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12131117 No.12131117[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

write your suicide note

>> No.12131128

i didnt have enough money to pay an english professor to write this.
but if you got questions they'll answer them for free.

>> No.12131129


>> No.12131131

I’m not a huge animal rights activist but I hate this pic. I get really sad every time I see it.

>> No.12131138

I wish so much. I regret everything.

>> No.12131163

My only regret is not having done it at 15

>> No.12131182

i wish i could say this was unexpected but who would i be kidding?

>> No.12131205

Sarah if you slept with me in highschool this all could have been avoided. Slut

>> No.12131224


>> No.12131225

Such is the contract, such is its severance.

>> No.12131240

Life is a race. I’m taking the shortcut

>> No.12131316

Had I not known that I was dead already, I would have mourned my loss of life

>> No.12131372

Dearest Family,

I'm sorry that it came to this, but evidently things have not proceeded as any of us would have wished. I take full responsibility for my decision here, and I hope that none of you will believe even for an instant that you contributed, in any way, by action or inaction, to the outcome. In fact, that I made it as long as I did is due solely to your love and support. You have each in your own way assisted me in my challenges, and I love you all very much.

I have decided to write this letter not because I think that what I am writing is especially important to the world, or as an opportunity to soapbox or complain, but because I have read that for those left behind in the wake of a suicide a source of distress can be "not knowing." I hope then that this will help you grieve, if you do grieve. I decided to commit suicide because I have come to perceive the conditions of my life as intolerable and unalterable. Those things which I find intolerable you may perceive as trivial, and those things I find unalterable you may see paths to fix. I assure you that I reflected upon them all deeply, and found that the solutions were not as straightforward as implementing any one strategy. I came to realise through painful experimentation with those solutions that I could see that the problem was not the solutions but the person attempting to implement them. It was my flaws which transformed trivial problems into insurmountable ones, and my inability to fix myself that would have doomed me to a lifetime of grappling fruitlessly with them. So, due to the combination of external pressures (my inability to make and retain friends or form romantic partnerships, my poverty, my pathetic fitness and physique, and so on - I am sure you are familiar with all the ways in which I was not an ideal person) I lived in depression, and my discovery of my utter inability to correct any of these defects after a (short) lifetime of striving led me to conclude that the condition would inevitably be permanent.

I hope this explanation gives you some closure, although I regret I cannot anticipate all of your questions. I think I can anticipate this one: why did you not talk to your family about this? The first reason is blatantly selfish, and is that this discussion is too embarrassing for me to bear. This is what I mean when I say it is my flaws that make my problems unfixable. I am too much of a shy coward to take the steps necessary to address them. The second reason is that in involving you in my problems I would potentially make you perceive yourself as partly responsible for my failures when the problems were inevitably revealed to be not fixable. This second reason is just guesswork and may be wrong, but it is a convenient justification in light of the first, and one that I cling to.

I love you, and if you still wish me well after this selfish act of mine then my last request to you is that you keep being the happy people that I loved.

Yours sincerely,

>> No.12131386

they would just laugh at that

>> No.12131390

bye retards

>> No.12131393

I want to be cremated, no Christian funerals please.

>> No.12131414

I'm thinking about going to preach to the Sentinelese.

>> No.12131685

I never asked to be here, and have not enjoyed my stay. I hope you don’t feel the same.

>> No.12131705

dear mum and dad
i love you and can't excuse what this will do to you
i'm so sorry
i just don't like living
it's not your fault. you did everything you could and i am so grateful to you for it. you were the light in this darkness
please forgive me

p.s. please don't look at my external harddrives

>> No.12131708

Based and paganpilled

>> No.12131738

We live, i die. Nik mokom

>> No.12131742

I have lost myself, please forgive me

>> No.12131755


>> No.12131757
File: 1.44 MB, 1590x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we all want to kill ourselves so badly, anons? What the fuck happened to us? Where do we fuck up? Where did others fuck up? Is this world really such a hopeless tangled mess?

>> No.12131759

No lel this is all irony

>> No.12131765


>> No.12131766

The reason why humans aren't constant freaking out over their mortality is that deep down everyone has that longing, no matter how slight, to die.

>> No.12131770

For the record, I tried when I was 16 , so these last few years were on borrowed time anyway.

