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/lit/ - Literature

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12116668 No.12116668 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind.

>> No.12116680
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Hans J. Wegner was the greatest furniture architect to ever live.

>> No.12116684
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I wish I understood anything about architecture.

>> No.12116688

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.12116689

why does noone rate my poem

>> No.12116698
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This will be my last romance. My last real romance at least. I am aging, poorly. I have neglected my health and it's going to catch up with me eventually. I'm down 20kg, I'm on top of my hygiene, but none of that will stop the decline. My eyesight is fading, my hearing is poor. I can't eat sweet foods without bursts of pain.

She's the ideal woman for me. She is silly while I am serious, optimistism to my pessimism, hope to my despair. I am trying to change but I can already see the eventual end. One day she won't see me as she does now, and as I am now will be infinitely better than the me of the future. One day, something will change us.

I hope we can both change gracefully and together, but my pessimism tells me that change is never anything but painful.

>> No.12116703
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It's not that police officers are smart, it's that criminals are generally so stupid they will fall for anything. It baffles me to see people refer to cops as interrogation experts. I could be a chess expert if I only played against retards too. It also baffles me how it is drilled into everyone that they should remain silent, but they never do.

>> No.12116705

Staying silent is such an overpowered strategy in just about every circumstance it's actually game breaking

>> No.12116710

I lost all the data I had ever accumulated, having had it all consolidated on to one 4TB drive, but now having done so, I find that I don't miss any of it.

>> No.12116711
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The feel of no gf is strong lately.
I sure wish I acted less as an outcast volcel as a teen, by now I wouldn't be a virgin and I'd have some friends at least.

>> No.12116719

Oh goodness, I love it when people can't handle it. My wife was kicking me out and one day she kept asking me if I had obtained a new place to live and I never bothered to answer her. Eventually, she ran over to my backpack and extracted a lease I had signed recently and read it aloud. So, I decided to speak.

>If you knew all along when I was moving out, why were you asking?

She just went on a rampage repeating the same question over and over again, but this time it was asking me why I wouldn't talk to her. I lapsed into silence again, but I was amused because she had obviously had a silly conversational trap planned for me. She was hoping I would lie and say I had not obtained new accommodations, then she could present her knowledge of the fact I did have a new lease in a gotcha moment. What purpose this would have served, who can say, but it failed due to my silence and she was forced to halfheartedly spring the trap.

>> No.12116722
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>Marrying someone

>> No.12116723

Seeing as all news is propaganda, and that it is virtually impossible to give a completely unbiased account of a story, is “real news” even real? Very subtle tactics of manipulation--the order of facts stated, omissions or inclusions of identity-groupings (race, gender, political affiliation, religion, etc.), use of voice, word choice--are all important and ubiquitous facets of news reporting, even long before the advent of the term “post-truth politics” in the past decade. This is a phenomenon as old as the printing press, but only in the face of mass hysteria (or as it is often called, the “Trump era”) have people decided that it is worth giving its own terminology. Even self-proclaimed “fact-checkers” are only dubiously trustworthy as they are themselves backed by an ever-encroaching web of corporate and media interests.

(Reposted from the last thread, which was in turn pasted from my journal)

>> No.12116731

my mother is fucking killing me. she's on my ass about "responsibility" cause i quit my job but i don't need it and she knows it's true. with the inheritance i'm getting february (when i'm moving out) i could live on $2k a month for the next 30 years and just write and make films.

>> No.12116737

i'm a pisces and she's a virgo and usually we get along great, have the closest & deepest relationship in the family but something's changing and i don't like it

>> No.12116801

She's just worried about ya, ya daft cunt. I would be too if my son pitched me that crap.

>> No.12116809
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Why do people on 4chan get so fixated on the idea of a racial war? Seems very unlikely considering it has never been easier for the government to control the citzens...

>> No.12116856

> You're an idiot for being obviously wrong about things in a classical way
> If you were really smart you would be obviously wrong about things in a modern way
> t. the people simulating me

>> No.12117069

I'm an unpublished writer who's applying for college and the first thing they ask for is evidence of previous written work.
Kill me please.

>> No.12117075

>applying for college
Are you below 30? Then, no death for you.
You haven't suffered enough.

>> No.12117078

yes I am. What do i do? what can I tell them? I really want to take this course.

>> No.12117081

I'm sexually frustrated fuck...

>> No.12117089

*gives u a succ* :3

>> No.12117093

You're going to end up homeless and dying in a ditch with that kind of outlook on life you retard.

>> No.12117095
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Start taking antidepressants, bro.
You will stop caring, forever

>> No.12117115
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One mental technique I've been trying to master lately is the art of putting stuff out of your mind.

This is something many people including myself struggle with. Something bad happens. You get turned down, you're reminded of the Sandy Hook Massacre, someone makes fun of your peepee. You get blocked by stacie....

Then you have two options. Option one. Wallow in it. Feel self-pity anger. Direct spite and hatred at your enemies and the injustice of the world. Grow dark. Lust for misery and hate.

Option two. Put it out of your mind. Forget about it. Turn it off. Unironically like that book of mormon song


This is wise.

You could say that this is a Freudian concept of repression, but it is different. In psychoanalysis the repression mechanism engages some time after a traumatic event to deactivate or short-circuit an already embedded memory structure/engram. On the contrary the mechanism I speak of shuts it down before it even gets started. It is like a boundary or protective membrane.

>> No.12117175

I feel like the whole problem with the world is that bad stuff happens and the majority of people are stuck in a loop where they opt for option one. So they just circularly reiterate more and more suffering. Mass shootings are certainly related to the psychological brittleness of young men and their inability to opt for option 2 because of deep and unaddressed insecurities.

>> No.12117201

I'm so lazy.
My mother keeps shouting at me to do something better with my time instead of listening to music and browsing the Internet all day.
I don't care much, but I regret not listening to her and being so passive.

>> No.12117212

I only get attentions from gay dudes, fuck I'm not gay I just lack the social skills to get a gf or make friends .

>> No.12117230

I dislike being surrounded by people I know.
My family too, they don't seem to want to let go of me.
Not even like go to a distant city to study, I will show them ... one day.

>> No.12117260


I'm watching this investigative journalism piece about the rise of neo-nazis in America. And I'm looking at all these try hard nazi twinks posting selfies with their guns like some kind of antithesis to Ariana Grande posting on Insta and shaking my head.

These are psychologically damaged young men who will wind up dead or in jail for no reason because they have opted for option 1. They need to stop being weak before they destroy themselves and get more people killed to no productive end.

>> No.12117272

You're only lazy because you're not being engaged. Nothing seems worth doing around you. If you find some sense of purpose you will be better able to get on with yourself. There must be something you can apply yourself to.

If you're only getting attention from gay dudes it must be for a couple of reasons. Gay dudes either like manly men or they like pretty boys. Is there anything you can do to seem more straight? Even just your facial expression and how you make eye contact can signal gay or straight subconsciously

>> No.12117305

With all the talk of helicopter parenting for millennials I think a bigger problem is gen z's is hands off parenting, or no parenting.

Gen Z is raised by older millennial and gen x'ers. But the thing is most of them are just left holed up in their rooms staring at the internet all day and soaking in whatever buttfuckery is there. Then you end up with these 17 year old boys wearing skull bandanas over their faces with AR-15s for their tinder profile pics.

If they just had a reasonable and steady handed father figure in their lives they wouldn't feel compelled to go down this tragic path. The American political situation is bad but it's not as scary as these frightened boys are led to believe.

>> No.12117312

Oops meant to reply to >>12117260

>> No.12117314

>the "find motiviation" meme
You can't actively find motivation. Its something you develop over time by experiencing life. Not living a plentiful life also is living, it might motivate it anyways.

>> No.12117331
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Option 3: Use horrible events in your life as concentrated fuel for making things better. Claw your way back from the brink and go for everything you want to accomplish. The life-destroying crises in my life have been my greatest sources of strength because it is not what happened to me that makes me who I am, but how I chose to respond to it. I am what I choose to be and there has been no man not mountain who has been able to tear me down yet.

>> No.12117353

I wouldn't call myself pretty, nor manly even thought I'm very tall and have broad shoulders.
I put on a frown and hardly smile, but I'm polite with people which may pass as being effeminate.
I don't really make eye contact either and I mainly mind my business .
I don't really know what a straight or gay facial expression may be.

>> No.12117370
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> 32 years old.
> NEET since finished high school. some 14 years ago.
> Lived in attic for some 12 years.
> Wizard.
> No friends/human contact outside of saying 'hi!' to father once a week when I leave for groceries.

Why do I still bother waking up, sitting in a chair for 12 hours, and going back to sleep; why does it take me so long to die?

>> No.12117389

Do you see a doctor? I'm in the same situation, sorta. Been a shut-in for the last 10 years.

>> No.12117399

I don't see a doctor and like 8 of my teeth are rotting lol.

>> No.12117412

You should. I understand that right now you don't care about curing yourself but if you start taking steps you're going to will it.

>> No.12117418

it's a wall of text

>> No.12117465

This is a question.
How do I learn to like to read again? Every time I read a book, I just lose interest over the course of a couple of days. Do I start by reading super entry level shit like Goosebumps? pls halp

>> No.12117476

read erotica about your fetish

>> No.12117480

pee pee poo poo

>> No.12117505
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My body aches, my face is bleeding, and i'm always hungry. I love it.

