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12113868 No.12113868 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ do for money? Not everyone can be a NEET.

I've got a bachelors STEM degree and I'm trying to find something that'll let me write in relative comfort

>> No.12113915

I work for my father in law developing office space

>> No.12113918

I read.

>> No.12113926

I'm getting a degree in NEETdom (philosophy) but I work at a Pub so I can pay rent.

>> No.12113931

I make 15 dollars an hour restarting paralegals computers. I have decent down time to read where I just sneak into the supply closet.

>> No.12113937

work a part time job at a specialty running store. shit sucks when its busy but i get paid to read when no one is in the shop so thats pretty nice

also in school so this isnt a long term thing, just helps me pay rent / groceries

>> No.12113941

I step in front of cars and sue the drivers.

>> No.12113948
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I work at a morgue and sometimes in the pathology lab. Studying part-time to get into med school.

>> No.12113964

Help teach English in a school.

Fucking hate it. I'm 24, hurtling towards 25 and I'm still stuck working in schools, living at home, not making any progress in what I want to do, and still being an incel.

I miss when I was NEET. At least then I had the full package of degeneracy.

>> No.12113977

Admin assistant/receptionist at a museum. It is humiliating but I'm living at my parents house putting away nearly $800 a month. Waiting on Luxembourg to accept my citizenship request, then I'm going to Europe to study archaeology, if everything goes right

>> No.12114008

>Fucking hate it. I'm 24, hurtling towards 25 and I'm still stuck working in schools, living at home,
I'm >>12113948 and in the same situation. I might head for university in a year though, but it's not certain.

>Waiting on Luxembourg to accept my citizenship request, then I'm going to Europe to study archaeology
Luxembourg is a curious choice. How come you're applying for citizenship there? How come their rules allow for a foreigner to simply apply for it from abroad?

>> No.12114011

What you planning to do with your degree?

>> No.12114139

Im the guy that works for grub hub and delivers your food. I listen to podcasts and when it’s slow you can catch me reading the best fiction of the last two centuries.

>> No.12114233

dropped out of school, took the year off, going to community college for comp sci so i can make decent money and spend it on books and clothes. i live in the midwest so rent is cheap

>> No.12114266

Got a bachelor’s in philosophy. A buddy who studied accounting and worked for a subcontractor recommended me to fill his position when he left. Now I spend my days estimating construction prices and negotiating contracts with government contractors. It’s a pretty comfy first job, especially for a Phil major, but I’m looking to get into something more fast- paced and creative (preferably in a field whose people can hold a conversation about something more intellectually stimulating than American football). At least I have plenty of free time every evening to read.

>> No.12114276

Coal Miner

>> No.12114302


I'm on unemployement now after working for 2 years as a minimum wage cuck.

Before that I was NEET for 14 glorious years.

I now live in a society

>> No.12114417

I'm a kitchen porter right now. Repetive and boring as fuck.

>> No.12114434

How do I get NEETbux if I live in America?

>> No.12114446

Working at a uni library. Pretty cozy job for decent enough pay.

>> No.12114643

Software engineer. Started a company and received a decent sized grant from DHS. Trying to secure further funding

>> No.12114701

I manage internet marketing campaigns for outdoor sporting goods brands. I specialize in performance marketing which doesn’t have much of an emphasis on brand equity and is more concerned with immediate revenue.

>> No.12114735



... ...

I drive...


>> No.12114767

I’m a medical student, no time for reading sadly. Really procrastinated today

>> No.12114773
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I help out my grandparents who've raised me since I was 7. I mostly rake, help with internet troubles, adminster insulin, and move furniture. Usually they sleep in the afternoon and that's about the time I read. I am paid a small amount of money since my grandparents don't like the idea of free labor. I use that to buy books and to furnish my room.

>> No.12114820

cybersecurity. it’s a growth field, get in while you still can

>> No.12114821

I sell marketing intelligence software to small and medium sized agencies, work in the middle of NYC. Around 70% of the world’s digital media is processed by this product at some point.

My job requires very little brain power but is an amazing gig to have being a liberal art grad from Uni.

That being said sales fucking sucks and I have very little time to read or write. I got home, practice piano for around an hour, and go to bed.

