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/lit/ - Literature

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12122551 No.12122551 [Reply] [Original]

>I shouldn’t have come to this party.
>I’m not even sure I belong at this party. That’s not on some bougie shit, either. There are just some places where it’s not enough to be me. Neither version of me. Big D’s spring break party is one of those places.
>I squeeze through sweaty bodies and follow Kenya, her curls bouncing past her shoulders. A haze lingers over the room, smelling like weed, and music rattles the floor. Some rapper calls out for everybody to Nae-Nae, followed by a bunch of “Heys” as people launch into their own versions. Kenya holds up her cup and dances her way through the crowd. Between the headache from the loud-ass music and the nausea from the weed odor, I’ll be amazed if I cross the room without spilling my drink.
>We break out the crowd. Big D’s house is packed wall-to-wall. I’ve always heard that everybody and their momma comes to his spring break parties—well, everybody except me—but damn, I didn’t know it would be this many people. Girls wear their hair colored, curled, laid, and slayed. Got me feeling basic as hell with my ponytail. Guys in their freshest kicks and sagging pants grind so close to girls they just about need condoms. My nana likes to say that spring brings love. Spring in Garden Heights doesn’t always bring love, but it promises babies in the winter. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of them are conceived the night of Big D’s party. He always has it on the Friday of spring break because you need Saturday to recover and Sunday to repent.

What type of books did YOU read in high school?

>> No.12122567

I read Nietzsche

>> No.12122590

Nigger garbage like this (that's what it is; I'm not racist, it's a description of the work like Southern garbage or the like) is partially responsible for the degradation of the culture of the Western world. People are now so stupid that they believe "literature" like this has any value past being the idealistic ramblings of a double digit IQ sheboon whose idea of wrong and right comes from the mass media (if we're lucky)

>> No.12122640

>I’m not racist

Damn son

>> No.12122723
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>> No.12122732


>> No.12122744
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Honestly this prose isn't that bad. I doubt the plot is anything special, though. Can I have a rundown?

>> No.12122771
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she looks exactly like my fucking mentally insane aunt, except she's black

>> No.12122787


>> No.12122826

>My nana likes to say that spring brings love. Spring in Garden Heights doesn’t always bring love, but it promises babies in the winter. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of them are conceived the night of Big D’s party. He always has it on the Friday of spring break because you need Saturday to recover and Sunday to repent.
ok this passage is actually pretty good

>> No.12122846

tell your aunt i said hey

>> No.12122858

as far as nigger literature goes, i really like this.
i'd buy, read and try to woo arthoes with it.

>> No.12123362

she looks a lot like pepe

>> No.12123560

I went to a Catholic School in Canada and I don't remember reading something for class written after the 60s.

>> No.12124091

Yukio Mishima, Ernst Jünger, Gabriele D' Annunzio

>> No.12124098

>im not racist

>> No.12124102

>Racism: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
Yeah, I'm not racist

>> No.12124112

They’ve literally started peddling 14 year olds diaries as literature.

I’m so so sorry to black people out there, I know you can do better than this but the shitlobs don’t i guess.

>> No.12124115

Shit nigga you dumb as fuck

>> No.12124144

So when people talk about white privilege or say whitey is that racist? Because it antagonizes me

>> No.12124303

im pretty sure i write better than that

>> No.12124308

stop replying to shill posts. sage goes in all fields

>> No.12124313

Your sage didn't work you idiot

>> No.12124314

>William Shaxbeard
>Nick Hornby
>Harlan Ellison
>James Joyce
>Ken Kesey
>JD Salinger
>William Faulkner
>John Gardner
>Jack Kerouac
>Vladimir Nabiscokov
>Philly K Dick
You fuckin' boring gibronis.

>> No.12124327

The fact that the most of what is expected, by liberals, for black people, is that their intellectual and cultural output amounts of their being black, and how they feel about, and that they get applauded for it, works really well for racists

>> No.12124472

a man dindu nuffin and gets shot so our bourgeois protagonist has to deal with being sad

>> No.12124474

shut up anon Anne Frank had great prose and deserves every bit of praise she gets

>> No.12124510

I was a fan of Shakespeare, Poe, Hawthorne, most of the Romantic poets, Frost, Hemingway, Crane. Back then my favorite Shakespeare play was Romeo and Juliet. I hated anything contemporary.

>> No.12124571
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>That’s not on some bougie shit, either.
Knowing that this is a sentence is a real book enrages me

>> No.12124576

In an aktchuall book???? O.M.G. !

>> No.12124590

No anon, its basic as not having your hair coloured. I am sure you read science fiction

>> No.12124651

Robert Heinlein
1984/Animal Farm
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

R8 me bros.