>> No.12117517

Choose a book that has a subject which you find interesting.

>> No.12117631

do not read erotica like the filth suggests

>> No.12117638

Did you assume he just picks a random book out of the library's shelf or something?

>> No.12117650

I know several people who pick books to read regardless of content based on what other people deem "essential reading".

>> No.12117869

Domination and submission are two social actions that seem to form a running current in my thought. As an American white male leftist, there are innumerable eyes and guns on me, many of which the media would declare me disallowed to discuss. The white worker is in crisis in America, torn between two hateful cults that both work against their best interest. On the left: massively encouraged prejudices against “privileged” identity groupings, neoliberal capitalism, global interventionism, and cultural imperialism. On the right: massively encouraged yet much more subtle intolerances (toward racial minorities, LGBTQ citizens, women, the disabled), Christian victimhood complexing, neoliberal capitalism, global interventionism, and cultural imperialism. The white worker finds himself in a hole: forced to choose between two differently-colored cyanide pills.

>> No.12117894

How do I break up with a girl? Getting a gf was a trick I want out

>> No.12117970


>> No.12117982

I'm too lazy to watch a 13 minute video, could I just message her the link to this, block her and let her figure it out on her own? Would this ruin my karma?

>> No.12117988

at this point don't half-ass it, just ghost her.

>> No.12118001

Nah dude that's for virgins

>> No.12118009

What a fucking pussy you are

>> No.12118043

Every time I try to get closer to the person I love they push me farther away on an emotional level and it fucks me up because it’s like my childhood all over again and I hate the way you don’t understand my signals and I hate the way I overthink and cry in the library and I hate being like this all the time

>> No.12118052

Tell her you are emotionally unavailable and don’t want to hurt her

>> No.12118057

>the prejudices of the American right
>more subtle than those of the left

>> No.12118062

then man the fuck up and tell her you want to end the relationship, in person

>> No.12118068


>> No.12118148
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Getting really visceral hatred for my classmates attempts at trying to look employable and professional by assuming these corporate-management type persona. One of the presentations today had a group all dedicate a slide to pictures of them and brief descriptions of their life (we're on 4th year, everyone is familiar with them). Every 2 or so slides a motivational quote about how hard work and
strong communication being the team's principles or something along those lines. No doubt this is what they were taught in their summer internships and now they polute university with this behaviour. I'm not sure how the professor managed to keep a straight face.

They were all from baltic countries but It's not the first time the baltic students act like this. Any baltic anons care to elaborate why do they act like this?

>> No.12118160

about 10 friends are gonna start arriving for pre-drinks in 20 minutes. there is a girl among them that i really like. last time i was with her drunk we sat on the kitchen floor each holding a mini-whiteboard, making sustained eye-contact while drawing each other without letting the pens off the boards, not looking at the drawings until we were done, then showing them to each simultaneously and laughing like retards. there's a drunken timelapse in my memories after that, next thing i remember is us sat close to one another, against the underside of an upturned table, and talking about vegetarian vitamin deficiencies and neutral milk hotel.

when she (and they) get here, things are gonna be fun and i'll enjoy myself. but for now im anxiety-ridden, drinking alone, motivating myself by reading about depressing lives on 4chan, cos im pathetic. im pretending to be adjusted and social, but really i fit in more with the people here. it's gonna work out i hope. ive been using this site everyday since i was 12.

i feel like if i ask her out id be tricking/rusing her in some way, even though i know she likes me


>> No.12118227

I had a dream a couple of nights ago in which I left all this literature and philosophy and technology behind me and joined the church. I think it was trying to tell me something. I believe that things like happiness, emancipation, individual liberty, etc. are never to be in sight, and I think my mind is racing for an alternative.

>> No.12118241

Non-/lit/ poster here. Tried to write a haiku for shits and giggles. How did I do?

>There were feelings once
>It seems they have withered now
>Winter has entered

>> No.12118253


>> No.12118317

It's safe and quiet here.

>> No.12118326

If you wanna feel more at home with real people in the material world, get off 4chan or at least cut back from daily use

>> No.12118333

Fuck niggers.

>> No.12118341

This place is just the safe space for socially-anxious underpeforming autists.

Stop coming here for a time, don't worry and have fun with you friend. You're not rusing the girl, she's probably smarter than that and might even have the same problems as you.

>> No.12118346

Don't go shitting on my sincere self expression anon

>> No.12118360

underrated, high IQ, based, redpilled, and checked

>> No.12118387

This is kind of true, specially on a high dosage. On the other hand antidepressants failed to quell my yearning for warmth, care, intimacy.
And I found out they can help sexual performance (if you care about such things) by effectively delaying ejaculation.

>> No.12118396

brave and blessed digits of Hermes

>> No.12118412

Prostatitis causes my prostate to swell up to an enormous size, especially when I consume anything sugary. It gets so bad that I'm unable to even defecate most of the time and it builds up inside and makes my gut bloat out. So tired of this.

>> No.12118417

Your intuitions might prove right. I recently went and took confession (despite being a non-believer) and it turned out to be a very insightful experience, much more so than any counsellor or psychologist I had attended to before.

>> No.12118426

Did you actually tell the priest that you masturbated thousands of times?

>> No.12118439

Cultural environments with socioeconomic disadvantage and strong work ethic generally produce this mindset. They've probably seen their parents struggle and worked hard to get to uni and care more about rising in the social ladder than "being true to their selves" or whatever the fuck you're trying to do

>> No.12118468

Not Baltic, Southern European, but I believe this sort of corporate mythification is more and more widespread. Universities being their prime hub of contagion.

I actually did, among other myriad sins. And I was surprised to find the priest observant and understanding and compassionate despite everything that's said about their lot.

>> No.12118503

Sexual negrophilia is reaching new heights in this board.

>> No.12118511

This is probable. And joining the Church would certainly not means leaving philosophy behind. But giving it a try might be worrth it.

>> No.12118513

>And I was surprised to find the priest observant and understanding and compassionate
Of course he was, that's what he gets a paycheck for

>> No.12118538
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It's unsettling to think these tryhards are the workers of tomorrow thats all. The presentation served as a glimpse for what awaits me after im done with university.

>> No.12118600

It wasn't any different in the past Anon. As long as the game is there to be won the game will be played

>> No.12118613

Police officers are not necessarily geniuses, but they are not the ones who come up with interrogation techniques.

>> No.12118624

What kind of data anon?

>> No.12118636

The system is so smart that those who implement it don't have to be smart. How is this not obvious?

>> No.12118650
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>> No.12118656

Nah man. It depends on your industry. I got a job and I don't have to communicate with anyone but jaded boomers. I love it.

>> No.12118669

You can have effective techniques developed by intelligent people that other people are trained to execute e.g. police officers. Nice retort, brainlet.

>> No.12118781

Music, movies, anime, a fuck load of unsorted pictures, about 15 years of bookmarks...

Even just sat here I've got that same apathetic feeling. I'm not sure if I suddenly got hit with my own age when I lost my teenage accumulations, but I find myself unable to really bring up any strong emotions for anything on this screen.

>> No.12118837

Is there anything more cringy than mediums trying to latch onto the illusion of being 'art' and failing to realize that 'art' is a shitty term that means literally nothing?

>> No.12118850


>> No.12118862

I am in love with the idea of a woman. Intelligent, not afraid to express what she feels, or at least to me, and a bit depressed. I just want to talk to someone, love someone. But she's just an idea, i won't meet someone like her.

>> No.12118867


>> No.12118875

Video games is one of the most prominent I'd say right now. Though it has spawned an equally annoying response of 'video games can only be for entertainment and can never mean anything more.'
Film has done it with reasonable success, if you could call that a good thing.

>> No.12118986

You're an idiot. Get a job and invest the fucking money, do you know what inflation is?

>> No.12119003

>living off your <100k inheritance
>for 30 years

>> No.12119208

It wasn't a retort. That's exactly what I said.

>> No.12119214

I want to not exist anymore ever again

>> No.12119237

What exactly does it mean to be "more than entertainment" if art is a meaningless term?

>> No.12119250

For someone that believes
>'art' is a shitty term that means literally nothing
you sure seem to care a lot about what is classified as art. Doesn't make much sense.

>> No.12119263

I'm not saying that being entertainment makes something lesser, I'm saying that that's what those people who bite at the art/not art dichotomy believe in, when in reality there is no real distinction.

My issue is with people who pretend it means something like an innate superiority or value which anything that lacks the label does not have.

>> No.12119291

Art is a spook

>> No.12119310

>My issue is with people who pretend it means something like an innate superiority or value which anything that lacks the label does not have.
That's certainly fair when considering the superficial/marketing side of things, but your thoughts on what art truly is indicate that the mediums you mention could be considered as innately art.

>> No.12119328
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holy shit I always suspected my teams were judging me and not effectively communicating their concerns because I'm Baltic

>> No.12119368

What is life like up there?

>> No.12119414

This guy in my lectures is starting to piss me off. The whole class are a bunch of fucking zombies who never answer questions and the second I propose one, the fucker builds upon it to the point where it makes me look stupid even though he lacks the confidence to say anything if I dont.

