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12136824 No.12136824 [Reply] [Original]

diogenes is the most based philosopher. prove me wrong

>> No.12136857

I don't know if I can prove you wrong, but I really liked Epicurus. He is from roughly the same epoch (helenistic world). I also like the Stoics.

>> No.12136861

If there's a more based philosopher, then Diogenes is not the most based. There's a more based philosopher. Therefore, Diogenes is not the most based. QED.

>> No.12136884
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Diogenes is the Reddit philosopher. The most based is, in fact, Kant.

>> No.12136890

As someone with zero background in philosophy.
What makes Diogenes a "reddit" philosopher? What makes Kant based?

>> No.12136897

>As someone with zero background in philosophy.
That makes two of us. I have no idea desu senpai, Kant seems smart while Diogenes seems too popular among idiots

>> No.12136902
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a new challenger appears

>> No.12136904

this guy's personal opinion, that's it.
Take everything on this board with a pinch of salt.

>> No.12136910

Diogenes masturbated in public for attention (very Reddit); Kant tied his arms to his bedposts to stop himself from masturbating as it broke the categorical imperative (incredibly based).

>> No.12136912

because any account of Diogenes has been filtered through 500 people with 500 different tellings

he may as well not have existed and there’s really no philosophy behind him besides damn he doesn’t scared of anythin and he do what he want

>> No.12136915

haha is that wolverine

>> No.12136921

>no surviving works
>thinks he's the best

This is how I know you don't read philosophy.

>> No.12136923

This is the correct answer anon --> >>12136910

>> No.12136925
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>> No.12136929

Diogenes has no writings and doesn’t have any of his thought preserved, he’s basically not even a philosopher at this point he’s just a guy who had really good bantz

>> No.12136930

Diogenes is an edgy contrarian that only appeals to teenagers and the perpetually childish.

>> No.12136933

>What makes Diogenes a "reddit" philosopher?
Well, the people that make threads like this are
>someone with zero background in philosophy

>> No.12136937

peta-goras tea-aroma

>> No.12136975

>Not philosophy
>Current year

>> No.12136991
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he was a narcissist. but he sure as hell showed society its own hypocrisy better than any man has before or after

>> No.12137012

Diogenes is the containment board of philosophy. He has no works just a few edgy, bastardized quotes and you can enjoy and understand him with about 70iq so anyone that hasn’t read any philosophy can choose him as their favorite and explain to people why they like him

>so what’s his philosophy
well, you see, he doesn’t take shit from anyone and he lived in a barrel haha FUCK materialism amirite anyway Check Out these yeezys

>> No.12137018

haha he GOTEEM made societyhis BITCH haHa

>> No.12137475

Kant did to philosophy what Luther did to Western Christianity.

>> No.12137585

If P then Q
P (unsupported)
Therefore Q

Support your fucking premise you insufferable cunt

>> No.12137624


get a brain of your own plebiscite

>> No.12137682

It is said that the synics would cary with them two cloaks and a staff. I remember reading somewhere that when asked why the staff a famous cynic, or even Diogenes himself, said it was for the same reasons the poets used it; protection against the gods. Does anyone know where I can look to find insight on the relationship between the staff,poets and the gods.

>> No.12137686

you fucking retard nigger

>> No.12137694

>tfw Lutherian

Based Kant

>> No.12137697

Diogenes is a fictional character prove me wrong.

>> No.12137705

I don't have to support anything because it's implied someone else could do it for me.

