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12121488 No.12121488 [Reply] [Original]

Are we Lovecraftian to them?

>> No.12121502


>> No.12121514

Based paleo ethnats

>> No.12121564

we're kafkaesque

>> No.12121566

more like magicians

>> No.12121570

>tfw every one of these men is free from the plague of advertising and consumerism, has a place in his society, has no experience of the modern man's crushing loneliness and can call his peers friends
I want to be an aboriginal

>> No.12121598


>> No.12121615

Actually this.

>> No.12121630

I bet some of them are still bullies.

>> No.12121633

*dies from a minor infection*

>> No.12121648

I just need 40 good men and I could wipe out that whole island.

>> No.12121655

All you'd need is the flu.

>> No.12121658

wouldn't they worship big fishes? aren't they the lovecraftian ones to us?

>> No.12121663

you are free to go to the forest an eat your own shit every day

>> No.12121670

it's not the same, I'm already tainted by modern society

>> No.12121672

Does this alone make you superiour to them?

>> No.12121674

because that's definitely the same as being born into a functioning hunter gatherer tribe you actual brainlet

>> No.12121678

yeah, a bunch of negros worshipping some voodoo stuff and an educated white man discovering them with horror sounds pretty Lovecraftian

>> No.12121680

>functioning hunter gatherer tribe

>> No.12121686

>dies forgotten by his family in a nursing home, his mind destroyed by alzheimer's

>> No.12121687

yeah as in they know how to hunt and gather, have established traditions and culture etc

ie. not you going into a forest alone like a retard or with several other modern retards

>> No.12121693

no, we're annoying

>> No.12121702

>ywn shoot airplanes out of the sky with your arrows and celebrate with a tribal feast afterward

>> No.12121727

40 good men is more than there are men women and children on the island you despicable cunt

>> No.12121738

>modern man's crushing loneliness
Nigga wot. That feeling is as old as humanity itself. It's noted in the Old Testament, so unless people 3,000 years ago were modern, you might be a little off on your estimation

>> No.12121742

>so unless people 3,000 years ago were modern,
compared to hunter gatherers they defintely were. much more similar to us anyway

>> No.12121747

most tribes are barely functional and won't survive long before getting raped by a better tribe

>> No.12121752

the tribes in south-western Europe kept painting the same caves with the same type of paintings for literally 10s of thousands of years

>> No.12121753

he did what he did not out of any sort of desire to help but out of ego and self satisfaction, and to take selfies

>> No.12121758

Are there any humans that resemble the primordial father that Freuid talks about. U know the ones without a family structure.

>> No.12121792

The only difference between an Israelite from 1000BC and the hunter gatherer is how exactly they obtain their food. You're delusional if you think that you and I are more similar to the Israelite, despite the fact that we drive down to our supermarket and buy goods with money that we earned through labour for a large multinational firm.
Planting seeds in the ground and harvesting them is much more similar to picking fruits that grow on your island than going to the supermarket to purchase goods grown by someone else on the other side of the continent.

>> No.12121805

We both lived in towns or cities, we both specialized for certain jobs, we both live in a complex civilization that had writing, monumental architecture, the rapid rise and fall of kingdoms, etc.

The shift from hg to agriculture and civilization is much larger than the one from the 1000BC to present

>> No.12121825

These people should be forcefully subjugated.

>> No.12121835

>The only difference between an Israelite from 1000BC and the hunter gatherer is how exactly they obtain their food.

>> No.12121842

We are Lovecraftian to me desu

>> No.12121849

different tribes had similar culture, doesn't mean they didn't rape each other and human sacrifice NEETs

>> No.12121865

>The Sentinelese followed up by launching another round of arrows, one of which struck the documentary director in his thigh. The man who wounded the director withdrew to the shade of a tree and laughed proudly while others speared and then buried the pig and the doll.
No, we are cucks to them.

>> No.12121876

>The man who wounded the director withdrew to the shade of a tree and laughed proudly
based dindu

>> No.12121879

>then buried the pig and the doll
what's the doll?

>> No.12121883

>speared and then buried the pig
poor pig, he didn't deserve this

>> No.12121924
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>> No.12121950

Just leave them the fuck alone. We don't have to shit all over their lives

>> No.12121956

redpilled abo negro

>> No.12122092

you left out the best part
>Afterwards, they left, taking with them the coconuts and aluminium cookware.