How do switch careers?

>> No.12114823

how would someone with no coding background get into this field?

>> No.12114961

neet here. I thinking of torrenting a rosetta stone and learning mandarin in preparation for the chinese hegemony, is this a sound financial strategy? I also know how to code, but I don't like making boring business software, I make vidyas for myself instead.

>> No.12114980

Just look into your Security+ cert or similar, I don’t code or anything as an infosec engineer (though I and most of my coworkers can, to varying degrees). Every cybersecurity manager agrees there’s a huge talent shortage. Huge. Get any background whatsoever and you’re good—they hired me with just a EE degree and no knowledge of the field at all.

>> No.12114991

I be that insane nigga from the psycho ward. I'm on the trigger, plus I got the wu-tang sword.

>> No.12115006

What if you have a poopy poop liberbal farts degree? My major was literally geography.

Is one of these certs really enough to get the foot in the door if you got a non STEM guy

>> No.12115046

I'm a high school English teacher, teaching 9th and 12th grade English.

>> No.12115054

is it hell?

>> No.12115089

which state do you work at?

>> No.12115103 [DELETED] 
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i'm a NEET, but i've had 41 different jobs

>> No.12115112

i'm a NEET, but i've had 41 different jobs

>> No.12115119

Some boring office job.

>> No.12115175

are you proud of that or something?

>> No.12115184

Through nepotism I have a small income as an accountant (below poverty level) but I live and work at home and don't really have any further plans.

I like to read during the day and do drugs and draw at night.

>> No.12115189

all I would ever ask for

>> No.12115219

I work at Google as a software engineer.

Pays bretty good.

>> No.12115238

isn't the culture horrible?
"why I left google" yields About 3,950,000,000 results (0.41 seconds) from google

>> No.12115274

You’ll wanna do some research on what they’re looking for in entry-level positions but yeah if you got a bachelor’s and a cert you’re gonna be able to get something for sure

>> No.12115558

I'm a general physician yet I never mention it in real life and find it very annoying when people who do not know me find that out.

>> No.12115744

desu I translate poetry

>> No.12115765

I'm NEET. I don't see an alternative.

>> No.12115794

>What does /lit/ do for money?
Right now I do nothing, living with my parents with all expenses covered. But come January (probably, have not seen the contract yet) I will start working as an engineer. Will have to move, but I'm quite ready for that.

>> No.12116040

i don't know, should i be?

>> No.12116082

Nominally lit discord for anyone who'd like to join

>> No.12116122

really cool and lucky

>> No.12116194

I'm a session musician. There's not a lot of money to be made outside of weddings or function gigs, but I'm playing for a cruise band in a few months which is gonna be the perfect opportunity for me to save up a deposit

>> No.12116227

I work with SEO at a media agency. Currently shitposting from work

>> No.12116237

I've been teaching English to Korean kiddos for the past two and a half years. It was awesome for the first couple years but now I feel myself slowly dying inside every day.

Great for /lit/ related activities though- I spend about 4-5 hours a day reading, writing, and editing.

Tbh, I really want to move to Germany, go to grad school, and get a comfy job doing I don't know what.

>> No.12116241


>then I'm going to Europe
Europe is a fucking continent. Where are you really going, you cunt?

>> No.12116274

What the fuck u doin on 4chin

go check sum ppl up doc

>> No.12116360

I'm a neurologist, extremely comfy, I work around 20 hours a week and still get paid well. Provides all the raw material for writing you could ever want.

>> No.12116420
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I have a job that permits me to stroll into my work at leisure. There is no real boss that I have contact with, but if I were to become a serial killer or some such, there is a fellow in a city a few states away that would probably fire me. If I want to work seven days a week, it is at my discretion. If it's rainy outside and I don't wish to leave my comfortable domicile, then so be it.

This is a perfect job for my future plans. I have a dream about buying some land, and a motorhome. I will take the old motorhome, park it in my forest and cover it up with sod or straw bales for camouflage and winter insulation. That is where I will reside as a hermit, becoming more and more self sufficient as the years go on. My job at that juncture will be tending to my personal crops and perhaps a pet goat or some sort of milkable animal. I will also hunt on occasion. I will never completely be able to disconnect from other darn humans, I will have a dirtbike with which to go to the town and have my animals butchered, and do odd jobs for cash or sell my excess produce in order to obtain the items I cannot manufacture in my forest. And pay my internet bill because fuck off if you think I'm going without that.