>> No.12131814

Don't look in the top dresser drawer.


>> No.12131823

my diary desu

>> No.12131833

that elephant's gonna have a surprise when he wakes up lole

>> No.12131847

I can't explain how I got depression, it pretty much came from nowhere. I just stopped functioning before I could finish university or land a job.

>> No.12131849

If you're reading this, it means I'm dead.
No, I didn't intentionally try to kill myself, which is why you found me with my pants down and my cock in my hand.

Mother, Father, I like to introduce you to my fetish: auto-erotic asphyxiation.
I always liked to live dangerously and I knew my passion would one day end up killing me.

P.S. You can tell people I committed suicide if it's less shameful, but please bury me with my belt as a final wish.

>> No.12131970

to my parents and family
i love you into nothingness
i wish i didnt have to say sorry, not that i wouldnt die, but it just seems dumb
so sorry anyways

>> No.12132006

The western canon is my suicide note

>> No.12132014

I don't want to kill myself. I'm just bored and have no future.

>> No.12132016

That'd be good enough

>> No.12132021

I did a flip. Also don't touch the right side of the note, came on it. Sowwy :(

>> No.12132031

rip anteatere

>> No.12132037

Please rape my corpse so that I don't go to hell a virgin.

>> No.12132045

The story of how my feelings brought me to this point is one of how I lost control of my self.

>> No.12132047

Too self aware. 0/10 you would not commit seppuku

>> No.12132056

None of you bastards use this.

>> No.12132057

I have for the whole of my life envisioned a death shrouded in glory and honour. This is not a suicide letter, but a letter of goodbye and sincerest regrets. Regrets I will not be able to make right because I have had to fulfill my duty to my people and it’s land. That duty transcends all life, especially mine. I hope you understand that when the day comes that you read this, you realize I made my descions not based on selfishness but selflessness. I have laid down my life for you.

>t. sneaky suicide by war

>> No.12132060

Statistically speaking it's quite unlikely to even get a note in situations such as this, so please don't be too disappointed in the contents

>> No.12132074

I am at my peak. I feel no need to experience the rest of life. I feel like I have obtained the highest happiness I can, so I feel no qualms about stepping into the void.

>> No.12132078

A lonely impulse of delight drove to this; I balanced all, brought all to mind, the years to come seemed waste of breath, a waste of breath the years behind. In balance with this life, this death.

>> No.12132091

Because I could not stop for Sleep
Sleep eventually caught up to me
My Blanket held but just Myself
For all eternity

I softly breathed and knew no more
For I had put away
My labor and my leisure too
Ceasing all activity

Since then - ‘tis Hours - and yet
Feels longer than a Day
If only I could have stayed
For all eternity

>> No.12132104

I'm sorry.

I have been depressed for the last 15 years of my life. I do not want to deal with people any more. I lack the energy, I lack the reason. No recollection of ever feeling love, not for you, not for anyone, not for anything. Wait.. No. I think I have. Once. I was praying whilst thinking about this act, and I was enveloped in the most profound love amidst my tears and I felt it was more real than anything before it, but it was external. There was only one force pulling me away, and it was my own disgust with what I am. So I do not want you to blame anyone for this, at least not anybody else. I know what is at stake here.

I refuse to obey but one more command. Not from the family, not from the government, military, school, job... No. I'm tired. This was to be my last command, but first of my own. Everything prior was reacting, following, waiting, repositioning myself for the least resistance - not like I could actually make a change. I'm tired. I've always been tired. I wanted to live a life of my own. I want to lead, but not others. Too much work. I'm tired. I want to leave the world of others. I want to be myself, but... I'm just someone who has to feed mosquitoes. I have nothing more to give, there is nothing for others to take. I know this because they started showing good things to me, presumably to fatten me up. Not sure where they were before, but they certainly didn't exist until my previous attempt (of which I have not told anybody of).
I cannot create. I cannot win. I had no input on my life.
The knowledge that I was an accident child felt like a relief to me. I did not belong. I have known this forever.
If I was a real human, I would have gone like the guy who stole an airplane to fly once. I'm just a cripple, bred in the machine to be a cripple- I had the unfortunate fate of sight.

I hope hell lets me be lonely alone.

