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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 231 KB, 721x489, chadges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12135261 No.12135261 [Reply] [Original]

Only chad authors are allowed in this thread.

>> No.12135267

>spencerian anarchist

yeah, you're the only demagogue here buddy

>> No.12135274
File: 221 KB, 320x270, jordan_peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12135275

*Franz Ferdinand's Demagogue starts playing*

>> No.12135278

>be neet
>destroy your mind and body by reading obsessively
>fiction stories and praise are the outcome
>become chad
>only you are fucking old and blind

lel i bet he would give me his legs in exchange for a bicycle.

>> No.12135286

>destroy your mind and body by reading obsessively
Maybe his body but certainly not his mind.

>> No.12135328

you think being able to write those stories is something good? maybe for those reading it, but those writing it payed with their lives for it. the mind then gives them something in compensation,s they can at least survive.

>> No.12135330

The list of "chad" authors from modern times is pathetically short. Hemingway, the stereotypical tough guy writer, was a commie who hated his mother, married a significantly older woman, never actually fought, and finally took his own life because there was nothing in the world he valued more than himself. Even many authors I admire, or who had mostly masculine ideation, have a kind of stained masculinity for me. Tolkien was ill suspiciously often during the war, Mishima was reacting to his own effeminate tendencies. Nietzsche and Evola were creepy nerds. Ernst Jünger stands head and shoulders above the rest, embodying perfect courage in youth, steadfast resolve in manhood, and dignified wisdom in old age, living to the chad age of 102. Tolstoy and Melville were chads.

>> No.12135340

Borges was the opposite of the "tortured writer" stereotype. He enjoyed reading, he enjoyed literary games. Nothing in his oeuvre (or interviews) suggests otherwise.

>> No.12135356

don't forget Jordan Peterson and Taleb

>> No.12135358

Tolstoy felt guilty for fucking his own wife. Melville had a creepy homoerotic relation with Hawthorne. You know who was a chad? Mario Vargas Llosa.

>> No.12135363
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>> No.12135378

well im not saying he was a tortured writer, whatever that means.

im saying that if you fail to adapt as a normal human being to your community, then, the mind will retry and give you something new that will allow you to survive. but that is not, cannot be, something that will let you live as a normal member of that community, but as something else, either an artist or a criminal.

it doesnt matter if later the explicit path leads to a 'tortured' or a happy biography.

>> No.12135380
File: 103 KB, 1024x656, beauvoir_satre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming through

>> No.12135381

so you believe that the guy who wrote shitty freeverse poetry for 50 years about how sad he was that his daddy beat him when he was a kid and how hard it was to work a job, you believe this man was a chad?

>> No.12135387

>current year
>Franz Ferdinand

>> No.12135400

Well, that song came out this year, m8. Also you only follow the current trends in music?

>> No.12135406
File: 529 KB, 1080x1411, 742ABB1B-6AE7-4A81-8841-5DA9B0EC715D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12135412

t. boomer
no one listens to that dadrock shit anymore grandpa

>> No.12135420

I'm 22, m8. Plenty of people listen to it. They're still played in bars and parties. And they're not dadrock.

>> No.12135428

maybe at your boomer parties and your alcoholic divorcee bars. Nobody who is cool listens to that dadrock shit.

>> No.12135433


>> No.12135440

Cool? The only current "cool" band are the Arctic Monkeys. If you're one of those who think niggernoise is "cool" then you might as well kys, cuck.

>> No.12135450

>The only current "cool" band are the Arctic Monkeys.
yikes it's like you've got a time machine and you took me back to 2011. You are boomer af my dude

>> No.12135452

Queen and Steve Miller Band are examples of Dadrock, not some scottish indie band from the early 2000s

>> No.12135456

they're nu-dadrock

>> No.12135457
File: 22 KB, 400x250, smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arctic Monkeys
I would have accepted that if you referred to their earlier work, but nowadays all they do is the same bland shit sound that everybody does. Good thing that you've unfolded your pleb taste for everyone to see.

