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/lit/ - Literature

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12116578 No.12116578 [Reply] [Original]

Post great Christian authors and their greatest works

>> No.12116586

Some say Undset's best was Kristin Lavransdattar, but master of hestviken is mine.

>> No.12116598
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>> No.12116603
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a shame he never finished it, but the verse forms of this tale are absolutely wonderful.

>> No.12116622

Is it true that he used to drink his own cum for maximum inspiration?

>> No.12116623

Anything by Graham Greene. Heart of the Matter is my personal favorite.
His relationship with God and Catholic Church was kinda sketchy though. It’s debatable whether he falls under the category of>>12116586
“Christian author.”

>> No.12116631

Fuck, ignore that accidental (you)

>> No.12116638

Idk but he had lots of sex with his dead friend’s mother. He stopped that long before writing any of the literature he’s known for though

>> No.12116649

Brighton Rock is top tier, and set in my town.
The films are both awful though.

>> No.12116665

End of an affair and power and the glory are def Christian lit

>> No.12116730
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A Clockwork Orange is his most known but not very christian. Kingdom of the Wicked is more appropiate.

>> No.12117749

Tolstoy and Dostoevsky

>> No.12118488
File: 33 KB, 273x475, wolfram von eschenbach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you said plebs is WRONG. I mean haha are you really so low iq that you cant even comprehend the masterpiece of this attractive poet. shame on you retards

>> No.12118490

god isnt real

>> No.12118501

Gauss was a deist.

>> No.12118536

Diary of a country priest by Bernanos

Great shit

>> No.12118593

Flannery O'Connor

>> No.12118611

This. Bernanos in general.

>> No.12118618

I'm reading Pilgrim's progress and its pretty good although sometimes it can feel like a childish RPG, specially about the dialogues.
>"do this and go to that place"
>all right. does it, reaches that place
>finds another "NPC", gets rewarded with better clothes and a sword
>gets another "mission"
>this time must slay an evil creature

>> No.12118668

>reading a translation
>calling others plebs
pick one

>> No.12119273

He was Lutheran

>> No.12119352
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I've only seen the film and it left a lasting impression on me.

>> No.12120541


>> No.12120593
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a gewd mayn is hawd to fynd

Mouchette is one of the most incredible things I've ever read.

What's good other than Mouchette and Diary of a Country Priest?

based bresson poster

>> No.12120630

C.S. Lewis
Mere Christianity / Miracles / The Problem of Pain

>> No.12120785

>inb4 le epic Anscombe myth

>> No.12120863

Under the Sun of Satan, his first novel (i think). And Mister Ouine, one of his last and darkest works.

If you can read French, there's a great french critic of literature that has been writing a blog for ten years and often talks about Bernanos:


He also talks about Boy, Boutang, Carlyle, Evola, Jünger, Krauss and others less known writers like Gadenne, La Soudière of Michaelstaedter.

He's basically what /lit/ likes to pretend it is.

>> No.12120864

Ah I forgot Dialogues of the Carmelites, a wonderful short play I had the luck to see staged near my hometown a few years ago.

>> No.12121192
File: 90 KB, 400x573, Torquato_Tasso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't forget about Torquato 'Mad Lad' Tasso, and his masterpiece 'Jerusalem Delivered'.

>> No.12122488

Is The Book of the New Sun worth reading?

>> No.12122657


>> No.12122661
File: 62 KB, 700x360, bdfkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nobody has mentioned chaucer
wew i love 4channel