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/lit/ - Literature

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12129433 No.12129433 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.12129449

>open 8429 tabs of things to read or books to get, with the intent of reading them all
>can't close them because that would be letting them slip away and be lost forever
>don't read them
>have seventy billion tabs open
>occupies 80% of system memory at all times
>periodically spend an hour transferring them all to a "To-read" backlog
>never read those either
>have years worth of backlogs in txt and doc files
>barely know where most of them are on my various computers

>> No.12129483

i want to die life has lost meaning to me and all i do is shitpost on the internet and read. i don't leave the house or talk to anyone anymore

>> No.12129490
File: 771 KB, 2764x2073, 1485233223327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work in park city utah and every woman looks like pic and it makes me lose my mind in hormones and i need to impregnate them all.

>> No.12129492

Im proud of the music my band has been making!

>> No.12129551

I’m interested in having a family. I’m not interested in all the abstract work i have to do to achieve that. I have no hobbies. I have no excitement. I’ve lost all interest in philosophy, science is boring, and, as with all things, I’m not very consistent and dedicated in upholding my faith....

I hate this structure of “see goal->work towards goal->achieve goal.” I think Kaczynski is right in that only our biological goals can truly satisfy and motivate us. Even the grandest goal of all, eternal life, puts me off for some reason. It seems so dry, so scripted, so...boring. I’ve recognized my lack of freedom, I’m just designed to strive toward arbitrary goals I think are significant. It’s all an absurd joke.

>> No.12129562

Nothing. What the mind feels is momentary to momentary ideas/sensations flowing from the external stimuli. What's stored in the mind is nothing, as it should be. We live in the present moment, not the past nor the future.

>> No.12129778

I feel you friend... What's the point of it all?

>> No.12129784

This board is shit for most of the day and night with like a few good hours through out.

>> No.12129829

I want someone to tell me what the point of it all is, I am no longer capable of caring for my own purpose. I wish I had a king to honor, I wish I had a place in a small medieval village and I wish someone else would lead for a while to give me rest.

>> No.12129852
File: 356 KB, 1280x868, muh inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really afraid for the planet. Even if we assume that all the scientists and governments are faking climate change there is still the problem of resource consumption.

Even in my own life I've seen forests and lakes destroyed and how much garbage people make. It's not sustainable. Go to where they bury trash (I went as a kid) and tell me this shit is good. But then there is the bigger issue, what happens when all the indians and chinese want to live like westerners? Do we just say no? The amount of destruction from that and pollution would go well byond the tipping point. But over population isn't the problem. Consumption is.

But that leads me tot the biggest problem, is it capitalisms fault? And if it is then wjhat's the solution. The mainstream parties don't even have one. Dems are just like "lol solar power and shit". But that fails to address the systematic problems. Repubs don't even want to address it. Then is the fucking answer revolution? Because something has to change in the next 50 years.

Also anyone think we've hit late stage capitalism? I was looking at the composition of major industries and their all crazy centralized now. 5 companies for ALL media. And young people are more disillusioned by capitalism than ever.

>> No.12129929

How do you cure being gay? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12129955

Anomie is tiring.

I think that sums up most of the other posts in this thread too.

>> No.12130202
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I just remembered I have a copy of 'Never Let You Go' somewhere but I can't find it. All other books are accounted for.

>> No.12130246
File: 3.09 MB, 1791x4145, ChristPoet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting myself into trouble saying ridiculous shit since I was young and nothing even came of it because I was always so leftist, but as soon as I attempted to empathize with the right and test the waters with centrism, I have been endless hounded by both sides. Worse, I seem to have involved myself in a conspiracy theory when I got thoroughly drunk and joined twitter for a couple weeks just for fun. I really wanted to just be a reporter that takes both sides of the argument seriously, but now anytime I post a Q&A of my interviews, people are just gonna get the wrong impression of who actually is asking a question.

I really wish I could be better than all this and just take a walking trip out of Spain or something to get my mind settled, but I'm also very fond of conspiracies and have a predilection for turning profit on people's gullibility, (a provincial past time). Yet, how would I make profit off of my position within the conspiracy? Anybody got some tips on turning a profit from this shit? How do make money on people's fear of ass fucking? Seriously? I'm already very right wing, always have been, though I'm much more a classical Greek nutjob than an AD Roman/theocrat, though becoming a Muslim has always been a part of my destiny cause I got that Allah vibe.

>> No.12130281
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I met up with some old friends while I was back at my parents' house for thanksgiving and it made me realize that all I really want in life is some bros I can hang out with and talk shit with all evening and then maybe go hiking on the weekend or something. I'd be ok being a failed writer or having a terrible job or no gf if I just had consistent companionship. Come to think of it that's really the only reason I want a gf in the first place.

>> No.12130292

I've gone full circle
I've loved and hated a few girls in the past years and even broke a heart, but I don't feel bad, why don't I feel bad? I know I have autism and it affects my empathy, I can't feel bad. It tortures me my lack of guilt, if I can't feel remorse then how will I function? If I can't feel pain will I be able to feel Love? I need something beyond my feelings, something that I can use to feel love. I don't want everyone to think Im a bad person, but in life and in love you will face alot of events and scenarios, and how you react to them will impact what type of person you are, I am a bad person because of the why I have treated women, but I still want to feel love, do I want to redeem myself but truly experiencing love, and making someone I can care about feel it too, or am I avaricious, hopeless romantic who goes around twisting emotions? I really wanna know

>> No.12130301
File: 778 KB, 500x500, 12D35823-B591-4A72-8FEB-118D29D49F7C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I ended up taking a low dose of LSD that I thought was actually a high dose, this led to different thinking than normal but no halucinations at all. I don't know what to think of pyschedelics anymore, I did shrooms a year ago and I promised myself then I would only do them every 5 years and I don't even know if what i took was even LSD at this point. Recently ive been focusing on spirituality and in trying to find anwsers, I find myself looking into buddhist philosphy,in a constant state of exestential dread and turning to drugs for anwsers. Also the people I ended up doing the low dose with were playing shitty rap music and complaing about how there were no halucinations and overall said stupid shit because they also decided to get high on marijuana which made it so I couldn't think clearly ontop of this they advocated for recklessness and promoted a state of mind in which one would just do and not think similar to an animal and any sort of thinking was looked down upon and addressed as pseud. I was also the only one truly on LSD as one guy decided to get high so it overpowered it and the other was on a fucking cocktail of who knows what. I see why the steve jobs gave the name, "think different" to his company but I mostly came out of the experience with conclusions being made but even more questions constantly on my mind. This looking for anwsers shit has really fucked me up already I havent gone to the gym for 2 weeks after consistently going for a year and everything seems so trivial now as in my main goal is finding some kind of anwser. Im switching my major to philosphy and coming back from an out of state school to become a neet and just study I guess. Everytime I get on the "comedown" of a pychedelic I feel the urge to stop smoking weed and masturbating in general, but after a while I just come back and give into the urges. At this point I dont even want to do an official LSD trip with actual halucinations or If presented with the opportunity it will be in a better enviornment. Since I couldnt find anwsers on a small dose of lsd and exestential dread didnt exist at the time when I did shrooms Im now considering just buying DMT of the darknet with my bitcoin and well see what comes out of that. It seems like I either keep trying drugs and studying philosphy until I find what I dont even know im looking for. Maybe there is no anwser or the solution is to just stop trying all together but I feel like im having a mid life crisis and im only 18.

Thanks for reading the blog

>> No.12130308

The night is cold and the darkness glows in black

I walk down the road with the only warmth around is the light of my cigarette

After stumbling in the darkness I heard a voice; sounds robotic, like one of those smokers with a hole in their throat.

I turn around and see a young girl, couldn’t be more than 25. She had big blue emotionless eyes and short blonde hair. Her skin was white as snow. Her clothes were beat up. looks like she’s been sleeping on the streets.

I stand there motionless, shocked from the look of her eye. It was making eye contact with the guy giving you a job interview.

Before I knew it I was on the ground. Even though my body was cold I felt a warm spot near my stomach. It feels nice.

I look down and see blood pouring out of my body like someone pouring milk to a bowl of cereal.

The black night slowly turned red.

>literally the only thing in my mind is how I can make a story about a guy being stabbed by a hobo sound interesting

>> No.12130332

beckett let his stabber walk and forgave him. the guy was going through some shit. move on.

>> No.12130335

Lost my cellphone on the way back home and some kind old man with a german pincher picked it up for me. Lucky me.
Writing this on my cellphone

>> No.12130336

You're framing this in a reactionary manner. Consumption isn't a problem, poverty is largly responsible for creating the majority of those issues. No one, except maybe a few psychopaths, is really demanding the destruction of the environment... it's just a consequences of how investment and employment functions under historic capitalism and "actually existing socialism". It's not like there aren't millions of engineering solutions to all those energy or waste management problems it's just no one can "afford it".

The problem is free markets don't utilize labour to maximize productivity [1] to grow quicker out of these problems and the forms of central planning tried were really just administrative hierarchies for mobilising resources which lacked feedback mechanisms and had no real techniques for data processing and complexity so they promoted heavy industry at the expense of actual consumerism. [2]

[1] http://econospeak.blogspot.com/2017/05/immiseration-revisited-four-phases-of.html
[2] Socialist Planning - Michael Ellman

>> No.12130351
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I want to start boxing but I was born with hemophilia

>> No.12130379
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Everything feels so surreal today.
I'm so lonely I need to assert my very existence.

>> No.12130385

From yesterday:

Feels great to finally learn more about math. A great beauty, not just how the pieces fit together and cease being hieroglyphs, but the beauty of rigidness, of unambiguity.

>> No.12130389

I've been getting so sick of all the little things recently. The common hypocrisy in my fringe social groups, the ferocious word policing followed by an immediate retraction or outright dismissal the moment more than one person lashes out against the cage, instead of anyone even bothering to actually hear what people are saying. The constant back and forth of politics, nothing seems to happen except the sides only grow more furious with each other, yet they're the same and only the poor feel the negatives and occasional positive.
The only seeable constant being that the younger someone is the stupider they seem to be, the downright lack of self-awareness. A small comment, a drive-by ignorance and I'm set off like a firecracker.

