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/lit/ - Literature

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12119402 No.12119402 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12119406

ITT: How to spot a pseud.

>> No.12119409

now topple it onto yourself

>> No.12119428

Yes, but stream it.

>> No.12119432

The books closer to the bottom will be ruined. You’re slowly pressing the book. You should not stack for long term shelving. You are going to end up with warped/squashed spines and ruin the binding.

>> No.12119440

Deep fucking sigh

>> No.12119458
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>> No.12119466

>i collect paperbacks

>> No.12119477
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>Topples your book stacks onto a small child

>> No.12119525
File: 147 KB, 960x960, C21AF9CC-D1E5-4434-94ED-274C36331712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dios mío… La biblioteca de los Americanos…

>> No.12119575

You could probably stack 5-6 high and be fine

>> No.12120307


>> No.12120319

Am i the only one who just gets rid of most books after I’m done with them? Really have no need to keep them around for “decoration”

>> No.12120322

fuck off op

>> No.12120463

nice fire hazard, bro

>> No.12120554
File: 237 KB, 1440x960, 1415045954037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't constanty refer to books you've read for accuracy in your essays.
>not rereading favourite books (and having many favourites) so you can appreciate the prose again and again.

found the pseud.

>> No.12120570

You must be reading shitty "books" if you can ever be "done" with them.

>> No.12120577

That's not a shelf, that's a decoration. They haven't read a single one of those books I'd bet.

>> No.12120578


>> No.12120580


>> No.12121093

shows a lack of appreciation

>> No.12121102

what is the implication made here? Aside from the carelessness of the condition of the books

>> No.12121104

Was the shelf too expensive or something?

>> No.12121110

what if you really need a book from the bottom? who actually stacks books like this

>> No.12121113

don't you just sometimes see a picture on /lit/ and think "wow someone actually made that"

>> No.12121116
File: 95 KB, 960x960, 1541008900148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that true for DVD cases as well?

>> No.12121166

Who cares it is a fucking book
Not like this idiot is reading them

>> No.12121210

dunno if you're asking sincerely or not but depending on how high they are stacked upwards, it can cause the DVD cases at the bottom to collapse inward, crack or shatter. Not idea. Same goes for boxsets, depending on the quality of the box itself. Best idea is just to keep them aligned vertically on a shelf like an actual person

>> No.12121217

a woman did this

>> No.12121515
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How did you know?

>> No.12121525

What happens when she wants to get a book from the bottom?

>> No.12121528

it becomes a falling bookwall

>> No.12121548

This is a more sincere bookshelf; she doesn't read and she doesn't pretend to either.

>> No.12121600

In my days people used books for reading, not for decoration. Inb4 *cracks* *sip*

>> No.12121611

in my day we used them to beat kids
>ywn watch a child go limp after cracking the spine of a good ole' king james against the back of his neck again

>> No.12121612

I just hope it falls over and the sharp edge of one of the books hits her in the eye.

>> No.12121765

I bet it's all genre fiction

>> No.12122904

Like looking at a painting once and then feeling like you've appreciated everything it has to offer. If something is complex, then it probably requires 2-3 readings to fully grasp.

>> No.12122947

maybe for a brainlet

>> No.12123524

I can smell f*male idiocy wherever it can be found

>> No.12123618


I hate booktubers. I want them dead.

>> No.12123675

How many stacked is too high?

>> No.12123730

its clear she doesnt actually read them

>> No.12123770
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Are you talking about this?

>> No.12123795

I still can't decide which is my favorite title among these

>> No.12123863

has to be growing up hard

>> No.12124606

>not deliveries in the rear

>> No.12124683
File: 20 KB, 1200x1200, turm180cm-weiss-1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dummies
it's made with something like this

>> No.12124742

I'm partial to Midnight Plowboy.

>> No.12124765

Counter-argument- she has Twilight, so that's four she's read.
Also I see like, four copies of what I think says "Angelique" in the second and fourth columns, neat the top.

>> No.12124978

>not loving the simplicity of buttrustle!

>> No.12125137

I like buttrustle, but more for it's esoteric nature. I don't think I've even heard the word before, even on 4chan.

>> No.12125166
File: 211 KB, 1272x1272, 1494264857370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do the Europeans have to be so smug about anyway? They're only one or two steps behind the Americans.

>> No.12126046
File: 294 KB, 480x360, rustle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12126125

my personal preference is not to stack them at all - any form of stacking is too high i m o - but I suppose if you're stacking DVDs and blu-rays into the 30+ then I'd be worried about damaging the cases.

>> No.12126128

Oh ok that makes a lot more sense then. Just my personal preference to not stack things like that but it's OK if you can get to the stuff at the bottom

>> No.12126325

what's so bad about brown eyes? ;w;

>> No.12126474


it is clear that brown eyes are not the only problem with that pic lol

>> No.12126521

It’s the only colour eyes non-whites have apart from extremly rare cases.

>> No.12126564

Faggot. You can and should reread books, they provide both fantastic aesthetics and also a good point of conversation when guests come over, and most importantly you can pass them on to your children

>> No.12126586

>Faggot. You can and should reread books

How else would you memorize them?

>> No.12126605

i hope you posted that pic ironically

>> No.12126606

Why would Macron care about preserving the culture of low IQ peasants like ourselves anyway?

>> No.12126794

I bet if I walked up to that shelf and picked out a book, you couldn't tell me shit about it. People who do things like this generally don't read much.