>> No.12116450

Are you retarded? If anon gets his citizenship he can work and study in the entirety of the EU.

>> No.12116468

STEM master race!

>> No.12116470

Full time line-cook at a fine dining restaurant.

>> No.12116475

I go to uni and I´m sustained by mommy and daddy. I work part-time tho

>> No.12116486
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I work at a hotel daycare full-time while I get my MLIS. Taught in elementary school for a few years and grew to dislike it with each year--was in it for crafting lessons and teaching kids, not data analytics and the fuckton of meetings that are steadily eating up the profession. My plan is to work in a school library so I can still teach without all the extra BS attached to classroom teaching nowadays.

Taking 3 grad school courses with a full-time job is a nightmare and I only have 2 more weeks in the term until I can actually read for leisure again. I would've done part-time but I have health problems and rely on health insurance.

>> No.12116511
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I'm a grocery store wageslave. It's a rather mundane existence but thankfully I only have to work a few times a week. Only redeeming part of the job is some of the customers are sweet old people and some of my coworkers are funny mega-spergs.

I'm also currently taking classes at the local community college for a STEM degree. Don't even like it and don't even like technology anymore but I want to get an IT sinecure so I can focus on my real passion: music and writing.

Keep in mind I would choose NEETdom in a second if I could. But I rent a house with my gf and live far away from my family. Although my gf makes enough money to support both of us, I don't think I could live with myself if I made her do so. Sometimes I really wish though...

>> No.12116529

Teacher-Anon killed himself before he could he even answer this question. Very sad.

>> No.12116534


>> No.12116575

Assassin. Very comfy, only need to do a couple jobs a year.

>> No.12116590
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NEET. I'm too dumb and lazy for a career, and too prideful to submit to the wagie life, so I'll probably stay this way until I inevitably kms.

>> No.12116600


>> No.12116608

Trying to get into this, any tips? Im currently getting a degree in computer science but I'm unsure if where to go from there.

>> No.12116643

how do you get jobs? you can't just put up an ad

>> No.12116652

deep web

>> No.12116657
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I'm a politician.

>> No.12116704

You clearly aren't any good at what you do because he already answered this question.

>> No.12116716

I teach philosophy in high school in some euro country. I used to complain a lot but it's comfy enough.

>> No.12116769

My high school philosophy teacher made it look like the easiest job in the world.
He showed up to a class of 14 or 18 people, talked for an hour about philosophers in a way that was surprisingly easy to grasp, often went off topic and discussed things he was into, and for exams he just walked in, wrote a couple of questions in the blackboard and told us to answer them in about an hour.

>> No.12116885

I just know the right people.

>> No.12116982

how to go from deadhead 18 hour sleeping spiral to neurologist

>> No.12117001

At the moment nothing.

I am trying to think of how I can get into something that doesn't make me want to kill myself. Got an english degree and a software engineering.

But seems like everything I want is overseas, and everything at home is orwellian, dull, office job, government, corporate, consultant, dumb shit.

At the moment just spending my savings searching, waiting, and writing.

I don't feel I have a future.

It's too hard to connect to people beyond school, everyone hunkers down in this astonishing conformity "must work job" "must watch tv" "must play video gam" "must see latest super hero movie"... and I am ugly and acne-ridden faggot social retard anyway.

I just want to write but I'm so slow at that and scared shitless of trying to be a public figure. So I'm on the threshold just doing fuck all, even though I have stories ready for submission and novel underway...

>> No.12117030


>> No.12117040

Nice future prospects

>> No.12117052


>> No.12117076

I roam the country in labor jobs, I can't stop moving, I only take jobs for at most two months and never work at the same place twice and I'm starting to suspect that there is something strange going on

>> No.12117126

Just work on bettering yourself physically, you will gain confidence and feel better. Also check your testosterone levels, and if they're low, start pinning test every week.