Maybe I should just stop using the internet. When I think about that, I start worrying, because all the young don't seem to ever leave the damn thing and I wonder if their temperamants and mental state grow worse or have been worse than mine is. I'm not even that old god damnit! What the hell went wrong? I know it's me, I keep exposing myself to it all and I can't ever seem to stop, whenever I successfully pull away it all seems to conspire to pull me in again. I'm sorry.

>> No.12130393

what math are you learning anon?

>> No.12130404


I need to finish another degree first (dragged on because I rather worked the past few years), but then I want to study math. I am already taking a class in linear algebra to see how it feels and what I'm in for. I know that LA is elementary stuff, but scratching the surface, it feels that there is so much more to discover.

>> No.12130464

Those few good hours are when Amerisharts are asleep.
I really need to finish a presentation by tomorrow or else my group will be mad, but I haven't got the motivation. I blame /lit/ for killing my attention span.

>> No.12130470

>tfw in north america for the next few months and don't have the good posting hours anymore

>> No.12130471

can't stop jerking off to my ex. wat do.

>> No.12130476

Take your meds, my G

>> No.12130477


>> No.12130501

>I'm interested in having a family. I’m not interested in all the abstract work i have to do to achieve that
Ladies and gentlement the average parent-to-be. Toon in next time to see if they do it anyways, I swear we aren't that predictable!

>> No.12130505

Protip; find solace in a philosophy that is rooted within your own nation/region's mindset.
A lot of your subconscious thinking results from what cultural/philosophical aspects you were exposed to in your first few years of life.
despite buddhism being a very spiritual kind of deal that the western philosophers never really figured out, stick to your own local philosophies, even if you have yet to discover what that quite means in abstract terms.
Trying to mess with philosophies from half a world away will contradict your subconscious and will mess up your mentality in the long term.

Protip for LSD: start with ±100 micrograms, in a natural environment you are familiar with. Best do it with a bro you've known for a long time and share many opinions with, that'll make for a whole other trip than what you experienced.
Psycho-active substances never give the exact same trip twice, all depends on mood, mindset and environment.

>> No.12130506

this is the most garbage photo i've seen in years

>> No.12130528

Idk what you mean. If I ever became a parent I would do anything and everything for my children. By “work” I mean everything between now and the birth of the children.

>> No.12130529

Low doses of psychedelics don't cause hallucinations. Microdosing can be used to help with anything from depression to creative blocks. Microdosing on psilocybin will make you feel like a kid again, curious and in love with everything. On small doses of LSD it will just clarify everything in a harmonious light.

The best use of these substances is to clear away the attachments and mental deathgrips we often gather over the course of a life, all the bitter half-truths that we tell ourselves to justify why we are such limited individuals.

>> No.12130546

I enjoy math too. I used to hate it in grade school because it was taught wrong. You're supposed to shut up and calculate. The deep penetrating understanding of maths, the pattern recognition and general analysis of form, is conspicuously absent. Nobody under the age of 20 knows why they are studying math or what it's about. I never had an inspired math teacher who could articulate the profound mystery and power of math I had to figure it out myself but by that time it was too late for me to get really good at it.

I used to hate calculating. The funny thing is real mathematicians hardly ever calculate. They run it through a calculator. It's more about the structures and patterns.

>> No.12130547 [DELETED] 

is there anything more insufferable than psuedoscience "microdose" druggies
it's called the placebo effect you insufferable cunts

>> No.12130557

You're an idiot. It's just like drinking a few beers and getting a buzz rather than downing a whole twelve pack and getting sloshed. Same concept.

>> No.12130559

Heretofore I suggest substituting "degenerate" for "reprobate." It's more literary.

>> No.12130561

Why is literariness to be strived for?

>> No.12130563


>> No.12130568

microdose by definition means sub-clinical aka placebo

>> No.12130569

Because we're on a literature board. It's more colorful that way. Using the same old words for things makes your brain dim. New words bring old things to new life. Now stop being a debauchee and agree with me!

>> No.12130572

Well I'm not being clinical or technical. I just mean taking a small amount so that you just feel all melty and good rather than hallucinate all over the place.

>> No.12130576

t. brainlet who doesn't understand medicine

you won't find legit publications regarding it on pubmed because it's bullshit

>> No.12130577

An author striving to avoid clichees is as restricted by them as one blindly following them

>> No.12130580

this is me everyday

>> No.12130583

Thing is degenerate sounds better

>> No.12130591 [DELETED] 

fuck niggers

>> No.12130593
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If the placebo works then who cares? Is your experience of reality not ultimately subjective, after all?

>> No.12130596

>This looking for anwsers shit has really fucked me up already I havent gone to the gym for 2 weeks after consistently going for a year and everything seems so trivial now as in my main goal is finding some kind of anwser
This is uncannily relatable, your entire post. Like I was in this exact spot about a year ago. The best I can think to tell you is to examine that search for meaning - that need to finalize and totalize your experience in a way that makes you feel as though you've progressed. Its really fucking weird but those notions of 'there is no answer' are right in a SENSE, as is the opposite 'there are infinitely many answers'. Not trying to come off as a crazy person btw since its just kind of slippery when you talk about psychs in general - a lot of the discourse already surrounding them is massively toxic imo and misses the point (a lot of stuff about unironically speaking to 'god' or separate entities in very much the naive sense of these words) so its hard to work around people's preconceived notions. Worst case scenario nowdays we get people going into psych experiences expecting "LOL NYANCATZ RAINBOWS SCIENCE RULEZ WOAH GRAVITY 4TH DIMENSIONAL" and just break under the intensity once they realize what they're dealing with.

>> No.12130599
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>Trying to mess with philosophies from half a world away will contradict your subconscious and will mess up your mentality in the long term.

Not if your subconscious (perception of tribe/society/environment) re-purposes all within its whole. The spirit of perennialism allows individuals to meld our empathy into higher states of knowledge about each other as well as ourselves. The occult teaches a way to program your subconscious just so you can incorporate those new teachings, but it begins in seeing and being. The better practice is one of an open society that shares in meanings and learns to incorporate these traditions into each others lives.

>> No.12130603

It's a good photo, it conveys a mood of confusion and disassociation. The contrast of the dog, something most people associate with comfort or even the safety and surety of their childhood home, with this unpleasant sensation is very effective. It reminds me a little of Sartre's Nausea.

>> No.12130605

kill yourself painfully in front of your family and never, ever take a photo

>> No.12130606 [DELETED] 

this is your mind on college education

>> No.12130615

No. There has never been an individual subject.

>> No.12130616

my life sucks

>> No.12130618

sorry for liking something you don't like m8

I never went to college

>> No.12130623

he's right you know

no, this is: >>12130606

>> No.12130682


I know that all too well. Starting with definitions and deducting the rest from it, and so on ...

I'm also quite old to start new studies but I'll do it anyway, even if it's just to prove myself.

>> No.12130696


Look out for a new gf. Sounds harsh but there are tons of girls out there just as good or better than your ex. It's the truth. We are all, with a few exceptions, rather mediocre, but lovable beings. But this means freedom to find new love all the time.

>> No.12130717 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 360x360, pepe_wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever you feel a sexual impulse towards your ex just imagine her decomposing corpse getting fucked by a gang of wrinkly old men

you will develop a distaste for her and possibly sex in general

>> No.12130820

>be me
>last night
>party at my oneitis's house
>we've been friends for 3 years
>she's had a long term relationship for the past 6 years
>party is boring as fuck, but I stay last
>we are falling asleep on the couch
>I take her to her room
>she says something among the lines of "you won't sleep here lol"
>she shows me her sister's room where I can sleep for the night
>out of fucking nowhere she throws herself at me
>she is hugging me with her whole body adjacent to mine
>I can hold her fragile narrow shoulders with a single hand
>she is letting me caress her hair and neck. I'm getting a boner as I feel her breasts in my chest
>our breathing syncronizes
>we stay like this for what it feels like an eternity
>I can't bring myself to take advantage of a drunk and horny girl. I love her
>I leave her in her room and say "good night". She replies back
Will there ever be another chance like this in my life?

>> No.12130831 [DELETED] 

>I can't bring myself to take advantage of a drunk and horny girl.
Because you're a decent person. Good job, anon.

>> No.12130839

Read the end of Sartre's Náusea

>> No.12130860


>she says something among the lines of "you won't sleep here lol"

stopped reading there. Why didn't you put her in her place? Saying you don't need and just go to sleep?

Women crave strong willed men. She just took advantage of you, nothing else. Don't let her do as she pleases.

>> No.12130930

Ever wonder about being in a constant state of revenge?

>> No.12130977


>> No.12130991

definitely a great motivator, the life changes I made to childishly spite my ex literally cured my depression

>> No.12131054

Why do you post pictures of my dog?

>> No.12131062

come, Lord Jesus, my guest to be
And bless these gifts
Bestowed by Thee
And bless my loved ones everywhere
And keep them in Thy loving Care

>> No.12131068

Tales Of A Doormat: A Florilegium

>> No.12131069

Κύριε έλέησον

>> No.12131082

Grow up and read some Sowell.

>> No.12131089

I want to rise above sex desires, but i fucking love female asses.

>> No.12131090

I just heard my buddy say that Dante Alighieri was just an edgy NEET who wrote a shitty fanfic , while Clannad instead is an amazing masterpiece. I'm not sure what I should think about this.

>> No.12131093

The same guy also said that philosophy is just useless mental masturbation and that only practical things matter.

>> No.12131101

It tells that he has yet to read something by sca-ji

Just yeet on him by asking why practical things matter, and proceed to ask why until he gets triggered from not finding a final answer that isn't religious

>> No.12131111

Philosophy is mental masturbation, but at least it exercises the mind.