>> No.12122134

based and coconutpilled

>> No.12122151

>implying our bodies can't survive infections on their own
>implying you can't just burn the wound
>implying you can't just use honey on the wound
Imagine still believing retarded shit like this.

>> No.12122161

>after twice as long of a functional adulthood

>> No.12122167

>being a cucked wageslave in a shit society
>functional adulthood

>> No.12122199
File: 37 KB, 485x443, 1541422276725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oga why anonrux never leave the cave boga

>> No.12122527

>be a member of a simple Stone Age tribe
>hear a frightening noise in the distance
>a metal beast approaches the island, covered in mysterious glyphs
>shoot arrows at this incomprehensible monster, hoping to repel it
>it flees

>> No.12122534

Would you sexually abuse a Jarawa woman?

>> No.12122542

>make a phone call to the Indian government celebrating the slaughter of another American dog, meet Narendra for drinks that avo

>> No.12122548

Actually since this thing happened I've been fantasising about dropping onto the island from an airplane, armed with an assault rifle, and doing a little "exploration".

>> No.12122556

You wouldnt make it 4 days.

>> No.12122568

this is the last man ying to the s*yboys last man yang

>> No.12122589

>Actual education besides hunting,gathering,and making fire for food
>Has the ability to buy whatever he pleases,go to beautiful cities

>> No.12122592

How will Christ fags recover

>> No.12122596

>Actual education
>wow guys we all remember these words and numbers n'shit we invented from nothing
>Has the ability to buy whatever he pleases
wow so grreat
>go to beautiful cities
and yet almost everyone glorifies virgin natural environments

>> No.12122609

Do you think they have some kind of awareness of what's going on here?
I feel like humans would be able to come to some conclusion of what's happening out here and that it's not all some voodoo stuff when faced with this situation

>> No.12122622

Yeah, if you look at some of the news reel footage they're behaving "normally" around visiting boats. They probably just want to be left alone.

>> No.12122625
File: 8 KB, 395x238, 23754428347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"oh I'm so glad I suffered through 5 years of indoctrination so that I can be told what to do by a fat banshee just to earn enough money to finally go to a beautiful ci- oh wait the city isn't beautiful at all since it's been rebuilt with shitty jewish achitecture and now niggers are crawling around like maggots on a rotten corpse"

>> No.12122650

agriculture were a mistake

>> No.12122654
File: 28 KB, 499x481, 1542689998938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beautiful cities
That's like saying illogical logic

>> No.12122663

>The teenage brain on /pol/.

>> No.12122672
File: 80 KB, 720x677, 1d34ea14904e3ba2ff6c135ea52f696a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teenagers have spent 5 years on college degrees.

>> No.12122729

I hope that one day you will get some "divercity"

>> No.12122808

i hope so

>> No.12122834

>we will never understand the Sentinelese language

>> No.12122852

Look at it, they are extremely hostile to the outsiders and they are left alone, to die with the environmental shift instead of joining the rest of the world and drinking themselves to death. I can't shake off the feeling that the option that they unknowingly chose is the better one.

>> No.12122902

You know homeless people still live like this, right?

Stop being a whining pathetic loser, and go live like an animal and wallow in some actual, real filth instead of the shit that's in your head

>> No.12122915

>homeless people live like hunter gatherers
you are genuinely retarded

>> No.12122918

Unironically this is the best description

>> No.12122931

You are just a sad loser idealizing the exotic, like every other sad loser throughout history

Grow up

>> No.12122940

regardless of your profound analysis of my psychology, your assertion that homeless people live like hunter gatherers is so stupid i wonder if you didnt accidentally find yourself here from a hyperlink in youtube comments

>> No.12122953

homeless people=hunter gatherers.

>> No.12122959

Of course they do. They are forced to bond into groups based on scarcity, and the need for survival and fellowship. They wallow in their own filth, and live short, miserable lives.

If you think living like an animal is somehow more 'authentic', or whatever, it is a failure in you, and nothing else.

>> No.12122972

Then there's no hope.

>> No.12122978

What is the actual value in education? It's only purpose in modern society is to get you some wageslave job so you can live your miserable life in this alienating, consumerist society. Do you actually think people in modern society are happier than a primitive hunter gatherer society?