>> No.12132107


>> No.12132111

>Where do we fuck up?
We were born as members of the owned class. We have been bred for the past 100-300 years to be mental, spiritual and social cripples. Internet is our first glimpse at the world and ourselves.

>> No.12132130

Because the jew run system is soul crushing. Take the Tedpill.

>> No.12132156

Notes are for the benefit of the people one leaves behind. I don't like anybody these days.

But there will be plenty of notes because I won't kill myself until I can convince others to do it with me in a cult-like fashion.

>> No.12132166
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Yes. Living has always been a struggle, it's all so tiresome and pointless.

>> No.12132191

based utilitarian making the final calculation.

>> No.12132222

I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton

>> No.12132354

Oops, I did it again.

>> No.12132360
File: 129 KB, 750x1024, 2222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a coincidence, I have the phone number of Trump.

>> No.12132362

The White man marches on.

>> No.12132402

I think of you, Arthur Schopenhauer,
I love you; I see you in the reflection of the windows,
The world's a dead end and I'm an old clown,
It is cold. It's so cold. Farewell to the Earth.

>> No.12132509 [DELETED] 

Too long. If you can't write your suicidr letter inbone sentence, don't leave one.

>> No.12132513

Too long. If you can't write your suicide letter in one sentence, don't leave one.

>> No.12132525

My life was shit, I am tired of it, don't be worried about me, I will be fine. I love you all (my family)

>> No.12132545

I am now beginning to live. NO motion made is without action and mine is to take in the afterlife. This begins with loss of all things. NOW the trials begin again.

>> No.12132580
File: 29 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what to do g

>> No.12132604
File: 30 KB, 400x400, pottery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Destruction allows for creation, and my death will give life to something, somehow, somewhere. Goodbye, and god bless.

>> No.12132605
File: 623 KB, 719x696, 0A4CAA71-9A71-411A-A784-CF4939E5A7D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22 years, me peepee was hard for 22 years and I didn’t get a single succ. I hope god is merciful and grants my peepee some respite in heaven. Farewell you clowns.

>> No.12132615
File: 110 KB, 408x408, 408x408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brought a tear to my eye. Very moving story and so recognizable.

>> No.12133073

Those who do not live wish to die. We can't all be Snoopy having just crash landed behind enemy lines breathing and bleeding an authentic live that fills the soul with inspiration, wonder, and feeling.

>> No.12133138

To the world,
Fuck you. Seriously, fuck all of you. Every single last one of you. Not a SINGLE person treated me with ANY kindness or decency in my entire life, so I hope the world fucking burns and you all get roasted alive. To those who knew me, I hope you feel pain, suffering and guilt for the rest of your lives, and even that wouldn't come close to the amount of SHIT that I've been through. I hope whoever finds me has the image of my corpse with my head blown off and brains splattered everywhere burned into their fucking retinas and I hope it gives them night terrors. This world is FULL of FAKE fucks who march around pretending to be important and doing things, and they're SO social and SO charismatic, and they're SO nice but they still treat me like shit. I'm inclined to believe it's a coordinated effort to push me to my limits. Well here it is so fucking enjoy you CUNTS. I AM A NICE PERSON, YOU MADE ME THIS WAY. ALL OF YOU. GET THAT IN YOUR THICK FUCKING SKULLS. Passive aggressive worthless degenerates. YOU DESERVE NOTHING.
Yours hatefully, M.

>> No.12133145

I think a mass shooting would be more your style anon.

>> No.12133180

my life came like dew
and disappears like dew

>> No.12133183
File: 1.72 MB, 1440x1080, thanatos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people fall in love with the ideas of death and despair. Some obsess over it and let it shape their world. With little else in their life, some people wait eagerly for their end to come, it being all they are for. Some live to die.

>> No.12133188

Fifty-four years lighting up the sky.
A quivering leap smashes a billion worlds.
Entire body looks for nothing.
Living, I plunge into Yellow Springs.

>> No.12133199

All this buttoning and unbuttoning.

>> No.12133339

Frick u :D

>> No.12133568

>>12132513fuck of you american pig bastard, cant you understand the value of this board?
Doing half the work and posting some ambiguous short poat is why all the other boards are so bad, in /lit/ you come to read something good nothing more.

>> No.12133633

This is an incredibly complex charade I have constructed to offend, shock, and/or scare you. You people know what I'm about - I refuse to take even finality seriously. I am in the closet (literally and figuratively [but not really]).