>> No.12131198 [DELETED] 

>I'm not sure what I should think about this.
your friend is a retard. cut all ties with him

>> No.12131628
File: 70 KB, 1200x630, poet-rupi-kaur-interview-promo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got drunk at 2 pm and wrote this on my discord server on my phone. Part 1 os pretty weak because I didnt know where I was going.
I want to meet her at a library and talk to her about books she hasnt read. Ask her out for coffee and at the end of the date realize she doesnt want to go, then say we could walk around town a bit if she would like. From there I would take her out to the square or park, find a bench, and sit with our legs right next to each other as I prodded her with questions about herself, until I realize she shivers. Then I would if her hands were cold, she would say yes, and I would say "Well let me do something about that" as I wrap my fingers around hers. She blushes and rests her head on my shoulder, eyes closed.

>> No.12131647
File: 100 KB, 667x1000, rupi-kaur-Credit-Nabil-Shash-667x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sun has set now. Our sole source of illumination are the distant lights of the few open stores in the cool night the small town in the Midwest that I forgot to mention is where this takes place. After she props her head back up, I decide to change the flow of conversation. Literature to cinema. The questions continue, but this time in a more intimate tone, as we rest with our bodies against each other, warm with the anxiety and euphoria of love to be. She seems to be a novice on the topic, but is eager to impress me, inconfidently uttering the names of the few directors she has committed to memory. I reassure her, maintaining a subtle authority in the flow of our discussion. I mention a Spanish film, an avante garde piece that in all honesty I had never seen, but decided it would be a decent hook to set to escalate the evening in the manner we obviouly both preferred. She noticed the obvious line, and asked if I lived nearby. I had mentioned I had a studio in the area, she knew this, and sensing her somewhat obvious intentions I poitively confirmed her inquiry. I added that I had a computer, and if she wanted to get warm and did not mind enduring a later night, we could watch the film together there. She said it would be wonderful. We silently walk to my apartment, hand in hand.

>> No.12131657

you're a rupi groupie

>> No.12131660
File: 213 KB, 1080x1349, 1_VgjMPO83Ax0N2qGpH8Xziw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As we arrive to my lodgings, she showers it with compliments, despite its obvious simplicity. Shyly, she asks if she can use the bathroom. I say of course and lead her to the corner in a cinder block cell holding a small toilet and shower, without door or fan. She is surpised, but having no other options I sense the urgency and assure her I will be on the other side of the wall, allowing her as much privacy as possible in my sanctuary. I do as I say, and she fulfills her bodily needs. The sound resonates through the room, I can hear the stream stutter, if I may, as it begins, hinting to the obvious embarassment any woman would feel in this situation. Soon, as expected, the full shower comes to pass. The fluid sounded healthy, and I my primal mind wished to be there to lap at the newly created pool of my new love's ether. The stream stops, I hear the muffled rip of toilet tissue, and soon the admired exits to the sink within my view and throughly cleans her soft palms. She turns to me, blushing, and I kiss her cheek. At this time I realize the urgent state of my own bladder, and realizing the opportunity I seize the moment, informing her of my impending release. I go to the toilet, and involuntarily pause as I catch the slight scent of my lotus flower's lingering urinary discharge. Excitement ensues, adding unforeseen difficulty to the task.

>> No.12131668

I actually hate her poetry, but she ticks every box for my bepis

As I bend my rigid member downwards, to properly aim towards the goal, so to speak, of my soon to come blast, I understand I also must bend my torso and hips as to avoid creating a pungent mess. I instinctively put my callused hand against the cool concrete wall behind the loo, leaning my whole skeleton forwards, and unleash my mighty nile. Anxiety gone, I push harder with my pelvic floor, creating a sound much louder than her previous trickle, primitively marking my territory with the utmost confidence. As I finish and flush my mighty lake, a chuckle rises to my throat. I rinse my hands and turn to meet her meek gaze with a smile. Without saying a word I go to my dormant computer and find a suitable streaming website hosting the film that we intend to never view. Pressing play I hear her mutter my name for the first time. I turn my body towards her, as she shyly asks if it would be okay to sit on my bed, which was adjacent to the screen, and use the blankets upon it. "Of course", a simple and obvious repsonse, is all that comes to mind as a surge a pure enchantmant courses through my hardened vein. She assumes her new seated position, back against the wall and rump slightly sunken into my resitant mattress, as I pull a blanket on top of us and grasp her hand once again.

>> No.12131674
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Shit I forgot my rupi pic

>> No.12131681
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A twitch travels through her leg as she closes her grip around 3 of my sickly fingers. She buries her soft face into my neck and unsuccessfully tries to wrap her other arm around my torso. I pull her arm tight and kiss her scalp. The movie has since begun and we have not so much as glanced at the small lcd screen 6 feet away from us. Another twitch. She looks up. For the first time we meet each other's eyes at point blank range, and are lost. Oh, my vedic goddess, in that very moment my you knew, I am convinced you knew and did so intentionally, for all thought leaves me now as I commit these fantastic memories to prose, as you take my heart so wholy into your very soul. She parts her lips and I arch my neck. Immediately, both our lips and the tips of our dehydrated tongues touch, leaving all modest disguises to swiftly in the past. I can smell her sweet breath through her nostrils as she plunges that delicious muscle deeper into my throat. We explore eachother's minds as our skulls connect for the first time. After possibly 3 minutes, but, to avoid cliché, felt timeless, we separate our maws until all that connects us is the line of insistent dribble between our bottom lips. Smiles concur us, yet we know the journey has only begun, and I pull her close. As I look at my newly conquered beauty, my instinctive lizard brain knows exactly how to undo her, and brings the only words necessary for the expedition to my moist yet chapped lips. "Rudi", I say as we both smile at the realization that this was also my first vocalization of her sacred calling. I motion to continue, and she looks into my very soul through my burnt stormish retinas. "Show bob and vagene"

>> No.12131691

im really fuked and i cant be bothered correcting my spelling, it feels nice to be part of a community of like minded people. listening to music feels good. also i need a woman

>> No.12131731

Get out of there and move on, oneitis are a meme

>> No.12131735

On the surface I am a normal and formidable individual, but on the inside I have little to no passion or drive, nothing very consistent at least. The future and general prevalence of this little internal conflict is a lot to think about for me

>> No.12131764

I remember a decade ago I could buy a half ounce of weed and it'd weigh 14 grams and there'd be no stems in it
Now, I buy a half ounce of weed and it weighs 14 grams but a good gram or two of that is going to be stem. And this is from everywhere, even dispensaries. Especially dispensaries, actually, because their tenders are lazy cheapos who harvest from the base of the petiole most of the time and don't bother trimming anything but leaf. Lame

>> No.12131859

I'm stuck between doing what I think is right and having friends who do not share my convictions. Nobody told me that when I converted I'd be so alone.

>> No.12131876

you need better friends or a better ideology

>> No.12131885
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Extremely spooky dream where I was a ghost in the other room and it was nighttime but unnaturally dark and there was someone else with me but not really and I was pointing a dim light at my face knowing that if someone would see me they would die of fright and I was making this vaguely adducting motion with my hands which I could barely see in front of my face that scared me because I thought it might manifest something and then I closed my eyes and there was an image of two hooks roughly forming an 8 in absolute darkness.

>> No.12131889 [DELETED] 

Fuck, that sounds really spooky. Ghosts are incredibly scary.

>> No.12131904

Nah they're alright.

>> No.12131965

I once dreamt about being pressured into going on stage in a theater and fucking a classmate in front of all my other classmates
They were no specific people though, all I knew was that they were "classmates"

Another time I unironically dreamt about my dad encouraging to fuck my mother, there even was very brief penetration

These are like those calls of the void right? Like, stuff that's not too rare to have, people just don't talk about them

>> No.12131966

*encouraging me to fuck my mother

>> No.12131983 [DELETED] 

>These are like those calls of the void right? Like, stuff that's not too rare to have, people just don't talk about them
lolno, but it's okay anon, everyone is a degenerate here

>> No.12132001

Listen, I bet there are people out there psyching themselves out over fantasizing about driving into oncoming traffic, I'm not about to make the same mistake
No but seriously, can I get more input on this

>> No.12132025

when the world ends will I feel this?

>> No.12132049

You're not missing anything anon. You're just doing the opposite of fearing the dark in an empty room: Praising a glaring light. What you don't see is that it's the sun reflecting off a trash can. I know this doesn't lighten the weight, but maybe it will reduce the disappointment for when your time comes.

>> No.12132059

>You're not missing anything
Yes I am. I am an affectionate person. I want people to keep me warm.

>> No.12132076

What else other than leaving the gold standard was different from 73 on?

>> No.12132092

The system is soul crushing. Your nothing but a meaningless cog in it and always will be, even the most successful are and that's why they are often no happier than the rest of us. You basically have no real control over your own life, even if you put in the work needed to reach your maximum, it's all in a constrained framework. Go live in some small town in the arctic or something and live all pre-industrial like. You'll probably find it more fulfilling.

>> No.12132096

Damn. Talk about cursed.

There are people out there both smarter and wiser than you who believe in god. Just read up on religion, find out the aspect you can agree with and zero in on that.

>> No.12132106

I tried that, but people at the crematorium kept getting creeped out when I asked for the extra ashes. No one in this town will accept my faith.

>> No.12132429

Wow dude, nice ruposting, i love it. 10/10

>> No.12132538
File: 93 KB, 1366x800, rupikaur_mainbanner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why thank you sir, I do try my best to rupost with the utmost sincerity.

>> No.12132611

Got a sharp pain when I breathe in too hard, pretty sure it's pleurisy. Thing is, 99% of the time it doesn't hurt too bad, it's ignorable to the point of me forgetting about it, but if I cough or something it hurts really fucking badly.
Anyway that leads into this next thing which is that I blew my nose while on a train and let out a vaguely sexual-sounding loud moan of pain in a carriage full of people.