>> No.12119445

A lot of them are just outcasts though, and they have always existed.
I can understand the viewpoint of: I have no happiness and everyone treats me like shit so I may aswell kill a bunch of people and then myself (not saying its right)
But I just feel like they need friends and to do that, they need to either evaluate themselves or seek help

>> No.12119463

I don't really understand how I could wirte what's in my mind considering the non-linear nature of thouse. I am currently doing my best to do just thoughat, however. Doddododo <--- that's the music I'm listening to right now. It's a fall song. Maybe Hex ienduction hour, but I can't remember for sure. A funny thing about Hex Enduction Hour: It's Hex - Mark E Smith's sixth album Enduction - the induction of the end of era of The Fall and it's hour - aproxamtely an hour long. But now I think about iot I think it's from the call to escape route ep. Anyway, what is it exactly that causes a dog to bark a tooth. That's what always happens when I try to do this - word association. Oh well, cya natyes.,

>> No.12119558

I think that I am a trainwreck in the making. There is always a possibility for things to be better. But they are not objectively completely terrible for me. I should be in my prime, and yet I see myself slowly fading year after year. I am not a complete failure, at least not yet, but there is not a moment where I actually feel like things are okay. Sometimes there will be fleeting moments of hope, but it's plastic.
I don't want to have a breakdown or a burnout when I get older, I don't want to become a nut job who end up killing himself on a day before January 1st.

Maybe I'm holding on to that image of an abstract man hiding behind theories and generalizations. Maybe I don't have to be that way. I don't want to come to some grand epiphany when I'm 30 and already dead.

>> No.12119709
File: 58 KB, 760x599, August_Natterer_Meine_Augen_zur_Zeit_der_Erscheinungen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl I like told how she likes me back. Currently she's half the country away and we're both penniless students, but once I get some money I'll be visiting her.
This being said, I can only think of how one day she will inevitably stop caring about me, like how one day when you were a kid you played with your neighbourhood friends for the last time without being aware of it. I'll do what i can, I swear I'll try anons, but there so much I can do from a distance. If she's sad, all it takes is for her to turn down her phone and I'm no more. I can only be there for her, in her highs and lows, in the form of words conveyed through texts or through syntetic sounds in the rare event of call. and this will be our downfall. It is only natural for her to have desires, cravings, like one does when one feels lonely at 3AM, and seeing how I can't satisfy them, there's only the end in sight. "The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak"
Anyways, I really like her. Hope this goes better than I thought.

>> No.12119779

In the Baltics? Well, Lithuania's a bit more like Europe and less like Russia or Belarus, at least that's what the denizens would like you to believe, but I grew up in a bad part of a bad town so I got the full shithole experience. I left when I was 14 so I can't provide any great insights; People are generally a bit less polite than in the Anglosphere, and harder. Kids were rougher, but also more fun. There are lakes you can go swimming in and be by yourself and not hear the constant whooshing of the highway, Chicagoland feels like a big parking lot by comparison. I don't miss it and don't care for it anymore.

>> No.12119814

dont come back

>> No.12119825

>Chicagoland feels like a big parking lot
Pretty accurate description. People immediately picture skyscrapers when I mention I live in the city, but its really just miles and miles of 2-3 story brick and concrete buildings.

>> No.12119836

>I don't miss it and don't care for it anymore.

You don't miss what, Lithuania?

>> No.12119972

I thought I had it rough. Are you enlightened or trapped in the abyss?

>> No.12119981
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I have Prostatitis/CPPS. Had to completely give up alcohol and any sort of carefree life. Wherever I am I need to think about when I can next go to the bathroom. All of this has helped me get back into literature though.

>> No.12119991

Yeah, but I don't mean it's bad overall. Adult life in Vilnius would probably be comparable to many other places in western Europe.

>> No.12120262

My friends won't talk to me anymore. I wonder what I did wrong.

>> No.12120339

nothing much to it, classical architecture are just proportions and subtle mathematical refinements

modern architecture thesedays are more about building the basic structure of a building in the cheapest way possible (concrete column+slab), and then figuring out how to decorate it (facade/ tiles/ lighting fixtures).

>> No.12120347


>> No.12120352

I would like to be a historian and work in a museum. I cannot afford college because lol American and I'm not a fan of debt. I dropped out of college for graphic design since everyone was pushing me into it but I hated it and hated the idea of that for my future. I wanted to be a historian for a long time and I hate that I have to think about money at the end. I don't want to be a lawyer or anything like that. I want to be an old dude who gets to study or interact with historical things and talk to people about it.

>> No.12120358

Same here, slowly realising that I'm a bit of a dick (can't help it) so just trying to talk less nowadays heh

>> No.12120360
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Just ate at one of the best sushi places outside Japan. The Japanese are famous for perfectionism, and just being impressed upon by the fruits of it gives you the feeling that craftsmanship is a holy thing. I've always wanted to be good at something, but postmodernity pushes you away from the determination you'd need to ever become a true craftsman.

>> No.12120376

I could talk to you, tell me about yourself.

>> No.12120407

There's a song I can only remember literally one part of and can't find it through searching because i think it may be wrong. It's like "between the" and i think it continues with "whores and lovers" but i searched that and found nothing. I could swear it's by Tool.

>> No.12120476
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I wish that too anon. I just want to read and write books and go exploring somewhere. I don't usually subscribe to the 'born in the wrong generation' thin' but I wish I could have been born just a wee bit earlier so I could have explored Egypt, or South America in the early Twentieth Century.

>> No.12120495

As long as everything in my life is going fine I feel great, but when one single thing goes wrong its like my whole life is falling apart. I don't know what exactly is wrong with me, a lack of character maybe.

>> No.12120517

Ive got no friends because I dont want any. I am tortured by my self imposed solitude and were I not a coward, might have sought to end it all.

>> No.12120519


Are you thinking of Schism?

>> No.12120522

I'm a pile of uncooked meat, held together by gnarled bones and controlled by telekinetic mental chopsticks

>> No.12120526


>> No.12120533

>Tortured by self imposed solitude
>Doesn't want any friends
>Considers himself a coward
>Entertains suicidal thoughts
You're clearly not cut out for this tortured individual lifestyle. Whatever merit you wish to achieve by living like this goes out the window the moment you have to assure yourself "I don't want friends". Your wants are irrelevant, and must be conquered before all else. Maybe I'm wrong, but whenever I hear someone talk about how the choose to remain friendless it's a very elaborate cope they construct to give themselves this mien of strength and independence. The fact that you mention your lack of desire for friends is evidence enough for me to think you are in desperate need of them. Nothing wrong with that; in my opinion it is only through truly good friends that we can get anywhere in life. However, if you've managed to do something constructive thus far with that kind of approach, then by all means continue. Next time don't say anything pertaining to your decision to be friendless and the possibility of suicide.

>> No.12120545

No I dont go out of my way to have no friends, its my natural state. 30 years of no friends and barely any contact with family. I need friends but at the same time I have gained much without having friends. I am closer to the voice of God only because of this. Not by choice of course.

>> No.12120548

what kind of retarded way of thinking is that? White people are perfectionists too? The underlying code running on your phone or on servers has to be pretty fuckin perfect and efficient

>> No.12120550

Well then keep going bro. That is, continue pursuing that Voice at all costs. Do not stop. It will be worth, though I'm sure you already know that. Happy Thanksgiving.

>> No.12120551

Porn is the great evil of our day. Millions and millions of people fucking for nothing other than a paycheck and millions and millions of people wasting their time and minds consuming it. How do we cure this great evil. At first porn welcomes you and opens your mind to the possibilities of sex, but its a facade it creates unrealistic expectations and fantasies of sex for the viewer. Another problem is the mass exposure, every person with a smart phone has limitless access to porn at their disposal. We must educate children on the dangers of pornography.

>> No.12120556

>code on phones/servers is perfect and efficient
you don't code, do you

>> No.12120558

If a person will never have sex, why do unrealistic expectations matter?

>> No.12120560

tfw i always preferred porn that was just girls masturbating and it helped me to actually pleasure women when i grew up

>> No.12120572

I don't get the time wasting. I watch porn for like 5-10 min until I nut right before bed. I also still only watch vanilla shit even though I've been watching porn since I was 12. Do the people who spend a significant amount of time watching porn last a long time or is it just entertainment? I thought it's just a quick means to an end

>> No.12120575

I would need at least an hour back when I fapped.

>> No.12120581

Threads like these make me question my abilities as a writer. It doesn’t help that I have no guidelines or directions when it comes to improving my writing skills. Every online resource puts the words ‘concise’ and ‘descriptive’ together: to me this is not advice. It is a contradiction.

Do you need a writer’s eye to make sense out of this advice? I think of striking a balance between the two. But in some sense, that would be like doing neither. Wouldn’t that make the advice meaningless? Maybe it is. Or maybe I just don’t have what it takes to write.

Threads like these make me question my ability as a writer. I can’t improvise my pieces. I need three rounds of editing to make my writing look presentable. And when I look around for advice on how to improve, I can never make sense of it. I’m not entirely sure what makes writers ‘good’.

This is why I wish someone could criticize my work and explain what I’m doing wrong. So if you could take a few seconds to read this rant I wrote on a whim, I would really appreciate it. If you even made it this far, thank you.

