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12123181 No.12123181[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What works of literature explain why women do this?

>> No.12123201

>TV actress
>extra on a soap opera

why is that even relevant.

>> No.12123216

Op is some incel that hates women and goes around finding pictures that will allow him to get angry at women. He finds it fun.

>> No.12123227

Chads hate women just as much as incels.

>> No.12123228

even other women hate women

>> No.12123239

Kek was right.
That's what you tell yourself at night, incel.

>> No.12123244

It's simple

We are meat computers

Women are programmed to protect their sexual partners above all else

>> No.12123247

I'm not OP, retard.

>> No.12123259

>Woman loves abusive man
Yep, that seems to check out!

>> No.12123284

Honestly surprisingly true.

Normal looking dudes who do ok with good looking girls but aren't having girls throw themselves at them tend to like girls well enough. But every Chad friend I have (a weirdly high # of male models, dudes w 6 figure Instagram follower counts, classic rich-kid former sports bros, etc.) has gradually started to hate women. Maybe some of them are closet gay, but the majority I'm pretty sure are not.

I don't think they're right to, necessarily. Not as much because women aren't bad as because I've seen plenty of men get up to similarly contemptible behavior. It's just a funny point of similarity between the least and most sexually successful classes of dude.

>> No.12123289

In 2018, genders are at war with each other

>> No.12123292

Stop lying incel.

>> No.12123320
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>> No.12123343

they really do though, the most misogynistic men at my school were all frat boys and athletes. The first people to call women holes and treat them like trading cards were jocks, not beta faggots.

>> No.12123358

>implying you're not

>> No.12123374

>doesn't understand manly banter
When high functioning guys talk about women in a degrading way, it's just mostly banter. The ugly incels from /r9k/ are psychotically twisted and hate them unironically.

>> No.12123376

even women hate other women

>> No.12123384

fuck you stole my line u dumb bitch

>> No.12123388

i knew gangster type guys in highschool that frequently raped girls, usually by drugging them. These guys had no problem getting girls they just didnt see the difference between a consenting girl and a limp body, it was just a hole

>> No.12123398

>points to the most extreme example
>that's the norm bro
absolute bellend, no wonder you're an incel

>> No.12123414

youre kind of delusional. Those guys werent at all unusual, every highschool in my city was run by a similar group of kids

>> No.12123432

>incel incel lol my wit knows no bound

>> No.12123445
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>every highschool in my city was run by a similar group of kids
every highschool in your city was "run" by womanizing serial-date-raping gangsters? where did you grow up, Somalia?

>> No.12123458

>that one roastie calling everyone in the thread incel

>> No.12123459

why did robot get phased out it was fine. Incel treks of mass media connotations, kinda like saying alt-right instead of reactionary

>> No.12123468

what the fuck are you talking about? The most successful males at my school routinely sexually assaulted and harangued women for sex. They were more controlled around higher status, wealthier, prettier girls who had a strong social network and were “gf candidates” but any typical 6-8/10 slut was fair game for however they saw fit to engage with them. the drunker the whore and the more secluded from adult authority and her friends they were, the more likely agression would come into play. You are socially inexperienced or just low status and are speaking from ignorance. Every single handsome guy i knew at some point pushed it too far with an unaffiliated girl.

>> No.12123471
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>every highschool in my city was run by a similar group of kids
>gangster type guys that frequently raped girls, usually by drugging them

>> No.12123479

I think he means guys who thought they were black, like tall good looking males who sold weed and skipped class but showed up at parties. My school had the exact same crowd and they did extremely well sexually. You people are deranged betas who have no understanding of what happens at elite social gatherings because no one invited you.

>> No.12123483

What country are you from? I'm genuinely intrigued now. I'm guessing something Baltic.

>> No.12123486

they wrent real gangsters, they just sold drugs, formed pseudo-gangs, maybe stabbed someone here or there. I was friends with them and they were 'normal' kids more or less, mostly middle class white kids.

and the city was Toronto

>> No.12123499

>23 years for beating a kid to death
I usually don't like long sentences and believe prisons main focus should rehabilitation of the prisoners and trying to get them back in to society, but childs killers deserver no sympathy and deserver live sentence and nothing less, how in the fuck can you jail him for such a low amount ?

