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/lit/ - Literature

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12121818 No.12121818[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do they read, /lit/?

>> No.12121840

Dr. Seuss

>> No.12121874
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LOTR, Dune, ayn rand. bronze age mindset, 12 rules, evola, that japanese homosexual and probably some kind of PUA bullshit

>> No.12121880

Why would you save a collage of open mouthed bearded men to your computer?

>> No.12121893

deep insecurity with their own masculinity

>> No.12121898

to do cum tributes

>> No.12121899

>basedboys read ancient times mindset and evola
Wow, the left is really desperate for memes huh

>> No.12121901

>LOTR, Dune
what's with this new contrarian shit

>> No.12121906

Das kapital and Mein Kampf, in that order

>> No.12121910

not op... but do really save pics onto your computer to post them here?

>> No.12121915
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Yeah I don't think so

>> No.12121920
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>> No.12121928


>> No.12121965
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sorry. i find it difficult to differentiate between the various teen sub-cultures that those born after 1990 attach themselves to. To me you're all just the same noise, particularly "yootoobers"

>> No.12121988

neckbeard, faggot gaymers read evola all the time.

>> No.12121992

your favourite books

>> No.12122041
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pic related

>> No.12122050

>1984 and His Dark Materials are basedboy material
why, they're good books

>> No.12122059

They don't read. They watch YouTubers like Philosophy Tube, Hbomberguy, and Contrapoints.

>> No.12122060

>basedboys read ancient times mindset and evola
Well, yeah, that's pretty much the only kind of people that read those.

>> No.12122066


>> No.12122071

Sci-fi and fantasy

>> No.12122074

It's not about them being bad or good

>> No.12122081

the rest are all bad books

>> No.12122093

> Guns germs and steel

Ive met some of these fags IRL. They read this one book and suddenly they are geopolitical and historical experts.

>> No.12122094

Back to >>>/pol/ with you, hush hush.

>> No.12122097

The common thread is really that they're all "entry-level"

>> No.12122111

Popular science books, popular fantasy series that have a TV/movie series, Andy Weir, John Scalzi, John Green and that black woman who has won the Hugo award three times in a row (but not because they enjoy her writing).
They probably like Heinlein but use the word 'problematic' when they mention him.

>> No.12122212

the three fags on the top left are unsettling to look at, they really do look like grimacing simians

>> No.12122218

ardrey come back

>> No.12122263

Wheel of Time

>> No.12122295

hbomb is an insufferable prick but he's correct more times than not

>> No.12122345

You're not wrong. He's basically that Onion article about the worst person you know having a good point.

>> No.12122457
File: 828 KB, 1366x768, The_Glowing_Bug_Man_title_card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was friends/housemates with one of these. He was obsessed with Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, and on his birthday he forced us all to watch the 2010 film of it. He generally read children's books that are weirdly popular with 90's kids who are now in their 20s, such as that Narnia book and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Sometimes when people were conversing with him, he would open his backpack (which was a Marvel superhero backpack), pull out his book and just start reading it in front of them.

>> No.12122499

just look at that hbomberfag, now i wish i could knock him out. punchable face.