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/lit/ - Literature

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12115057 No.12115057 [Reply] [Original]

What has Scandinavia contributed to literature aside from Hamsun?

>> No.12115069

>implying finns have literature worth mentioning
*laughs in swedish*

>> No.12115073


>> No.12115163
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>Seitsemän veljestä

Swedes btfo

>> No.12115188

This. Moomins BTFO Pippi and Karlsson all day every day.

>> No.12115253

Sigrid Undset

>> No.12115323

>implying Finland is even a part of Scandinavia

>> No.12115329

The question was about Scandinavia, not Finland.

>> No.12115335

They're like 3 people and theyre all inbred and muslim.

>> No.12115346

>henrik ibsen
>sigrid undset
>tarjei vesaas
>olav duun
>arne garborg
>aksel sandemose
>jens bjorneboe
>arne garborg
>rolf jacobsen
>sigbjorn obstfelder
Some Norwegian authors and poets worth looking into, though I have no idea how much from some of the lesser known ones has been translated.

>> No.12115456

Yeah bc this place breeds weebs. Literally if moomin hadnt looked like anime no one here would give a fuck.
Pilutta yourself dickhead

>> No.12115509


When you realize its total population is less than a third of the UK it's not too shabby of a contribution.

>> No.12115515

Also the Norse Saga's and Eddas. Almost forgot about those.

>> No.12115546

Et dukkehjem sucks ass

>> No.12115547

hey, quick question, are song lyrics on-topic discussion for this board? don't want to start a new thread if not.

>> No.12115548


>> No.12115552

Do you know any good symbolist authors from norway?

>> No.12115561

The first woman to win the nobel prizefor literature was from Sweden.
I also really enjoy Erland Loe's writing. He's Norwegian.

>> No.12115577

>The first woman to win the nobel prizefor literature was from Sweden.
>tfw you don't know her name and only know her by "the first woman to win the nobel prizefor literature"

>> No.12115624
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I'll admit that I'm not especially knowledgeable about symbolist literature. The style didn't really take hold here, at least not to the degree of say realism, which had a profound impact through Ibsen and his contemporaries.

Sigbjorn Obstfelder is my best tip. He's a early modernist and contemporary of Hamsun who wrote some good poetry. I'd say they have some symbolist flair to them. I haven't read his novels, so I can't comment on them.

I have no idea to which degree his works have been translated, but if you can get a hold of Digte (Poems), it's worth a read.

>> No.12115635
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Strindberg is really good. Read everything, but start with Inferno or Röda Rummet.
Knausgård's Min Kamp series has become a modern classic.
Autisterna by Stig Larsson (not to be confused with Stieg Larsson) is worth a read.
Dr. Glas by Hjalmar Söderberg

>not mentioning Väsi Poveli

>> No.12115649

Er der nogen danskere på /Lit/?

>> No.12115691

Shut up

>> No.12115723
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Huh, I found a 1920 translation of some of his poems that seems alright.

>> No.12115733
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>> No.12115735

Ibsen's early stuff is very symbolic, thinking of Peer Gynt especially

>> No.12115756
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Obstfelder ends up being the image of a troubled artist, dying before he was allowed to really mature as a poet. The end of his life almost seems to correspond with the notion of tragedy, his sole child being born the same day he was buried.

>> No.12115774
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Last one for now.

>> No.12115825

Jens Peter Jacobsen.

>> No.12115965

Halldor laxness

>> No.12115969

ett dockhem tho

>> No.12115979
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Everything this man wrote.

>> No.12116010
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>no mention of Harry Martinson
For shame. I'd recommend his Aniara to anyone - it's a long, narrative poem about the final ship to carry refugees from the Earth to one of humanity's colonies on Mars and Venus, but is knocked off course and continues on into the void. He mixes free verse, songs and more traditional meter with rhyme in its (roughly) 100 cantos.

It's about as joyful as you'd expect from a swedish 20th century poet.

>> No.12116019

I enjoyed The Dwarf by Lagenkvist but that’s all I’ve read by him.

>> No.12116095
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Tykkjar det er særs gildt at du ritar opp han gode gamle Garborg heile to gonger

>> No.12116114 [DELETED] 

a lot of england and america's greatest writers are of scandinavian descent, perhaps some of the french and others as well

>> No.12116325
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We need to meme this harder.

>> No.12116375

Bjornstjerne Bjornson
Tarjei Vesaas
Henrik Ibsen
Dag Solstad

Steen Steensen Blicher
Henrik Stangerup
Knud Romer
Henrik Nordbrandt

Dont know any swedish authors worth mentioning besides Strindberg and Astrid Linsgren, but all of the above is worth looking in to.