>> No.12122981

Honestly crackheads are kind of like hunter gatherers
They're nomadic, their "hunting" is stabbing you and stealing your money, and their "gathering" is stealing shit from kmart and other crackheads

>> No.12122998

>The man who wounded the director withdrew to the shade of a tree and laughed proudly while others speared and then buried the pig and the doll.
I love this shit, the simplicity of it all reminds me of mitholy and fairy tales. I read a story sometime ago about a group of researchers that came in contact with a native tribe for the first time. At dawn, the women of the tribe ran way, just like that, so the men tied the researches to a tree and they had to scream at the top of their lungs, calling the women back.
Just imagine this shit happening irl, it reads just like mitholgy/fairy tales.
I wonder if there is a conexion between the "primitive" mind and this weird kind of narrative

>> No.12123008

have you ever read an account of how hunter gatherers live? first of all theyre nomadic, they dont wallow in their filth. secondly most homeless people are only homeless for a short amount of time, the chronically homeless have deep mental issues. Third the homeless are mostly isolated and make temprorary shallow relations with each other, hunter gatherers live in extended families with extremely tight bonds, tighter than probably any other form of human society. Fourth huntergathers have important skills they spend their lives developing, men not peaking in hunting ability until about age 50 for example, there is no comparable set of skills of being homeless.

I have no idea where you got your idea of hunter gatherer societies being some sort of filthy hell, but they weren't, they were the lives that humans literally evolved for, it is civilization that is the weird newcomer, we spent hundreds of thousands of years living like that.

>> No.12123018

Frog posters always have the most retarded opinions.

>> No.12123031


>> No.12123035

Well, you could say that they experience the same amount of happiness, cause of the hedonic treadmill effect.

>> No.12123042

we bringing international communism


>> No.12123060

Please no meat touching ma'am.

>> No.12123176

>implying hg societies don't pass information and educate each other through stories and direct teaching
>implying what he calls education isn't only functional in our own society

>> No.12123177

A based and redpilled YES

>> No.12123194

This. I'm sure they have their own understanding of wounds and sickness that helps a bit. Also, they'll be a lot hardier (thus able to survive) due to not having medicine as a crutch.

>> No.12123235

>actual education
You mean halfheartedly meeting some irrelevant conditions that you then forget? Education in a hunter-gatherer band is informal and natural, not something you do in particular, something that just occurs via socialising for your entire life. It would include a lot more than basic survival skills.

>> No.12123254

This is the future Ted Kaczynski wants

>> No.12123257
File: 282 KB, 862x876, 1542674356912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't we Lovecraftian to our selves? *pensive stare*

>> No.12123264

I've always wondered about a TV show where they abduct someone from an uncontacted tribe and drop them off in the middle of Times Square. Then we follow them around and see what hijinks they get into, or how long until they die from the diseases they have no resistance from.

>> No.12123276


>> No.12123330

of course it is but its hard to imagine the bonds formed over lunch breaks at schlomo corp can be quite as sincere as those made while youre out hunting or fighting quite literally for the immediate survival of your tribe. Modern relations are quite shallow because of how easy and often transient they are.
Also, the old testament was written which alone puts it quite far ahead of stone age tribes. It wasnt created in an outright hunter-gatherer society. Though, the feeling still almost certainly persists to pre-history.

>> No.12123336

This faggot got fucked hard by this alpha

>> No.12123353


What is the reason for this coordinated flooding? This same picture is on multiple boards with some stupid message that looks like a crude attempt at fomenting racial tensions

>> No.12123390

now this is based

>> No.12123401


>> No.12123420
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x1080, 1538167694126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so cool, I wonder about their creation lore and beliefs etc.

>> No.12123614

embrace it!

>> No.12123640


They killed some Yankee I think.

>> No.12123645

>implying natural selection is a bad thing

>> No.12123654

You have the freedom to choose, they can't abandon their rustic lifestyles because it would mean dead to them.

>> No.12123671

Imagine writing a wall because of some dude, I bet you think marx destroyed stirner too, I bet you write stupid shit like "superfluous man" and how modern life sucks because of your daddy issues despite absolutely nothing changed in thousands of years besides technology, actually, now is better than ever.

>> No.12123694

i quite like modern life m8 i just dont understand that anon's hatred of hunter gatherer life, and i think there simply must be respects in which an environment we evolved for over huge periods of time is better for us

why do you niggers always put so many words into my mouth

>> No.12123712

Because if it was good, there would be people advocating it outside a cappodacian sinafore knitting forum, the best way to respect environment would be by sterilizing people until a reasonable population is reached and keep it there, advance technology until we are behind the petrol era and wipe out diseases, the "superfluous man" shit you post is extremely pathetic, I got wrinkles of frowning so much because of the shit you post.