To Jessica,
If you took this seriously and got upset, you should feel terrible. You know me better than this.

Unironically, FPBP.

>> No.12134158

big mood

>> No.12134169

Savory quads for the imprisonment of the she-reptile

>> No.12134175

Big Salinger fan, huh?

>> No.12134322

Nobody remembers this meme
Meh. Maybe I'm getting too old.
Also checked

>> No.12134324


>> No.12134352


Why don't you do and try new things? What's stopping you from seeking fulfilment?

>> No.12134375

Demons are too pussy to invade real space, I'm taking the fight to them.

>> No.12134386

if you read this you are gay

>> No.12134389

Write pic related's suicide note would be more interesting

>> No.12134393

smoked too many cones, destroying my mental faculties
watched too much fucked up porn, contorting my aesthetic sense
fried all potential of an interesting or satisfying life on my own terms
time to die

this seems the most likely path towards early death at the moment.

>> No.12134419

It is not hopeless anon, you just have to a little more outgoing with your interests. I used to repress the need to talk about my interests around others so as to avoid seeming egocentric, the day I stopped doing it my entire life turned around.

>> No.12134453

i have no reason to keep going on, i always felt empty inside no matter what i do. hobbies, friends, drugs, job and good income, nothing can cure that. there was only one person in the world who could cure that and they died, and i feel like i died that day too.

>> No.12134533

you don't have to be any famous activist or join any group to love something

>> No.12134683

Sorry mom

>> No.12134719

Vague insecurity.

t. Akutagawa

>> No.12134727
File: 48 KB, 324x499, 51rQ+QgNLVL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an ironic thread. I actually did write it. Can't get anyone to fucking read it though...but I wrote it.

>> No.12134742

too much effort

>> No.12134774

it was not your fault.

>> No.12135103

Well schmucks, if you want to know why I killed myself just take a look at how decayed my corpse was before they eventually found it

>> No.12135126

Because you’re selling it for $15 you fucking idiot.

>> No.12135135

Tack för allt! Hej!

>> No.12135140

You have to die for it to be worth reading.
>pls no killself

>> No.12135166

and fuck niggers

>> No.12135167

In the event of my survival, please accept my deepest apologies.

>> No.12135169


>> No.12135220
File: 511 KB, 1334x890, 84EFB11F-6239-4D03-95F6-056FE53D2721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please cremate me and spread my ashes over the deserts of Escalante, so that I may be one with the ochre dust of the land I love so much. Do not worry, I am at peace now.

>> No.12135323

Kimochi warui. Goodnight.

>> No.12135408
File: 179 KB, 403x1080, 2bbf91cc25c1d65e706dbb8e0e087588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe /lit/ is filled with crypto-niggers

>> No.12135413

Good riddance.

>> No.12135425

>to be mental, spiritual and social cripples.
This isn't true for a lot of people anymore though

>> No.12135426

"So long and thanks for all the cheese"

>> No.12135427

Philosophy does not run from death, but instead tarries with it.

>> No.12135445

your suicide note
your suicide letter in one sentence

>> No.12135447

stealing this, thanks anon

>> No.12135461

checked. idk if i'd call the internet the "first glimpse at the world and ourselves" because of how much fake and exaggerated shit people post about themselves on social media. 4chan is one of the rare places where the veil is lifted because everything is anonymous and no consequences for calling someone a faggot nigger but we also represent a pretty niche part of the population as a whole

>> No.12135558

Some may think that my suicide is due to depression, anger, or forlornness. This is not the case. My suicide isn' t caused by any emotional stimulus. It is merely the logical conclusion to my life.

I find myself with two options: to continue on with this life, finding momentary pleasure where I can, or to put this pathetic charade to an end. Considering the former, I have not exactly been the best at achieving pleasure. This is not to say that pleasure doesn't exist in the world, it's just to say that I've never had the stomach to do the things that give me pleasure. If I had better social skills, I probably would have been able to distract myself from the realization that this life is ultimately meaningless. Some may find meaning in art, god, music, and other things, but I have never been interested in such stuff. I have just been going through the motions for the past 17 years, and I don't care anymore. I don't think I can ever find this life to be worth anything.

