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/lit/ - Literature

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12138557 No.12138557 [Reply] [Original]

What are your opinions on House of Leaves and Jacob's Ladder? Thinking about reading these soon.

Also post what you think is the scariest horror literature.

>> No.12138580

The movie was better.

>> No.12138639

Cows and Hogg were both pretty horrifying. Also any of the George Miles books by Dennis Cooper. though Id have to say most history books blow the horror genre out of the water

>> No.12138652

Reality is always more terrifying than fiction, provided you don't shield yourself from it.

>> No.12138977

Jacob's ladder was based on a book?

>> No.12139022

I got back into reading Lovecraft again recently after having read a few gothic Victorian novels in a row (I know he's not of the same tone but for some reason I just started craving his stuff).

Reading The Colour Out Of Space at the moment and it's beautifully written. I've got ten pages left and I have no idea how they'll unfold.

Any suggestions for what I should read by Lovecraft next? I never read The Shadow over Innsmouth and I never finished In The Mountains of Madness when I was reading Lovecraft when I was a teen. I'm really wanting to dive into those.

>> No.12139035

I like Thomas Ligotti's work. Grimscribe and Songs of A Dead Dreamer are good places to start.

>> No.12139043
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Both are great. Shadow out of Time and Thing on the Doorstep are among my favorite ones too.

I am also pretty familiar with Thomas Ligotti like >>12139035 and can recommend him.

If you're willing to get dirty, I can recommend the Throne of Bones by Brian McNaughton. There's a lot of black humor, bitter irony, and necrophilia in it. Very well written.

I've heard good things about Dark Gods
by T.E.D. Klein, but haven't read it yet.

I'm sure that there are others that I can't quite recall right now, since I've read a lot of great horror stories; obviously Edgar Allan Poe and Clark Ashton Smith come to mind.

>> No.12139048

Clark Ashton Smith’s stories could usually give me a pretty good spook

>> No.12139062

ow. that edge pic get into the penguin classic. I get the why

>> No.12139070
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There was a whole thread dedicated to these a while ago.

Also try Blindsight by Peter Watts. hard Science Fiction with horror elements. Most novels with horror elements are 100% horror, but I can also recommend the Terror by Dan Simmons. Shit goes places you wouldn't expect.

>> No.12139072


>> No.12139111



>> No.12139609

Jacob’s Ladder was never a book. If anything OP might own a novelisation of the movie lmao

>> No.12139635

hell reddit!

>> No.12140721

Laird Barron short stories are quite unsettling