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12127613 No.12127613 [Reply] [Original]

How much has philosophy advanced in the past 18 years? Do you think it has become stagnant with modern philosophers just reciting older ideas over and over?

>> No.12127656

Philosophy is just hobby for pretentious white guys.

For the rest of us, there's science.

>> No.12127662

Science: an approach to knowing
Philosophy: love of wisdom
Some faggot: lol science is better than philosophy

>> No.12127664
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speculative gang

>> No.12127691

most modern philosophy is just "how can we rephrase everything christian theologists already came up to make it atheist and make it seem like we came up with it?" or its just gnostic shit that every degenerate since the stone age has thought

>> No.12127698
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Naturalism in metaphysics is a breakthrough.

>> No.12127700

they look like they're fucking each other

>> No.12127710

Do any of them have even one child? LOL good luck handing off your post-Kantian Heideggerian speculative-material-metaphysical realism to 80 IQ muds that can't even read. It's OVER.

>> No.12127722

plus they're ugly as fuck and have shit-tier genetics. if you get your worldview from people who look like that, just kys

>> No.12127734
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Dude capital LMAO
Dude templexity LMAO
Dude sinofuturism LMAO

>> No.12127756
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The popular facial aethestics of the present is the result of the fetishization of children and thus childish, underdeveloped facial features, i.e. "baby faces." It is pedophilic and the result of marketers targeting the young in the hopes of making life-long customers of them, thus creating a culture of youth-worship.

>> No.12127781
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you're right, if society and kikery hadn't cucked our women, they would be attracted to the balding manlet, skinnyfat dyel, "intellectual" look

>> No.12127809
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Compare pictures of classic male actors from 1930-1950 to modern ones.

>> No.12127834

What you'll notice on the modern faces is a trend towards small noses, scrunched/short faces, and shallow eyes - neotenic features. Japan is a profoundly pedophilic culture and has taken neoteny to an extreme with anime.

>> No.12127856

>applying lookism memes on the most exciting philosophical movement of the 21st century
I don’t want to live anymore

FUCK this place

>> No.12127878

>the most exciting philosophical movement of the 21st century
>only 18 years in
lol, fuck off

>> No.12127895

>The "speculative realist movement" exists only in the imaginations of a group of bloggers promoting an agenda for which I have no sympathy whatsoever: actor–network theory spiced with pan-psychist metaphysics and morsels of process philosophy. I don't believe the internet is an appropriate medium for serious philosophical debate; nor do I believe it is acceptable to try to concoct a philosophical movement online by using blogs to exploit the misguided enthusiasm of impressionable graduate students. I agree with Deleuze's remark that ultimately the most basic task of philosophy is to impede stupidity, so I see little philosophical merit in a "movement" whose most signal achievement thus far is to have generated an online orgy of stupidity.
hahaha btfo

>> No.12127905

what are these soiboys even speculating about anyway? how much soi to eat per day? lol

>> No.12127909

nick land already raped them to irrelevancy IN A FUCKING FOOTNOTE

>> No.12127936

>Science is about knowledge, philosophy is about wisdom
Is this true? This makes philosophy seem way more based.

>> No.12127949
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philosophy is about who can sniff as many of their own farts as possible, actually.

>> No.12128013
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Fool, I wasn't doing anything of the sort. Since the Romans, other than Witt, which philosophers didn't look and act the part of state pale frail mildly autistic beta male? No, that's exactly what you expect a philosopher to be, because that's exactly what type of man becomes a philosopher. They also do not breed well. Throughout post-Enlightenment European history, "died wthout issue" as often applied to philosophers as to conscript soldiers. So I ask again, who is going to do this maximally abstract philosophizing in a world of thots, Asian bugpersons, and dusky learning-disabled savages, the number of whom who are in possession of the simply de rigeur 135 IQ required merely to have any hope of contributing anything of substance to academic philosophy discussion, out of 8 or so BILLION, is in the thousands. You never cared about wisdom at all.

>> No.12128035

>Science isn't a philosophical paradigm.

>> No.12128057
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what are you fucking even talking about dude? philosophers are faggots who think they're way smarter than they actually are and none of them have contributed anything to anyone. all they do is overcomplicate simple concepts and give reasons for assholes to make life shittier for everyone.

>> No.12128531

we're not in this position because we think too much faggot

>> No.12128545
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Hiroshima pill Tbh ngl srs, its so over for philcels in 2018

>> No.12128555
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>implying the coping movement isn't the foremost philosophical paradigm of the 21st century

>> No.12128566

I'm brown as fuck and I'm 130 IQ, and yes, we do exist.