>> No.12132618

taranranran taranraranranra

>> No.12132630

I had that sharp pain after deep breathing when I was younger, it went away eventually. You'll make it anon

>> No.12132704

I feel nauseated and contagioius. I'm a fraud and fucking retarded

>> No.12132733 [DELETED] 

you aight wite boy

>> No.12132765

>I blew my nose while on a train and let out a vaguely sexual-sounding loud moan of pain in a carriage full of people.
That's hilarious.

>> No.12132826

"I assure you monsieur that despite my somewhat grizzled demeanor I've the heart of a little child. A wit is worth more than any gem. Let us rally against the forces conspiring against us and drive back the fiends that stalk our dreams. For with a noble and brave heart anything is achievable. Let us ride until daybreak and the ocean comes into view."

If I had an imaginary friend as an adult this is what he would say to me.

>> No.12132833

...And hot. I feel like sneezing is someones fetish.

>> No.12132865

>Tfw sneezed just before entering the thread
NSA pls go

>> No.12132875
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>> No.12132908

I hate life and I feel like women know feminism is bullshit and just want to consolidate their power over men.

>> No.12132915

I'm entirely alone. No-one will read this. No-one can read this. If a lion could speak, we would not understand him, people too. Witty knew. Not that I know what he knows. Not exactly, anyway. I feel the need to reach out. I talk. I don't know...why.

>> No.12133248
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Its ok lad, just join the new movement. Ruposting has been proven to provide immediate relief from depression.





Stellar rupost lad, absolutely magnificent.

>> No.12133300

"That fucking bird is staring at me"

>> No.12133593

You are doing God's work anon

>> No.12133623

I want to die

>> No.12133634
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Shut up Timmy

>> No.12134264

I don't know which college course I should take... they both have definite advantages. Creative writing or english and Media studies?

>> No.12134269
File: 682 KB, 1680x1050, autumn_rain_paint_wallpaper-wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies if this isn't the correct place. I didn't want to create a new thread just for this. Can someone read this snippet of a short story I'm writing and tell me if it's at least alright? I started it only a day ago. It's inspired by Hunger and a few other stories of that ilk. Thank you.

Two pleading hands of fire fell from the sky, floated lifelessly to the pavement to be trampled by a passing boot. A gust fanned the flames, a crowd ahead wrapped in the conflagration. The bodies seemed to flicker in and out of existence as the sweep of leaves picked up then died down again. Suddenly his voice broke in like a wave, timed exactly to that point when the winds lost all power.

One ought to care about these things, he implored—care because it’s the right thing to do. Life was in the signing of one’s name, the folding of an envelope, the race to absorb the fleeting facts of the every day. Strolling coolly along the path, one hand in his pocket, he indicated a newsstand with his cigarette. Why couldn’t his dear friend take an interest? It was after all the natural way of things. We passed through the gate and entered the park.

“Suppose you’re on a train; that’s life going, going on. Kids are glued to the windows because they like the speed, find something funny in the way the trees whizz past and the mountains stay the same. Everything is new, there’s excitement and thrill. Dad’s reading that day’s paper or finishing important work while mum casts her sentinel gaze over her chicks or gloats with other mums. Seniors find rapture in crosswords because, damn it, the mind needs it. Their stop’s first, life’s over. Where are you?”

The ash of the cigarette he’d pinged away lay heaped like a mountain crumbled. I delivered it to the bin mere feet away and caught up. “I don’t know, where am I?”

“One of the kids grazes you and you’re none the wiser: you’re asleep in the middle row.’

>> No.12134290
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she just wants to be friends (well, she worded it like 'i really like being friends with you though', which is kinda better) because since starting uni she's focussed on learning how to cope alone, because she had a bad exploitative experience with a boyfriend she was once emotionally dependent on.

i thought a lot about her use of the word 'alone' rather than 'single'.

i dont want to just be friends, because since coming to uni ive put so so much effort into learning how to not be alone, how to cope with outputting feelings to and being reliant on others, how to ask for help, how to approach someone socially with no pretense but wanting company, etc.

so, i feel like we have inverted personality development arcs, and that that's really interesting. i want to help her learn to deal with loneliness, because that's something im adept at.

i desperately want to talk with her about this but feel like it's too deep and maybe anti-social to bring up, especially after getting rejected. idk. we have a huge number of mutual friends so it's really not possible to avoid talking to her again anyway.

lie under a simple sun
cast an arc of absent fun
wreaths and rotas come undone
give your sunburnt love to none

my nose is blocked
my mouth is snide
i dont know if
we are alive

i feel your face
i feel its pride
i know you care
deeply inside

laminated by this glare
light smears round my sight to where
eyes glint green and lies are air
in your simple sun i'll stare

>> No.12134486

You can't even understand yourself. All you can do is evaluat your actions, but honestly? That's enough. Stop for a moment and think about your endgame. Your longterm goals don't need anything more.

>> No.12134571
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Whenever I like to imagine myself in a loving relation, my ideal counterpart is played by the quintessential broken emo girl, a woman that has known the same arduous path of loneliness and solitude as me. One who, parallel to me, learns to love herself and appreciate life, coming from a place where self-loathing was the main coping mechanism that got her through the day. Learning to see herself through my loving eyes, she learns her own worth, and cements me as an essential building block in the world she builds around herself.

However, it appears in real life, this girl doesn't appeal to me. However much I'd like to force myself to search for her and love her, she eludes me, not physically, but emotionally. The girl that appeals to me, is the one that pleases my eternal laziness. The one that represents the finished work. I've met her many times, and every time she manages to enthrall me within days.

She doesn't hate herself. She doesn't hate anyone. She thinks suicide is an abject horror and can't begin to understand how it comes about. She laughs in the face of inconvenience, and genuinely appreciates trivial niceties like the sun warming her face, or a cup of tea of a rainy day. She doesn't need me, or anyone, to fix her. And yet, I need her. Because in reality, I can't fix anyone. I require fixing, and broken tools can't repair broken tools.

The worst part is that she doesn't see me as broken. I am yet another ray of light in her forest, one to be complimented, appreciated and be warmed by. She welcomes my presence, and involves me in her life and tidings as her kind heart does anyone, as I long for her warm hands on my face, and her eyes looking calmly in mine.

As I struggle with meaning and purpose, I require something to take my mind of myself, but all she does is hold up a mirror, her eyes not looking into mine, but providing a reflecting surface, one showing my heap of broken thoughts and neediness.

I will eventually decide that enough is enough and end it, but I cannot right now, a sliver of hope is left in my heart and I cannot shave it off just yet.

>> No.12134579

Just walk through the forest together anon, surely you already knew this was the answer

>> No.12134601

>talk with friends plenty online but because most of them live in different places we almost never hang out (even those in the same city as me)
>decide I need a gf so I don't just waste my time all day
>ask girl out, get rejected
now what the fuck am I meant to do

>> No.12134607

>actually making up your mind and asking a girl out
fuck if i know dude, youre several levels above me at that point

>> No.12134648

Yesterday on a party a super drunk hot chick came up to me and whispered that I could have any girl. It was nice since I'm a kissless virgin.
I had to share it somewhere sorry

>> No.12134653 [DELETED] 

>All these americans going to parties and having drunk thots offer their vaginas on a silver platter while you had to work extremely hard to get laid
how do you manage to stay virgin in america when it's full of sluts

>> No.12134667
File: 307 KB, 1080x1920, 1529529294998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but I'm from europe anon

>> No.12134669

forgot a (you)

>> No.12134694

while it's hard to tell, if you know you'll get turned out down it's better not to ask, take it from me my friend

>> No.12134700

goddamn goddamn lil xannie the man

>> No.12134720

Theres this girl that keeps asking to hang with her go exercise with her and asked me to go to the movies with her. From an outside perspective it is obvious that she feels something for me. I used to be capricious when it comes to things like this but now, I'm scared to ask and find myself rejected. Is this what hurt is?

>> No.12134772

I spend my week waiting for a weekend far worse than the week I spent working.

>> No.12134777

The void in my being from a recent breakup is swallowing me whole. Give me something heavy but fun to read.

>> No.12134789

Notes from Underground

>> No.12134866

You ask another girl

And another

Truth be told, you actually need friends/groups of friends to meet girls and gf them

>> No.12134887 [DELETED] 

Where the fuck do you meet girls if you have no friends?

>> No.12134907


>> No.12134922

The problem I have with old lit is that its hard to get immersed and get the "full idea" behind the content since the context, culture and ideologies back then are wildly different, and it should affect works like this which are more hinged on current events back then. Rarely are the good ones which transcend generations (at least for my tastes)

Regardless im giving it a shot as this site has given me really good recs in the past.

>> No.12134924

This is why I keep a hidden blog with all my reading lists on it in one place, and keep a tab open with the editor ready to go when I find books. I can access it anywhere, unsearchable by google, so I no longer have the txt and doc file problem that I also had.

>> No.12134955

I really can't get over this heartbreak. Everyone said things would get better after a month or two. Sometimes I feel alright, but lately I've felt lower than ever. I've been desperately waiting for a text that says she misses me. I don't think it's coming. We were madly in love for two years and she dumped me out of the blue because "she met another guy and wanted to see where things went." None of this makes sense. I want to die.

>> No.12135078

I wouldn't know. College? I met mine through a mutual friend tbqh

Didn't you read my post?

>> No.12135087 [DELETED] 

I don't know how to make friends.

>> No.12135098

i want to be remembered in the world of art and leave a legacy and i am going to work my hardest to do so. as much as going and living life can influence art i've been a shut in for about three months and i can't help but feel all the reading i've done will also have a positive impact on my work and give a different perspective

>> No.12135141

SLC here. Let me hang out in PC and smell brappers with you.