>> No.12135462

I disavow. They are pudgy nerds.

Did not know either of these... there seems to be something near universal in writers, that their masculinity is tarnished, that they are apart from the really manly who are unthinking and natural in their behavior. But yes Llosa has led a great life.

In general compare modern authors to the ancients. "Aeschylus, the Athenian, Euphorion's son, is dead. This tomb in Gela's cornlands covers him. His glorious valour the hallowed field of Marathon could tell, and the longhaired Persians had knowledge of it."

>> No.12135466

>he puts cool in quotes
>he listens to the arctic monkeys and franz ferdiand
>he pracitces casual racism on 4channel
yeah you're a boomer m8. Your time is over now

>> No.12135475
File: 27 KB, 320x447, Dazai1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make your way for the Virgin Chad

>> No.12135482

Baby-brained BASED meme baiter ball-busts beleaguered boomer! Lets move this thread to /mu/ and keep going at it my fellow posters! Fuck jannies by the way

>> No.12135485


>> No.12135486

Not sure you're going to be able to find one. All writers are outsiders by definition and therefore not chads. Bukowski is as close as you'll get I'm afraid.

>> No.12135490

Tell me who is cool these days, then, you whiny fuckers. And if you mention niggernoise, your opinion is automatically discarded. All you do is critize without offering alternatives, like a typical faggot.

>> No.12135493

shut up discussion cuck we can talk about whatever on any board

>> No.12135499

Why should I spoonfeed you? You're clearly old af and lame to boot and I'm worried you would use the information to go to concerts and try to fuck girls that are significantly younger than you. If you like girls that is...

>> No.12135503

>Tell me who is cool these days, then,

>> No.12135510

>I'm afraid he would mock my stupid girly or niggernoise choices, quick think of something, Clarence.
>"Why should I sp-poodfeed you? Y-you're old haha xD"
Yea, offering nothing, like always. Also, I'm 22, if thats old for you then kys.

>> No.12135516

>And if you mention niggernoise, your opinion is automatically discarded.
It's you who makes every sane person discard your opinion desu

>> No.12135521

Jack Kerouac, Celine, and Tolkien were all chads.

>> No.12135523

I mean, if the Arctic Monkeys aren't cool, if the biggest rock band the world right now isn't cool, then no one is cool.

>> No.12135524

Wait, just because I reply.?

>> No.12135529

Here lies your problem, dear normal friend.

>> No.12135530
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>> No.12135531

t. Listens to niggernoise aka rap

>> No.12135534

I think Vampire Weekend is pretty cool

>> No.12135536

>zero names yet
Pathetic. I bet you crawled our of /mu/

>> No.12135538

Most of the "masculine" authors from the XXth century were actually ambiguous dandyboys at heart.

Chadness is mostly an ancient thing, Gilgamesh ftw.

Also sorting author by chadness is idiotic.

>> No.12135542

>wtf? pitchfork told me this band was cool!?!?!? why are these kids making fun of me REEEEEEEEE
give it a rest boomer you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.12135551

John Green fucked Cara Delevingne, so he probably qualifies

>> No.12135553

>if I keep saying nigger maybe these kids will think I'm edgy and cool

>> No.12135554

Like >>12135499 said, do the research yourself. We're not going to reward your autistic behavior.

>> No.12135555

I've never even read pitchfork in my whole life. Only Amerifats and faggots read music reviews.

>> No.12135565

Céline was a sickly idealist in his youth and an histrionic cynic after WW1. He was also an eccentric opportunist. A genius opportunist, but an opportunist nonetheless. Good writer tho.

Kerouac is overrated and sentimental. Tolkien was based af but he was more of a traditional English scholar of languages, more nerdy than chady.

>> No.12135567

>Research who's cool? I'm not telling you!
t. Ariana Grande fan
You don't belong here, liberal scum.