>> No.12124197

>human society and life naturally tends toward “the good” rather than emerging as whatever works

>> No.12124245
File: 47 KB, 250x595, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that we can talk about tribalism from across the world with out speaking or moving our butts to get outside. The fact that we conquered wild beast,changed out DNA and not forget,the Hubble Telescope.Think before (You) speak Anon.

>> No.12125321
File: 97 KB, 208x221, north sentinelese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me on the right

>> No.12125350

Actually you are not free to do that. There are laws against it

>> No.12125352

No. Freud was wrong.

>> No.12125368

reminder this shit is fake and they have plenty of contact with the modern world. They are abbo tier and have mana from heaven mentality.

There might be some actual uncontacted tribes somewhere in the amazon though.

>> No.12125370

>being an unironic vapid technophile
yes anon, technology will solve all of technologies problems.

>> No.12125373

what about societal structures? in the modern world millions upon millions can inhabit a single city. ancient rome only had about a million, and hunter-gatherer tribes had around 10-80 people. how we obtain our food has far less relevance than to how we structure our societies. i think that >>12121570's point is that man was meant to live in small networks where everyone was granted substantial meaning to the continuity of the tribe, whereas in the modern world you could squander your whole life on porn and video games and the world would de facto not change.

>> No.12125381

>this is your brain on enlightenment propaganda
i bet you think that columbus proved the world round you cretin

>> No.12125386

> 1488 digits
I think that they would probably view us as needlessly complicated, and in a way, uncivilized.

>> No.12125395


>> No.12125399

Underage, ban.

>> No.12125406

Africans are still struggling with the concept of strict time.

>> No.12125408

I know, some tribes don't even have fully developed number systems.
I'm not saying their perspective would be right, but think about it, how much of what we do as a society is borderline insane?

>> No.12125548

the enlightenment was a mistake, doesn't mean you would last 5 minutes in a tribal context

>> No.12125552

Based(and kurtzpilled)

>> No.12125559

wouldn't Kurtz just get really fat and the natives would worship him from being huge instead of having to kill them?

>> No.12125570

keked and checked fellow wordling friend

>> No.12125574

Nah death is the only thing worth its piece bro

>> No.12125575
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>> No.12125578

wtf is this image trying to tell me

>> No.12125580

Missionaries are attempting to foolishly protect the tribesmen from themesleves and getting harmed in the process

>> No.12125589

diversity anon with an S

>> No.12125590

anarcho primitivism when

>> No.12126083

I wonder if they know we can holocaust them in an instant but choose not to because of very complicated network of ideologies

>> No.12126090

how do liberals deal with this living, breathing example of blacks being unseless and incapable of any sort of progress on their own?

>> No.12126097

they're indians though, right?

>> No.12126099

>progress is bad
>black people are wrong for resisting it
Which one is it magapede?

>> No.12126102

they are racially more distant from blacks than nordics are

>> No.12126113

would it be wrong to dress up in plate armor, get a sword and go kill them?

>> No.12126117

Well, being white probably sealed the deal.

>> No.12126123

These niggas ain't African, they're close to Australian aboriginies.

>> No.12126170

Define progress.
Are talking about
>technological and economic growth
kind of progress or
that one?

>> No.12126184

War on Christianity. Media grabs the chance to wage a war on Christianity based on the fact that some primitives killed a white man.

>> No.12126194

The Old Testament was modernist

>> No.12126197

It seems like one has produced the other.

>> No.12126199

Wasn't the kid Asian?

>> No.12126202

Half I think, but nevertheless a god fearing American, which makes him white.

>> No.12126687

I figured the non-whites would have done well for themselves since whites arent on that island oppressing them.

>> No.12126774

How could and why would they progress on a small island like that. They've been living on there for over 60 thousand years, they're perfectly adapted to it.

>> No.12126778

Loved that show. Only getting one season was criminal.

>> No.12126811

This is objectively wrong.

>> No.12127184

I want to travel there, kill the men, and plant the flag before finishing off the women and children.