>> No.12135163

How old are you? Are you medically autistic? Sorry I won't have any other advice than "it's easy bro just b natural". I'm not even good at that but it's really not something anyone should overthink

Also if you're a 4channer cliche you should swallow your pride, stop despising normies and try to blend in

>> No.12135170 [DELETED] 

I'm a 4channeler.
No but I'm clinically depressed and am schizoid.

>> No.12135180


>> No.12135184 [DELETED] 

cut off yer hand

>> No.12135186

stop watching porn

>> No.12135187

This is the dumbest opinion I've ever heard. Is this your excuse for not reading difficult books? Because "all the people that expanded their horizons by reading historical classics did it wrong lol"?

>> No.12135202 [DELETED] 

Do you see a psychiatrist?

How many times do you masturbate every day for it to be a problem in your life?

>> No.12135212

Now can you point me to where I said that? I never implied whatever it is you are saying.

If I wasnt clear enough, im saying that aged books which transcend generations are rare for me. Mostly because I feel like there is a gap between the times then and now which I will never truly "get" due to several factors.

Maybe the book will still be good or decent, but you will never fully appreciate it as compared to someone living at the same time or has a more personal connection to the subject matter. I know this is true for all books, but its even more glaring for old ones which has current events then as motivation for the writing (which I think Notes from UG suffers from)

>> No.12135216

Can you meet cute mentally disturbed grills in a psychiatric institution?

I don't know how things are going in your head but generally these things are easier when you're not self conscious. Sorry to hear about your schizophrenia

>> No.12135217 [DELETED] 

>cute mentally disturbed grills
oh no no no nonono
never, ever stick your dick in crazy

>> No.12135225

>How many times do you masturbate every day for it to be a problem in your life?
I'm trying not to at all. After a week or two, I get a nice physical boost and after awhile longer my brain fog completely clears. But some whore from my old job has been sending pics of her ass even though she knows I'm trying to live celibate and the last 2 days have been hell.

>> No.12135230 [DELETED] 

I never sought any professional help (apart from being examined) and don't take any medication.
Also schizoid is a whole different thing from schizophrenia.

>> No.12135231 [DELETED] 

>I'm trying not to at all.
Why? Do you realize that masturbating every now and then is healthy (actually prevents prostate cancer and other issues) and perfectly normal?

Even better, see that thot and give her a pounding

>> No.12135238 [DELETED] 

You should see someone. Medicines don't always work but as long as you have a chance you better take it, they can really turn your life around.

>> No.12135240

If I indulge, the pain will only get worse. Like overeating, the glutton is never satisfied

>> No.12135246

>(actually prevents prostate cancer and other issues)
I hope the renounce the flesh poster isn't around, he takes special offense to this.

>> No.12135268 [DELETED] 

I went to a behavioural therapist or whatever before I got diagnosed for a plethora of other problems that have been rendering me unoperational.
Massive money sink. He told me verbatim not to think about what's bothering me and pretend they don't exist.
I find it weak to go to some person and tell him about your innermost fears, desires and whatnot.
No professional can relate or understand ones problems in the slightest, it's on me. I either pull through or kill myself.

>> No.12135285

Well you should. Making friends is the least of your worries. Were you actually diagnosed with these disorders?

What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.12135301 [DELETED] 


>> No.12135307 [DELETED] 

And nobody gave you medicines? That's retarded.
Go to another therapist.

>> No.12135312 [DELETED] 

I don't want any.

>> No.12135343 [DELETED] 

>problems that have been rendering me unoperational.
>I find it weak
>No professional can relate or understand
I'm not going to insist any further but your refusal to get help / mistrust of professional figures is typical and it's only going to make your situation worse since you clearly can't handle it alone

>> No.12135367 [DELETED] 
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A toast to that.

>> No.12135388

I can't be arsed explaining your own thoughts to you man
Stop pretending that a book being of a different generation might lower the worth of reading it. if you genuinely can't make the connection between what you said and the conclusion that follows from it which I posted, just consider this and move on: The mere act of learning of a different generation is more educational than the gain from learning from something you can more easily immerse yourself in.

>> No.12135497

The bald faceless man whipped out his cock. Sakura gasped at the size of his throbbing member. His 12 inch cock was three times as big as her boyfriend’s dick.

“What do you think, Sakura-chan? Impressive isn’t it?” The bald faceless man said with a sleazy grin on his face.

Sakura wrapper her delicate hands around his cock and began stroking it. The musky odor emanating from it was truly intoxicating.

Suddenly the bald faceless man pushed her down and pinned her to the floor. He stripped her of her panties which was soaking wet.

“I’ll make you forget all about your boyfriend, Sakura-chan.”

He jammed his cock inside her tight Japanese school got pussy taking her virginity in one swift thrust.

“Oh? We’re you saving your virginity for your boyfriend perhaps? Lucky for me I beat him to the punch, eh Sakura-chan?

Sakura began to sob gently. Her previous virginity was taken by the bald faceless man instead of her boyfriend.

The bald faceless man began thrusting his cock in and out of her pussy without mercy. Suddenly she began to moan. Why? Why did it feel so good? Being violated by this bald faceless man should be a horrifying experience. But his huge dick and his violent thrusting, it was driving her crazy with pleasure. Her legs wrapped around his waist pulling him deeper with each thrust.

“Tight high school girl pussy was made to serve bald faceless men, don’t you think so Sakura-chan?”

“I’m sorry Boyfriend-kun, but sex with this bald faceless man just feels too good! I don’t want him to stop” Sakura whimpered as her pussy squirted like a broken sprinkler”

“Get pregnant, Sakura-chan! Get pregnant with this old man’s seed!” The bald faceless man said as he shot his baby batter deep inside her womb.

The bald faceless man laid on top of Sakura and kissed her, their tongues swirling around passionately.

“What do you say Sakura-chan? Why don’t you leave your boyfriend and be with me instead?”

Sakura smiled. “Yes. I’ll break up with Boyfriend-kun. I can never go back to him after experience sex with a bald faceless man.”

And they all lived happily ever after. Except for Boyfriend-kun.

>> No.12135505

Ok Jhon, park here. I pointed to the parking lot in front of the Irish restaurant.
I had never felt such an intense tingling before doing a "job", it really was very simple, I just had to go in and kill the girl dressed in blue.
I do not know who he was, what his name was, how old he was, he just had to go in and kill her.
I'm really used to doing this kind of thing every day, but I had never been commissioned to kill a girl.
Have I become weak? No, that's not true. I've done "jobs" much worse than this and now I'm not going back for a girl I do not even know, I just have to go in and shoot her three times.
I look at the time on my wristwatch, it's 1:29, it's only a minute away.
-Come on, do not think anymore, just do it, we do not have time. Jhon says as he takes a cigarette out of his pocket.
- You do not need to remind me. I say a little annoying.
I go out in total tranquility to the street, totally sure of what I am going to do.
In one of the inside pockets of my jacket I wear a Colt M1911 with silencer.
I enter the restaurant, I look at it surreptitiously and I do not see anyone, the place is completely alone, it seems that I am the only client here.
- How strange, it seems that they are not here. I say it in a low voice.
I talk to the innkeeper.
Hi, Does this restaurant have two floors?
- No, you only have this first floor, sir, why do you ask?
I respond with the first thing that comes to mind.
-I was looking for a bath ...
- The hallway to the left, sir. The tavern keeper responds while washing some glasses.
I look at the time, 2:05 p.m.
Have they been delayed? No. This is very suspicious, this has never happened to me.
I sit at one of the tables covertly.
I'll wait here ...
The waiter approaches me with the menu.
-I want something to drink? He asks me with a smile.
- No, I do not want anything at the moment, thank you very much. I return the smile.
I hate people who smile for nothing, they seem disgusting to me.
With that a girl in blue dress huh? What nonsense, I wonder who it is, could it be the daughter of one of our enemies? Yes, that could be the only answer.
Poor girl, I'm sure she will not even know why I'll kill her.
Shit! "I exclaim in a low voice.
Again I'm thinking too much ...
I look at the time again. 14:18.
What the fuck? This shit is already abnormal.
I get up a little scared of the table and I go to the car of Jhon.

>> No.12135509

Jhon gets out of the car.
-What the fuck is happening? Did you go to a party or what?
-Jhon let's get out of here, surely this is ...
A small bloody hole appears in Jhon's head, his blood splashes on my face.
The second shot completely blows his head.
Out of nowhere appears a black car that begins to shoot us, I use the dying body of Jhon as a shield. Taking advantage of the fact that they stop us firing, I enter the car and start driving quickly.
In the middle of the street appears a man with an AK47 that starts firing in front of me, manages to hit me on the shoulder.
I run over the murderer passing over him, the sound of his bones breaking under the car is disgusting.
-HAHAHA fuck you motherfucker!.
I crash into a lamppost.

>> No.12135514

not all therapists are hacks anon, i've had 5 different therapists in my life and the only one that's really worked is the last one i found that i've used for the last few years. do some research on ones in your city and find one highly rated that specializes in what you need help with the most, like overcoming trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, whatever, and they can help you. also, meditation sounds like new age bullshit but it's very helpful if you give it a shot. there's a lot of free guided meditations on youtube, you don't have to do more than 10 to 15 minutes a day to start to reap the benefits of mindfulness. there are some good apps out there too, i use Headspace and it has specific program so for certain feelings like anxiety or depression or even helping you become more creative through training your mind to be more open to your ideas.
good luck anon, i hope this helped. i'm sorry for advice you didn't ask for because that can be annoying as fuck but i see a lot of myself in you and ive started to turn things around

>> No.12135540

A close friend of mine is a therapist and he's given me some of the best life advice i've ever had. I grew accustomed to coming to him with my problems until I realized the whole "give a man a fish/teach a man to fish" distinction and did not want to feel dependent on his guidance.

At the end of the day you don't necessarily need a therapist, you need a wise friend who knows you, knows the story, and has the ability to be an impartial observer of your actions and their consequences and point out your blind spots.

Paying for a shrink just expedites this process and formalizes the interaction. And supposedly their training allows them to go deeper than just a confidant.