>> No.12135569

nice quads grandpa but I don't believe you. You're trying too hard.

>> No.12135594

I've seen them play live before a Monkeys concert. All the audience was kinda bored with their neotropical indie music or whatever but before they finished they played the chords to an Arctic Monkeys song as a sort of tease. The audience screamed. This was the reason they were here, to see AM. And this was in a music festival, it was full of young people. So, if the lads in Vampire Weekend think the Arctic Monkeys are cool and if the audience think they're cool, then what? Who's cooler than they these days?

>> No.12135604

t. Nigger

>> No.12135612

*shows up in thread*
Sup guys.

>> No.12135620
File: 131 KB, 1000x563, john-green-cara-delevingne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get in on this gravy train

>> No.12135636

I'm not sure. Arctic Monkeys in their early days were one of my favorite bands, but Vampire Weekend has stuck with me longer and still sounds good. I know this sounds trite, but what do you think is cool? That's what is important. And though this doesn't mean much to me, Vampire Weekend is extremely /lit/. Their lead singer is a jewish ivy league english major

>> No.12135673
File: 2.45 MB, 1972x2432, Goethe_(Stieler_1828).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Levels of Goethe's chadness shouldn't be possible.

>> No.12135771

Shouldn't have told him the fact about their front singer, now he has to dislike them because the frontman's a jew.

>> No.12135813

Nah, I like Jews.

>> No.12135828

Just because someone hates niggernoise doesn't mean they hate everyone, anon.

>> No.12135840

Literally started a suicide trend in Europe due to how butthurt he was some dude fucked his oneitis, not a very chad thing to do.

>> No.12135853

I'm not familiar with his bio, but wasn't this just his novel, Werther?

>> No.12135857

He cometido el peor de los pecados
que un hombre puede cometer. No he sido feliz. Que los glaciares del olvido
me arrastren y me pierdan, despiadados.

Mis padres me engendraron para el juego
arriesgado y hermoso de la vida, para la tierra, el agua, el aire, el fuego.
Los defraudé. No fui feliz. Cumplida no fue su joven voluntad. Mi mente
se aplicó a las simétricas porfías
del arte, que entreteje naderías.

Me legaron valor. No fui valiente. No me abandona. Siempre está a mi lado
La sombra de haber sido un desdichado.

>> No.12135861

It was somewhat autobiographical and he tried to distance himself from it through all his life because at some point he realized spilling his spaghetti publicly over other guy's wife wasn't a very smart thingto do.

>> No.12135865

Borges didn't write this.



Nice try.

>> No.12135869

Does someone have that pasta where some anon says his going to rape John Green?

>> No.12135873

Yeah, but look at everything else he wrote and tell me that that wasn't necessary for him to develop the ultimate chad outlook.

>> No.12135878

This. He was in the need of some therapeutic kick to come out of his chrysalid and become a chad.

>> No.12135883

Check your own links retard, that's not the poem I posted.

Nice try.

>> No.12135893

Is true tho that AM's new music sucks..

>> No.12135895


>> No.12135971

>You don't belong here, liberal scum.
what are you gonna do about it you pussy bitch?

>> No.12136003
File: 312 KB, 1113x888, David_Foster_Wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the photogenic Wallace

>> No.12136016
File: 77 KB, 380x349, 1525388794348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*crack* *sip*
>"Now Arctic Monkeys, THAT's a cool band!"

>> No.12136081

This but unironically.

>> No.12136105
File: 8 KB, 448x333, boomer_nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rap is the kewlest music there is, ma nigga. We cool, yo.

>> No.12136177

>I hate certain kinds of entertainment because I'm old and black people scare me
I bet you watch cuckporn "ironically"

>> No.12136179

“The life of a writer is a lonely one.” - Borges

>> No.12136189

>I bet you watch cuckporn "ironically"
Stop projecting so much, m8.

