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12122230 No.12122230 [Reply] [Original]

Reccommend me authors who are redpilled on women

>> No.12122238

The Upanishads' writer

>> No.12122273
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The title essay is probably the most important, and there's a pdf right here.

>> No.12122440

Ian Fleming (unironically)

>> No.12122462

Donald Trump

>> No.12123192

H.L. Mencken
Rich Zubaty
Esther Vilar

>> No.12123477

Based Houellebecq

>> No.12123682

William Luther Pierce

>> No.12123695
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Are you an incel? I want to knock your brains out.

>> No.12124276


>> No.12124283

certainly not a redpilled post
very doubtfully based

>> No.12124706

I have eczema on my weiner and I'm embarrassed about it. Not sure if that's incel or volcel. The fact that I can't get it cleared up because I missed an insurance payment and had my coverage involuntarily taken away complicates the matter further.
Isn't he divorced?
I've never heard Pierce talk about women on American Dissident Voices, although the "sex scene", if you can call it that, in The Turner Diaries was classy. I'm not aware of any specific insights on his part.
Redpill as internet slang originated in the manosphere so it's even more appropriate with regards to the woman question than with other questions.

>> No.12124723
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so progressive

>> No.12124881

The protagonists in The Turner Diaries and Hunter both have ideal relationships with ideal White women. They aren't shrinking violets, but they know their places. Dr Pierce was obviously not a misogynist like so many young White Nationalists these days.

>> No.12125003

preddy gud

>> No.12125016

I assume that Dr. Pierce recognized the need men and women have for each other, and so suppressed any unfair pronouncements he might've made on women. He also recognized that that the phenomenon of misogyny, or the active denigration of women by weak men, festered as a result of Zionist encouragement.

>> No.12125017

>it's hard to lie to someone and tell them you love them

>> No.12125600

I love women lads

>> No.12125672

The Anatomy of Female Power is a great read too : http://therawness.com/AFP.pdf

>> No.12125685

Hating women for sleeping around is like hating your dog for licking it's crotch.

>> No.12125705

He'd be some neet on /r9k/ if he were alive today and we all know it.

>> No.12125709

This isn't about hating women, just recognizing what they are.

>> No.12125718

Just as long as you don't let the realizations get to you, some people can't handle it or get angry at what they cannot control.

>> No.12125720

Yes, but they’re just acceptable casualties, the same way finding out blacks are impulsive retards can make you comically racist when it should just clear up some theory of mind and socio-cultural questions you had, anyone who falls into the former behavior is a brainlet and ought to burn in their own ressentiment and incompetent spirit.

>> No.12125733

my nigga

i also read "the garbage generation" after that for a more political spin

>> No.12125742

Otto Weininger. He compares women to Jews.

Also Houellebecq obvs.

>> No.12125763

Cato the Elder:

>> No.12125786
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Anthony Ludovici.

>> No.12125819

I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man.

>> No.12125824

this, read them here: https://www.anthonymludovici.com/texts.htm

>> No.12125890
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