>> No.12135550

A true love history,

>> No.12135561

Plus therapists can give you meds, which can do a lot of heavy lifting.

>> No.12135564

Nice. You can't cum in a girl's womb though.

>> No.12135579

Not with that attitude.

>> No.12135580

Stop doing this and go masturbate.

>> No.12135588 [DELETED] 
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>as her pussy squirted like a broken sprinkler

>> No.12135626

I'm convinced everybody is at least a little gay. Certainly this board has convinced me of this.

>> No.12135633

I've been so horny today. Whenever I've read, pictures of women undressing have appeared before me. When I've walked outside today the women I've seen have been closely followed by what seems like their naked shadows, their full breasts hanging heavy, and small perky ones, alert with interest, poking out against their shirts. Long and angry legs stride with purpose, exposed in a length which leads to their secret, and round about are absentminded buttocks whose outer shape is revealed by the gossip of their garments: those wide and curved hips my hands could follow and grasp.

>> No.12135638 [DELETED] 

>When I've walked outside today
that's your problem

>> No.12135668
File: 183 KB, 1334x750, bookaday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't read a book in ages. I have two half done books ive been reading for months. Gonna try that 5 page meme thing and see how it works

>> No.12135688


>> No.12136839

A homeless woman asked me if I wanted a blowjob for $10. I should have said yes.

>> No.12136854

How bad looking she was?

>> No.12136868

She looked like the average midwestern Waffle House waitress.

>> No.12136879

oral-genital transmission of herpes is common enough. 10 USD for a chance at getting herpes

>> No.12136883

Just wear a condom bruh

>> No.12136894

Damn it feels good to write whatever while having an early morning shit. Thank god for technology and M00t.

>> No.12136895

condoms don't prevent skin transmission which is the method of herpes infection. also, why even bother with that when you can buy a sex toy for 40 bucks online that you can sterilize.

>> No.12136907

Because a sex toy is not a human, even if the human is a ten dollar disease vector.

>> No.12136924

I won't say I've found HER
It pays off, you know?
To keep looking
Even if this doesn't work out, to think I'd find the kind of person I was looking for just by sticking to the same method of searching, not giving up
Life's good

>> No.12136950

was thinking it would be some landwhale or negress, you should've gone for it desu

>> No.12136954

every passing day makes it harder to refute papa schopenhauer

>> No.12136966
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I went to see a GP on Friday. It was about my mental health. I explained that I didn't want to continue to live. I had also told her about the choice I put to myself in Vancouver: To throw myself off the bridge, or to go home.

She used this to argue that I did in fact want to continue living, as I chose the latter option. She had a point: Part of me certainly wants to be here still.

What I couldn't express at the time, however, was that part of me indeed wishes I had ended it all that night. And this is as much a part of me as the part that chose to live. And in taking her SSRI, I would only put that monster back to sleep. But in hiding it in its dormancy, I will never be able to kill it.

My "mental health issues" are not a result of a chemical imbalance. They are a logical consequence of existing in 2018. For it is no measure of good health to be considered healthy in a profoundly sick society.

I just want to live with dignity and integrity. Without pretension.To achieve that I am willing to sacrifice everything else. A woman, social status, a career, the opportunity to reproduce. Away from vanity, vacuity, superficiality - I will be a man, and not a mere cog in this social machine.

>> No.12136969

Had an okay today. Trying to get back into my hobbies with the enthusiasm I had previously but it's kind of hard even though I want to. You know what I mean? Deciding if I want to go back to college or not. Got to look into monetary stuff. Kind of annoying, but America sucks.

>> No.12137000

Constant masturbation is the only thing that numbs away the pain of every day life.

>> No.12137001

Serendipity. I just wrote 200 words of stream of consciousness bullshit that I was proud of. Then I had a BSOD. Serendipity. I'm on a middle of a train in the middle of a nation which is in the middle of a culture which is in the middle of an implosion. Serendipity. What even does serendipity fucking mean? It's a word I hear art thots use all too frequently and privately educated use, but I have no clue what it means beyond contextual derivation. I could look it up, but I refuse to. I like it as a formless concept, a word that remains just an impression that's not straightjacketed by language. I hate language. I hate that language isn't the ideal, that it doesn't liberate us to obtain psycho-spiritual connection. I hate that language is just another restraint: you use it as a tool, for status and posturing and superiority and bullshit. That 'concision' is used by illiterate cretins and dead-eyed retards who never have tried to express anything in their lives to claim that you're actually the problem for not being able to squeeze agony, lust, hatred, yearning, fear, confusion, and the murky depths of a billion years of unceasing slaughter into a pithy few words with a saccharine smile and an ego stroke. Fuck you. I see a dumb cunt wearing an inch of fake tan across me on the train: gaudy nails, gaudy clothing, bleached hair, posturing in front of a Mac Book and iPhone to some friends who give her a dopamine rush. Fuck you. I want to hurt you. Help me.

>> No.12137014

Nice, anon

>> No.12137020

..Go on

>> No.12137021

Aw man why'd you have to end with le selfie culture bad meme, you've got more than that

>> No.12137026

U mad?

>> No.12137028

stream of consciousness, form can get fucked

>> No.12137041
File: 1.36 MB, 3440x1440, jhEXJvq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently, I was listening to Beethoven. As I opened a video, symphony 9 in D minor began to play. The video ended up being porn. Normally, I would have been aroused. However, the sheer contrast demonstrated between one of the greatest heights that man has reached, and the absolute degeneracy of pornographic displays was astounding. I was awestruck. I have not been able to feel aroused since. Is this similar to finding a higher meaning?

>> No.12137059 [DELETED] 

Yes, we are made to experience one fraction of the spectrum of emotion at a time.

>> No.12137060

stop watching porn

>> No.12137085

I am the first man. HE WAS THE FIRST MAN> but the first man is the last man and the greatest man never quite died and he's rocking up the street jacking it off with a tomahawk missile pointed at the saudi consulate. AAAAARGH. GOxFUCK. And? And it's not true. It's formless, it's undisciplined. Why can't I believe in God? I want to. I really do. I went to Tridentine mass in October 2017 and sat in the pews and knelt even after the service ended. It was beautiful and I felt awe, and I looked at Christ mounted on the wall and I tried to pray and ask him to save me. I have autism, I was diagnosed when I was 11 when I choked a girl and punched her because I was angry she didn't listen to me and understand and the school put me through the ringer of psychologists and claimed that's great boy now you're diagnosed you'll speak to a tired-looking counsellor every month who gave me a quick twenty minutes and said I was fine. The mass was beautiful. I felt myself nearly crying, I palpably felt there was a power greater than kings, greater than every army and warlord in history. I saw a trillion men marching underneath scarlet banners towards the sunset and I wanted to join them, but then I came back and reason kicked in. I can't commit to God. I can't systemise it.

I don't understand what faith is. How can you believe in something just because you wish it to be so? I wish for cosmic justice, for love, for the faces of others to look like something other than impermeable barriers and for me to feel closeness for a fleeting moment and I can asleep with fingers gently brushing my neck and understand what trust and love is. But it doesn't happen. I can't deduce any of those. I can't deduce induction, either. I can't deduce anything. I'm a computation engine and I want to find the first principle but all someone left there was a distended nigger dick.

>> No.12137196

You had a ring of different keys, the ring was taken away, now you're left with a bunch of loose keys. Your first problem stemmed from making a girl the ring instead of a key. Get a hold of yourself

>> No.12137223

It will start to get better after an year, at best. Try meeting new woman if you can just to take your mind off her.

>> No.12137243

my intellectual work
the girl that lives rent-free in my head

>> No.12137297

I need to study for my exams, but I don't want to.

>> No.12137431

getting pretty tired of not being able to escape any thoughts of this one girl, and it gets even worse when i'm asleep

>> No.12137493


>> No.12137507

I wonder if my introspection and perceived lack of confidence is a veiled tactic for further self-obsession.

>> No.12137524

Masturbating, weed, and constant re-runs of the same few shows like True Detective are all that keep me going desu. And the futile hope I'll maybe have a gf one day.

>> No.12137528

Cool, you get a you for your efforts

>> No.12137532
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>control-F "want to die" looking for "I want to die" poster who typically appears in these threads
>find 4 posts with that phrase

This place really is a sensitive /r9k/ lads

>> No.12137544


>> No.12137640

>You ask another girl
>And another
There's only one I wanted to ask out though.

>> No.12137685

I think im about to get fired and it wasnt really my fault. This feels weird. Trying not to get upset or down on myself.

I always let rejection/dissaproval sting me too hard. Its like ill always be a kid, longing for my dads aproval.

>> No.12137708

>doing nofap for november
>develop long ass porn backlog which I'll feel obliged to clear before I go back onto NF
>it will probably take weeks to clear at best
>feel too bad to delete them
such is my dilemma

>> No.12137712

Suppose I were to have something on my mind. What would it be?

>> No.12137722

I lay in bed and imagine pressing against somebody else. Their hands move from an empty spot on my chest up towards my throat, resting in a broken collar flush against my veins. Slowly one hand crawls warm up my face and begins forcing its way into my mouth, first with coiling digits, discrete tapered shapes kissing around chapped lips, then all long fingers in tight formation urgently gripping cliffhang legionary teeth. The hand tugs my jaw open and I press the blunt ends of my wrists together in a shaking ribbon overhead. I stop breathing. I weigh 111 pounds. Tomorrow I'll eat tomato soup and think about it very hard.

>> No.12137800

I don’t even like books. I only come to /lit/ for these threads.

>> No.12137817

How does anyone find meaning anymore? I didnt go to school yet I ended up with the same retarded office monkey job like every other normie and all the decent money jobs are in tech which sounds soul sucking and honestly im not even into, sales sucks, management jobs suck. Why is being a middle class 110 iq so soul crushing...