>black "people"
Yea, right

>> No.12136191


>Died as a virgin


>> No.12136215

the weak should fear the strong

>> No.12136251
File: 41 KB, 600x360, 4D56885A-6F71-4A2B-8E62-79AF31F60D99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-im t-twenty two g-guys... kys!

>> No.12136258

how the fuck should he know where to shoot

>> No.12136261

>Vampire Weekend
>Arctic Monkeys

If you're 22 and in bars and not clubs, you're just an late boomer

>> No.12136262

>Look mom, I posted it again.

>> No.12136271

Anyone else get the feeling he's intentionally making that face to try and appear cool?

>> No.12136275

she cute

>> No.12136276

>If you're 22 and in bars and not clubs, you're just an late boomer
Not him but I do both, m8. Clubs play shit music, though. I only do it for the booze and the girls.

>> No.12136292

Imagine listening to music

>> No.12136302

You saying artists aren't normal human beings in their communities?

>> No.12136312

>Not him
Then no one asked for your opinion you fucking reprobate. Get off my fucking board right now you boomer brained fuck. /lit/ is a zoomer board, if you've ever complained about the younger generation before in your life you should just get in the grave already.

>> No.12136330

haha seems like I touched a nerve there, cuck

not only are you a pathetic racist boomer who tries to fit in on 4channel/lit/ but you're also a cuck! this just keeps getting better and better! lmaoing at ur life senpai!

>> No.12136334

Literature is a boomer pursuit, m8. Zoomers are literally killing it, all they do is play vidya. Most people here are in their 20s.

>> No.12136343

>haha seems like I touched a nerve there, cuck
>not only are you a pathetic racist boomer who tries to fit in on 4channel/lit/ but you're also a cuck! this just keeps getting better and better! lmaoing at ur life senpai!
And you are the pathetic cuck who projects his fetishes on people he doesn't even know just because he disagrees with them. Nice work there. Enjoy your niggernoise.

>> No.12136345

Boomers are people in their 30s about now.

>> No.12136353


>> No.12136359

*closes cuck porn tabs*
>-B-BTFO, y-you're a cuck lmao xD
Like I said, stop projecting.

>> No.12136362
File: 44 KB, 736x492, b2149a9d94ac8cc6da507730030e37db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this damage control

>> No.12136367
File: 32 KB, 720x736, grayons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw jumped into an argument replying with BTFO just to rile someone up
This is you right now

>> No.12136369

don't you have anything better to do than get btfo by us zoomers all day, old man?

>> No.12136373

this whole thread happened because an autistic boomer couldn't handle being told his taste in music sucks.

Think about that. Think about how sad his life must be.

>> No.12136388
File: 65 KB, 496x744, 001D2FCF-3B8C-4604-93B7-57EC61BE9B91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Camus
Are you guys fucking kidding?

>> No.12136389
File: 40 KB, 634x650, 756432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this zoomers so salty because some boomer hates their overrated niggernoise
Let me guess, you're Burgerfats.

>> No.12136390

>I reply to everyone and have no opinion
how does it feel to know if you died no one would care?

>> No.12136393

Let me guess. You probably still think black skinny jeans are cool, right? LMAO

>> No.12136396

>in trying to salvage his shattered dignity, the old boomer reveals he is a eurocuck

>> No.12136400

This pathetic desperation, you might actually be autistic
>n-no it is m-m-me who is l-l-l-laughing at y-you!

>> No.12136407

>not smoking with a shit eating grin
Who is this imposter?

>> No.12136411

Guys come on, he's probably got enough on his plate providing for his wife and her son. Maybe we should give him a break?

>> No.12136412

Is he even making a face

>> No.12136416

>Europeans and Burgerfats are the only people on planet Earth
>niggernoise is actually good and should not be discussed
Burgerfat education strikes again. Imagine being a niggernoise-loving Burgerfat. Might as well just kys.