For years and years, I have been in this state. Where I am completely apathetic towards life but don't have a reason to end it all. I have often set deadlines in my life, where I would end it all if my condition hadn't changed substantially. Every one of which passed without any change to my condition, but I was always too gutless to go through with the action. I suppose it is due time that I honor one of those deadlines.

>> No.12135576

I just want to sleep. Let me be.

>> No.12135602

I have always been a stillbirth, it just took 24 years to find it out.

>> No.12135616
File: 81 KB, 650x947, 6873ED18-290D-49BE-934A-B253ACC51BC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“It is quite terrible, to be alone.”

>> No.12135635
File: 48 KB, 500x352, 1542232404630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish to do something i won't regret

>> No.12135646

Remember me as I was do not glorify me because I am dead.
I have reached a state where I no longer care about anything, my life will be meaningless and this is the only logical conclusion to it.
To my friends, you have had the greatest influence on my life and I rejoice on the wonderful times we had together
To my family, I don't think you ever tried to understand me, but I wish you all the best
Play Pet sounds in its entirety at my funeral

>> No.12135649

Dunno about others, but my whole life has been all kinds of fucked up until this point. I have spent all of my childhood and all my teenage years in a mental limbo between being stressed and completely burned out. Alcoholic dad, neurotic mom, dead sibling, illness that nearly finished me back then, getting my shit bashed in in school every day and so on and so on. Shit like this leaves a mark on you. And now that I am a grown ass man I am simply tired already. I did not have a past I can point at like all of those boomers do, saying "those were the days!". Every time I hear some old dude telling me that I will miss my best days down the road I do believe him, but my best days were miserable and I am terrified of whats next if this was the highlight of my life. Everybody else seems atleast to have a point where he can say that his life started going down the drain right there, all I have is the hope that one day life will not be absolute shit since the day I can remember.

>> No.12135757

I tried.

>> No.12136213

Let's be honest, you all knew it was coming. You are not suprised to open this envelope, and hear bitter talk of a dead man. But I should rather say, a dead boy. Always neutered by family, never satisfying a woman, never good enough for women, throught the years, for new reasons. No skill, no trade, no ounce of will to change. It's not the hopelesness, it's got nothing to do with lack of optymism, but rather bleak realisation that it is hopeless. And in the end I am the bad guy, my last action is the most evil, egocentric, most frowned upon by all relligions, and moral codes. I also managed to hurt anyone that I met. Ok, let's be honest there, not everyone, not that all those people care that much. For some people it will just be sad news, like a school shooting, or death of a known animal. Obviously parents lives will be ruined, I always wanted to have a sibling thought. Should have seen it coming, now you wish you had another. Should have seen it coming.

>> No.12136230

I'd hang myself and leave this note:

T=2pi sqrt(L/g)

>> No.12136247

Brenda, it's all your fucking fault!

>> No.12136248

That would be funny and awkward when they read it an laugh.

>> No.12136279

"We live in a society!!"

>> No.12136290
File: 15 KB, 397x474, debord50s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers won't like this, but I think the answer is modernity and capitalism, which are soul-crushing to the core.
We currently have the productive infrastructure for transforming cities into giant DIY labs, where we could all work part-time very comfortably and party with people outside in something more interesting than overpriced normie clubs, have the time to read difficult books or whatever, but instead we need to cling to wageslavery under the constant pressure to lose everything and become homeless. We work more than medieval peasants for God's sake.
Humanity doesn't live up its potential IMO, and that's why Nick Land appeals to a humanist leftist like me: his "capital - i.e. darwinian dynamics - is only selecting for intelligence" schtick can explain why humans would go through such painful motions to just sustain themselves.
All these human games get confusing and tiresome after a while. Sometimes I just want to end it all and go on with the inevitable. Today I'm in a good mood though, so I will just blog on,/lit/, remind myself that Durkheim was right when he analyzed suicide as a sociological phenomenon, go to sleep and then to my job tomorrow morning, where I will have to justify myself for the last hours I spent in the office last Friday.

>> No.12136299

I feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier till this terrible disease came. I can't fight it any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that—everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer. I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been.

>> No.12136527

Bet they would never look at a swinging object the same after that

>> No.12136566

based suicide anon. godspeed you magnificent bastard.

>> No.12136806

Interesting. I liked it.