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12128300 No.12128300 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you finally understand Plato's theory of the forms

>> No.12128360
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>tfw you finally understand the Summa Theologica

>> No.12128395
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>tfw you finally comprehend finnegans wake

>> No.12128401
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>tfw u finally understand the very hungry caterpillar

>> No.12128503

>the form of all things are formless
>the characteristic of all things are characteristicless

>> No.12128509
File: 97 KB, 762x1048, dark_wizard_by_mlappas-d9adl69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you finally master the Hegelian dialectic

>> No.12128597
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>tfw you start to understand Harry Potter

>> No.12128607
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>tfw discover new becomings thanks to Deleuze and Guattari

>> No.12128613
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> tfw you absorb Whitehead's metaphysics

>> No.12128983

>no air and fire
>only fire

>> No.12130062
File: 1.99 MB, 277x342, in awe at this gnosis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you start to get a feel for Kierkegaard's indirect communication

>> No.12130065
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>tfw you finally understand Spinoza's ethics

>> No.12130072
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>tfw Baudrillard clicked

>> No.12130073


>> No.12130273
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>when you are that spirit that is self that is the relation which relates itself to itself or that is the relations' relating itself to itself in the relation that is not the relation but the relations' relating itself to itself that is a synthesis of the finite and the infinite of the temporal and the eternal and of the free and the necessary that is in short a synthesis which synthesis is a relation between two that is in itself a third that is a negative unity

>> No.12130294
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>tfw you finally understand everything you could have understood in that given moment

>> No.12130564
File: 6 KB, 177x170, Holy+these+are+cursed+_93ab5709687816632cb61199c948d763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Flory kills himself in Burmese Days

>> No.12130582

kek this thread

>> No.12131021
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>tfw you finally understand Peirce's catagories
If you mean you understand everything you could possibly understand at the moment you understand it, that's impossible because you can't understand something unless it has already come to pass. You can't understand an understanding until that understanding is understood, which can not be logically happen until something is understood (after the initial moment of understanding)
If by "finally" you mean you understand everything you could have understood after the moment of understanding, that's impossible because you can't understand something, even understanding, as it exists hic et nunc, you can only look back on it and understand it after the fact in another moment, which can't be the same thing because it is not in that moment, it will have changed, it's essence is continuous but it's existence is constantly changing. You can't cross the same river twice.

>> No.12131106

>Read Peirce
>Understand forms better than Plato
Essence is of the nature of a habit, which determines the suchness of what may come into existence, when it does come into existence.
-Adapted from Peirce's discussion of thought in Sundry Logical Conceptions, published as article 20 in the essential Peirce vol. 2

>> No.12131114
File: 41 KB, 640x360, (m=eaAaGwObaaaa)(mh=DjGS5EjvmmnEqeOS)5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you finally bust a nut in a spider woman

>> No.12131399
File: 65 KB, 820x500, 1512488137368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you finally understand the etymology of teenager