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File: 253 KB, 994x774, ghostmodernism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12122061 No.12122061 [Reply] [Original]

who are some writers besides pessoa you could describe as ghostmodernist?

what is ghostmodernism to you?

>> No.12122069

>what is ghostmodernism to you?
A made up word by some retard from /lit/

>> No.12122082
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>what is ghostmodernism to you?
A realization that we are surrounded by spooks: people obsessed with things like race, gender, nationality, religion, as a means of avoiding the responsibility thrust upon all of us to see people as more than artificial identity groups: to see people as human beings with thoughts, personalities, families, hobbies, etc.

>> No.12122228
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>> No.12122260


>> No.12122266
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Forgot pic

>> No.12122343
File: 72 KB, 432x500, 1542835804798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ghostmodernism isn't meant to be taken as a epoch equivalent to modernism or postmodernism, which i suspect is why most anon's disagree with meming it. ghostmodernism is rather an aesthetic tendency, a snapshot of the peculiar space between intelligible moments in time, between the discrete glacial bodies of history known as "movements" proper.

i am a ghostmodernist, you are a ghostmodernist (in spite of your protestations). ghostmodernism, whether you like it or not, describes something of this peculiar non-moment in history.

or maybe you dont feel the same anhedonia, the same loneliness, as the rest of us do. maybe you do, but dont take the same pleasure in them as we do. the same pleasure in our confinement, the same pleasure in our numbness (think how much hedonism revolves around numbing oneself and then think what purer pleasure can there be than the most radical absence of pleasure, the depths of unfeeling.)

we have given up. modernity has remade us in its inhuman image, run its magnet over us. we are as Leibnizian bare monads, incapable of changing each other, incapable of even touching each other (try it for yourself, and see how your hand passes through!), dulled and drowsed. this stupor of mere perception, so much like being underwater with no sense of up and down, is the ghostmodern condition.

we gibbering rag and bone men of the deserts who range the greenless barrens for scraps and signs of life, collecting rays of light and distant muffled sounds like trinkets for our collection. but it's no use at all, for all we have in that heaving sack of percepts is junk and tatters, unsortable second-hands divorced from their origins. every once in a while we put our sack down, and look it over, thinking to scrutinize the bones, but soon the same dizziness as before comes over us and we sigh at the futility, and again heave up the sack and move on.

this is modern life, postmodern life, ghostmodern life. maybe there will be something next, some grand return of history, but not for us.

i remember a schizophrenic who used to post here about thinking he was dead. someone told him to count the worms to pass the time. he told us there were no worms. he told us there were other creatures but that it had been dark for days, he told us he couldnt even stand upright and that he could hear the fluid hissing out of his joints. he asked us for help and none of us knew what to do. he lives, he said, in a ghost town. after that, i didnt read any further. that was a long time ago. now i have trouble recognizing the faces of people ive know all my life, now sometimes, on the edge of sleep, i feel wetness about my bare feet, and hear something hissing.

We are the hollow men. We are the stuffed men. Leaning together headpiece filled with straw. Alas! Our dried voices, when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar

>> No.12122362


so it's anomie

>> No.12122366

>i remember a schizophrenic who used to post here about thinking he was dead. someone told him to count the worms to pass the time. he told us there were no worms. he told us there were other creatures but that it had been dark for days, he told us he couldnt even stand upright and that he could hear the fluid hissing out of his joints. he asked us for help and none of us knew what to do. he lives, he said, in a ghost town. after that, i didnt read any further. that was a long time ago. now i have trouble recognizing the faces of people ive know all my life, now sometimes, on the edge of sleep, i feel wetness about my bare feet, and hear something hissing.

You lost me here. This is just nonsensical rambling.

>> No.12122372


no it's not

>> No.12122396

Never good when your aesthetic and movement sound like an elitist Tyler Durden (the "middle child of history" speech)

>> No.12122404

I enjoyed this, anon.

>> No.12122413

It isn't, actually

>> No.12122421


that's obviously not the entire deal, it's just that poster's creative interpretation of the term. it doesn't even work as a manifesto, if you could even write a manifesto for whatever 'ghost modernism' is

>> No.12122449

clearly different since tyler durden's whole deal is anger and pseudo-integration with capital through political action, while ghostmodernism's whole deal is recognition of the technological conditions that make that impossible and the designing of an aesthetic of pleasant nostalgic sadness in order to cope with that

>> No.12122469
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It sounds very PaulAusterish

>> No.12122494


This...aphorism by Ligotti.

>> No.12122496

Fair-- I see more where you're coming from now. It's been about a decade since I read Fight Club, and his sentence
>this is modern life, postmodern life, ghostmodern life. maybe there will be something next, some grand return of history, but not for us.

just sounded right outta the book

>> No.12122644

I definitely get your comparison and looking at the short sentences I used in that post i can see how the style would remind you of those writes, like palahnuik and Brett Easton Ellis.

I think that difference is an important one. honestly fight club being written in the 90s the whole revolution thing was already outdated. Boomer radicals in the 60s didn't understand that their opposition to the system was impossible to act out in the political sphere in any meaningful way, since their mere participation in politics required betrayals of radical politics which were fatal to the integrity of their movements. Most people past 1980 understood this paradox, and fight club seems to me to be weirdly anachronistic in how much it reifies this kind of revolutionary politics as having potential (even though it critiques it). I'm going to out myself as a pseud tho, because I've only ever seen the film, not sure if the book is more aware of this.

>> No.12122679


>> No.12122691

The book and movie are two sides of the same coin. Equally well done in different respects. Palahniuk would agree if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.12122707

Yeah I watched the film again recently expected to be super disappointed (because I used to be really into it when I was an edgy teenager) but I was really surprised by how good it was. Obviously excellent directing by Fincher, but it's also very funny, much funnier than I remember

>> No.12122728

De Assis. author of Bras Cubas...

>> No.12122747

Osamu Dazai

>> No.12124082


>> No.12124134
File: 22 KB, 468x360, 41_00245266_philippe-de-champaigne_vanitas,-allegorie-der-vergaenglichkeit-mit-totenkopf-und-stundenglas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you you mean to say postmortemism?

>> No.12124732

To me /ghostmodern/ evokes every abortive notion meant to repeal and replace modernism, it is the detritus of desiderata, the digital artifact, the Instagram filter of modernism.

>> No.12124783

I read some pretty hot lesbian ghost stories, does that count?

>> No.12124824
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>> No.12124872

ghostmodernism is the best how dare you

>> No.12124882

>after that, i didnt read any further. that was a long time ago.

>> No.12124889
File: 1.97 MB, 1604x725, Kingsglaive-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12125735


>> No.12125740

>not a spook

>> No.12125860

Very nice!