student loans

>> No.12153576

Some nordic communist university
CS (not counter strike)
rereading some of my favourites

>> No.12153649

Austin Peay
Shit for classes. Not enough time to read for pleasure at the moment.

>> No.12153748

Toronto is a fucking SJW nightmare. It's totally dominated by hardcore ideologues of that persuasion.

>> No.12153761

>tfw in one more month I have to teach another class full of 40+ of people exactly like this

Please god no more

>> No.12153762

can confirm, although things are somewhat tolerable if you stay away from areas where identity politics is prevalent

>> No.12153791

>time after the verb
I have committed a grave dishonour.

>> No.12154152
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Well, you could say that after that I'll make or join some political group so yeah, I know that law school is just right around the corner, but honestly, it's a bunch boring useless shit and I happen to like philosophy.

>> No.12154216

What the fuck is 41st?

>> No.12154219

Those are some good achievements, hope you make it in man!

Saw you're from the Bay too (am the guy from Mass). Anyway I'd overall agree about the coziness: the small town feel in Western Mass is very nice, and on the other side in Boston, the city's pretty quaint and walkable. But at the same time I think this state is diverse enough to warrant not generalizing it too much, similar to the differences between coastal/inland California or norcal/socal.

As much as I like home It's nice to get out of Bay for a while at least

>> No.12154346

University of Tulsa
Trying to figure that shit out
The Apology of Socrates

>> No.12154411

Used to go there, never should've left. Oxford is fucking peak comfy literary town

>> No.12154418

nigga there's no way you went there with reading comprehension like that

my family's moving into Oxford in a couple of weeks btw

>> No.12154576

Just got accepted to a small liberal arts college, planning to double major in philosophy + something that can make money. I'm unsure what to do for the second major. I've thought about economics, since I assume it could easily be enriched by philosophy, but I don't know much about the discipline. Math is another idea, but I don't know much about its professional implications either. I would appreciate. Advice would be appreciated. I apologize if this is the wrong thread to ask for advice, but I figure this community would be a little more informed than /adv/.

>> No.12154602

actually based

>> No.12154622
File: 289 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-Indiana_University_seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparative literature, philosophy minor

Marx's 1844 Manuscripts
Mark Fisher - Ghosts of My Life
Hardt and Negri - Multitude
Ballard - The Atrocity Exhibition
Bits and pieces of various anthologies, essay/short story collections, etc.

Can't wait to fulfill my childhood dream of working at Barnes and Noble in two years. Maybe, just maybe, I can work my way up to management!

>> No.12154712

>since I assume it could easily be enriched by philosophy
Not really. Economics (degrees) operate from an assumed philosophical point of view, and that point of view is the bog standard modern western liberal one.

>> No.12154720

Oh yeah, and maths is not a great degree for job prospects.

CS is alright if you wanna still be a humanities dude, because you can either make decent money or make no money making your own vidya.

>> No.12154736

I'm at Columbia too.

English and Classics major. What year are you?

>> No.12154905

If you're at a top tier liberal arts you can do the meme careers of i-banking or consulting with any degree, really. Feel free to ask if you have more qs since I had similar concerns, went from humanities -> stem -> humanities

>> No.12154964
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>upper middle class


What do you think a teaching assistant is? It's a professional photocopier.

I live in a council house l m a o

I know people who are upper middle class (since going to Oxford). Their parents are academics or TV producers, or documentary filmers, and they live in exquisitely-decorated houses in London. One of them went to one of the most prestigious private schools in England.

That's upper middle-class.

But, you know, keep the delusions float your low self-esteem a little higher.

>> No.12154980

what private school, exactly?

>> No.12155090

Université de Sherbrooke
On Crimes and Punishments - Beccaria

>> No.12155254
File: 3 KB, 125x119, 1452902329969s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any other Quebec dude here?

>> No.12155257

repeat that in Arabic and you might get a hit

>> No.12155265

Good meme, my friend.

>> No.12155294

Wilfrid Laurier University here
Business Administration
Reading McLuhan & Gombrich atm

When we doing the Waterloo meetup

>> No.12155390

I mean, my dad went to one of the most prestigious private schools in England, but I wouldn't call him upper-middle-class. Just middle-middle-class.

Then again, that was IN Oxford, so who knows.

>> No.12155485

University of Illinois at Chicago
Computer science

>> No.12155511

almost identical to be but im in NC and reading Poor Folk

>> No.12155535

homo cope, enjoy your debt

>> No.12155582

I got a perfect score on the SAT and had a finished novel at age 16; I was also the elected chairman of my local regional Youth Red Cross and spent two years managing 300+ volunteers across one of the most populated regions on the east coast. I did two varsity athletics and was president of my school’s model UN and philosophy club.

My parents were lower-middle class, white, and Christian. I was rejected from Harvard, Yale, and Brown. I saw an Indian drooling idiot with multimillionaire parents on the school bord accepted to Yale; he had no extracurriculars; was president of nothing; and had a GPA of 3.4. But his parents were rich and powerful and he was a minority.

