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12123526 No.12123526 [Reply] [Original]

which one's better for brothers k

>> No.12123538

P&V. No question about it.

>> No.12123540

why does lit get so butt mad every time you reference Penis and Vagina

>> No.12123732

must be because they don't get it

ha . . ha . . . . . . . ha

>> No.12123738

For Brothers K, I'd recommend the Ignat Avsey translation

>> No.12125159


>> No.12125161

McDuff tbqh

>> No.12125886

I read half of his "The Idiot" before switching to the McDuff, and I got annoyed at how he'd change the names. I can't remember exactly what was wrong, but he was mixing up how the patronymics and family names were used iirc, and I think he used "Myshkin" when the text - and the other translations I looked at - said "Prince" or something like that too.
Why does Pevear write such shitty prose?

>> No.12126068

Literally anything is better than Garnett. Google Translate is a better choice than Garnett.

>> No.12126076

Maude or P&V for War & Peace?

>> No.12126088

Garnett. P&V are fucking trash

>> No.12126103

Have you read P&V though? The prose is painful and awkward (though maybe their Notes wasn't too bad, iirc). Garnett may take liberties and make Tsarist Russia feel like Edwardian England in some places, but at least she can actually write.
Haven't read either yet, but most here seem to say Maude is good.

>> No.12126114


>> No.12126695

Avsey isn't good for american readers. I read the idiot and it was so notably british that it subverted the russian aspects.
revised garnett but PV aren't as bad as all that. the prose is just clunky sometimes.
Macandrew is my favorite, not to add another name to the list, but his prose is fluid and he keeps characters distinct. unfortunately less aphoristic than Garnett but i'd recommend his translation to anyone who wants to read Bros K only once. Mcduff is good too.