>> No.12120591

There used to be a school of thought that said that great writing was about putting as much meaning as possible in as few words as possible. I think that fell out of favor when Finnegan's Wake went farther in that direction than anybody else ever would.

>> No.12120596

That was one of my initial ideas. I’m glad to see I wasn’t the only one.
What do you think constitutes good writing, anon?

>> No.12120601

I think what draws people to writers is the fact that they say things that the reader understands already as true, but with a certain perspective or phrasing that makes them immediately understand their own prior impressions in a deeper way. Speaking the truth, truer than you knew it before. Being a good writer is more complicated, though.

>> No.12120603

Eventually everything.

>> No.12120616

Jokers to the right of me,
Clowns to my left,
Here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you


>> No.12120633

I'm not worthy of my good fortune, and I feel like my life is going to fall apart in front of me at any moment.

I'm stressed and struggling at university, but I'm determined to accomplish my goals and I'm well liked by my teachers and peers. My family supports me in everything I do and I've been spending a lot of quality time with a beautiful girl.

But I'm addicted to pot and cigarettes and I spend too much time on fucking 4chan reading depressing stories. I feel as if it's only a matter of time until my life falls apart like all of these poor anonymous bastards on the internet.

>> No.12120636

I have nothing to say. I can't write anything without almost immediately stopping myself because I think what I've written is the worst combination of English words ever put down. I cannot focus on anything. I feel very little. My life is in ruins and I am to blame. I do not understand anything. I need to get out of here. Nothing is right.

>> No.12120652

I feel this feel

>> No.12120745

I watch is for the plot personally. They are better than most comedies the American media churns out.

>> No.12120774

What about it sucks?

>> No.12120849

Enlightenment doesn't exist, god neither, we have free will

>> No.12120870

DIABLO II Ultimate Strategy Guide

>> No.12120913


Right on.

>> No.12120999

lol I'm 26 high school failure who couldn't get into unis, talk about sucking

>> No.12121003

people seemingly put a lot of thought into what they choose to study, what job they choose to work and where they choose to live, but they are only uselessly rationalising a fate which they have blindly stumbled into through unconscious sublimation of animal impulses

>> No.12121021

Everybody is looking for a purpose but under the current American "Dream"
(more like night terror at this point) paradigm you really only have one option, barring some sort of dumb luck where you're 0.001% of the population who falls ass backwards into an entertainment gig, and that option is serving some corporate owner your whole life for a pittance of the profit you generate. Your options become increasingly limited as the creeping reality sets in, you need financial security in this environment or no one will save you.

The safest way for most people, and what is likely inevitable for most of us, is to give ourselves away, our fleeting time, our passions, our dreams, for some menial desk or construction job that generates profit for someone higher up off of your labor. Surely there must be something more to life than this. Do we really have to resign ourselves to this fate forever, or is it possible we can collectively decide to change our own reality? Can humans be more than just money making machines who live to consume? I'd like to think so.

>> No.12121032

commies are fucking retards and money is good. if you try to touch my money i will break your face

>> No.12121034

This guy gets it.

>> No.12121038

Beware any force that drives to divide you from the people you love and support.

>> No.12121067

well it's not many of us have other options. I mean,shit. Things are really bad.

>> No.12121617

I think you missed his point anon

>> No.12121649

thats problematic

>> No.12121671

I've been feeling pretty good lately but now I'm lying in bed on the day I should be giving thanks and I feel like absolute shit.

>> No.12121707

I have been incredibly unproductive the last week and am currently thinking about how to catch up with all the procrastination.

>> No.12121806

Life is all about the little things. Those beautiful, precious little nuggets of gold. That sweet sweet chocolate that melts on your tongue. Those tender, fleeting, short, yet powerfull moments in time, that interrupt the slow and dull, everlasting march of time.
I just pooped for the first time in three days, and I feel eternally blessed.

>> No.12121817

instead of posting what is actually on my mind i am compelled to write something witty and clever instead because i want (you)'s

>> No.12121824

>Enlightenment doesn't exist
in the magical, supernatural sense probably not, but it's not too far out to assume that some people could have undergone changes in their brain that may have caused personal dissociation, loss of fear due to the shrinking of the amygdala, etc.
>god neither
duh, or it's some pos god like cathars and pkd believed, but probably not
>we have free will
some, but ultimately no

>> No.12121921

Do you ever suspect you experience the world in a considerably different way than most people? I feel that way a lot.

>> No.12121947

Most people, yes. All people, no, definitely not.

>> No.12121963

No. Luckily I am far too intelligent to be that arrogant and selfish.

>> No.12121982

Why does it take so long to die

>> No.12122042

I noticed on GoodReads that there are several lists entitled "Books to Read in the Trump Era" with many of the same books: 1984, Fahrenheit 451, that one Tanehesi Coates book, etc., and I have to wonder: did these people really buy into the apocalypse narrative that the mass media tried to sell us all? Even as an extremely pessimistic leftist, I find the mass hysteria surrounding Trump to largely be laughable.

>> No.12122045

Those people are genuine NPCs.

>> No.12122058

>1984, Fahrenheit 451
What's funny is that leftists are the ones that advocate the most for mass censorship

>> No.12122247
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>> No.12122299

i bet u also think youre too smart to be too smart to talk with dumb people

Because if so, good on you.

>> No.12122356

As the first person who responded to the original statement, I can tell you that I love my new field. I’m studying documentary filmmaking and eagerly want to get out in the world and work at it rather than finishing up my degree. You don’t really need a film degree, but it’s helpful due to my university’s fantastic internship placements at top production companies, so I’ll hold out for another year. Just general disconnect living and working with 18-21 year olds is a big part of it too. Still, I’m glad Inhave a second chance to earn a degree and come out with no debt.

>> No.12122357

Thank you.

>> No.12122375

Only because I’ve survived a disease that kills most people, and I’m also a backcountry wilderness guide for a living. My experiences are certainly unique, but I have no illusions about my insights nor my reactions to them as being anything extraordinary.

>> No.12122492

observer + object = world. if you dont exist around unique objects, then you must become unique to justify the experience. human awareness of the universe is absurd and being innately different is the beauty of everyone trying to solve the same riddle so to speak

>> No.12122539

Consciousness is a meme. Humans are as alive as a computer. Your thoughts and ideas are no more special than a program designed to output Hello World, only more elaborate. Observation is a spook, what you call perception exists on the same meta level as the object.

>> No.12122725

Frederick I Barbarossa has to be the dumbest cunt ever.

>> No.12122742
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>Observation is a spook, what you call perception exists on the same meta level as the object.

>> No.12122757

Can someone post the nazi version of that pic

>> No.12122772

The output of a program exists on the same meta level as its input: The physical. "Observation" only *hints* at apeiron. You cannot perceive pi, only an approximation, but that approximation does not exist in the same plane of existence as the concept of pi. The same goes for literally everything else in nature. Objects live in reality. The observation of them lives in reality. But their *properties* live in a higher plane.

This is why you start with the greeks.

>> No.12122781

fuck yourself. If I had the opportunity to kill you I would

>> No.12122814

tired of wanting to die i feel like a pussy bitch. i have a decent or even good day followed by four or five bad days in a row where all i think about is dying. this has been the cycle ive gone through for years. i'm on antidepressants and anti anxiety meds but they really don't seem like they're doing anything, i've tried three different medications now. i used to think that i was mentally strong despite my imbalances but my endurance seems to be waning. i just don't care to fight anymore

>> No.12122839

>i'm on antidepressants and anti anxiety meds

there's your problem

>> No.12122905

regardless of the manner in which we are alive, we are alive. regardless of the value of my particular ideas, ideas in general are meaningful. i am the object of my reality and even as pitiful as that may be, the simple fact that there are relations and representations in my surroundings that I then choose to see and interact with, not only comes with unfathomable depths but is (in my opinion) still beyond us all for now. your reply rings hollow for me because if I take it literally, any designed digital program is actually pretty special considering where we came from and the technology and electricity needed to do it. "human ingenuity" was coined for a reason, with the knowledge, the schematics, the materials, the prototype, even the finished model, what use is it if it cannot be set into motion? being ignorant and stuck within time and movement is ultimately what gives us the capacity to explore and strive for perfection while our senses incentivize it. if the demonstration of physical reality is more or less worthless (including the relationships not only found therein, but between itself and the above) then unironically why don't you just kill yourself?
i agree and further think the fact that we both understand these things is an argument for our varied realities. these agreements validate the truths

>> No.12122917

I want to die.

>> No.12122943

i've been approaching it like it's better than nothing but sometimes i feel like i feel worse than before i started trying meds about a year ago

>> No.12123022

"Summer has ended" would fit better

>> No.12123037

"Winter has entered" is more poetic and unexpected. Everyone always expects a weather analogy for love. Personifying winter has something with agency that can "enter" into a life is more dynamic, while summer "ending" lacks that agency. Symbolically, it's like the world itself is attempting to sabotage anon's romantic life.

>> No.12123040

You might have treatment resistant depression. Keep trying different therapies.

>> No.12123050

the elwction and twitter killed this site, /lit/ is the worst degradation of a board ive ever seen

>> No.12123243

>regardless of the manner in which we are alive, we are alive.
I disagree. A computer is not alive. Neither are humans. What differentiates you from a stone? "Life" is just a definition of "moves on its own," "decomposes," "reproduces," etc. I believe there is no divine spark within us not found in a stone, or a computer.