I bet you think gangsta rap is so tough and cool, don't ya tough guy? kek

>> No.12136417

Well that's sort of what I meant. I think what he's thinking in that moment in "Try to look cool"

>> No.12136422

>I bet you think gangsta rap is so tough and cool, don't ya tough guy? kek

>> No.12136437
File: 202 KB, 900x600, 2012ArcticMonkeys02DC011211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad nigel,
have fun at your arctic monkeys concert old boomer cuck. BTW even ten years ago when they were popular they were literally plebbit soi; the band.
>thinking pic related is cool
shiggy diggy

>> No.12136438

>he didn't reply to my inconsequential comment, therefore he's admitting he wears skninny black jeans lmao (whatever the fuck that symbolyzes)
Then I guess I also hit a nerve and you think highly of niggernoise? In that case, fucking LOL

>> No.12136445

>Hemingway, the stereotypical tough guy writer, was a commie who hated his mother
basically me

>> No.12136452

>tough guy
>implying eurocucks are tougher than americans
lmao at this delusion

>> No.12136458
File: 6 KB, 275x183, 5647846354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine thinking this is cool
Enjoy your niggernoise, zoomer lol

>> No.12136464

"Everyone" as in, two or three dudes going on and on about literally nothing?

>> No.12136466

who the fuck is that?
>if you don't like my effete boomer soi music you must be a rap fan
lmao top logic m8

>> No.12136472

Literally never implied that, I implied it's mostly Burgerfats who listen to niggernoise, thanks in part to their liberal and "muh diversity" public education. But whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.12136485

Since I am a chad I figured I'd contribute to the definition of the concept, since you lads here seem to be a bit lost as to what the term means.

Besides the obvious superficial external characteristics of handsomeness, athleticism, a strong jaw, being blessed below the belt, and height, a chad is comfortable being himself. He doesn't start trouble or act like a tryhard like half the little boys in this thread. He doesn't start fights but he sure does end them.

A chad isn't about being popular or cool, although most chads are popular and cool, certainly in the eyes of the ladies. Rather it's just about being comfortable in your own skin and living your best life. Just be yourself.

>> No.12136486

>Tolkien was ill suspiciously often during the war
most of the soldiers were, did you see the conditions they were living in?

>> No.12136488

>backs down instantly
this is why you're a bitch, buzzwordboi

>> No.12136489

lol huge overlap between arctic monkeys and X fans you retard, and both suck in my eyes. i cant imagine having such shit taste when i was 22...are you sure you aren't underage?

>> No.12136496

>The Greeks
>The Romans, excepting Stoic virgins
>Pick related >>12135363

Stick your head in the fucking oven already, Peterson is the virgin if there ever was one, and just as much of a meme

>> No.12136500

>. i cant imagine having such shit taste when i was 22.
So you're a fucking boomer, too? HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH You're older than me lmao

>has the reading comprehension of a typical redneck Burgerfat
That's going to be a yikes from me, m8.

>> No.12136504

shut up bitch we're discussing the arctic monkeys

>> No.12136505

T. true virgin fedora

>> No.12136506

>The Romans, excepting Stoic virgins
Are you saying Virgil was a chad and the Stoics werent?

>> No.12136512

arctic monkeys >>>>>>>>>>> niggeroise

cry more, burgerboy.

>> No.12136513

Hemingway killed himself, only betas commit suicide

>> No.12136514

>So you're a fucking boomer, too?
>haha y-you are as pathetic as me!
weird flex but ok

>> No.12136517

>Having Dante as his wingman
>Not a chad

>> No.12136519

they really aren't. what european country are you from? is it sweden?

>> No.12136521

Only betas are so scared of death they prefer to fester into cancerous old age and ignominity

>> No.12136528

no, suicide is by far the most bitch nigga way to go, especially when you are married and have kids like Hemingway did, he was pathetic

>> No.12136530

>I think hemmmmmminggay and bukowski are masculine
>JP is a virgin lel
brainlet pls, adults are talking.