I'll leave their holy people

>> No.12127325 [DELETED] 



>> No.12127344

Who gives a fuck what they think of 'us', they killed a man. They should unironically send a navy seal team in and arrest all of them for murdering that guy, bring the ones culpable to the US and throw their asses in jail for life. Just because they're a black tribe doesn't mean they can get away with murder. Fucking savages.

>> No.12127381 [DELETED] 





>> No.12127409

>has a robust immune system

>> No.12127420
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I would unironically love to land there and larp as a conquistador with my buddies. If I survive the initial battle I would genocide the tribe to get some of their shiny beads.

>> No.12127459

>The only difference between an Israelite from 1000BC and the hunter gatherer is how exactly they obtain their food.


>> No.12127471

this caps lock key is correct

>> No.12127503

Man they must be inbred as fuck

>> No.12127519

It was implied Kurtz was committing mass murder against rival tribes

>> No.12127573

think how pure their faith is though, maybe is we who are the savages

>> No.12127605

found the chr*stian

>> No.12127611

That would not be a fair trial. Plus its not murder if it is out side US, in a place the US has no diplomatic relations with. Guy was trespassing on their territory.

>> No.12127630 [DELETED] 




>> No.12127644
File: 23 KB, 449x299, IMG_0126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the H**then

>> No.12127701

>Dude progress is inherently good lmao
>Fuck those people who have been perfectly content living as hunter gatherers for fucking 60 thousand years

>> No.12128170

>that tribe of 50-100 people is a society
Also, noble savage shit is so gross and stupid. It pretty much undoes the one main justification of all violence and economic change: the only thing helping us get better eventually.

>> No.12128188

>modern society
You only got tainted within the last 300 years? I'm fairly sure the Sentinelese are about 10,000 years behind

>> No.12128290

but they don't know christ

>> No.12128414

Imagine they would never know what microplastic and global warming is.

>> No.12128770
File: 17 KB, 250x267, uncle ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb reddit poster

>> No.12129759

>women are probably raped on a daily basis
>they have to keep several fires burning because they forgot how to make
>refuse to seek out other communities for reproduction
>they can die if they enter contact with any random NPC if they leave their environment
>massive political echo chamber that probably resembles a totalitarian society at this stage.
>aggressively anti-everything

They can probably relate to Western internet culture

>> No.12129786

>they actually believe this
Some niggers with bows and arrows are not the only reason that North Sentinel Island is quarantined, an ordinary flu could very likely wipe the locals out South America style.

>> No.12129821

Actually the last time they ran into a modern person I remember reading somewhere that the girls grabbed the guys and started having sex with them right on the beach to calm down their blood lust aimed at the devil boats. And I think its believed they have a non-hierarchical society where decisions are done by group consensus.

>> No.12129945

>has a robust immune system

just like the injuns

>> No.12129958

But you don't go to hell if nobody ever told you about christ. So they aren't in danger of damnation.

>> No.12129961

you also don't go to hell if you're a dumb animal, I doubt they have souls

>> No.12129979

Technology and economjc progress also produced obesity, that doesn't make obesity "progress"

>> No.12129983

no, but it does make overabundance of food progress

>> No.12130006

This topic, and even /pol/ is filled with admiration for these people, when my overwhelming impression of 20th and 19th century people is that they would have looked down on them as subhuman. What happened?

>> No.12130023

my life as an incel is so bad if I was uga buga tribeman I would be getting pussi why can't I get any pussi
it's the jews they are the reason why I'm an incel neet parasite they made me this way I want to gather berries or at least be a farmboy like g*d intended

>> No.12130037

>even /pol/ is filled with admiration

Why would /pol/ be angry about someone defending their borders from prosthelitising invaders?

>> No.12130041

god i hope indians will soon invent micro drones or something so they can record them without being noticed

>> No.12130047

And its beautiful

>> No.12130051
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 1516925878651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just give them gifts with cameras hidden in them, like we do with apes

>> No.12130084

This makes no sense. Go take your fucking pills.

>> No.12130088

>just give them gifts

Didn't work so well for the last person who attempted that

>> No.12130099

airdrop, they will think it's from the gods

>> No.12130162

disappointment on progress

>> No.12130166

Historical Materialism, you dumb anprim

>> No.12130167 [DELETED] 

I wonder how they'd react if you burst their knees with a sniper rifle from a thousand yards

>> No.12130172


>> No.12130173

idk how would you react
and stop moving away from the window or I pull the trigger incel

>> No.12130177

Sentinelese shot at helicopters with arrows. I think they know not to trust things in the air. We also don't know anything about their religion, so it's probably stupid to think they believe in skyborn deities. They're most likely animists.