>> No.12128570


>> No.12128587

I wonder if entire ideologies have been created because of physical inferiority.

Like contemplative religious traditions always vouch for celibacy for example, and although their arguments are coherent, I can't help but feel that they are rationalizations sprung from lack of pussy. I've never seen a monk, or religious figure, that was a 6'2 big-dicked turbo chad. These are also not the people turning towards these kinds of traditions.
In the same way, the people these days that go around around yelling 'degeneracy!' are always autistic, ugly, beta, small dicked, etc. Again, I've never seen a male model looking ass motherfucker campaigning for celibacy, because of course, why would they? It's not a problematic area of life for them.

I find that in general strong ideologies always attract meek people. Like the Nazi high command was filled with a bunch of manlet, weak jawlined, turbo beta's. Or for example, I like to read up on the occult, and most prominent occult figures have also been fat, ugly, bald, etc.

I reckon it's to do with the fact that when people can't full fill their primary biological function - simply put; they can't get laid- because of physical ineptitude e.g. lack of attractive physical attributes, they turn towards an ideological output to justify their lack of 'base fulfilment'.

>> No.12128599

i'm a 6'2 7 inch dick catholic and i'm considering taking a vow of celibacy. your "insight" is reddit-tier

>> No.12128665

status is more important than looks, but you havent really been alive long enough. what about priests 500 years ago?

in order to add anything to culture, to even create or espouse an ideology or be a leader, you have to forego the innate, carnal sexual impulses of your appetite. this is why niggers do not have any culture after thousands of years.

the biggest philosophical contribution to the 21st century has been myself. i've created many memes and political movements here on 4chan(nel) that have propelled the culture in profound ways, that i fear what this world might have been like without my presence.

the reason why whites are superior is because humans are innately drawn to white colors, we can concentrate better on using tools and creating art because our skin is white. when we look to the sky, we are drawn to white clouds, because white clouds bring rain and rain means grass and grass means animals and animals means food. us whites were smart enough to follow the white clouds until we reached snowy climates. it's also why others races look up to us as leaders and literally thought we were gods when they first saw us.

it's also why we like blue and green eyes more. it also explains why even other races (particularly black and indian men) covet white women at the expense of their own race. it's also why we must fight to protect white women, because all women naturally drive men to become stronger and rise up, so women will go seeking other males to fight their own mate. it explains why women want to let refugees in so badly, and why pandora's box was opened by a female. they are unleashing the chaos to propel the world into its next phases, and whites will either rise up or go extinct.

>> No.12128809

my philosophy: we are all balls of energy sent from space by aliens. the most important thing to remember is that we must consume our feces because we need to absorb as many nutrients as possible. only then will we be able to ascend back to our galactic overlords and achieve enlightenment. i've been eating my own feces for three years now and my doctor has commented every check up that i am the healthiest person she has ever seen. my IQ has shot up by 40 points. i am in constant contact with the Galactic Overlords (they speak to me in my dreams) and they've been telling me that i am close to ascending.

>> No.12128824

we have Yuk hui

>> No.12128904

Chinese philosophy is a meme. Heidegger reigns supreme.

>> No.12128928

>This is your brain on christcuckery
I'm sorry

>> No.12128975

Give the rundown, please?

>> No.12129407

what the fuck does that mean in a way that isn't completely retarded and misleading?

>> No.12129409

idk if skin color matters.

>> No.12129693

he is not chinese

>> No.12129707

By virtue of you justifying your IQ to some random racist dude on 4chan, you have proven that you are indeed a sub 80 IQ retard just like everyone else who posts on this shithole.

>> No.12129717

Our entire civilisation is literally based off philosophical concepts. Things like the rule of law, presumptions of innocence, division of labour, human rights, even the fucking science that anti-philosophers love to talk about so much didn't just pop up out of nowhere, they all had their origins in dense philosophical traditions. Without philosophy, we would LITERALLY all just be neolithic farmers.

>> No.12129720

Please understand that when I say that you're someone who seems very trapped in the physical desire mindset, I say it with the best possible intentions.

>> No.12129732
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>> No.12129762

Based and CamusPilled

>> No.12129845

My Logic and Languagephilosophie profs won’t shut up about what an exciting time for development we are loving in for their respectice fields.
I don’t know if I see his though. All I see is people correcting the “mistakes” of 20th century philosophers and bringing them back to previous understandings or simplifying on pne specific point.

>> No.12129855

Science is part of philosophy. And science is the part of philosophy that is still worth pursuing. The sad leftovers is what we call "philosophy" in universities.

>> No.12129927

>lists inventions that are hundreds or even thousands of years old