>the man who was too afraid to talk to beatrice
>a chad

>> No.12136532

Of course, that's the whole fucking point of the chad meme

>> No.12136533

>implying Crying Lightning isn't better than any niggernoise released in the 21st century
kys already just end it now

>> No.12136540

>adults are talking

Clearly not, nothing here has been adult or /lit/ since your kind flooded us

>> No.12136545
File: 32 KB, 459x612, istockphoto-172317906-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so then I called all music that's not the arctic monkeys nigger noise!
>that is what it is! it's made by niggers and it's noise!
>who cares if the whole thread roasted me, such is the fate of cultured individuals like myself to be pariahs!

>> No.12136546

>the arctic monkeys virgin
>the chad anime OST

>> No.12136557

>Released: 2009
still trying to claim you're not a boomer has been?

>> No.12136562

oh, i get it. 4chan has a completely different and counterfactual understanding of when boomers were born.

>> No.12136573

>that 22 year old boomer that announces that he finally understands the meme that is his own life
what a boomer post

>> No.12136576
File: 24 KB, 300x350, d5ac0f725403cb17835553a4985b27456c8f027e8599d27d98c4ccc40de4be44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck this guy, what an asshole, how dare he? Who does he think he is? Ugh, the Arctic Monkeys, music for cisgender males, absolutely disgusting. I'm going to listen to truly cool music made by blacks, blacks are the only capable of making good music, like Kendrick Lamar, who just won a Pulitzer for Music, now THAT is music, yeah!.
>I'm going to my pro-abortion parade tomorrow. Go girls!

>> No.12136587

that is not me, I literally call some folks boomers here but whatever

>> No.12136592

thanks for correcting the record

>> No.12136595

if ever there were an argument for abortion it would be this thread and your posts therein

>> No.12136611

maybe go outside and realize the world isn't everything /pol/ tells you it is, son.

>> No.12136619

weak af my dude

>> No.12136695

Ariel Pink is the true chad, nigshits get blasted.

But desu it’s chiptune snes osts are for true chads

>> No.12136699


>> No.12136973

epic post bro

>> No.12137097

the artic monkeys aint that bad and what is exactly a zoomer and a boomer?

>> No.12137148

Look at the fucking picture you mong

>> No.12137192

>touching a prostitute is chad af
wanna know how I know you're a beta?

>> No.12137209

>Ernst Jünger stands head and shoulders above the rest, embodying perfect courage in youth, steadfast resolve in manhood, and dignified wisdom in old age, living to the chad age of 102.
I didn't know that, but I loved Storm of Steel.

>> No.12137247

This thread got me thinking about stopping lurking here.

>> No.12137473

for real , this thread is cancer only people calling each other retards over stupid shit

>> No.12137477

ITT: /mu/

>> No.12137495

Nuke this thread already ffs, what a trainwreck

>> No.12137536
File: 22 KB, 260x354, Louis-Ferdinand Céline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12137565

Literature comes from investigating. True alpha's don't investigate because they are too occupied with being. You will never find a deep investigation into the human condition by someone who wasn't preoccupied with this question, and you will never find someone who was preoccupied with this question who didn't struggle with it. No alpha / chad makes it to the pinnacle of passing on information in any form, because information as transcribed in a form that can be passed on is always done by people seeking it, not people embodying it.

>> No.12137618

I like Parquet Courts. THAT is a cool band.

>> No.12137628

>Listening to music post-1945
I can’t believe you guys sometimes

>> No.12137638
File: 14 KB, 220x268, Thomas Sowell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He takes your corner
What you gonna do, youngblood?

>> No.12137639
File: 43 KB, 1893x281, i WILL rape john green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12137646


>> No.12137649

Imagine being this old

>> No.12137657

>And if you mention niggernoise, your opinion is automatically discarded.

Dear lord, go to sleep fucking grandpa

>> No.12137674

Okey now, this is fucking epic

>> No.12137678

>teen kids unironically having a rock vs rap discussion
back to /mu/

>> No.12137703

>this is what boomers actually believe