>> No.12123500

I went to an elite highschool in an all white city in a wealthy county in a wealthy American state on the west coast. these were all white athletes and future frat stars, you have no fucking idea what happens behind closed doors man. One of the best lax players at our school gave some freshman chick too much oxy and took turns with his friend after pushing her upstairs. His older brother, another star athlete bragged about raping one of the most popular girls in our senior class by feeding her hard a all night and climbing on top of her. Ive been at 100+ person parties in tgat area and seen freshman girls being carried up the stairs with their eyes half closed and pushed into rooms by multiple guys. You have no experience and were not involved with these circles wherever you went to school. Rape is completely normal among aggressive alpha males, both towards women and men, humans are extraordinarily violent and the letter of the law means nothing when authority is absent.

>> No.12123503

I sold drugs and went to parties in high school. Toronto is rougher than my city, but that class isn't representative of men in high school, and they tended to hook up with skids who wanted to do drugs more often than the hyper-attractive "stacy" types.

>> No.12123513

>high school parties are "elite social gatherings"
You are aware this is an 18+ website, Johnny?

>> No.12123530


>> No.12123542

Pathetic retard. The same exact behavior occurred at the top tier frats in my state and at mansion parties, penthouse parties, after parties at raves and at festivals. Stop being an infantialized mincing faggot, men are animals, if you give them beauty, impunity to do as they will, and protection through financial and social guarantors of safety, throw women at them with the catalyst of hard alcohol they will take what they want without a second thought. No value judgements can or should be made, this is found all the way up to the most elite levels of human society, the literally endless revelations of alpha males in politics, business and the military abusing subordinate women, and men, attests to this. People who have a peurile understanding of sexuality are practically not even human.

>> No.12123554

chad are real man, and every real man who meet lots of women tend to become mysoginist because the feminine nature is a nigger

>> No.12123566
File: 630 KB, 619x533, Screenshot_2018-11-22 3- يضحك jpg (JPEG Image, 800 × 533 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elite highschool in an all white city in a wealthy county in a wealthy American state on the west coast. these were all white athletes and future frat stars
>at the top tier frats in my state and at mansion parties, penthouse parties, after parties at raves and at festivals
Can you tell about those times you visited the Queen at Sandrigham and afternoons at Putin's ranch too, elite west coast incelbro?

>> No.12123570

>how in the fuck can you jail him for such a low amount ?
23 years is actually quite high and not often given out for murders in the UK

>> No.12123573

sorry you didnt have any status or pussy in hs man, i would be resentful too.

>> No.12123581

Sarah Kane’s Blasted is a good depiction of this sort of thing.

>> No.12123592

>n-no you
Go on.

>> No.12123602

I actually have no trouble believing this

>> No.12123617

>degenerate American frat culture world renown for most extreme hazing rituals, overall brutality and predatory sexual practices
>"y-you dun get it beta virgins this is how the world works!"
>"a-all attractive people stuff girls with drugs and rape them all the time!"
Must be genuinely mentally ill to lack self-awareness to this point.

>> No.12123689

>he thinks this doesn’t occur in the UK and continental europe
>he said it happens frequently enough to be a real phenomenon among elite male social groups thus all men must do it
I get that you are just upset, and incapable of understanding that morality isn’t real and that the people who are upheld as the best are not necessarily following the same protocols for behavior as you, and that this is purely meaningless rhetoric but I’ve got to wonder how cognitive dissonance this bad affects someone’s theory of mind. Like do you actually think packs of drunk aggressive athletes are polite gentlemen to retarded freshman girls?
I mean you’re just a coping faggot, you don’t have any experience, you don’t even attempt to discern any nuance in what I’m saying, you’re hiding behind words like “incel” and acting incredulous about an experience literally anyone who played sports at a competitive school or was in a well known partying frat could tell you about. If you’re going to be a difficult botfly of a poster at least be funny man.

