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12139926 No.12139926 [Reply] [Original]

how fucked are we?

>> No.12139936
File: 70 KB, 850x400, quote-whom-do-i-hate-most-among-the-rabble-of-today-the-socialist-rabble-the-chandala-apostles-friedrich-nietzsche-107-17-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's fucked. Life goes on.

>> No.12139975

God, Nietzsche's conservatism is so insufferable and such a blot on his supposed pedigree of wisdom.

>the worker's sense of satisfaction with his "small" existence
Why don't you work on the assembly line for 12 hours if you have such a worshipful opinion of it, Fred? Or is it that the world just has a desperate need for philology and you're sacrificing yourself?

>> No.12139982

Pretty bad, Ted was right about pretty much everything

>> No.12140046

Making people resent themselves isn't wise. There's plenty to be grateful for as an assembly line worker, and it's fine to want more from life if you have that drive for more. But the higher your position on the chain of command is, the greater the responsibility, which needs to be understood. Do you want and feel like you deserve more responsibility? If not, then you don't actually want or deserve to be in a higher position on the chain, and you should understand that.

>> No.12140070

There was a really bad missed opportunity for a Russel Crowe biopic film about Kaczynski.

>> No.12140138

>Making people
lol you think "socialist rabble" have mind control rays? You think a sweatshop workers saying "actually I don't like working long hours in repetitive back breaking labor" is delusional or manipulated? I have disturbing news for you, worker's movement's powered themselves because people are perfectly capable of identifying a raw deal they've been given by society.

It's so pathetically delusional to lie to yourself that your slaves want to be slaves. That's why you guard them.

>There's plenty to be grateful for as an assembly line worker
Feel free to move to Southeast Asia and join up if you have such a high opinion of it. This is such a laughable half assed lie of an argument. It's simple with intellectual honesty: do assembly line workers actually want to work if there if they had pure choice free of coercion? No. If you had a billion dollars would you work in a Victorian era factory for fun?

>But the higher your position on the chain of command is, the greater the responsibility, which needs to be understood.
Why is it Capitalist apologists never seem to understand the core concepts of Capitalism. Like ownership. The entire point of private ownership (really absentee ownership) is that you don't have to mix your labor in with something to demand entitlements from said object. If you "own" a beachfront you aren't zipping across it 24/7 disallowing use by others, you are dictating that others may not use "your" beach even if you are not there.

Do you think George Soros personally manages all the businesses from which he gains his wealth? No, the concept of ownership and usury is that you gain funds from other people interacting/laboring with owned property even if you are absent. This is not a small thing. It's the core the modern world economy.

>> No.12140269

>You think a sweatshop workers saying "actually I don't like working long hours in repetitive back breaking labor" is delusional or manipulated? I have disturbing news for you, worker's movement's powered themselves because people are perfectly capable of identifying a raw deal they've been given by society.
You're combating a strawman here and confusing what N or myself is saying. The situation with Asian or South American sweatshop workers is very different from the situation with assembly line workers in the US or Europe. In all circumstances there is a balance that needs to be respected, Newton's third law to be precise, which is what N is touching on in that quote posted before.

>It's so pathetically delusional to lie to yourself that your slaves want to be slaves.
Some slaves do want to be slaves and it's equally as delusional to think none of them want to be as it is to think all of them want to be. Resenting slaves for wanting to be slaves is stupid.

>Feel free to move to Southeast Asia and join up if you have such a high opinion of it.
I was referring to workers in the US or Europe. Do you live in Southeast Asia? I doubt it since you're posting on here. So why do you make arguments for people you have no connection to?

>Do you think George Soros personally manages all the businesses from which he gains his wealth?
Speaking of delusion. Are you really suggesting that there's a process of diminishing returns in regards to responsibility when you reach very high positions of authority and wealth, like tycoons? Way to betray your limited knowledge of how life works, it is limited by the books you read and the lack of real experiences.

>> No.12140308
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>Socialist rabble have mind control rays
No they are the target of the mind control rays

>[You] Lie to yourself that your slaves want to be slaves. That's why you guard them.
There are lazy hourly employees all around the place who buy beer and lottery tickets and don't give a shit. They hate their jobs but have been convinced that they're just working for the weekend.

Nobody actually cares that thirdworld workers get to work instead of sitting around starving.

>> No.12140524

>The situation with Asian or South American sweatshop workers is very different from the situation with assembly line workers in the US or Europe. In all circumstances there is a balance that needs to be respected
I'm talking about general principles. Nietzsche lived in the 1800s so that sentiment is even dumber. He is arguing that Charles Dickens was a liar when he said that he despised working in a boot blacking factory. Delusional.

