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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 137 KB, 1024x755, Dostoyevsky-1024x755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12128376 No.12128376 [Reply] [Original]

Is he underrated or overrated?

>> No.12128398

>or overrated
No, never. Dostoevsky will forever be underrated. The man is responsible for saving my life and I cannot begin to express how much he means to me.

My life was absolute shit but reading Dostoevsky changed everything for me. He is not just a genius author but a saint and one of the most genuine men to have ever lived and I will champion him for all the days of my life (that I will not live out, thanks to Dostoevsky).

God bless him and may his fame endure eternally.

>> No.12128402

>will not live out
will NOW live out*


>> No.12128429

Imagine someone saying this about any other form of entertainment. This is why people who list "reading" as their hobby are the most obnoxious retards out there. Kill yourself, you have autism.

>> No.12128436

I agree man.

>> No.12128483

I think neither on the whole - though he ain’t half a magnet for a very particular kind of prating existential 20-something

>> No.12128496

he deserves all the frisson, he's damn good

>> No.12128499

He's rated just fine

>> No.12128506

God bless you anon and hope you make it.

>> No.12128513

massively overrated, as exemplified by first response

/lit/ has an unhealthy obsession with this guy and his half baked theology

>> No.12128521

in Russia he is rated well but outside of Russia he is poorly understood and often attacked by idiots like >>12128513

>> No.12128525

That's a disgusting way to treat a stranger man, even on 4chan

>> No.12128528

>man needs god to be moral
this is pleb tier thinking and it is at the heart of basically all his writing

>> No.12128529

Jordan Peterson said Dosto was his favorite author, says all you need to know about Dosto fans

>> No.12128574

>muh judan petreon
Most of us dont like him, you faggot

>> No.12128589

you think what you want my dude, you clearly know more than dostoevsky scholars

>> No.12128676

This is true unless you are a Turk.

>> No.12128682

based and orthodox pilled

Reading Dosti is what's brought me back to Christ after seven years of sinful, worldly living.

>> No.12128692

The word "overrated" is nothing more than a buzzword aimed at disparaging things you can't find common ground with. Calling something (or someone) overrated doesn't prove anything, and it'll prompt a "so what?" from me.

Dostoevsky was genius who intuitively understood human psychology and made massive contributions in Christian existentialism. If his novels aren't worthy of praise then you can fuck me sideways.

>> No.12128694

I've heard this but can't wrap my head around why Peterstein with his weird gnostic ultra-individualism would like someone like Dosto

>> No.12128703

>Reading Dosti is what's brought me back to Christ
Are you Russian Orthodox?

>> No.12128713

Thinking of gifting my entire family The Brothers Karamazov. Good idea or no? P&V translation, Everyman's Library acid-free paper edition, of course.

>> No.12128727


Did you guys liked "The Player"?

>> No.12128736

Depends on whether they're patient readers. It's my favorite book of all time but the narrative is a real slog until the murder, and you don't get the full weight of the subtext/characters until the second or third time you read it.
I tried to make my dad (who normally likes CS Lewis type Christianity stuff) read it and he quit a third in because nothing was happening.

>> No.12128737

American mainline protestant (confirmed into the united methodist church).

Although Dosto is pretty clear in his belief in the unique mission of the Russian orthodox church, his novels are accessible to all who accept Christ as their lord and savior (Except maybe Catholics).

>> No.12128741

this question doesn't make sense.

>> No.12128745

Reading rn

It's good but >>12128736 is spot on. I'm 400 pages in and nothing has really happened yet, action wise. Still worth it imo

>> No.12128764

I'm the guy you're replying to, and you make great points. The people I'm gifting it to are not readers. They are godless people with zero emotional intelligence, whose lives are fueled by vice. TBK, Nicomachean Ethics, Meditations, or even the Tao Te Ching are all options.

>> No.12128765

I'm Catholic and love him, lmao
I feel like his anti-whatever subtext that you hear about it exaggerated. You get digs at socialism and Jewry but it's nothing too heavy. Even when he's going hard (like Demons), it's against broad things like nihilism which every Christian can agree sucks.
I actually enjoy the distinctively mystical/personal Orthodox slant you get from his novels- it's something that's sorely missing from most accessible Catholic lit.

>> No.12128766

typical /lit/ smug post, what do you contribute here exactly besides endless condescending put downs? probably nothing.

>> No.12128775

get them paperback copies if they are going to end up using the books to make a table stay straight.

>> No.12128802

Please, elaborate!
Or is this just irony?

>> No.12128871

Not irony. I will when I get home if you're still around.

>> No.12129964

I was supposed to contribute?

>> No.12130067

He will remain overrated until everybody reads him in russian.

>> No.12130221

Go fuck yourself jfc

>> No.12130225

Lmao thank god you noticed that

>> No.12130226

Niether, he is just rated

>> No.12130227

Fuck off beta

>> No.12130289

this but unironically

>> No.12130295

Everybody knows him, but few have the capacity to understand just what a giant he really is.

>> No.12130342

You come on a literature board and dont even read. You, sir, are an unadulterated anal polyp

>> No.12130344

severely overrated. not even a top 5 russian.

>> No.12130349

He's not bad, even considering his books are made for brainlets. Very elementary reading level

>> No.12130525

I do. I'm just not an autistic incel loser. Read c&p and brothers by dostoyevski. Yeah they're good books and made me tear up a couple of times and provoked other emotions. No reason to act like a retard over it though. Books are not life changing magic

>> No.12130864

You're the one acting autistic you projecting loveless loser, now fuck off

>> No.12130906

read the post I replied to again and tell me it's not the pinnacle of cringe-autism

>> No.12130922

Wtf are you talking about. His take on theological questions are still taught and debated to this day at the worlds leading universities.

>> No.12131010

Tsutomu Miyazaki said his favorite drink was Redbull, says all you need to know about RedBull drinkers

>> No.12131049

So is Michel Foucault

still shit thinkers

>> No.12131060

So much this.

>> No.12131064

it's not, but yours is definitely up there

>> No.12131191

music, dance, fine arts, architecture yea pretty sure people have said that about all forms of entertainment

>> No.12131201
File: 181 KB, 367x400, pieXII-oiseau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name the top 5?

>> No.12131207

Yes. Autism is a common mental disorder.