>> No.12123709

>another great thread on literature

>> No.12123721

>are there any books on [unrelated topic]?
I think I have figured out this subreddit

>> No.12123729

Imagine typing all that out, sweating profusely in boiling rage as you try to decide upon verbiage which would feign intelligence most tacitly, googling frantically for dictionary definitions and synonym lists, only for all that effort to be defeated by the fact that the entire angry tirade is little more than "ur all mad n coping". Did you too overdose on all that imaginary oxy?

>> No.12123737

European here. Having been to parties with wealthy kids (they start much earlier in Europe compared with the US) no, that's not party culture here. I've been at parties where people have broken down doors to stop presumed rapes that weren't even happening (girl was drunk and had a bf already but hooked up with some other guy and everyone went to check she was not too drunk to consent). People who spike other people are de facto social retards, and spiking and raping someone often gets you tied to a pole naked to see how you like it. Spiking someone is a sign you have to friends to share drugs with.

>> No.12123744

You have NO friends. Not
>to friends

>> No.12123760

>bro one or two guys did this in my school, everyone is doing it!!
Listen kid I'd knock your dad out so hard you would stop existing.

>> No.12123763

>people have broken down doors to stop presumed rapes that weren't even happening
I wonder what endlessly repeated habit could have possibly aroused such a strong suspicion.

>> No.12123771

Anyone behaving like that here at a party would get the shit beaten out of them by every man in the party. Stop conflating the little fag boys in your school with men.

>> No.12123778

Probably the habit of checking on your friends when they might be too incapacitated to care for themselves. Same reason they'll break down the bathroom door if you don't talk back and are on drugs, there's a lot more than rape which will fuck you up on a night out. So, drugs would be the more repeated habit. Not the rape fantasy you're living in.

>> No.12123779

>he thinks this doesn’t occur in continental europe
I know this doesn't occur because I live here and went to student parties allsorts back in the day. I'm sorry you're having trouble comprehending that your personal particular imagined or indeed true experiences are neither ubiquitous nor normal worldwide. This of course may be too much to ask from an American, let alone an angry teenage American, but do try.

>> No.12123792

>Anyone behaving like that here at a party would get the shit beaten out of them by every man in the party
Especially the girls.
>Not the rape fantasy you're living in.
You tell that to the victims.

>> No.12123793

Why do Americans do this?

>> No.12123808

>Wealthy brats are soulless animals
Everyone already knew that

>> No.12123809
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>morality isn’t real
The absolute size of BASED redpills dropped ITT.

>> No.12123810

>>Not the rape fantasy you're living in.
>You tell that to the victims.
You mean the victims that didn't happen at parties I've been to because it's a cultural norm to prevent such things here? I'm pretty sure they'll all say thanks because they did, even the girl who was just cheating not getting raped was thankful for our concern. The people you catch fukkin on their own vomit also are thankful too. Amazing what caring for people who are meant to be your friends will do.

>> No.12123813

Worst incel larper I've seen today.

>> No.12123818

>it's a cultural norm to prevent such things here?
what things? your participation?

>> No.12123820

Choking not fukkin. Autocorrect seems so be suggesting I'm into fetishes I'm not touching.

>> No.12123822

I yelled at a girl during a party once. I was half drunk. It was terrible and cringe.

>> No.12123824

Incel is a normie redditor term. When someone calls you an incel instead of a robot, virgin or KHV, you know they’re a newfag normalfag and probably a feminist (feminists love the word incel).

>> No.12123826

>maybe some are closer gay
Nah. I’m good looking and women throw themselves at me. It’s just that after you interact with with a certain amount of women, you cross a threshold you cannot return from. You realize no matter what (basic bitches who think they’re smart, teehee I’m not like other girls, and everything in between) that these creatures are essentially children that must be treated as such

>> No.12123839
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>ywn post on 4chan from a wealthy white rave afterparty in the wealthy white penthouse of your wealthy white fratbro's mansion while raping a wealthy white overdosed freshie (in a wealthy white west coast state of wealthy white America)

>> No.12123854

>>it's a cultural norm to prevent such things here?
>what things? your participation
No, rape at elite parties, or college parties or teenage parties. You seem terribly upset that women aren't getting raped, and seem to want to cope that they're only not getting raped by me (or the thousands of other guys at parties from private gatherings to raves). Sorry, but I'm not going to manufacture fake victims for you to feel good about pointing to. You get invited to parties by social rejects who'll not lift a finger for you, doesn't mean that everyone else is so disenfranchised they wouldn't stop their friend from being raped or beaten or robbed.