And no there is no nothing to respect. If you have intellectual honesty and are not a coward it's obvious that history is defined by corrupt elites stealing labor, resources, and services from conned lower classes. When the workers built Khufu's pyramid do you think there it was for their benefit. That they died for a noble purpose? No, they were simply conned to labor for one king's exclusive benefit. And if they saw through the con they would have been met with violence. See: any peasant revolt ever.

There's nothing noble about being another man's bitch. And Nietzsche never would have submitted himself to such a lifestyle. And deep down he must have known that, but didn't admit it. What a coward.

>Some slaves do want to be slaves
lol no. There has never been a slave society that did not fear slave revolt. That did not brutally punish defiant slaves. No one enslaves their loved ones, nor volunteers for slavery free from coercion outsides of the BDSM community.

Completely voluntary slavery? That's called doing a friend a favor.

>and it's equally as delusional to think none of them want to be as it is to think all of them want to be
Holy fuck you really are that much of a mental weakling. No sorry, reality is not that nice and just. Innocent people just get used sometimes.

>Are you really suggesting that there's a process of diminishing returns in regards to responsibility
You still do not seem to understand how ownership and Capitalism works. Management, is a wage working position. It is not ownership. Owners do not need to manage, they pay managers to do it for them. They can if they want to, but it is not necessary to fulfill the properties of ownership. There is a fundamental difference between getting your income from payed work, and getting your income from owning property/money.

If you own Microsoft, you do not need to manage anything to gain great wealth. Bill Gates can work there personally, but his CEO position, coding ability, or whatever is not why he is rich. His ownership is.

Again I ask if you believe Soros knows about every single business he is invested in? He can't, he's in too many things. If you buy into US debt alone you are gaining interest from the entire US economy. You don't have to manage the entire country personally to gain profit from it.

The more money you have, the more it can "work for you." It has nothing to do with being a good idea guy.

>> No.12140745

>I'm talking about general principles.
There are no general principles. There's your principles which you laud as general principles.

>He is arguing that Charles Dickens was a liar when he said that he despised working in a boot blacking factory. Delusional.
What's that got to do with anything? N's not talking about people who despise being serfs, he's talking about serfs who have been taught to despise themselves because others have instructed them that their very souls are worthless for being serfs. The system does NOT perpetuate that, people do. N's problem was with these teachers specifically. He writes in another book: "Decadence itself is nothing to be fought: it is absolutely necessary and belongs to every age and every people. What should be fought vigorously is the contagion of the healthy parts of the organism."

N held that people are unequal and that it is the duty of stronger and smarter men to handle the weaker and slower with greater care than themselves, not out of sympathy but because that is what maintains balance in things. Charles Dickens is unrelated. If you're cut out for greater things, you will achieve greater things and will be unsatisfied with anything less.

>If you have intellectual honesty and are not a coward it's obvious that history is defined by corrupt elites stealing labor, resources, and services from conned lower classes.
>And if they saw through the con they would have been met with violence. See: any peasant revolt ever.
Corrupt elites aren't elites. They're pampered fools who take more than the natural order can withstand because they no have respect for the balance in things like N and have nothing to do with N's elites. Again, Newton's third law, and peasant revolts are historical evidence of its importance.

>There's nothing noble about being another man's bitch.
I disagree. I find the image of the soldier one of the most noble there is. We glorify soldiers and war heroes and make statues of them left and right for this reason. This point of view you have on the role is your own and you've been taught it because you lack insight into what true elites think, probably because there's almost no true elites around today or in any age and you have to find them by digging through books.

>There has never been a slave society that did not fear slave revolt.
There has never been a creative society that was not also a slave society.

>Innocent people just get used sometimes.
Has nothing to do with what I said.

>Owners do not need to manage, they pay managers to do it for them.
That IS management though. So much for me not understanding how capitalism works.

>> No.12140771

Trust me you don’t actually hate the bosses, the police, the criminals, the priests, the oligarchs, you AKSHULLY just hate your self

>> No.12140777

>only slave societies are creative societies
All societies have hitherto balanced on some form of slavery so this is just a non-statement

>> No.12140787

I've been learning about the current state of designer viruses and lack of proper security measures in labs around the world.

I would say that we are extremely fucked. Better build your Ted/Varg tier homestead on Pitcairn Island or something if you want to survive.

>> No.12140792

Nietzsche LARPed being a Polish nobleman even though he descends from two long lines of German pastors.

>> No.12140806

If that shit goes down the living will end up envying the dead

>> No.12140844

What's there to hate about all of those positions when the people in them are good at what they do (including the criminals)?