>ideas in general are meaningful
I agree in this sense: Ideas are meaningful, but outside our reach. "Our" ideas are as meaningful as everything else that "is the case," for that's all they are: a configuration of particles within our brains giving rise to the consequences of us having "had" this idea. The supreme concept they are hinting at is beyond us and our physical limitations of memory.

>if I take it literally, any designed digital program is actually pretty special considering where we came from
This argument can be made for literally everything, and as usual, when something goes for everything it may as well not apply to anything. Compare to Wittgenstein's statement that everything in the world is coincidental and therefore equally meaningless: To a "god," a raindrop's mark on an empty piece of paper is as special as an old master's painting: Both are merely the result of the chain of events leading up to them; which link in that chain would have made the master's painting more special than the raindrop's fall?

>if the demonstration of physical reality is more or less worthless (including the relationships not only found therein, but between itself and the above) then unironically why don't you just kill yourself?
The creator of time and space did exactly that: Created time and space, and a handful of supreme axioms beyond understanding that found the natural laws as we know them. *Something* created these. Surely not consciously, for as I said before, I consider consciousness a spook. As a result of time and space, this planet came into being. As a result of time and space, the law of natural selection took hold. Thus I consider evolution a direct link to the creator of the universe, something like its "command" to us, and therefore labor to do my "evolutional" duty to my utmost ability, i.e. trying my hardest to appease my instincts. I'm not exactly talking about hedonism, since that's shortsighted. I intend to play the long game, trying to leave my name in history.

>the fact that we both understand these things is an argument for our varied realities
Agreed. I'm guessing the difference lies in my denial of human's ability to access the "idea plane" of existence with their mind, which I just consider a physical illusion.

>> No.12123263

Have you ever looked for a word to describe an idea in your head only to find there isn't one?

>> No.12123339

gotta find that fine balance between working lots and feeling burnout.

>> No.12123370

Men do not hate nor feel contempt for women. Those are primarily feminine emotions. What men feel is intense envy of women, for a man must always be proving their worth, proving their manliness, while a woman simply by being overawes man. In the presence of such extraordinary being, and in such an inability to ever attain it or compete with it, man feels bottomless envy. The greatest man is reduced to a spectator before a woman of above average beauty. And we men do everything in our considerable power to obscure this fact.

>> No.12123392

No. But there is a continuum between "real" news and "fake" news. Both manipulate you but you must certainly have preferences towards what manipulation you'd like. Feed the homeless is a better end than support my ethnic genocide.

>> No.12123396

Antidepressants just make it harder for me to cum, but I still masturbate the same amount. Very annoying desu.

>> No.12123510

>while a woman simply by being overawes man
>a woman of above average beauty
Are you smart enough to understand the argument I'm making or would you like me to spell it out?

>> No.12123518

mu and fa are pretty fucking horrendous

>> No.12123595

That's a great way of thinking about it. Thank you for teaching me, anon.

>> No.12123833

You're going to have to spell it out because if it's the one I think you are making, it's irrelevant.

>> No.12123934

I'm very lonely.

>> No.12123993

Well rocks are inanimate, they do not move, they do not have an ego with which to impose a will.
Think about a painting, yes it is just paint and canvas, the artist a product of whatever deterministic behavior sure, even the image, just an amalgamation of previous experiences, but the creation is abstract and evokes different feelings from everyone. I believe there is beauty to be found in this, if we really want to boil it down, in the archetypal events and configuration of time and space that allows the conditions for these hints, and eventually truth. Lets say even that is pointless, there are a million universes all doing the same thing, I'd be arguing the symposium of truth and movements on such a scale is mindblowing
Oddly enough I feel like you made my point for me. It's interesting that we think so differently, for me it isn't the two paintings, their materials, or the nature of their creation, but the effect produced on the observer. They're the same to a god because it sees the same beauty in all things (as it likely knows things we do not), the master is such because he knows how to manipulate the configuration in such a way that evokes truth from themselves and others.
Ahh here we go, I was interested in what you'd believe in. Hard to debate here, half due to the nature of the content, half because I agree. I think (for now) having to ask why is what makes the wheel turn. If you never wonder about the creator's intention, never wonder what makes things good or more fit or why it even matters, that sort of thing, then you'd be pretty robotic. Running in place. Intuition is like the back-end of instinct, theres a lot of possibilities and data yet to be seen so we gotta act on the hints
(imo) Counter-intuitively, the infallibility of man is why he's the greatest creation. One tenant I took from the Bible is that men choose God on their own. If you had access would you even know what to do with them? Why would you even do anything? Who would "you" even be? Maybe we have the capacity be perfect, but I'm okay with the flaws for now. We form Earth's configurations to give them a reason that evokes truth and beauty in the glory of God (sheesh, at one point I'd have never said that). You could've scoffed at my post and not said anything. The pseud popary that it is, together we did in fact create this moment in time and it's intermingling of ideas. We've likely exchanged/created some truth/beauty. Even if not and it's meaningless and we both die and it's lost forever, ya gotta try anyway. Our will and notion of worth in the face of it all is why we are alive. The strive for order is why we are "good", and our capacity to improve, configure and create forms is why we are beautiful. Demonstrating these things and bringing it into my scope however I can is the evolution of my life and (hopefully) the universe. I like to think of humans and consciousness like god gambling that he is in fact good

>> No.12123995

I'm really gay and retarded

>> No.12124011

And to add, keep your chin up brotha, you're a critical thinker and a cool dude at that.

>> No.12124020

your gay and retarded

>> No.12124028

>live on $2k a month

>> No.12124054

Unironically buy real estate if it's enough in your area, please don't be retarded.

>> No.12124083
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Has anyone ever tried crowdfunding their writing on patreon or something? Some of the meme podcasts and shit are pulling in bank, obviously you need to reduce your expectations by several orders of magnitude but it doesn't seem impossible to make at least a little side cash doing it. I suppose getting an initial audience is, as always, the hard part.

Also if anyone has tips on getting an audience I'd love to hear them. I'm this close to unironically whoring myself out on lebbit and normiebook.

>> No.12124092

Meds won't heal you much, they don't know how deep the depression affect the brain

>> No.12124110

Ate supper. Got a drink. Sitting outside in my shed with my stove and my dogs eating sticks out the door. Stole one I was going to put into the stove. Smoking my tobacco pipe.

Is life okay? Am I okay? In this moment I am, I think. Is that all that matters?

>> No.12124155


yes. you were right

>> No.12124215

A woman simply "being" is not enough for her to overawe men; she has to be worthy of men's admiration. From there you get not "envy of their inherent beauty," but "envy of their struggle to appease beauty standards," which isn't an emotion held by many men at all, invalidating your entire post.

>> No.12124240

yes anon

>> No.12124247

I'd like a book that starts like this

>> No.12124261

Am I tricking myself into believing that I am an intellectual based on what I consider important and am studying at the moment? Is my whole existence based on proving to myself that I am exceptional when it comes to thinking? How do I know? I'm assuring myself that just thinking about this I'm somehow self-reflecting and disproving it, yet what if my thirst for knowledge and understanding; being against materialism and such, is just an "in advance"coping mechanism to prepare myself for a possible failure in later life? I also think that I wrote this to again, assure myself that I'm thinking about my self-reflection, making me even more observant and intelligent.

>> No.12124272

This is pasta now. Nobody could be this delusive.

>> No.12124289
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>> No.12124291

>Well rocks are inanimate, they do not move
Do all "living" humans move? Is the answer yes, because even paralyzed people's blood constantly flows? If so; how about a dune in a desert?
As for the ego part, I don't have anything to add other than the usual determinist's spiel; "when you make a decision, your process of making that decision is not in your control, therefore neither is your decision in your control."

>I believe there is beauty to be found in this, if we really want to boil it down, in the archetypal events
Well put, I like how you expanded it to its extreme. I'll admit I'm not ready to deny divinity in archetypes.

>They're the same to a god because it sees the same beauty in all things (as it likely knows things we do not)
Nice, I see we're on the same page. Yeah, nothing else to add there. So far I've focused too much on what the properties of an object tell us about their past and too little on what they say about their future.

>Even if not and it's meaningless and we both die and it's lost forever
Personally I don't believe anything is meaningless in that sense, actually. That is, I don't believe the universe will go on forever, reaching a point in time where anything we do now will become 100% inconsequential; I believe before that the universe, its very foundation of time, space, and whatever else it all rests on, will somehow crumble. My only justification for that idea is that everything within this "plane," the plane that is not reserved for ideas, math and logic, is bound to decay. I believe eternity is fundamentally outside our reach, and with that "our" I include the physical universe itself. In other words: The equation [the value of everything you've accomplished]/[time] will never reach its limit of [time] -> infinity, thus never becoming zero.

>The strive for order is why we are "good", and our capacity to improve, configure and create forms is why we are beautiful.
Nice phrasing, demonstrates our infatuation with the timelessness of ideas.


>> No.12124297
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reading a horror story.


>> No.12124299

And that last sentence, too, was from a desire to make yourself appear deep to others. You don't have to ask yourself whether your whole existence is based on proving your intellectual worth to no one in particular; your thoughts in themselves are already proof of it. So the answer is yes, and now you can busy yourself with a better question: Why do you have that desire?