>> No.12123869

tbqh i do get this impression, there is something about the term that feels different than being called a virgin or robot, it somehow feels like some Redditor or something is lurking behind the post

>> No.12123875

>spiking and raping someone often gets you tied to a pole naked to see how you like it.
Yum except I’d prefer doing this to someone innocent... you perhaps... I’d caress and tickle your quivering naked body :)

>> No.12123876

Protect their loved ones?

>> No.12123885

>I'm sadistic like the people who get tied to the pole
You first bby.

>> No.12123887

It’s because it’s used in such a smug way, typical of Reddit culture.
Also, it literally originated from reddit so the people who use it both as an identity and those who use it as a pejorative are probably from reddit

>> No.12123890

>You seem terribly upset that women aren't getting raped
You seem far more upset that women are, and yet not upset enough to acknowledge their suffering

>> No.12123900

I probably am more upset by rape than you, since I'd prefer to prevent them and not have my friends associate with rapists, while you seem to have gone to nothing but rape parties for high school and college. I don't think you were that upset by repeated rape, since you kept going back to do nothing but observe apparently. For years.

>> No.12123914

>as you try to decide upon verbiage which would feign intelligence most tacitly, googling frantically for dictionary definitions and synonym lists,

>> No.12123920

The feminists in your country would probably your critique your optimistic denial of a rape culture.

>> No.12123921

i cant identify exactly what it is about it, but the way they use it so reminiscent of reddit, it's like the mere use of the word is supposed to be the final say, like racist

if you call someone a robot, youre still calling them a virgin autist but it somehow doesnt seem like youre using the word to just end the conversation

>> No.12123931

>people who punish alleged wrongdoers outside the law aren’t sadists

>> No.12123940

there's something endearing about calling someone a robot, primarily because robots are cool

>> No.12123941

No, they're not American. Some countries they act like Americans, but just because some women are mental in foreign countries doesn't mean you didn't just claim to go to rape parties for years. I think you're scum btw.

>> No.12123947

I didn't say I was adverse to violence, I said you were going first.

>> No.12123960

OP, if you really are interested and is not just some lame attempt to troll, check out Mother, madonna, whore, by estela weldon.
She puts forward an interesting hypothesis about the nature of woman psychopathy.

>> No.12123977

Why do you think I’m scum? I’m not the other anon.
Defending vigilante sexual humiliation. Worse than the American habit of considering rape a desirable consequence of incarceration; they’re at least convicted, whatever that counts for. At least a sadist is honest about the selfishness of his pleasure at seeing other humans suffering.

>> No.12124003

I don't see why you're picking up the quote chain to defend rapistanon's story as universal when you're clearly assuming every country is America, other than Americans really want everyone else to copy their rape culture. No thanks, I'll keep our party culture and notions of social justice, because I don't mind living in a society where you can beat someone bloody for fucking an unconscious girl. I would prefer to keep living in that society, than to adopt the one where more women get raped and people think it's perfectly defensible to observe that for years and do nothing because they think that's a party. I mean, why would I chose the society where rape is met with "let's do this again next week" rather than a punch in the face. I don't think the first one makes for a less violent society just a society with regular rape parties. And again, don't really want a society that has rape parties. Pretty much all my nope to adopting that, since ew.