>> No.12116379

>What has Scandinavia contributed to literature aside from Hamsun?
A shitload of children's books.

>> No.12116432

Undset is the most underrated novelist in my book

>> No.12116459

Strong rec for independent people

>> No.12116467


>> No.12116493

only based post here
takes a shit for no reason and fuck grandpa

>> No.12116518

No H.C. Andersen?


>> No.12116522


>> No.12116580

I love H. C. Andersen.
Also, he was a real weird guy:
>In June 1847, Andersen paid his first visit to England and enjoyed a triumphal social success during the summer. The Countess of Blessington invited him to her parties where intellectual people could meet, and it was at one such party that he met Charles Dickens for the first time. They shook hands and walked to the veranda, about which Andersen wrote in his diary: "We had come to the veranda, I was so happy to see and speak to England's now living writer, whom I love the most."

>Ten years later, Andersen visited England again, primarily to meet Dickens. He extended a brief visit to Dickens' home at Gads Hill Place into a five-week stay, to the distress of Dickens' family. After Andersen was told to leave, Dickens gradually stopped all correspondence between them, to the great disappointment and confusion of Andersen, who had quite enjoyed the visit and never understood why his letters went unanswered.

>Andersen was bisexual, having romantic feelings for both sexes but most likely remaining celibate his whole life.

>> No.12116595


Surprised this hasn't been mentioned earlier

>> No.12116759


>> No.12117088
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Blocks your path

>> No.12117140

He's absolute trash.

>> No.12117152


>> No.12117166


The English language

>> No.12117177

gå til sengs, onkel gunnar

>> No.12117207

Henrik Pontoppidan

>> No.12117244

Jeg er dansker so no worries

>> No.12117494

Zoomer, Moomins were popular before anime even became a basement dwelling hobby, let alone reached mainstream. Proceed to nearest Fortnite thread and stay there.

>> No.12117861
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He's kinda right though you know, many of us were introduced to moomin through the pic related animated series which was made by nips.

(moomin is also ridiculously popular in japan)

>> No.12117876

Too elaborate I also read the books as a kid but part of why they are so dear to me is that series and the insane levels of comfyness it contains

>> No.12117898
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>people hating on Moomin
What could make a man commit such evil? To be so hateful?

>> No.12118204
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>50 replies in
>no lindgren
at least andersen was mentioned but it once again goes to show that (nearly) all of you had no loving mother that read to you as a child. I do pity you but then again why else would you end up on the chans

>> No.12118205

Huh I can kind of relate to his dansih autism. Never knew this stuff about him

>> No.12118213

Overhoved ikke

>> No.12118226

Lyrics are literature, just as poetry.

>> No.12118242

Were you going to bring up Bellman?

>> No.12118327
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No Stig Dagerman?

>> No.12118415

Per Petterson, Peter Hoeg.

>> No.12118430

I don't think I liked the cartoon series as a kid because it was anime, I had no idea what the fuck anime was.

>> No.12118444

Yes shut up

>> No.12118453

Ja min ven!

>> No.12118461

Missing Pontoppidan

>> No.12118485

No, he's not right. Moomin books and comics are an absolute staple in German-speaking Europe, while very few have heard of anime, same goes for former Eastern Bloc countries except they also had a number of their own wildly popular cartoons, while again anime is almost unknown to the non-autistic masses. It's literally just underage retard who can't comprehend life outside epic nazi frog forums.

>> No.12118534

whats wrong with knausgaard

>> No.12118539


>> No.12118564
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>> No.12118592
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nedstörtad ängel is pretty based

literal nazi lmao

>> No.12118743

Yeah except that the mooming cartoons (not counting stop motion etc..) were atleast co-produced with japan. What slav niggers saw as kids i can't speak of.

The ones i know from being a kid is the Finnish-japanese ones and the swedish suit-acting ones.

>> No.12118790

>mooming cartoons (not counting stop motion etc..) were atleast co-produced with japan
So? How does that pertain to the discussion? Moomins are most certainly not "only known because some cartoons were co-produced with japan". I'm not even gonna touch "they look like anime" as it's phenomenally retarded on too many levels.

>> No.12118820

>Johan Borgen
>Sigurd Hoel
>Jo Nesbo (for entertainment I guess)

>> No.12118824

er en nordmann ihvertfall.

>> No.12118832

Where is Wergeland if we mention poets as well

>> No.12118835

I've been meaning to check out Enquist but I havn't really gotten around to it yet.
Also it's nice knowing i share an interest in anti-semitic shitposting with one of my favourite writers.