>> No.12124307

Thank you anon, I might already have a slight grasp of why, but I'm gonna think about it a bit more.

>> No.12124318

I'm just another low value 4chan male who's disposable to society, can't fight the blackpill anymore

>> No.12124347

Argument 1: to each thing its opposite, as blossom to its rotten petals heaped about the bushes feet. In the general category there is no relation of a thing but to itself in the advancement of time. Thus the virgin swells to the heavy breathing of animal fits in the beneathness of being itself, subject in her momentary being to the towering infinitude of the unstable world above her. Of untimely things you will doubtless inquire: the lone man and the group, as example, or odds and evens. For the group it is sufficient to note that it shall have a last member, someday, and so exists with the seasons and all else in a timely way. For evens and odds there is not a single argument but pairs, to be made in succesion. This too then is bound up in time. So we conclude: to each its inverse, and all in time.

Corollary: the essential in a thing, to resist its becoming its opposite, must avoid altogether the passage of time (in all manner of meter.)

Argumeny 2: suppose a thing called A is. Let X denote the transformation of the thing into another (or AXB). From Argument the First have we that AXA if and only if X is not, or in other words AX(not A) and AXB. From this it is clear that no thing in eternity is essentially extant.

Example: i saw under the lighted shadow of pear trees a thing uncalled. In its desolation I brought it forth into being from an annihilated state, which bringing affected my soul into a relation with the thing. Thus three we went hand in hand, until I dispensed with all but one at the shadow of my home.

Conclusion: what is not is becoming, what is, is made by my own illumination, which itself is but a shadow of the Eternal

>> No.12124355

I meant "move" in a looser sense, hm...what about agency? Would you agree that our own agency makes us alive? A rock might be involved in an action that produces an effect, but it doesn't personally take that action.

I agree with what you say about the physical universe, that we won't truly find certain things like eternity here. I agree with the whole idea that you're getting at. This is all a bit off-track here but since you got my thoughts stirring, I find a lot of peace in accepting that I didn't even exist before this place, it's shitty but it's all I know. It's like taking care of your parents when they get too old. It's noble to find ways to appreciate the good in things, to try, even if failure is inevitable. I don't want to die in fear. I'm young and I've already made grave mistakes, I don't care if I miss out on some things or hold a few regrets, in the end I want to be assured in my own actions and beliefs, that I tried my best to do the right thing with what I had. I'm glad we found so much common ground, I had to do a lot of thinking to intelligibly reply to your points. Happy thanksgiving

>> No.12124361

>caring about what others or what you yourself thinks
Oh shiet negro what you doing

>> No.12124404

he cute

>> No.12124483

But are we in power of our own action any more than a rock is in power of rolling down a hill? When a child with an abusive father turns to a life of crime, did he do so because he willed it? When he instead uses it as motivation not to become the same and goes on to become a great man, did he do so because of his ego? If yes, then more importantly: Was it him who chose the ego he would have?

In my opinion the ideal move in every situation is to try one's best. It brings the greatest average return from a game theory standpoint, it conforms to karma, which is probably real but moving in a way we don't yet understand, and it's just more enjoyable at the end of the day, because there's nothing left to regret. I think you've got it all figured out with your approach. We had a good talk, happy thanksgiving.

>> No.12124484

t. samefag

>> No.12124490

I may as well be, with a time lag of a couple years.

>> No.12124524

its hard to do the "don't care about what other people think" thing

>> No.12124569

You need to ascend to: I don't care about what others think, that's why it's OK for me to care about what other think

>> No.12124649

I was laying in bed this morning just after waking, and I heard a female voice shout "He says". I live alone and the place I live is very quiet and I use earplugs but the voice was clear and loud. Pretty sure it was just a remnant dream but still, hope I ain't going insane lads.

>> No.12124652

What happened to the writing rate threads? I remember seeing one where anons would write about the image in the OP. Those were really good threads, we should have more of them.

>> No.12124674

Various extreme experiences interest me profoundly. By extreme experiences I mean everything from serious drug addiction to deep romantic love. Even vile disease. All of it appeals to me because it is a vast deviation from the boring norm, the sensation of pure health and sobriety that I have always found intolerable.

Arthur Rimbaud explained that his motive for writing poetry was the "derangement of the senses" and there is wisdom in this. The dull, joyless thud of normal living, of day to day going about business, is a sin against the full capabilities of an unlocked human being. A human who is awake to all the depths their brain is capable of producing, horrid and ecstatic, sorrowful and buoyant.

It's not that i'm about to go seek drugs to go get addicted to; it's just that I won't over-value some safe, boring vision of the future such that it keeps me from exploring the capacities of sensation at the most bent and warped ranges of consciousness.

Some may call this degeneracy; if so, you might as well call astronauts degenerate. For they do the same thing except it is directed outward rather than inward.

>> No.12124693
File: 938 KB, 412x264, p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, great news, I've started needing to get up TWICE to piss in the middle of the night now.

>> No.12124699

>he doesn't fall into a dreamworld for eight straight hours before being jolted back to reality by the cruel rays of the sun

>> No.12124701

come to think of it I have no evidence my physical body even continues to exist while I'm asleep.

>> No.12124737

I've had that happen, I was too scared to get out of bed. I had really thought someone had broken into my apartment. I woke up and heard someone whistling the Kill Bill thing.

>> No.12124797

I want to die in battle.

>> No.12124821

I love being aggressive and picking fights. I love putting people in their place. The world is full of scum who deserve a good lashing. The Will to Power as Nietzsche correctly intuited is one of the most ennobling directives available to the psyche. This world needs cleaning up! For this reason I greatly respect policework.

Absolutely nothing is wrong with purging the world of its scum taxi-driver style. It is the most noble and brave thing a man can do with himself. Many people on this earth deserve a bullet through the head no questions asked. The problem only becomes when the designated scum-cleaner-uppers are scum themselves. A problem we see today writ large.

>> No.12124865

But this begs the question. Just who is scum? Scuminess is not an innate property. No one is born a scumbag. Even sadistic psychopaths with an intrinsic disposition pointless harm can be reeled in and reeducated if you nip it in the bud. If you don't nip it in the bud? Some people are truly beyond saving. Bullet in the head. The nazis were right about this at least. They took the streets of Berlin and cleaned them up of the truly horrid scum that stalked it. Rapists, degenerates, incorrigible corruptive elements. They did the right thing and shot them in the head. Saves the state money and keeps the prisons free for those who have a chance at redemption.

I think much of the political violence we see in the world today is directly related to the sentiment I have expressed in this post. A misbegotten attempt to clean up a corrupted society. Except nobody does it right. They engage in violence randomly and uncoordinated, this is a true sin and the wrong application of violence. But the desire to purge a society is a common thread that is ultimately a healthy component. Some people are so wedded to their appetites for harm that no correction is applicable. They will continue to cause damage until enough damage is done to them.

The world needs the enlightened barbarian in this day in age, or we'll keep slipping until there is nowhere else to hide from the disgusting human infestation plaguing the news reels.

The place where I disagree with the Nazis is that they took an nativist view of human nature. Jews were beyond redemption out of biological necessity; this is wrongheaded. Like I said, nobody deserves violence for who they are or for being born a certain way. Who deserves harm are people who think otherwise. And nobody ought to shy away from harming them!

Other than that, the Nazis were right about almost everything. Germany would have been a utopia if they had there way. Research it. Nazi Germany was an unstoppable economic and military powerhouse that could simultaneously fight on three superpowers (USA, UK, USSR) and almost win. Nobody should be shy about taking insights from a source no matter its origin.

This concludes my angry rant. Have a nice day.

>> No.12124918

The Nazi's did not "almost win". The Nazi's were never going to win unless you start to make some pretty large adjustments to certain variables. It was a doomed conflict for them.

>> No.12124930

I'm not saying I disagree with you, but my problem is determining who is a committed scumbag in your parlance.

There seems to be a discrepancy. Nobody is born innately horrible, and yet there are some beyond saving. How do you identify those destined to acquire the mark of doom and be hunted down by righteous nazis? You may not wish to harm all Jews, but you may wish to harm the bad Jew; you may not wish to harm all gays, but you may wish to harm the one who exploits underage boys. You may not wish to harm someone who occasionally indulges in drugs, but you may wish to harm the addict who shoots a man to steal money to feed his addiction.

In any of these cases can anyone be corrected? I agree that some people are incorrigible and will cause harm until the day they die. The sentence of life imprisonment exists for this reason. In a perfectly logical sense, if someone were to do harm until the day they die, the rational thing would be to make the day they die very soon, nazi style. But picking out who is beyond redemption requires godlike insight which I think beyond the pale of us all.

>> No.12124935

I guess. They could have won if they delayed war with the USSR for as long as possible. They split their army into two in order to fight on two fronts. If the western front faced the full brutality of the nazi war machine they would have lost outright. Hitler was just a hot mess and should have deferred to his general staff and got over his god complex.

>> No.12124967

Also just to clarify I didn't mean to draw an equivalency between the groups I listed, I was only trying to make a point.. What I meant is that there are good jews and good gays and even good druggies, and there are the bad counterparts which cast suspicion on everyone else who they are nominally identified with.