>> No.12130179 [DELETED] 

would they try to rescue their friends as they spasm on the ground? i would love to see the confusion as they look around trying to guess where the bullet came from

>> No.12130192

That whole string of islands has been in contact (and colonised) with British and Indian people who had guns for 200+ years. I don't think they'd be that surprised.

They were even purposely given opium and alcohol to bring their populations down (but I'm not sure about the Sentinelese).

>> No.12130195
File: 83 KB, 433x254, On the edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badass and redbilled

>> No.12130196


>> No.12130204 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 851x479, DpS7tteV4AAuiQA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think they'd be that surprised.
I want to surprise them with this

>> No.12130207

Do you have a stroke or are you just too stupid to write mythology?

>> No.12130209

How are you going to get that to an island off Burma, goofy?

>> No.12130212

Man this drawing sucks

>> No.12130213

No, they must have all tribal bonds destroyed and a shitty global economy put in their place. Also who knows what kind of anti semitism is going on on this island too!

>> No.12130215

>muh progryss and dae nigger?XD I'm such a poll guy right?xD? Do I fit in yet?
Fucking redditpol influx.

>> No.12130216
File: 1.25 MB, 2423x3051, De_Ribera(the-trinity).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eat shit primitivist confront your problems instead of hiding from them in nonsensical dreams
"Life was better in the 50s"
"Life is better as a dumb chimp in the jungle"
"Life was simple before electricity"
"Life was good when..."

No, humans are rotten and your only salvation from it is through Christ and his church.

>> No.12130219 [DELETED] 

>is a retarded christfag
>calls others primitivists

>> No.12130224


>> No.12130228

>accept reality
>believe in Saul I mean Paul and his Evangelion of Lies
Ok bud, really mature

>> No.12130261

>implying endless interpretations, translations and distortions don't move us farther from Christ every year

>> No.12130325
File: 211 KB, 736x898, Rosary_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not imply that in the slightest you mongrel
We aren't moving farther from Christ in fact, we are perpetually moving closer to his second coming which you should be prepared to begin celebrating next Sunday

The true faith survives through persecutions, invasions, heresies, and satanic clergy/popes

>> No.12130354

A https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Emil_Pettersson

I smell profit here

>> No.12130588

if that were the case why is the world becoming a better place with every year fgt

>> No.12130851

Do you think they have a conscious mind?

>> No.12130859
File: 42 KB, 569x427, IMG_1543076919272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12130868

Why didn't Ted Kaczynski go live with them instead of staying at a location within civilization's reach?

>> No.12130900

Because niggers

>> No.12130924

haha based fashwave aesthetic fellow magepede what's your redit so I can give you gold stranger

>> No.12131715

why does the idea of going to an island populated by aboriginals and crushing them with superior military tactics and might is so appealing to me? thinking about it gives me funny feelings in my peepee

>> No.12131723

this but unironically

>> No.12131727

Any books about fugitives pretending to be hostile savages?

>> No.12131743

Lord of the Flies

>> No.12131748

>if life was better at any point other than now you're being primitivist!
It's not "primitivist" if you're talking about life after the first civilisations began.

>> No.12132157

I propose a compromise - I accept Christ as my Lord and Saviour but no church. Deal?

>> No.12132381
File: 102 KB, 588x390, Ivanov(christ-in-gethsemane-the-angel-1850).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not how it works family, don't be afraid, you can put off confession until you get to know and trust the pastor.

Read the post I was replying to you fucking ultranigger

>> No.12132459


>educated white man
>retarded christian who only took "i wanna spread muh jeebus" into consideration before reenacting agincourt hardcore


>> No.12132556

*gets arrowed*

>> No.12133294

>their language consists of shooting missionaries

>> No.12133640

I'm under no obligation to read the post you were replying to, idiot. Your strawman holds no water with me. I can see those spouts of water filtering through the blades of dried grass, each line of golden brown giving way to a voluminous spout of fresh and great-tasting water. Primitivism is a label for those who want to go back to the time of Adam & Eve, the time of those hunter-gatherers who were really much happier than anyone is today, save for the 1%.

>> No.12133646

Why has nobody tried to kill them yet?

You'd think that's something some madman would try to do.

Also, why are they not constantly filmed? I'd pay to watch them going about their simple ways. Very entertaining.