>> No.12140865

>good at what they do
That is a childish sentiment. All of those roles are mediocre, filled by people who don’t have a self to express, base technocrats and spiritual semites.

>> No.12140874

Why does a momo like you even get dressed in the morning when you clearly see nothing worth living for?

>> No.12140879

Yeah unless I want badly to live a typical life I must have no reason to live. Life is sufficient reason unto itself. Honestly the highs and lows are worth it.

>> No.12140886

What's not a typical life to you?

>> No.12140892
File: 457 KB, 381x520, Paul_Fürst,_Der_Doctor_Schnabel_von_Rom_(coloured_version).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw jihadis release a modified plague/small pox from their DIY lab in Western cities

>> No.12140896
File: 18 KB, 350x500, 1259806353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond. Everything about modern society creates powerlessness.

>> No.12140899

One that does not fit an established type. I was referring to the idea that a priest is a priest because he is good at being a priest or in N’s arguments that workers be satisfied with their status as workers, in either case the life has been watered down so as to neatly fit the category and the man himself deformed. I have been a factotum, vagrant, prisoner, etc. and I want to keep going like that. It is my overall passion. To live in just the way that my intuition craves. Dionysian not Apollonian. At some point in his life Nietzsche abandoned this, became a cripple and a shut in. And look who preserves his legacy—other typical professors or faggots like Foucault and Deleuze. Emerson is better than Nietzsche.

>> No.12140914
File: 568 KB, 1957x1102, bit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at all. technology = nature. ted despised only an element of humanity which really is just our primal nature transmuted in large groups to an agency that seems cool, abstract, but is actually like a fingernail. We're all gonna be ok. Sort of. not really, but that's a horror story beyond teds imagining. but yes, we're all good right now.

>> No.12140929

>I have been a factotum, vagrant, prisoner, etc. and I want to keep going like that. It is my overall passion. To live in just the way that my intuition craves. Dionysian not Apollonian.
What's stopping you from doing that?

N didn't abandon anything other than the Germans when he observed how flawed they were. Lazy alcoholics who thought the world owed them something by birthright and who held society in disdain in a petty kind of way. N loved Napoleon for his disdain for society because it had a very different character, it wasn't resentful and it didn't come across as arrogant and vulgar.

>> No.12140939

Nothing stops me the point I was trying to make was that Nietzsche does become conservative when speaking about these “types” but he has to in order to assert his basic affinity towards hierarchy. Napoleon was a human exception (I guess) but that does not change the fact that almost every other soldier or general or even leader is a mediocre person filling a role.

>> No.12140982

>Napoleon was a human exception (I guess) but that does not change the fact that almost every other soldier or general or even leader is a mediocre person filling a role.
Sure, I just don't see your point. N says the same thing.

>> No.12141383

>There's nothing noble about being another man's bitch.
As opposed to being a bitch to tofu academics, leftists, and socialists? You just don't like your oppressor and want to replace it with one that gives you fee-fees.

>> No.12141493

any one have that quote of his on the left?

>> No.12141503

If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.12141515

My point is one Napoleon does not justify hierarchy historically or even in theory.

>> No.12141561

There's only two possible outcomes: the complete destruction of humanity, or a psycho-social singularity, a state characterized by the continuous self-optimization of human potential. Either we're totally fucked, or humanity reaches a state beyond our wildest imaginings - the stakes of this game are ultimate. Assuming you live for 40 more years, you are lucky enough to be able to experience humanity's fate and be a part of the determination of it.

>> No.12141563

>justify hierarchy
Hierarchies aren't justified, they simply are. Justification requires a notion of justice with respect to a given society and tradition, which is set by... people in power. You could've just said "I am a Communist" .

>> No.12142282

Honestly Capitalism is a blessing and a curse. It's both effecient and inefficient as it utilizes effeciency well enough in it's functions to make it progress but halters it partly by prioritizing profitability over absolute effeciency.

Kaczynski his views of Technology are based on Ellul after all, and the progress to higher effeciency is the essential existential problem when it's a treat to freedom and "dignity" Wich boil down to having direct power over your direct enviorment to ensure your material survival. Our will to freedom contradicts the effecient working of a Technological system as we require to be organized in an effecient way to ensure we are productive and cooperative and obedient. If we have Will's to enforce our own will instead of obeying to Technocrats who want to utilize us for our labour then our sense of freedom (to assert power) becomes a problem and do must be solved with our domestication, socialisation and eventual cyberisation Wich rids our desire or will for freedom. But this could only really be done if we pursue effeciency above all instead of profit.