>> No.12137858

Fucking genetics, man. How does it even work. Come from a family of Asians. Have cousins from both my mom’s side and dad’s side who range from 5’6” to 5’9”. Meanwhile I’m fucking 5’2”. What just and loving god would allow this shit to happen?

>> No.12137872

Don't worry about it. I know a guy who is 5'1. It's my 11-year-old brother pffffffffffff

>> No.12137876
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>> No.12137887

Bullying short guys is like bullying crippled retards. It’s in poor taste, friend. Short guys have suffered in life enough.

>> No.12137902
File: 102 KB, 569x472, 1501783776507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe ethonationalism isn't far enough, but returning to slavery is inefficient and colonialism bankrupted the empire, plus brown people and commies are bad at working...
Perhaps there is a case for cannibalism of the useless?

>> No.12137930

The voices come and go more frequently now than they did at the start.

>> No.12137940

I'm sleepy as fuck.

>> No.12137952

why even bother?

>> No.12137976

>Want to write a story
>Start it out
>Be reminded that Visualizing a Woman with flowing scarlet hair and a translucent dress that glows against the night sky falling to her death from a 30 story building akin to a scarlet raven is a lot easier than writing it

>> No.12138285

I have never heard anyone talk about this before, but doesn't it scare you when someone says something you understand, but you can also understand that you will never even conceptualise what they said without them having first said it? If people have such vastly incompatible trains-of-thought, how do we even get along?

>> No.12138386

I want to teach English in Japan after I finish high school. My problem isn't my English or my Japanese; I am the top of my cohort at both at a fairly prestigious school, but my terrible social skills and social anxiety make me worry that I won't even pass the job interview. Some advice from older anons would be appreciated.

>> No.12138399

By understanding something you would have never conceptualized on your own you have proved that communication works.

>> No.12138428

In that case, would you even like teaching?

>> No.12138436

It's been a week. Can't avoid these recurring nightmares of abuse and child rape. I'm going to read the fuck out of Lolita.

>> No.12138441


>> No.12138448

I love explaining things to close friends. I could and have gone on a half-hour rant about the cause, course, and consequence of Greco-roman philosophy. That all changes when I talk to people I don't know. I get so nervous it becomes hard just to articulate my thoughts.

>> No.12138454

Why are you nervous anon? You nave nothing to fear. You're going in for a perfectly normal everyday affair, a job interview. If anything nervousness will bring about the very outcome you're nervous about, failure.

>> No.12138455

Were you abused?

>> No.12138461

I don't really know what I'm fearful of. I'm thinking it might be my own social anxiety. Nevertheless, the fear and pain is still there.

>> No.12138471

You should do something about that. You're not supposed to be afraid and pained for no reason.

>> No.12138480

What should I do?

>> No.12138548

i dont wanna read nothin anymore i can feel im doing this for vanity and not genuine interest

i dont want to be a fraud for the rest of my life

>> No.12138555

There are times where all I want to do is create and write and paint and anything else productive. Then, there are times where I dismiss that because I do not believe my creations will be good enough. Not for anyone else, even, but for me.

Nothing gets done. Indecision handicaps me. I know I bring it upon myself but it is truly a curse.

>> No.12138622

Really not looking forward to these last two weeks of school. I hate the bullshit that gets thrown on you during the end of a semester. Just makes everything feel crammed and without care, as if it's done just because there's some culture around the last weeks being busy.

>> No.12138669

Dont worry, you're made for it. Bad social skills and anxiety is Japan's idea of normality

t. turbo normie who made the mistake of studying/working with japs

>> No.12138672

>turbo normie
>conscious and lucid enough to make this post

You are sub-normie at most. Normies don't even pass a fucking turing test.

>> No.12138700

Thankfully, no. Yet, I knew someone who was abused, burned. Always been a source of anxiety for me, but never to this point.

>> No.12138733

What degree should I aim for in university? Is a uni degree even required for my prospective job?

>> No.12138737
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>> No.12138787 [DELETED] 

Fuck niggers and FUCK jannies

>> No.12138791

Thank you? My point was that I never considered myself a normie until I actually interacted with these people. For example I sincerely believe their low crime rate is due to shyness and awkwardness

If you're a native anglo you don't need anything to teach there. Getting a degree won't harm though. I don't know about uni degrees in your country but in mine there's stuff like "teaching [your own language] to foreigners"

>> No.12138821

I told my confessor I lacked faith, hope, and love. I told him I didn't love others or myself very well. I told him I didn't believe or pray very well. I told him I didn't believe in a future of happiness very well. He said I should see a therapist. But some days I feel a little bit hopeful, so maybe that means I'm imagining things.

>> No.12138843

If you're looking to do the Jet program you al absolutely do need a degree
>(4) Applicants for both the ALT and CIR position must hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher, or obtain such qualifications by the designated arrival date
Be sure to do a lot of research before you go. Some enjoy their experience but there are all too many horror stories about living and working conditions and how horrible the Japs can be to Western English TA's. Put me off it unfortunately

>> No.12138996

is our angst from not having a good job, good wife, good children ect? Being brutally honest to myself, do I feel existential dread because im a loser? Or will i not change even if everything material worked out?

>> No.12139016

Most likely yes it is because of those conditions.

>> No.12139061

>"Normies don't even pass a fucking turing test."
>being this much of an escapist
you're not a non-normie, you're a failed normie

>> No.12139067

>see a therapist

I'm tired of seeing and hearing this advice thrown casually at anyone who professes some degree of emotional turmoil. It's repeated so often now that it's become completely mindless, just an automatic response meant to swiftly dispense of the other person and gratify oneself's virtue simultaneously. A few words of consolation would suffice if people wish to be polite, instead we're directed towards therapy like it's some cure-all and not an expensive and time-consuming scam.

>> No.12139105

If someone doesn't have any hope for the future and doesn't feel love for anyone, do you really think some words of consolation are going to be helpful or well-received? Therapy isn't a cure-all, but it can help people learn to cope and hopefully change their ways of thinking for the better.

>> No.12139178

I watch True Detective at least two times an year. I barely consume any new media, just repeat the ones I've seeing for years.

>> No.12139182

My friends get excited and brainstorm creative projects we can work on together but then always say they are too tired to work on them, therefore we accomplish nothing

I wish there was something I could do for them but I feel like they are dragging down my own desire to create
maybe I should just do things on my own even though I like working with them

>> No.12139217

i went on a date last night and ended up fucking this girl without using a condom and now i'm kind of paranoid about it. mostly because i was a bit high/drunk and i'm kinda scared because maaaaybe, just maaaybe i cummed a bit in her pussy. but i don't recall this actualy happening e she didn't said anything. the tought of puting a child in this world makes me sick.

>> No.12139229

It's not so much a no-brainer as seeing a dentist if you have a toothache but referring someone to the professionals is the responsible thing to do rather than put a mentally ill person's fate into the hands of a bunch of unqualified anons.

>> No.12139240

As Heidegger noted we often don't become aware of something unless it goes wrong or breaks. When you swing a hammer you forget about the hammer unless it falls of the handle or otherwise malfunctions. Nobody ever thinks about their operating system kernel unless their computer crashes, and so on.

If you had it, you wouldn't think about it. Fortunately great art often arises out of such absences. Having it all, in a way, is to have nothing.

>> No.12139241
File: 42 KB, 480x481, E2ED4676-D33D-4AF8-8505-316D1A654F56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this place becomes 4channel has caused a noticeable drop in quality.

Hopefully it will go back to normal when the hype dies down.!

>> No.12139540

Was a rationale for why the domain split was made? My guess is Hiroshima wanted to separate worksafe from nsfw 4chan in order to make blue boards more palatable for people who would otherwise shy away from the site. He's also been stepping up the advertisement so it seems like he's making some feeble effort to monetize.

Anyone who could monetize 4chan would stand to make a little bit of money. Millions of monthly visitors.

>> No.12139608

Anyone notice the extremely aggressive moderation just kicked in? Tons of posts getting deleted, nonstop. Anything offensive to normies pretty much.

Basically confirms that "4channel" = Reddit.

>> No.12139623

Like its fine to shut down blatant pol shit most the time but just silly or dumb posts that might be a little racey is dumb and gay

>> No.12139641

I went to a comic book convention last week and two gay guys asked to take a picture with me because they said my costume was cute. They looked like big gay bears, lots of facial hair, tall and kinda chunky bodies. For a moment I thought to myself maybe I should flirt with these guys so that maybe they’ll take me up to their room and spitroast me. I mean you always see normal guys tripping over themselves to try to get in the pants of hot young girls. So like, what if to these big gay guys I’m like the hot young girl that they want to fuck? Like would that mean I could just go around having gay sex all the time in the way I imagine hot girls can just fuck any guy they want? Physically I wasn’t really that attracted to either of them, but I’m not turned off by the idea of getting fucked in the ass. I fap to traps all the time and that’s basically gay sex. But I could probably enjoy gay sex if they did me from behind so I wouldn’t have to look at them. Giving blowjobs is probably going to be harder. Seems like more uncomfortable than just laying there and taking it in the ass.

>> No.12139642

recently joined fetlife because fuck it i want to hit women while i fuck'em and there's someone I know on it, she has a great body and the face isnt bad. I feel like we always had like a little thing despite not really ever speaking but I dont know what to say to her

>> No.12139651

If I ever see a hot little twinky man, I always have secret fantasies about fucking them in the arse to assert my dominance. would touch dick because thats gay as fuck

>> No.12139661
File: 14 KB, 480x360, it ends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in order to make blue boards more palatable
Dear god, I may be right.

>> No.12139663

I feel an inchoate desire to act antagonistically towards the whole of humanity. I want no better tomorrow for anyone else besides me. Strangely enough, I feel very happy - I have a loving gf, friends whom I cherish and fulfilling ambitions. It's just that... ah, I dunno. I just feel this burning dislike towards everyone else.

>> No.12139668

That's definitely it. Also you can tell he's "hired" a new squadron of janitors/mods, because he needs the sheer numbers if he's going to be policing board content more heavily than normal.