>> No.12134401

I wonder why they immediately try to kill anyone approaching the island every single time, unlike many other native groups

>> No.12134407 [DELETED] 

>niggers are violent
how quaint

>> No.12134408

there's plenty in the Amazon and in Papua New Guinea

>> No.12134411

probably more related to the Austronesians, who moved through India into Oceania

>> No.12134437

Because the govt of India protects them. Jail sentence for getting close, much less contacting.

>> No.12134698

Because he'd shot to death

>> No.12134746

anything that is outside of hunter gatherer is extremely modern you stupid fuck

Reminder mental illness wouldn't exist if you lived in a hunter gatherer society

>> No.12134893

Yes you did. You're even defending your obviously flawed position in this very post.

It's not. In part because of faggots.

>> No.12134905

>It's not.
Gotta need source on that. I assume your opinion is entirely based on negativity bias. Read that Steven Pinker book about how world is slowly getting better.

>> No.12134908

no, not this
you fucking idiots get out of my board go on SCRAM

>> No.12134909

Lit talking about biology is always funny

>> No.12134925
File: 36 KB, 450x544, Watts(horsemen-apocalypse-rider-1878).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying anything heathens and heretics do effects the true faith
>"obviously flawed position"

Anon, *we* are moving toward Christ even if you aren't

>> No.12134931

>his church
Hang yourself pagan.

>> No.12134970

They've had a continued civilization for 60,000 years and running now. Their culture contains more culture than most of us can claim. They've literally lived from the Upper Paleolithic era till now. Imagine what all they've seen. Any Anglo or otherwise who dare disturb them will be punished for their doings.

>> No.12134978

>continued civilization

They don't have one. They are living in literally what happens after a civilization breaks down.

>> No.12134979

If you had forty good men then they would hang you.

>> No.12134984

Yes, the Congo was so much better after Europeans and their Christianity made contact with them.

>> No.12134998
File: 155 KB, 500x735, Christ_by_Heinrich_Hofmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul, a man who never spent even an hour beside Christ, has created the majority of the mainstream narratives which Christianity has since held to. Original Sin, the backbone of all Christianity, was not even ONCE mentioned by Christ. Not even once did Christ mention His connection to Adam and Eve, a Garden of Eden, or of being here to sacrifice Himself for our sins. Paul and the ones who followed Him are responsible for these and many other concepts. The notion that you just have to have "faith" and you'll be saved, even though James, the very brother of Jesus, said that "faith without works is dead". So the point is anon, do not let yourself become a mindless sponge for every single piece of doctrine taught in Christianity - look to the source of everything you read in the Bible, and ask yourself what authority the author had to speak what they did. Jesus obviously holds the highest authority, if you yourself consider him to be Divine. Do not simply believe in every sentence you find in the Bible - a document written and compiled and bound together by men, and not God. Christ is only responsible for the word's and actions directly attributed to Him, and everything else you must use your discretion regarding whether the person truly speaks for Christ or not, remembering that Christ did not write the Bible Himself.
Personally I am a Hindu, but I see Christ as the Avatar of Lord Vishnu/God the Father following Krishna and Buddha. My best advice for you is to ignore the dogma which the church will try and entangle you in, and simply follow Christ. Do not seek salvation, simply strive to be like Christ, and I assure that salvation, if you care for that, will come, but best of all will be the enlightenment experienced while alive.

Take care OP, and remember to never sacrifice your reasoning ability not your morality for the sake of anything you read, as doing so makes you a cult-member on principle, and is ultimately the selling of your soul. Nothing bad will happen to you by your not believing in X or Y informatiin, but Faith in the Divine is real and brings one to a connection with it that will have a tangible effect in your life. But remember to never sacrifice your true soul in this process, and that nothing bad is going to happen to you so long as you are a Good person, which I'm sure you are.

Posted this to another on /lit/, it's relevant to yourself as well. You use Christ's name yet you speak not of His doctrines. You are not a true follower of Christ.

>> No.12135039
File: 322 KB, 2024x2463, De_Ribera(st-simon).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of cooks out today
First off Christ being the eternal almighty deity used his, ya know, supernatural powers to, ya know, communicate with Paul even if he didn't meet him in the flesh.

That being said we can just ignore Paul and move to the Apostles who founded the entire church and are the real backbone of you church if you studied any real christianity you subhuman Loo-nigger.