The idea that these places are merit-based sickens me, as do the smug senator’s sons that flaunt it at every opportunity.

>> No.12155637

>being this fucking delusional

I suppose you think the upper class is exclusively generals, senators, and multi-billionaires, huh?

Get some fucking perspective. Being the poorest person in a country club doesn’t make you blue collar

>> No.12155689

Third world latin american university no one here heard of
Literary criticism
Goethe's Faust

>> No.12155694

ur real to me

>> No.12155700


>> No.12155714

>maritime engineering
Sounds interesting, is it focused on watercraft structural engineering or something else?

>> No.12155737


>> No.12155774


Introduction to the Philosophy of History by Raymond Aron

ug or pg?

>> No.12155792

Reminder that university is where wealthy children go to get their class membership cards and make mom and dad proud because they were too busy playing video games, dicking around online and/or getting high to actually think about what they would like to do for a living, want to elongate their childhood by 5 years, and be smugly proud of themselves for doing it as if it wasnt literally the easiest and most obvious option on the table.

>> No.12155804

should i drop out and work a river barge?
im not interested at all in any of the "careers", not making any connections either

>> No.12155821
File: 208 KB, 284x364, 1483331443474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erm, what did I actually say though? I don't think I mentioned any multi-billionaires. No, I know I didn't mention any. I don't know any.

> country club

What the fuck is that?

>blue collar

If stacking shelves at Sainsbury's isn't "blue collar", I don't know what is. Oh wait, he doesn't even live in the house or donate income for me or my brother any more. My mistake for including him in my ancestry. And my mum makes even less than him.

Not sure what you're trying to prove, because my parents are objectively working-class. No, I'm not homeless, though I suppose I could have been at one point. Thing is, not living in the pits of destitution does not negate my background. Most people in my primary and secondary schools were somehow better off than me. Not complaining, my mum was good with money, and it never seemed like a big deal. But you're barking up the wrong tree. What is it? You want to believe that Oxford is more exclusionary than it already is? That someone couldn't possibly prove themselves in an entrance test and interview? Because you could. It's only your attitude that is leaving you behind.

Nope, upper class is the landed gentry. People with genteel ancestry. Who will barely have to work a day in their lives, and will at least inherit a significant sum of money. Get your facts right.

My Oxfriends don't live in mansions.. just houses way nicer than I'd ever seen before, or even imagined desu.

My homefriends live with their parents, not having pursued higher education due to fucked up home lives. Obviously, Oxford admissions do not catch people like this, because they don't apply.. they don't have A-levels. Their economic background is not any better or worse than mine.

upper-middle-class. top lol.

>> No.12155927

working class people (and Americans in general) can't comprehend the layers of classhood.

anyway there's a weird subset of working class people who act, in most ways, middle class. Like they appreciate middle class things and expect their kids to go to uni and save up for interesting non-resort holidays. My gf comes from one such family, even though her parents' combined income is about half my dad's.

>> No.12155966

呸! 美国人……

>> No.12155988

Yeah, people definitely have different cultural backgrounds, and that is more important in feeding education than class itself. I was very lucky to have a mother who went to university, and values knowledge (to a degree). Sadly her qualifications never led to anything, but I did have an advantage over people whose parents don't read books. Well my dad doesn't read, but I don't live with him. What I'm trying to say is, my mum bought books instead of video games and consoles. Everyone else had the latest Xbox 3 million or whatever.. especially the middle class kids! Not us.

>> No.12156005

Pretty much. Some people get out of the trap, but only because of good teachers (from what my gf says, anyway). Fuck, she's becoming a tutor to get some more income, and they warn trainees that they might have to tutor kids who might not know the Victorians didn't have TV because they've just never been exposed to any worthwhile media.

>> No.12156043

Break the rope. Go live on your own, no bankwires from mom and dad. Pick a job you think will work. Try a bunch of different jobs. Travel, read, meet different types of people, get out of your comfort zone, go hiking, blah blah

Just do a whole lot of shit because you literally have no idea what possibilities life contains and you have no idea what income you really need/want, what work you find fulfilling etc.

College is always there if you decide to go.

>> No.12156078

Yep, good teachers are like gold dust. Far too rare. I wanna get into primary school teaching perhaps, so I can untap kids' potential & curiosity before it's too late.

Sadly my brother went and got addicted to PC games anyway, potentially because he has an ASD (undiagnosed). He's studying maths at Warwick cos he's bloody clever but he's struggling because his time management skills are shit. Mine too, but at least I'm not addicted to any games atm.

>might not know the Victorians didn't have TV


>> No.12156226


>> No.12156299


>> No.12156313


>> No.12156592

Well, then, maybe I'll see you next year. If I do go to Beijing, I'll be on the look out for an obese American reading Infinite Jest.

>> No.12157153

bio, political science
socratic dialogues + to the lighthouse

>> No.12157479

University of Wisconsin
econ + philos

>> No.12157632

The thread hit the bump limit but me too anon.
Which campus? I'm RH and I hate it here.