>> No.12139669

>these big gay guys I’m like the hot young girl that they want to fuck?
That's exactly what you or anyone in your position is.

Also, great gay propaganda. This is on another level.

Do it. Totally worth it.

>> No.12139680

Yeah, well. The problem with mental health's that the socially agreeable thing to do (''professionals'' is a rather authoritative for pseudoscience and their representatives: and this comes from someone with a Psy major) isn't always helpful. So instead of pulling cliched and dimwit advice you might as well try to show some care and empathy for the suffering. It doesn't cost much, you'll see.

>> No.12139681

Soros bought him out that jew shill!!! gook moot has betrayed us!!!

>> No.12139688

I wish some of those extremely aggressive moderation would be sent to /asp/. There are multiple blatantly off topic threads that have managed to stay on the front page for two whole days after being reported. But you say fuck yurishit on /a/ and you get a 3 day ban for participating in a flame war apparently.

>> No.12139689
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>> No.12139697

This is ideological moderation, not genuine board moderation. 4chan is being fundamentally reformed before our eyes. It's going to be reddit for autistic children

>> No.12139700

4channel will be fore autistic kids. But it always was anyway. 4chan---with all the ns4w boards, will become a concentrated prism through which the portal of hell itself opens.

>> No.12139717

It's just going to die a slow death. Hiro will get as much revenue as he can out of it by redditizing it, then euthanize it when it's a pathetic husk of itself.

>> No.12139720

Bit of a degenerate post incoming. I'm way past the balls touching hang up and have been for years. I need to stop being attracted to teenage boys.

I was wasting time watching some retarded tiktok vid and this one boy in it was so fucking cute and angelic it seriously almost depressed me. It depressed me since for one thing, i'm finding a 16yo boy sexually attractive, and on another level it depressed me because someone so pretty exists and I'm aged out of ever getting close to him even on a friendly level.

But I honestly understand what all those greek philosophers were about. They've got the aesthetics and fairness of appearance of a pretty girl but the balls and fightiness of a dude. Other guys have been finding the combo hot for thousands of years even before sexual orientations were understood.

>> No.12139724

I thought reddit was the reddit for autistic children.

>> No.12139726 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12139731

Perhaps, he may take the money and run and leave it for some alt-right quack to pick it up. Some have expressed interest in it before. I always liked 4chan better when it wasn't appropriated for political purposes and was simply a discussion forum for various interests and hobbies.

>> No.12139737

Try posting about Uncle Ted on this shithole now. It will get deleted so fast

>> No.12139739

I think it's fine to have different preferences for how 4chan manifests, but I would rather have free speech over anything.

I wouldn't want my ideal website, if I got it by having some tyrannical faggot mods ban or "discourage" everybody who doesn't fit the paradigm.

>> No.12139753

You're judging something you've never experienced which is an inherently flawed premise. Some mental healthcare professionals actually help people. They get accredited from actual universities that have a reputation to uphold. They get medical degrees. You can't work as one without a state license. Everyone is putting some measure of faith on them but they're not miracle workers.

What you needed is mommy and daddy to raise you right but we can't live in the past or correct its mistakes, can we. So you need someone in trusted authority to help you sort your head out since you seem, well, over your head.

>> No.12139760

Holy fucking shit I've never posted the Stirner meme stuff but I've never seen so many fucking spooks in one post

Do you lick every boot you see, just in case that person might be a Blessed Authority-Approved Authority? The inside of your mind terrifies me

>> No.12139761

Even Moot said 4chan was never about free speech. He considered it a dictatorship and was notorious for capriciously banning users for comical effect.

Hiro has always been more hands off but nobody in their right mind would want the liability of totally unrestricted speech on this site. Free speech is only free if you're not the one on the hook for what gets said on your platform. Mass shooters have posted on this site, and other crimes and abuses have transpired. Nobody in their right mind wants to deal with that.

>> No.12139764

Lmao, what a pathetic attempt at deflection. You avoided every point I made. You'll end up dead by your own hand in a couple years. Goodbye kid.

>> No.12139769

I'm not the guy you were replying to. I just saw your post and felt really really bad for you. I kept re-reading it to see where the punchline is, figuring I must have missed it, because there's no way anyone is as credulous and pathetic as you.

>> No.12139772

Your immaturity and arrogance belie the weakness and emptiness of your words. I'm entirely unconvinced by you as a human being.

>> No.12139773

Some faggot janny deleted my ENTIRE post history for some reason, even perfectly fine posts

little did he know I have a dynamic IP and I'm gonna post porn on the frontpage every morning

I hope this site crashes and burns, fucking jannies can suck my dick (for free)

>> No.12139775

i am thinking about walking.i am excited to hike through this sprawling city.my dog loves to sally,the moment of departure she boldly walks ahead of me pulling the leash taut eager to accompany me.urban exploration is fun.

>> No.12139782

"Belie" means the opposite of what you think it means lmao

>> No.12139786

Might cook some turkey sausages

>> No.12139790


>> No.12139808

>Anyone who could monetize 4chan would stand to make a little bit of money. Millions of monthly visitors.
Reddit makes about a million dollars a year in revenues just from selling internet coins. While Reddit has an alexa rank of 18 and 4chan is more usually between 200-500, if you do the math you could still probably make a comfortable living just owning the rights to 4chan.

Except reddit pursues an aggressive moderation policy, has an ideologically heavyhanded moderation approach, and its insufferable cutesy and punny hugbox culture.

>> No.12139816
File: 68 KB, 360x253, 1472862253120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>hit rock bottom
>thing I've worked for during the past 8 month crashed and burned in figurative fire
>started smoking again
>no joy
>got to 4Chan which sometimes gives me joy after hard days
>go on 4Chan
>4Chan hits rock bottom

>> No.12139826

Your still doing what I said you're doing. You need to grow up. Maybe listen to some Peterson lectures XD

>> No.12139827

It's very simple; you just kretch the glims and then aos the zotz.

>> No.12139859

So what you're basically telling me is that you value thinking for yourself above all else even if you can't seem to do it without making yourself miserable. In which case you need some kind of help or you wouldn't post about your mental health issues in the first place.

In which case you need to defer to a trusted authority or friend. I know edgy teenboys resent this but you're options are slim bucko.

>> No.12139860

Aroused by hentai
The lonely neet starts fapping
There’s jizz everywhere

>> No.12139861

‘You can’t learn what red is just by reading a book. But this fact has no more bearing on the question of physicalism than the fact that you can’t learn to swim just by reading a book.’ Discuss.

>> No.12139862

If reading the goodreads reviews of Michelle Obama's book doesn't make you want to kill yourself, I don't know what will.

>> No.12139876

Obama worship is some weird shit tbqh. Just goes to show how presentation and rhetoric are so important in the poltical sphere and everything else almost doesnt matter.

>> No.12139893

The jizz, is the jizz
It's here, inside
It flows as it goes from dick to toes
Where did it go? It left me all alone

>> No.12139908

I've become conscious of the fact that for the last two years i've been trying to inflict my own guilt and anger on my girlfriend. That's why I have such a hard time accepting her, she's incapable of feeling guilt, and I can't stand that.

>> No.12139935

>Some mental healthcare professionals actually help people.

I never said otherwise. Some of them do, there are actually very good and thorough therapists out there. Still I haven't witnessed a higher insight or even effectiveness in healing folk as among, say, friends or confessors. In fact many subjects are arguably damaged by scholarly and well-reputed professionals —mainly by mishandled treatment and careless medication.
I don't mean to libel anybody, but you mustn't refuse to help out nor transfer your responsibility to a blind authority. Not to say anything on the frail, dubious grounds and methodologies of psychology schools and state-funded mental health apparatuses.

>> No.12140061

gonna learn korean without learning the pronunciation rules for hangul
wont have to worry about suppressing my reading voice when there cant be one lol easy

>> No.12140434

this nigga using footnotes on the chan

>> No.12140880

I'm proud of you anon. Keep on making music that makes you happy

>> No.12140925

Not even using proper referencing. Sad

>> No.12140966

i have a virtual rolodex of a hundred open tabs on my phone's safari browser. i think this would be considered hoarding if all this shit weren't digital.

>> No.12140967

Then what's the point of existentialism or philosophy in general? If it's solved by fixing external conditions is there value in itself at all?

>> No.12141004

I have so many tabs on my phone's browser, it doesn't even display their number anymore, just ":D". It's not that bad

>> No.12141073

1 year ago I had a fwb or kinda a relationship with a girl. It was the first one I’ve ever had.
I knew from the start that it would only be temporary because she would move away a few months later.
But 1 month before she moved she broke up with me.
I still think about her every week (if not every day) and I think this moment ruined me mentally.

>> No.12141537

These are by far the edgiest threads on this website.

>> No.12141697
File: 47 KB, 645x773, 1461643228785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's really the only reason I want a gf in the first place
holy shit, I feel that too

>> No.12141741
File: 176 KB, 736x886, 1512928375893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also relate to this post in impossibly specific ways. After doing lsd on around 10 different occasions as well as some lower mushroom doses over the course of 3 years, I came to the conclusion that "real answers" can't really come from psychedelics. They're incredibly fun in low doses and in higher doses they make you forget all your preconceived notions about reality, leading to some interesting periods of self assessment and changes in values. Beyond that, I think it fails at providing meaning to life in the way that a lot of people are lead to believe. I still plan on using them occasionally for the reasons I mentioned, but not often or when I have to worry about other responsibilities.

>> No.12141755

are you me?

>> No.12141768

>I can't bring myself to take advantage of a drunk and horny girl.
You're an incredibly moral man. Good on you.

>> No.12141926

Congratulations, my man. I wish you well in your new relationship!

>> No.12141946

Distract yourself the best you can. Masturbate a lot (avoid porn if possible). Hang out with friends. Focus on hobbies/interests. When you feel ready, get back in that game.

>> No.12142219

>grow up