>> No.12124021

Robot is like a pet name
Virgin is the done to death insult
KHV is what virgins use to describe themselves
Incel is the smug insult

>> No.12124024

>he said descriptors so it must not exist
>athletes and fratboys are notoriously respectful towards women and no women could ever be taken advantage of by men of high social status whose parents donate to the schools and coach the sports teams
When the word rape is said, do you really think they’re beating these women and spitting on them or do you fathom that a woman who is incapacitated can’t consent to sex with 3 guys she just met?
There was an adjacent school in a valley nearby us where the baseball team did this near constantly, and were held even less accountable. Its universal alpha male behavior, this board skews effeminate middling status people who tend to be the loudest proponents of noble lies since their group status is the most insecure. Statistically, at every single hs in America, some athlete is going to rape a few girls during his time there, the same goes for most elite fraternities. Its not what happens every weekend, and most of them probably don’t explicitly do this, but they enable it. What’s fascinating here is that all of you are pretending to be defenders of females but are denying things literally all attractive women talk about constantly, and which is so frequently complained about by college women that its almost completely implausible that its not a common occurence. I never said that it was universal, again statistically many of these social groups will not have this behavior, but more than enough do that its a frequent occurrence if that’s too difficult to parse for you then you aren’t intelligent enough for conversation. i offered my experience, which was representative as I went to a quintessentially sports oriented, affluent school adjacent to a wealthy metro area filled with kids whose dads made over a million a year and who were all well entrenched in the frat-jock mentality. More common than anything was just harassing women and making them insecure about their choices sexually, I don’t really. are what the moral implications are just offering a counter to the idea that Chads are noble Clark Kentesque paladins who have no reason to take pussy by force or by coercion. Its simply not true, people who believe it are undiscerning or inexperienced. I mentioned rave after parties because people get wasted there more than anywhere else, i mentioned penthouse parties because invites are sent across many different social networks to girls who are unaffiliated with the hosts social group which raises the chances of sexual assault, i mentioned wealth and elite social groups because these young men can get away with far more since they literally run the fucking schools and their parents put more time and money into the local school culture and colleges than anyone else’s. Soccer players routinely rape chicks at hotels, male athletes are frequently accused of raping groupies, male businessmen and fratboys get caught sexually harassing and assaulting women constantly.

>> No.12124042

>When the word rape is said, do you really think they’re beating these women and spitting on them or do you fathom that a woman who is incapacitated can’t consent to sex with 3 guys she just met?
Yeah, the whole quote chain I've been pointing to that as also rape (and still violent). It's why we went to check that the girl who was drunk and cheating on her boyfriend fully understood what she was doing with the guy. Literally read the thread.

>> No.12124049

like 5 different girls have told me i raped them. note they didnt publicly accuse me, they just told me in private that i raped them. I was like '...we had sex while wasted, nobody raped anybody'

so i would take with a grain of salt what those girls say. They almost consider being raped like a badge of honour or some shit. they werent remotely mad at me, they just like 'informed' me 'anon, you know i couldnt consent because blah blah blah'

>> No.12124073

Where did I ever defend the other anon’s story as universal? His story is very specific and I’ve never experienced any thing like that at the parties I’ve been to here in Australia. That’s not the point. Your boasting is chauvinistic ...uhhmmm the women PROBABLY are grateful :). What country are you from? The naive and simple-minded confidence in your own anecdotes implies a Slavic country, but there’s a boyish thrill at beatings (which you haven’t done) and so on which makes me think you’re from a softer country. The way you say “we” did x is like the bourgeois kid who tries to follow along his extroverted friends in exciting events, to whom it comes naturally, and take some of the credit, act as if you belong to a socioculture slightly outside your own.
>Pretty much all my nope to adopting that, since ew.
Are you German or something? You talk like a giant f*ggot. Glib disgust (“ewwwiee!!!”) as substitute for moral judgement. Don’t take rape very seriously, and not on woman’s terms, only as adventure in which your country’s superior party culture saves the day.