>> No.12124656

based ebony KWEEN documenting the phenomenology astral american urbanite mating rituals. excellent ethnographic and sociological insights. Most will not understand this

>> No.12124661

Whose your favorite author?

>> No.12124695


>> No.12124796

Why do you like him?

>> No.12124860


I only want to know two things about the movie to know whether I want to watch it or not:

Did the dad make the "Harry Potter is really about hardcore gangstas" analogy he does in the book?

Did they include the scene of Star getting fingered by the white kid?

>> No.12124908

Moby Dick
Henry Miller

>> No.12125080

Les Miserables (picked up because a friend dared me to try and read it but I kept to it because I liked Valjean, the themes, and had a weird kind of love for Eponine), a lot of Ray Bradbury and Mark Twain including their short stories, The Idiot because of this board, a lot of Steinbeck, War and Peace, Le Morte De Arthur, Don Quixote, Republic, a lot of Charles Dickens, and the curriculum from English class

>> No.12125086

7/10, pretty much average but Hitchiker's brought you a little further up

>> No.12125108

>Racism: Inductive logic applied to race.

>> No.12125323

He always has it on the Friday of spring break because you need Saturday to recover and Sunday to repent.

This line is pretty funny desu, a little simple to be fair but pretty good.

>> No.12125335

Thankfully kids never actually read the novels in highschool, they can get by simply reading a summery.

>> No.12125339

yes its extremely racist, blacks and jews are supremely racist groups and deny this so they can continue being racist covertly. You are racist though, and so am I.
No, while its true liberals are implicitly racist paternalists, blacks are just dumb and incapable of abstract thought or beautiful expression. The limits of their powers are singing, dancing and athletics.

>> No.12125357

I actually read mostly sci-fi/fantasy warhammer escapist bullshit.

It wasn't until i was 20 that i picked up Kim by rudyard kipling and Middlemarch by george Eliot.

Then my life was changed, literally. It's sort of a shame these days for kids who are into books, they don't have educated parents anymore who will get them onto byron or some cool worthwhile shit that will really help them grow artistically/intellectually/spiritually etc.

>> No.12125380
File: 42 KB, 334x506, pepetuxmonocle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


High school is twenty years behind me. During lunch breaks and after school I would read philosophy, The Hobbit & LOTR, all of Frank Herbert's Dune books, the first few Wheel of Time books before dropping them, Vonnegut, and some Larry Niven and other random scifi, a few Dickens books (he sucks), Whitman and Frost, Carlos Castaneda, and a bunch of other pseudo-metaphysical books.

The wave of books that concerns themselves with involving the reader in their politics, activism, and social media presence are doomed to irrelevance. Doomed. Stop reading them.

>> No.12125596

Of course it is. get radicalcentristpilled already motherfucker.

>> No.12125605

is this modern kerouac or something

>> No.12125616

It is literally just Catcher in the Rye made relatable to Gen Z, with a little bit more whining and a lot darker. In high school I read Joyce, some poetry, and whatever we read in English class.

>> No.12125622

mostly warhammer and crap like calvino or celine
buncha roided dudes with 4 hearts and 20 lungs and 5 dicks running around killing shit beat the fuck out of some dumb french doctor being dark and edgy for no reason
honestly i don't know why people like celine and some other authors. i like people who write about real shit and don't add a layer of muh feels to it. there's no need to imagine shit to over complicate life, there's a need to simplify it.

>> No.12125910

That's actually not bad prose for recent YA fiction, it has a casual rhythm to it and implements youthful African American phrases and mannerisms in a way that sounds like the way kids speak nowadays. I can see why /lit/ in general doesn't like it but I can also see why a lot of young people like this too.

>> No.12125918

If the book is written like that then I think I'll be more willing to give it a shot sometime, that's actually not bad for sassy YA fiction.

>> No.12126023

Do black authors like Baldwin, Reed or Ellison make it onto any syllabuses in American schools?

>> No.12126033

>that's what it is; I'm not racist
You should be after enduring American public schooling.

>> No.12126048

>It is literally just Catcher in the Rye made relatable to Gen Z
I'm sincerely not racist and I think there are plenty great black writers, but good god anon, please never compare this trash to Salinger ever again

>> No.12126100

Maybe, but they don't even attempt to transcend these expectations to create culture that isn't completely self-reflective. Latin America in the until the 20th century had mulatto/black writers of at least middling quality, who actually engaged with real literature. Meanwhile american blacks are incapable of thinking about anything outside their own blackness, and it works in keeping them perpetually subdeveloped. If people are incapable of coming up with a high culture of their own, aping that of others is the best possible option.