Actually if you know its made by japs you will notice things about it that are very reminiscent of anime. Also imo the japanese moomin cartoons are by far the best so you can definitely argue that there is a japanese influence in the enduring popularity of moomin.
I re-read "Pappan och havet" recently and I must say i was kind of underwhelmed. The books are probably the least of reasons moomin has endured so well and the comics i never really saw the charm with desu.

>> No.12118836

all his bougie feminists plays sucks. Peer Gynt is an absolutely kino play tho.

>> No.12118851

dumb boomer

>> No.12118852

Hur många svensker är det här?

>> No.12118959

Finns det inte någon bild som brukar postas på /pol/ där Sverige är en av de vanligaste flaggorna sett till befolkningsmängd. Tänker att samma relation borde gälla här.

>> No.12119007

Hej du gunstig junker.

>> No.12119018

>I didn't like it so nobody liked it >:(
>I like anime so Moomin only good cuz anime :)
Are you a woman?

>> No.12119059

Vi är ett par iallafall.

>> No.12119074


>> No.12119079

You sound retarded.

Also I re-read it as part of my reading group and literally everyone said the same thing. It was a sort of collective disappointment.
You at least have to agree that the enduring popularity has very little to do with the original books and mostly all the spinoffs and other shit she did.

>> No.12119090

Svenskar läser i allmänhet inte.

>> No.12119098
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>> No.12119116

Stämmer inte, sett ur ett internationellt perspektiv läser svenskar relativt mycket (i alla fall normalmycket i ett europeiskt perspektiv). Detta reflekteras också i att nästan allt av värde faktiskt finns översatt till svenska.

>> No.12119133

Sen går det givetvis att ha en diskussion om vad folk faktiskt läser (mest skräp) men jag har svårt att tro att det med få undantag även gäller i de flesta andra länder.

>> No.12119139

*Inte gäller

>> No.12119156
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Jacobsson & Olsson is absolute kino

>> No.12119158

Bortom deckare, tendenslitteratur från sossar/kvinnor/icke-vita och ett visst urval från utomlands som svenskar exalterat kastar sig över finns det inget litteraturINTRESSE.

>> No.12119199

>you have to agree with my completely unsubstantiated opinion
>because you have to
Yeah, no, As I've already said, the books themselves are children's staples over here. Sure, everything else contributed a lot to growing and maintaining popularity, but the originals are absolutely remembered and read. You watching more TV than reading as a child has no actual bearing on these facts. I'm sorry the bleeding hole between your legs doesn't allow you to comprehend that your personal experiences are not necessarily congruent with those of most other people. Maybe take some first level logic courses with your reading group.

>> No.12119221

Congratulations, your whole group is a bunch of plebs with no taste nor discernment. Fuck off back to your GRRM.

>> No.12119229

Och på vilket sätt skiljer detta Sverige från resten av västvärlden? Jag har aldrig sett något som visar på att vi skulle vara något undantag i detta avseende. Men jag är uppriktigt intresserad om du har några länkar.

>> No.12119280

You obviously have only read them a long time ago. But that's fine i guess.

>You watching more TV than reading as a child has
I actually didn't know the TV worked for more than like 1 hour a day until i started school.
But my dad read mostly classic adventure novels and 50s "boy books" to me and my brother instead of children's books i with the one exception of moomin i have barely read any of the classic children's books (including more modern stuff like harry potter of which my only experience is i have seen one or two of the movies out of order) So i don't have any nostalgic connection to any of those books.

So no my bleeding vagina has very little to do with it, as a kid my favourite book was "Call of the Wild", especially the part where Buck makes his first kill made a really big impression on me at age 7 or 8. Which i at the time didn't understand why my teachers looked at me funny for.

>> No.12119293

Not that guy, but are you even from scandinavia? If you were, you wouldve come across the books before the cartoons. If you ARE from scandinavia, then its just a mistake in your upbringing.

>> No.12119351


>> No.12119817

I read his short story Night game, it's good and pretty depressing.

>> No.12121683

fin anglicism

>> No.12121723

Eller to.

>> No.12121740

Brodrene Lovehjerte is perhaps the most beautiful childrens book ever written. Mio Min Mio is great as well.

>> No.12121749

How can Norse sagas be entertaining though? I read Gunnlaug Ormtunge saga at school and it was horribly boring. When learning about the genre, our teachers even told us that they are almost purposely made boring.

>> No.12122144

Try reading some Oehlenschlager, most of his work is based on nordic myths and sagas.

>> No.12122176

Mormons and ABBA are Scandinavia’s only notable cultural achievements.

>> No.12122207

>my reading group
womeme confirmed

>> No.12122227

> Mormons

what? we don't have any large amount of mormons in Norway

>> No.12122885

telefonbosser ud