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/lit/ - Literature

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12119060 No.12119060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he isn't a learned, erudite, Etonian, Oxfordian Tory orator of the first calibre

>> No.12119075

>Etonian, Oxfordian Tory
Imagine the sodomy.

>> No.12119076

oxford dropouts btfo, they will never have a 35,000 pound a year English rose gf

>> No.12119077
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No I'm not.
I'm something better.

>> No.12119084

The only reason to go to Oxford is connections.

>> No.12119089

The world's most overqualified prostitute

>> No.12119100

Rees-Moogs head deserves to be at the end of a pike

>> No.12119109

bad opinion

>> No.12119120


>> No.12119130

Being as that is one the most significant guarantees of success, I’d have to say it’s worth it.

>> No.12119134

It's not an opinion, it's a fact. Especially if you're looking to read, say, sciences or math and not one of those subjects where names of your professors and advisors are more important than curriculum and grades.

>> No.12119515

Sodomy isn't shameful if it's done with your intellectual equals

>> No.12119604

>you will never be driven by your parents to an expensive boarding school in the countryside of Southern England and feel excited and in awe as you approach the ancient school buildings
>you will never wear a well-fitting formal uniform every day befitting a refined gentleman of high class
>you will never relax in your comfy £10,000-a-term dorm room reading P.G. Wodehouse and chuckling at his wit
>you will never sneak away on weekends to walk along the river of the local 95%+ white town with a genetically profound, Elite, upper class girl from a nearby all-girls boarding school
>you will never "break up" due to the stress of examinations, only to meet at midnight under a full moon in the field of a local humble (poor) farmer and reveal that you each made it into (the University of) Oxford
>you will never arrive at the illustrious and globally renowned University of Oxford with your vintage suitcases and trunks piled up on a metal trolley and look around you with mouth agape at the overhanging wisteria, vine-covered ancient buildings and historic architecturally-distinct colleges
>you will never invite your cute, privately educated (~£36,000 fees per year, excluding additional costs) girlfriend to your dorm after you've each settled in, only to have her leap on your bed and cry out "Oh darling, it's exactly as I imagined and more!" as you pick her up and twirl her around crying out "By jove, sweetheart, I agree wholeheartedly!"
>you will never buy vintage bicycles with your cute Elite girlfriend and cycle around Oxford discovering its countless sights and beautiful buildings, laughing aloud as you stick out your legs while bouncing down a cobbled street and crying "Ballyhoo!" to warn the flocks of cheering Chinese tourists to watch out lest your cycle trample them underwheel
>you will never dress up in your finest formal clothing (remembering briefly your younger years as you gaze approvingly at your reflection in the full-length mirror in your dorm room) and walk slowly in a dignified and intensely civilized manner alongside your cute Elite girlfriend who is visibly ecstatic to be attending the formal dinner and ball with you, and who is dressed in a Hermione-in-The-Goblet-of-Fire-tier feminine dress which forces you to blurt out "Blimey!" when you first see her
>you will never attend a folk music night at a local's (poor) pub and dance with your Elite girlfriend on a sawdust-covered wooden floor like Rose and Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic, only having to fight off a group of local working class pickpockets on your walk home through the slums, crying "Qui audet vincit!" at your attackers as they stand hunched and grinning around you with saliva dripping from their orc-tier faces, before retreating into the shadows as their leader is felled by a swipe of your vintage umbrella

>> No.12119609

Why is this smarmy anglo being posted and why does he matter?

>> No.12119615

>ywn do all of this and then grow into the saviour of the empire

>> No.12119622

You could say that about most renowned universities, especially when it comes to economics or law.

>> No.12119627
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>> No.12119635
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>> No.12119645
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>all the americans that arent aware oxford is just an overated street with a row of old buildings that costs £25 to park on for an hour just to be swarmed by tourists so the street can be barely walked down

>> No.12119666

More impotent commie rage. Hope you grow out of it, sweaty.

>> No.12119667

So this is it? This is the thing that pushes me to suicide?

>> No.12119674

I would kill to have gone to an institution like Oxford. Do you even know the dreadful state of public universities in America?