>> No.12117453

You're fucked, I had to do 80+ hour weeks during my residency,

>> No.12117570

American residency seems crazy, man. The swedish equivalent isn't great, but I don't think it's 80 hour at all.

>> No.12117642

I work at a large hedge fund and waste a bunch of money on rent in order to live significantly further away from the office than my parents do because I'm an insecure bitch who'd rather burn $$$ and waste time than deal w/ the stigma of living with Mom and Dad.

Pay and benefits are good, hours are rough sometimes but not as bad as some other parts of the finance industry, company culture is good if you're the sort of person who can take very blunt criticism. Don't feel like I'm doing anything to help mankind in any way which I guess I feel sad about sometimes.

I'd rather be a writer but I don't have the talent for it or the bravery to risk poverty.

>> No.12117936
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Had a scholarship that paid for most of the first two years of community college, but that ran out last Spring and I have no desire to keep going for a computer science degree. I worked construction, didn't apply for another term, and then got a factory job for the winter since I hate working in the rain, but this factory job actually manages to be more soul crushing than construction. My mother and sister both said I'd be good at drafting, and since I have no clue what to do, I'm gonna take their advice. Read and write a little bit, but waiting to have a solid schedule before I start planning out times for myself. My greatest interests are poetry (literature in general to a slightly lesser extent) and history, but I don't want to make a career out of writing or be a history teacher. I'd like to find something that pays fairly well, enough to get a house and raise a family with, but that also gives me free time to study/practice the things I like. Doesn't help that I have very little discipline and procrastinate too much.

>> No.12117975
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Mummy and daddy are putting me through university so I'm not doing anything for money yet, Wonder how they'd take it if I finish and go back to being a NEET at home

>> No.12117985

I’m a grad student but unironically would be happier as a cashier like I was when I was 18. If they paid the same, I’d rather do the simple, repetitive shit than the complex stuff I’m working on now.

>> No.12118000

Can't believe they let incels teach our children

>> No.12118026

>Don't feel like I'm doing anything to help mankind in any way which I guess I feel sad about sometimes.
Actually you're total scum and do harm to mankind

>> No.12118061

Read bout halfway of this thread

That’s cool guise, glad we’re all authentic in our own way.

Used to work in chemical lab in HouTX.
Now working as a monkey, listening to the dead sounds of a warehouse, beeps and boops that put oneothrix to shame.

Midwest creates some interestingly mundane people

>> No.12118130

I'd argue that the good and bad I've contributed to personally mostly balance out to neutral.

If you're saying the industry overall has done more harm than help, that may indeed be fair. However I believe the majority of people in the modern world are complicit to some degree in the survival of morally corrupt institutions, so I don't consider myself significantly more guilty than most.

>> No.12118159

I'm a full time student and I work part time as a member of the medical staff at an Olympic training facility.

>> No.12118182

Big difference between being passively complicit in capitalism or whatever and working in investment

>> No.12118233

There's lots of small, inconsistent jobs at my current department. Can rack up a decent pay demonstrating in labs and manning kiosks for events. Also scholarships help and the work a summer scholarship requires is pultry compared to the money they offer. My supervisors research assistant gave me the advice of learning to say yes when opportunity is offered, it's really paid off.

>> No.12118258


I'm an heir. I don't work. I stay in school full time so that I can get a good understanding of all fields. Likely will eventually go for a PhD, but I'd like to get at least 5 undergraduate degrees first. I'm working on my third.

>> No.12118276

I make teenage girls cry and throw up, at least one per week.

By which I mean I'm financing my education by coaching a high school sport. Which somehow pays far better than anything else I could do at the low level of time commitment possible w/ my studies.

>> No.12118479

I read on watch duty, the best time is the 00-04 am watch, its cozy

>> No.12118495

CS degree is fine, you could probably find a job with that alone. Again, Security+ cert or similar will make you absolutely irresistible.

>> No.12118519

This is the kid who got punched by a bouncer and died.

>> No.12118545

that pic
>I'm unsuccessful because I'm too smart and enlightened
>It's not because I'm lazy and dumb

>> No.12118562

I play a millionaire at parties. At least I'd like to...