Shouldn't you be e-harassing girls for pictures of their feet and bobs?

>> No.12135120

>t. Rousseau

>> No.12135149
File: 878 KB, 2768x1700, Siege_of_Peking,_Boxer_Rebellion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a reaction against all the multiculturalism nonsense you were fed in school.

>> No.12135171
File: 538 KB, 1920x1080, 2017-02-1000-the-prince-of-peace-find-lasting-peace-through-jesus-christ-1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"communicate with Paul" No, sorry, it doesn't work like that. Paul was an ordinary human, and was making up his personal, human interpretations as he wrote. Not at all some "divinely revealed scripture". Even the canonical Gospels themselves differ in their details, and therefore cannot even themselves be considered any direct "word of God", given their differences. But yes, we CAN and SHOULD ignore Paul, who was merely Christianity's biggest cheerleader, having the loudest voice, and not someone who had the most authority to write for it.

Anyway, thank you for the harassment. If it's a joke, it wasn't funny, and if serious, it isn't Christ-ly at all.

>> No.12135260
File: 333 KB, 802x1000, De_Ribera(saint-paul-1637).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some brown dravidian monkey that worships elephants and blue demons telling me what is "Christ-ly" and what is canon

No thanks, burn in hell satan worshiping heretic

>> No.12135375

Matthew 7:2
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Your every treatment of others is entirely monitored. Your judgment of me and any other human beings in your life is wholly recorded. Christ has told you to love your neighbour, and yet just now you told your own neighbour to go to Hell and claimed he was of Satan. All of this has been noted, anon. Just letting you know, to try and spare you of incurring some karmic debt. Though I am sure this will not resonate, and you will continue as you do.

>> No.12135403

Don't worry Luke Mark and John didn't write that one down the same way so I'm sure Matthew just made it up or something

Go fuck yourself you little satanic currynigger, what you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven but please don't loose it in the middle of the streets you fucking subhuman

>> No.12135888

The same way we deal with /pol/tards. We leave them alone in their containment board, never to be disturbed.

>> No.12135935

>I can't shake off the feeling that the option that they unknowingly chose is the better one
That's not really some great, profound discovery, anon. Pretty sure people like this consistently do very badly when introduced to the rest of the world. Doesn't mean their way of life is inherently superior or anything, just means that people have a hard time adjusting (and their immune systems have an even harder time).

>> No.12135954

It is fascinating to imagine what they think, but I think they've seen enough of other people to know that they're people. Just deeply unwelcome alien people with incomprehensible technology.

Their society's probably a bit screwed up, really. They must see an ever-increasing number of planes, boats etc. Probably feels like an invasion that could turn around and swat them at any moment.

>> No.12135962 [DELETED] 

>Probably feels like an invasion that could turn around and swat them at any moment.
I dunno, so far it's them who managed to kill someone

>> No.12135964

Weren't some of them kidnapped by Brits when they were first contacted? They probably have legends about how all outsiders are kidnapping bastards.

>> No.12136018

You can do all you want after you GO BACK to europe.
America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.

>> No.12136606

go take your meds

>> No.12136613


>> No.12138231


Not really. Could you shoot arrows and flop your penis at anything considered ''Lovecraftian''? They have no fear, perhaps some mystery, but a Lovecraftian element does exist in the way that some ''outside'' force of unimaginable magnitude exists in a noumenal manner, relative to them. In lovecrafts writtings, the protagonist is always educated and rational enough to catch a glimpse of the outside, not only through direct contact, but through being able to abstract, and understand the implications thereof. The Sentinelese, I believe, differs in that he is able to incorporate the noumenal manifestations into his own, capturing it immanently in an odd Stirnerian fashion. Which is hilarious when you consider them in a Hegelian manner. That, history attempts to encroach on them, and if it does to the fullest extent, it will capture them, eliminate ''their own'' (possibly physically due to disease) and drag their territory and umwelt into consolidation with the weltgeist. These are nomadic war machines right here, stealing fire from the Gods (in this case its metal) and flinging arrows at their shadows.

>> No.12138249


Gross it's a prod.

>> No.12138870

They have accepted some gifts before but discard most of them.

>> No.12138885

gayest post i ever read

>> No.12139055

Fuck niggers and fuck jannies!!

>> No.12139087

>does boring shit for 70 years

>does interesting shit for 30 years

I know which one I would prefer tbqh