The fact is there are many wealthy cruel Jews who cause a lot of harm. They rightly deserve hatred. But not for being Jewish; but for being greedy and morally hollow. Same for homosexuals who abuse children or any other group. It's not about attacking the group. It's about singling out the conscious individuals who do wrong. It is not wrong to do wrong to wrongdoers.

The whole idea of collective punishment and group judgement ought to be thrown out despite how instinctive the urge to condemn whole groups . The problems always come down to individuals and the cultures they create to magnify the harm they bring.

>> No.12124990

Well that is just the problem. The longer the Nazi's waited, the stronger the Soviets would get. And if the Nazi's didn't make the first move, then it is quite likely the Soviets would have invaded at some later date. So they really couldn't afford to "delay" the war if they expected a total victory. On a straight one on one fight, the Nazi's may have fared better, but that just ignores the reality of the conflict.

>> No.12125004


>> No.12125012

I'm at thanksgiving with my family and another family, and seeing their daughter for the first time in a minute, and seeing how she fights with her own father, makes me reflect on my behavior with my own.

>> No.12125014
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While the sadness no longer overwhelms me I still think about her every day and consider the happy, naive months I had with her the best of my life. I don't know if I even can forget her, she and especially our time together were such an integral part of the formation of my self. She'll be with me always, for better or worse.

>> No.12125151
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seek the most peaceful and utilitarian remedy for this ailment of coocoo wife and kicking you out (of shared household?).

>> No.12125179
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any tips for enjoying dreams? i am always a victim to my own dreams. no matter how ridiculous or absurd, i treat it as the absolute most fucking serious reality ever. very rarely do i do the ol step back and say "wait a minute mister..." any tips dear fr/anon/

>> No.12125245
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I'm a suicidal wannabe with major hero complex. I want to help somebody to the extent where my life gets in danger

>> No.12125265
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>> No.12125298

Me too 2bh. What's wrong with us?

>> No.12125310

you're probably too big of pusses to ever do anything meaningful for yourselves.

so am I

>> No.12125404

I'll show you a big puss

>> No.12125587

Just failed no nut boys. Drunk, typing with a jizzy hand and was a hot wank but pls pray for me

>> No.12125604


if real, you are a literal retard or more like an oblivious kid

please dont waste that great oportunity anon, do it better

>> No.12125607

write something else man, or talk about books, and in case you cant do anything about i, tell them that you dont wanna show your work

>> No.12125678

Some are born to thrive in light, others are born to thrive in the dark.

>> No.12125692

I have this problem, it probably stems from youtube/porn/dopamine. Get some bookmarks and a stack of books. Read until you lose interest, insert bookmark and place book in stack, pick up next book. Repeat. If you skip a book a few times then you don't really want to read it. You'll end up with a bookshelf of half read books, but you'll finish the books you like.

>> No.12125693

the more effort you put into chasing for pussy, the less likely you are to get it. there must be a name for this paradox.

>> No.12125697

the pussy paradox

>> No.12125700

In a similar vein, the people who say they don't need or care about women (the MGTOW) are the ones who spend the most amount of time discussing women's behavior and dating dynamics. You can always count on finding one on some random subreddit or board spreading their "gospel", it seems like it's all they talk about and are focused on, yet they act like they don't need women or that they don't matter.

>> No.12125704

it's just a rationalization for their failure, little more and pretty straightforward. you can see it in all sorts of scapegoat/"us vs them" style ideologies.

>> No.12125714

abyss =/= the dark
it is reserved for the deep beyond human grasp

>> No.12125833
File: 141 KB, 250x250, 1538680221574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 5:21AM and I am drinking wine to help me go to sleep

Soon I will put on Half in the Bag movie reviews in the background and lie down so that I can drift to sleep in blissful distraction without having a neverending panic attack about how I can't remember who I was 6 days ago when I said that thing to that guy and in hindsight it was really embarrassing and I can't identify with it anymore

>> No.12125848

Its 4:25 am. Mountain time at last presides. Ween yourself from snowy staggered lights delight. Hold a darkness from within. Limitless the reach of text, and light the sway of sin.

Ween yourself from natures breast
And be the creature coiled in
Lay the staggered heart to rest
And be the god within

Without a hold we fall to earth
And nothingness become
And take of memes a warming hearth
Of course we are of cum

>> No.12125852

I wonder if I were a less bitter person had I had a loving female companion.

>> No.12125876
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I'm trying to read Paradise lost but I think I'm too much of a retard to understand it.

>> No.12125912

I have a 6 page essay about sea level worth the majority of my grade due in a week and I know I can get it done rather quickly but it's still lingering in the back of my head. I've already written a page but don't want to do it all in one sitting. Should I finish it today or do it this weekend?

>> No.12125914

ḩ̵̢̡̧̨̢̛̛̛̠̥̘̘̞͍̖̗̭̻̤̣̻̘̖͙͚̩̥̖̳̬͔̖̳͕̪̤͎̦̻̯͎̭͚͉̩̫͉͉͎̭͉̜͇̰̩͔̝̞̤͙͕̥͙̦̟͙̭͆̆͋̓̿̿̿͗͑̃͒̿̾͐̈̊̐͋̑̔̑͊̋̿̾̄͑͂̌̎̿̀̿̾͋͌̓̂͐̊̽̊̎̈͆͒͆̿̋͑͌̑́͘͘̕̕̕͘̕͜͜͝͠͝͝͝ę̴̢̨̢̡̡̢̨̛̮̥̺̞͓͍̯̝̼̜͇̬̯̝̦̩̰̮̗͇͎͉͖͚̺̙͈̤̥̥̫̫̪̱̜̪̩̝̪̥͈͉̘͙̻͎̭͈̳̻͇̯̬̖̮͈͖͔͇̀̿̃̓̌́̇͒̍̾̈͂̍͗̍̾͒̎̌̂͒͌̏͋̌̑̏̐̈̈́̋́̊̈̆̇̀̿̎̓̈́̈̉̐͒̒̽̈́̀̐̾́̀̎͗̕̕̚̚͘̕͜͠͝͝͝͠͝ļ̶̢̧̛̛̗͇̹̹̰̺͉͍̰̰͙͍̝̥̱̹̠͚̙̹̟̩͚͓͈̩̦̖̞̦̦̤̝͇̟͇̞̞̥͕̫̻̺͙̪̝̹̥̤̦̫̺̖̯̺̠̮͙͇͎͔̙̫̍͒̋͐̽͛͐́̉̆͛͋̽̿͊͋̍̂͋̒̄͛̔̾̓̏̏̎̾͐̊̔̔̔̒̆̂̃͆̉̆̽͑̂͑͒̆̑̀̋̿̐͌̿̈̕̕̚͘͘̚̚͜͠͝͠͝ͅͅp̶̧̡̢̡̧̨̛̛̘̙̻̻̮̠̤͔͔̗̗͖̪̙͍̣̫̪͙̙̝͔͇̰͇̝͓̘̘͉̪̯̻̹̼͓̻̗͚̙̻͙̼̗̗̗̙̜̜̘̖̹̠͎̗̀̒̄̇̔͑̿͒́̄͋́͗̊̋͆͐́̂̂̾̽͐̄͐̌̃͌̏͌̓̒͆̑̀̌̐̏̎̽̈͑̀̒̏̊͂̇̏̏͌͊́̍̉͐̋̚͘̚̕̕͜͜͠͝͠͝ͅͅ ̸̨̢̨̡̡̛̛̛͉̯͓͙̮̬̥̥̘͍̜̖̥̥̳̪̬͈̞̞̠͍̤̳͙̮͕̥̙̬̦̗̭͈̤͕̘̪͕̬͇̹͓̫̹̣̻̗̫̖͎̻̬͓͉̳̳̬͕̀͑̂͒́̆́̃̏̈́̓̋̉̀̃̈̿̾̎̉̽͋̓̎͑̽̈́͋̓̀̿́̉̀̾̀̽̒̾̀̽́̈́̈̎̄̽̑̀̎̓̽̓͘̕͜͠͝͝͠͠͠͝ͅͅͅm̵̧̢̛̛̳͕̱̙̯̮̗̹̱͈̼͚̪͔̖̠̭̳̞̭̭͚͚̗͍͈͙̤̝̜̮͚̬͈̞̯͔̖̤̻͓͉̼͈͙̥͚̥̩̯̠͍̮̹̣͉̻̳̭̼͚̝͔̩̻̿̂̿͌̄̒͆͂̔̋̈͊͒̑̓̀͑͒̓̍̒̇̑̓͗̾́̈́͂̌́̇̌͑͋̒̍̈̃̆͆̊̂̓̂́͑̂̎͗̋͐́̈͌́́̃̕͘͘͜͠͠͝͠ę̴̢̨̢̨̡̛͖̮̦̫̟̮͉̝̪͇̺̻̤̩͔͈̱̗̺̳͇͓̹̗͈̤͓̳͚̹̦͍̩͕̺͉͔̭͕̜͇͖̖̖̮̱͇͈̙͎̠̬͇͔̞͕̪̩̦̄̒̌̓͊͌̀̈́̀̍̎̇̇̃̌̀̒́̎̽̉̊̆̒̓̔̐̑̔͛̐̉̌̀̆̈́̽̔̄̎̓̀̀͋͋̈́͑̽̍̽̎̒̔̔̏̋̄̒̇̄̚͘͘̚͘͘͜͜͝͝ͅͅ

>> No.12126151

Where do you draw the line between classy sex scene and unadulterated smut? I don’t want to be the guy who writes smut.