>> No.12124089

Im not reading a series of incoherent, emotionally incontinent volleys by brainlets. You’re a fucking idiot for thinking that all women have their friend group with them at social gatherings. Read what I said, most of the girls who get raped are younger, lower social status or from other schools where the chances of their female or male friends intervening are low. Hence the examples I provided you.
Yes, I had two friends who were accused of rape falsely in hs and another after we graduated. However, one of them, unrelated, was indeed a rapist and I grew to despise him over time because of how smug he was about it. The problem I’m having here is that you all don’t fathom that just because you don’t see it, or because some women lie, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Im not going to accuse you of anything, im sure you have your story, but if you’ve been called a rapist 5 different times you are probably misinterpreting signals and getting way too drunk to make a judgement about what is healthy behavior with a woman. There will always be sex that’s a gray area, where you get rough with her and she was into it and then the alcohol hits and she starts being incapable of really being “present” and the next morning has mixed feelings as she doesn’t remember or didn’t really know if she wanted to have that kind of encounter. The crux of my argument is that the higher social status you are, and the more testosterone, the more likely it is you will get away with sexual assault, if its the case for murder (which we know it is), then it would follow that for other crimes it holds too. Circling back to the original two replies: “Chads” are just as likely to be callous, disinterested and aggressive with women, and disrespectful towards them as ugly omegas on image boards. Its not some unique behavior, women manufacture this idea for provisional use while signaling against men they don’t want to fuck, and then pretend its not the case while in the presence of handsome men, and then later again state that frat boys and jocks are rapist misogynists all while craving attention with them. This web of competing interests and disassociation makes discussion of misogyny and violence against women difficult. Complicating the matter is the existence of middle status males who often do not see the real behavior of higher status men they look up to, are inculcated into tight knit mixed sex friend groups (some of my friend groups were just like yours and we stopped actual violent assaults from happening and had to cope with some of our friends raping chicks); still further muddying the waters is the questionable moral culpability in all of this, the law aside, do women have the right to say no? can men really rape a woman who started hooking up with them somewhat sober and then gets fucked violently a few drinks later? should we care about low status women getting taken advantage of?

>> No.12124103

>When women say thank you for making sure they get home safe and uninterfered with, they're SARCASTICALLY PROBABLY GRATEFUL
I don't think you should be left near people. Ofc people are thankful when you take care of them when they need caring for. It's why people thank you for that shit the next day regardless of gender.
>as universal
You seem to think that the American experience contradicting the European experience means that Europeans are just lying to you, and if you got a passport you'd come over and find us neck deep in the problems of your society.
>implies a Slavic country
LEL do you only talk to UKIP supporters or something? Violence when drunk is pretty common to teenager everywhere. So are tracksuits. It's not just the Poles.
>German or something
How is that German? Of all countries, Germans are the least likely to say ew to anything including smegma.

I think you assume the US experience is universal because you have no experience of anything else and assume people from foreign countries are lying to you unless they're deeply racist.
>Either Slav or bourgeois
Your brain on American politics makes for weird comparisons.

>> No.12124106

going even further, historically, if you conquered another tribe or kingdom, their women were bounty for your soldiers and aristocrats. people would take princesses from defeated nobility and distribute them to their generals. the soviets and germans raped their way across each others’ territory, the Greeks did this as a matter of course, the native americans and polynesians did this all the way through the 19th century, it still occurs routinely in eastern europe and MENA. That means this behavior is extremely common, and likely correlates strongly with high social status aggressive alpha males. Its seen in prisons and in barracks, and as I’ve said every american knows about our fraternities and sports teams. I never said rape was necessarily justified, i never said that I did it, or that i enabled it, and I never said that all women get raped, that all high status men rape, or that no low status men rape, or that all high status men hate women, just from my experience the more aggressive high status males were extremely cruel and uncaring towards their female counterparts and we had girls kill themselves over this exact situation: girl got high on meth with 3 star athletes, was a freshman, got fucked by all 3, was extremely embarassed about it the next day and skipped school for a week, guys start bullying her for it over snapchat, she kills herself after her whole class calls her a whore. It was, if im being honest, fairly evil to do that knowing she was already unstable. Anecdotes aside, its all quite difficult to discuss since emotiona and experience will always pollute the discourse. That was my point, and nothing else.

>> No.12124118

oh i couldnt care less if im called a rapist i was just saying. like by their own definition that means they all raped me too so whatever

>> No.12124125

Yeah the idea the lower social status girls get raped by the elite isn't going to fly for me since the example of checking consent of the lower class girl who is drunk and cheating involves hereditary nobility and manufacturing heirs, and yet, despite all that privilege, none of them want her to get raped or make drunken mistake. It's almost like being rich didn't make you a bastard with no morals, but your socialisation might allow someone like you to attend rape parties for years and gain very little income or social esteem boost from it.