>> No.12137707

>no surviving works
more like no works at all
implying philosophy is something you read rather than something you do

>> No.12137717

the diogenes meme was funny years ago but seeing kids spout it off now just makes me sad

>> No.12137721

libtard society owned, epic style

>> No.12137758

Oh cool I've never met another solipsist

>> No.12137828
File: 200 KB, 400x534, 1475460377533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diogenes is the reddit philosopher because he is paraded and lauded purely out of the fact he did crazy and wacky shit in the time he was alive, with no actual regard given to his actual philosophy. I would doubt the average Diogenes fan could actually tell you what his philosophy was
Kant is based because almost all Western philosophy after him was in reaction to his works, and set up one of the most solid moral frameworks in philosophy
Objectively speaking, the only reason Kant is wrong is because human beings are not governed by reason but instead the Will to Live
Schopenhauer is based on the fact that everything he wrote on the Will being insatiable, and is only wrong in his general despair about the human condition

>> No.12137832

Schopenhauer is very based

>> No.12137835

Diogenes was the pajeet of ancient greece

>> No.12137842

a plebiscite is an election, you troglodyte.

>> No.12137850

how is that Reddit-tier? you could argue that sort of conduct would be more likely to happen from a "4channer", as basedboys on Reddit would find such an act offensive and somehow sexist

>> No.12137857

>hes a small meme on reddit so he is a reddit philosopher
thats not how it works dipshit

>> No.12137861

So the guy who followed societal norms and conventions is the guy who isn’t reddit?

>> No.12137873

this isn't '06 newbuddy

>> No.12137890
File: 25 KB, 524x400, NietzscheGun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comedians are modern day philosophers XD
>but he sure as hell showed society its own hypocrisy better than any man has before or after
You're clearly oblivious to the most memed philospher of all time. See pic.

>> No.12137925
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The fact of the matter is that being 'reddit' is irrelevant of one's actual existence on reddit, but rather a thing's ability to fit the redditor state of being.
He belongs to the worst kind of redditor- a hedonistic little thing who values something solely at the enjoyment and feeling of superiority being apart of it provides. Learning philosophy is hard, arguing it even harder. The redditor skips all these steps and immediately goes for the philosopher who's works don't even have to be read, who's ideas are meaningless and unused for the utility he provides them as 'their philosopher'.
When confronted on philosophy, the redditor, when not choosing Jordan Peterson, goes to Diogenes, because 'he masturbated with shit, lived in a barrel, and told Alexander the Great to fuck off, and thats pretty epic!', and thinks himself high-minded because of it

>> No.12137941

>make meme
>people take it seriously
>arguing ensues

>> No.12137942

You have to be >17 years of age to post on 4channel.

>> No.12137964
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>prove me wrong
I can't

>> No.12137979
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ITT: People who understand Diogenes as poorly as the Redditors they're mocking.

>> No.12137980

>Objectively speaking, the only reason Kant is wrong is because human beings are not governed by reason but instead the Will to Live

That and the fact that his supposed equivalent statements of the categorical imperative are not in fact logically equivalent without greatly distorting basic definitions.

>> No.12137985

It's a shame Nietszche lived before Twitter. The platform suits his level of thought perfectly.

>> No.12137995

Wittgenstein beat children as a schoolteacher, used to stare at the blackboard while reciting Tagore during Vienna Circle meetings, threatened Karl Popper with a poker, and quit writing after he finished his first book because he thought he 'solved' philosophy, among other things. However, the line between 'based' and autism is thin here, as with most philosophers.

>> No.12137999

Level, or style?

>> No.12138025

t. redditor

>> No.12138124
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Saved it?

>> No.12138179
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>tfw patrilineally related to Martin Luther
Feels good

>> No.12138234

unironically based

>> No.12138529

try Buddha

>> No.12138539

Epicureanism is the real deal.

>> No.12138583
File: 246 KB, 1095x1424, petersloterdijk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12138597

Diogenes was epic. Telling Alexander to stand out of the sun, Alexander laughs, says he would be Diogenes if he was not Alexander. There is much in this - think!

>> No.12138751

that's pretty fucking based
comfy gif

>> No.12138965



>> No.12139036

Where can I read about all of Diogenes' escapades?

>> No.12139175

le epin cynicism

>> No.12140044

so /ourguy/ in other words.