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File: 54 KB, 680x457, albertcamus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12129976 No.12129976 [Reply] [Original]

"The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy."
Hands Down the best quote i've read.

>> No.12129996

It's "it's the jounrey that matters"-tier retarded.

>> No.12129998

But that cliche is true

>> No.12130030

“Complete happiness cannot possibly exist; for that the body is full of many sensations, and that the mind sympathizes with the body, and is troubled when that is troubled, and also that fortune prevents many things which we cherished in anticipation; so that for all these reasons, perfect happiness eludes our grasp.”
― Hegesias of Cyrene

>> No.12130042

"Cultivate your garden bucko"
- Voltaire
Voltaire was the first Absurdist.

>> No.12130075
File: 7 KB, 200x282, The_Last_Puritan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've read Camus you realize he explicitly states where the absurd is encountered throughout history. He's not declaring a philosophy from nothing. In fact, he'd be defending the canon along Peterson today. His ideas on the absurd are indispensable to modern Christianity by the way, unless of course you're one of those theocratic wannabes that can't actually discuss their beliefs beyond a few slogans. Seriously, read him, you stupid apologists are gonna get slaughtered in future debates if you don't deal with knowledge honestly. Then again, what am I saying, you don't want to debate so as to arrive at a truth.

>> No.12130081

I had the same thought once I took LSD. It went away right after the lsd wore off.

>> No.12130132

LSD is related to the amphetamines, which is why you get the stupid optimism. Ethneogens are a lot better for deep experiences. Acid is good for a wank.

>> No.12130138

>Hands Down the best quote i've read.
And it's a translation, sad!

>> No.12130183

Damn, first time I get to tip my pharmacist fedora here. LSD is a 5HT agonist (serotonin) and amphetamines are related to dopamine release. They are not related. Also LSD IS an entheogen.

>> No.12130290

the cannon doesn't need defending, least of all from neurotic hacks like peterson

>> No.12130388

>"The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy."

Fighting a losing battle does not make one happy in the slightest. Sisyphus knew his struggle was hopeless - his task was futile and there was no other way to interpret that. A struggle can only be fulfilling if one does NOT know the outcome. I would think this is why we look at suicidal 'jihadists' blowing themselves up as bizarre and crazy yet from their perspective the mere act of inflicting casualties on the 'enemy' is goal enough. Heaven after death is guaranteed anyway and a caliphate will be established on earth irrespective of whether they are present or not - they have done their duty in the present. If anything, those suicide bombers who found contentment and peace in choosing their death for a goal they may never see are more 'happy' than Sisyphus could ever 'imagine' himself to be.

>> No.12130400
File: 84 KB, 700x714, 149345036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping knowledge like it's hot.

>> No.12130416

the point is losing you idiot. losing is the outcome of success here. it is pointless to succeed. except that you are doing. imagining him happy is the punchline. it's absurd to do so, but here I am typing with a smile.

>> No.12130574

>it is pointless to succeed.
Are you from a western country?

>> No.12131927

Amateur neuropharmacology researcher here to complete the Hegelian dialectic, original poster was misguided in the way he said it but was right that LSD is known for being a particularly stimulating psychedelic with stimulant effects. People also sometimes feel that LSD is more “artificial” and less “spiritual” compared to naturally occurring entheogenic plants so he also was making a valid point in his own way.

>> No.12131998

>implying Kierkegaard didn’t teach Christianity about the absurd first