>> No.12119679


>> No.12119681

Keep licking the fascist boots you swine. Show us your dick

>> No.12119692

No you wouldn't, youd get bullied and ostracized for being poor.
Make no mistake, oxford is very much a discriminatory institute that looks down upon the majority of the working class, which is quite ironic as the latter tend to have better common sense than the jumped up yuppies it spews forward to be our leaders.
Oxford itself is just a tourist trap that foreigners romanticize, much like weaboos do with japan.
Its shit.

>> No.12119695

Not lit related sage

>> No.12119699

It's like looking at an alternate universe where I got what I always wanted.

>> No.12119706

it seems you speak from experience;care to expound?

>> No.12119715
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These are the only posts that get to me... I LITERALLY can't deal with being poor genetic trash! It's so unfair!

>> No.12119717

Oratory is definitely lit related

>> No.12119719

Why so angry, sweaty?

>> No.12119757

I lived there for a few months because I was enrolled to the university.
From my personal experience, I found the majority of people who attended the place were actually rather moronic and had essentially got into the university because their parents had paid for them to attend the "right" institutes while they were rather lacking in the quality of their academic work.
As for bullying, it didnt happen to myself, but I illicitly remembered my classmates picking on a northern bloke for his accent and family background, even though he was actually smarter than they were.
I got tired of the high prices and being surrounded by out of touch idiots so I transferred back near my home.

>> No.12119764

This is suicide fuel

>> No.12119797

>waagh waagh all oxonians are rich toffs from period dramas on my telly
>i speak from experience, mate, transfered out of most desirable uni in the world because parking was too expensive, swer on me mum
this is the most pathetic cope post ever.

>> No.12119821

no it really isn't like this

>> No.12119831

I see.In your view,what would be the best way to conduct inquiry about anything?This question is quite important to me,so i hope you will be able to say anything about it(even if it's not what i had wished for).

>> No.12119855

>move to area you cant really afford
>away from friends and family
>surrounded mostly by idiots who dont have any concept of value or experience outside of their safely controlled environment
Your damn right my ass transferred out of there, im still doing fine and it was probably one of the best decisions i made in my life, regardless of whether or not I could say I got my degree at oxford.
Not all of them are terrible, but a lot of them lack basic sense and manners, so seeing foreigners or people who have no experience interacting with those people idolize them is rather funny.
Imagine the exact opposite of what you think about them and its most likely true; mostly rude idiots who couldn't make a good decision to save their life, mixed in with a few good people who are actually worthwhile.
Whatever, keep these illusions of grandeur alive if you want, but just know they simply aren't true.

>> No.12119870

If you want to go to oxford you should go for it, I had a bad experience, but that doesn't mean you will.
Like I said its not completely terrible, people just go into the place with all these misconceptions and when you get there you realise its not all its hyped up to be (though the buildings themselves are beautiful) and that pretty much rhe only reason its so renowned is because using its name in your degree has a lot of weight behind it when applying for high ranking positions.

>> No.12119901

i don't wish to go there but i wish to conduct inquiry on my own , and i have no idea if what i am doing is the *correct* way.Since you have escaped from the academic world,i am curious as to how you are conducting your own inquiry(if you are at all).sorry for the impertinent question,but i think it ought to be answered since it could help various people(such as i).

>> No.12119924

Im sorry, but what is it your exactly enquiring about ?

Talking to the lecturer's ?
Life in the city ?
Life at the university?
Whether or not its worth going there ?

>> No.12119932

>show us your dick
lol this is Left wing wit
how new are you?

>> No.12119949

I would take a Harvard or Yale education over Oxford, any day of they week

>> No.12119957

sorry for being so be nebulous,but what i mean is:how should one conduct his studies on philosophy/mathematics/etc on his own in the most efficient way possible?

>> No.12119975
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>> No.12119985

To be honest, I couldn't really tell you how to do that because I didnt study those subjects during my time at Oxford.
As much of a cesspool of arrogance /lit/ can be, it does have a few useful threads for those subjects, but honestly it just comes down to: efficient time management + effective use of the internet.
You can find out pretty much anything on here and I imagine theres tonnes of resources specifically tailored to whatever you want to do, so id say just start from there.
Good luck with whatever you wish to study anon, im sure you'll be fine.

>> No.12120049

Thank you.I have nothing more to add apart from my gratitude.

>> No.12120051

Can the UK just sink into the ocean already.

>> No.12120054

No problem

>> No.12120069
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I know your secret shame.

>> No.12120079

Why don't you faggots kiss already? LOL. This exchange was stomach-turning. Criiinge.