>> No.12126165


I love finally learning more about math. There's no better thing than to finally understand what once was nothing but hieroglyphs to you and to suddenly see how it all fits together.

>why can't I hold all these bikes?

>> No.12126172

>implying anyone wants to read you writing or watch your shitty films

>> No.12126176
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What are you struggling with, anon. Paradise Lost is in my syllabus, and it's pretty easy. Maybe, because I have a teacher explaining the context as we read. If you are having problems, you should check YouTube videos by professors explaining every book

>> No.12126203

Dumbass mods deleted Reza Negarestani thread because it mentioned his comic.

Fucking hell this 4channel thing sucks

>> No.12126365

I have an hour to write an essay.

>> No.12126407

Since I started reading as a hobby two weeks ago I have been in bed for most of the day. How the fuck do I stay active while reading

>> No.12126444

what the fuck

>> No.12126447

I quit DotA so I have no more reason to stay at the computer. So I gravitate towards the bed. I'm depressed.

>> No.12126459

That's still a step forward I suppose

>> No.12126599

Read while walking

>> No.12126772

It's statistically improbable. The subject is a construction.

>> No.12127270

>there's a sequence of actions I could take right now that would result in me getting a cute gf and successful writing career
>I don't know what it is

>> No.12127288
File: 732 KB, 751x363, class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That 20 year old again. Well, 21 as she had corrected me recently saying she is legal everywhere. Didn't took it as foreplay, just a fact.
2 days ago was cold as november could be. I took a seat in the far end of the class to the right next to the window. I would took a glance of the outside world looking mysterious and uninterested but the blinds were down.
She came minutes later and said hi to me, i answered back. Asked me if the seat next to me was open. I said it was.
She came to class with her friend as she normally do, but didn't sit next to him. She sat next to him for the past year. The year before that she sat next to her bf, but that guy couldn't keep japanese class for 2 years like she did.
Each table is formed in pairs, so that meant his friend had to sit behind us. Felt kind of weird, like i wanted to apologize to him.
We continue our class as normal until it came a point when the teacher asked us to discuss with the person next to us the following words:
and other 2 word.
Teach had told us to think what each meant. I knew each every word already, she knew most of them by amusing the english shortened word.
We stopped dead at セクハラ. I told her it meant sexual harassment but she was in disbelief, like why would i even say that kind of joke. The teacher wouldn't make us think of the meaning of that word. She was bright red, that was cute.
After that we couldn't finish the rest of the activity as she and the rest of the class continue to discuss the true meaning of what sexual harassment meant.
Then she muttered so Anon "さん、デートはどうですか。" She said that in a very low voice, possibly trying to not make everyone around us know about it. I tried to play on her intention a little by answering "え、何ですか。もう一度おねがいします。"
She couldn't take it as she said she was embarrassed now. I never agreed to a date, but i promised to go see My hero academia movie with her... but i didn't know she wanted to go together or with the rest of the class too. I mean, she has a bf, for Christ sake, and im not stupid enough to get up my cloud and start fantasizing she really is into me.
Told her that tickets were sold out when i checked previously. She took her phone out and checked the theater. The day she checked was already sold out indeed.
"Then, i have to cancel this appointment?" she said showing me her calendar where it read "movies with Anon san".
"Fine, i get it" i said and took my own phone out. Searched another cinema and found open seats. Told her if the hour was fine by her and she agreed. Also added that we could kill time and eat something. I made "a face", and said that just the movie was fine.
Next day i booked the seats and showed her on messenger.
She hasn't "seen" the message as of today. Probably deleted it in fear of her bf finding out. idc either way

>> No.12127368


>> No.12127449

I'm not gonna pretend i knew that and went to I Google translate.
I'm taking N4 this december and already suffering.

I get the signals she is giving,I just don't believe in them. Woman don't know what they want even when they say it straight to your face. I'm just humoring her at this point. Maybe I'm wrong, I just want to not care. I don't want to think I have a chance.
I'm want to be done with that stuff yet here you see me in every what's on your mind thread.

>> No.12127463

She's probably already done with her bf and planning to break up. Get together with her, talk it out, help her with the breakup. (Any anon calling this disrespectable has never ended a relationship from his behalf)

>Woman don't know what they want even when they say it straight to your face.
No one does.

>> No.12127499

it's disrespectful

>> No.12127514

Better to have a person suffer a break up than another person suffer a relationship they don't want to be in. It's not like anon is the one making an ulteriorly motivated decision for her, he's not even tempting her; she's the one taking action, meaning she has reason to.

>> No.12127544

agreed, she should break up first. waiting until you have another ship to jump to is pathetic and reflects poorly on your character

>> No.12127558

You can do whatever you want, pussy

>> No.12127571
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we 4channel now lads. Once I leave or refresh this tab I'll never browse another thread on 4chan.org/lit again

>> No.12127572

You're randomly implying the reason she hasn't broken up yet because she hasn't found a new boyfriend yet - t h a t reflects poorly on your character. It's probably just a coincidence in timing, or hey, maybe falling in love with someone else made her realize she wants out, who knows? Not even she knows her reason, probably, but she *is* the one who knows she *has* a reason. Relationships in real life don't adhere to unwritten rules of romance, and it's good that they don't: The only reason they work in fiction is because they're not real. Doing what you want, considerately, is how you maximize happiness in real life, not by using "respectableness" as an excuse for weakness of character.

>> No.12127579

Fuck, that's an odd feel.

>> No.12127586

What is going on my fellow 4channelers? Been here since day one so I'm an oldfag.
How do you greentext?

>> No.12127590
File: 244 KB, 570x545, b73a40c7-c6ec-4f80-8684-2308ad6b5802_570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millions and millions of people fucking for nothing other than a paycheck and millions and millions of people wasting their time and minds consuming it.

But this is the world itself, first and foremost.

>> No.12127601
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>> No.12127649

mf doesnt even know how to triforce
summer comes earlier every year

>> No.12127665

I have absolutely no desire to exist right now. I wake up every day and slowly feel the pain of having to do things for another day. I don't go to class, I don't talk to anyone, I barely eat. But I am comfortable not doing those things because doing them is existing.
I am studying philosophy but my interest in learning is long gone, I could switch to a major with higher employment rates if the idea of getting up every day and working was not appalling. I would drop out, but I could not handle the embarrassment of such a failure.
I exist because simply being alive brings happiness to my parents. I could never kill myself but I go to bed every night hoping I do not wake up.

>> No.12127667

summer this year is already over

>> No.12127668

You aren't even far gone.

I haven't got even desire to have no desire to exist. What I am saying, is that you haven't even met the bottom; it gets worse.

t. Attic-anon.

>> No.12127679

>not a handful of seconds away from unironically killing yourself
>talking about the bottom
Yeah alright

>> No.12127684

Man I wish I had even the notion of desire to action. It's just not there.

>> No.12127685

The "probably" part is what concerns me.
Used to hang out with another classmate who actually was around my age. She was chubbier but i love big tits and long black hair, so she was gf potential from the get go. Tried to talk to her often but i never understood what she wanted. Sometimes chatted a bunch, others just smiley faces.
Once, she asked me if we could study before the next semester to have kanji and grammar fresh. I thought that well, maybe she talks to me because we are around same age and i probably know most of the other kids, sucks but oh well. Then, when we got to starbucks she got no intentions tin studying. I brought my books and was ready, but we talked for hours on many other things. Helped her do groceries, i invite her mc donalds (because it was close and she liked it, i wouldn't eat there if not for that.).
Then, she didn't entered the semester. Also, we don't talk at all now.

And now, i talk to the 21yo because she seems fun and naive and thinks studying college makes her smart. It's rather cute, to be honest. But I always have the feeling she is not into me, but sees me as a father figure. Dont know how daddy issues look like, but it feels like them.

>> No.12127688

Wrong. You're taking action all the time. As far as physical effort goes, walking up a large building is as difficult as a week worth of movement in your attic. What's stopping you is the fact you'd rather live your current life than end it.

>> No.12127711

Life would be so much easier if I was gay. I’d just go around having gay sex all the time.

>> No.12127718
File: 31 KB, 429x547, jesus_laughing21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even in the most vulgar sense, memories of one's own birth are practically null, whereas memories of "past lives" or memories preceding birth abound. If you infer that you are preceded and will be outlasted from simply not remembering anything prior to your birth, you can just as easily disregard your birth as well since you cannot remember it either, and instead infer that you are at least not preceded.

Memory is anisotropic since that which is being remembered is Ontologically subordinate to you and not very interesting.

>> No.12127749

just fap to gay porn until you become gay

>> No.12127913

I agree and it is what scares me the most. I am at a crossroads and forcing myself down a dark path with next to no care.

In Robert Sapolsky's public lecture on depression he talks about how there are states of depression where someone is so depressively lethargic that the act of committing of suicide seems to be too much effort. Not claiming that I, or the person you replied to, is in that state, but per Sapolsky it absolutely exists.

>> No.12127942

Oh yeah I agree with that part, I meant that in that state you wouldn't be on /lit/.