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/lit/ - Literature

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12110798 No.12110798 [Reply] [Original]

>>Who is your favorite auth-
>>Who is your favorite female author?
>*long contemplative pause*

>> No.12110811

Ayn Rand

>> No.12110872

time stamp for this moment?

>> No.12110879

>implying that there are good female authors

>> No.12110890

Peterson was unnecessarily aggressive in this interview. I feel like he is changing from his calm demeanor into more of a prick day by day.

>> No.12110893

This and I don't even like Memerson.

>> No.12110895


>> No.12110900

he's unironically afraid of women lmao

>> No.12110909

I mean, can (you) name 1(one) good female author? hard mode:there's no rape involed in the novel.Dante Must Die mode:the book doesn't talk about women or women's feelings.

>> No.12110913

Name one book by a male author that doesn’t talk about women

>> No.12110921
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a cute girl asked me this once and I said I don't read books written by women

>> No.12110924

Moby Dick

>> No.12110928

Probably just getting sick of it all, particularly having to go over the same shit over and over again. He made it clear in the interview that this is not the sort of life he wanted to lead.

>> No.12110929

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

>> No.12110935

Woolf is the only correct answer

>> No.12110944

>Woolf is the only correct answer
she's the most overrated author I've ever read. She's good but she doesn't old a candle to Joyce.

>> No.12110948
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>> No.12110962

That's true of all lauded female authors though. Maybe they're better if you have a vagina.

>> No.12110980

I just checked the last 70 books I've read - 3 are by women and they're all non-fiction. Haven't even actively avoided women, just read what has interested me which is most history, war and science fiction. Perhaps I really should make an effort to read Austen and Bronte etc. but it just seems like a chore.

>> No.12111006

I know but I found it particularly funny when Woolf used to trash Joyce. I actualy should read more of Woolf as a reviewer, it seems a fun and interesting read.

>> No.12111011

check mate

>> No.12111015

Not like he is forced to lead. He is everywhere now because he responds to those invitations.

>> No.12111018

virginia woolf

>> No.12111044

What the duck does 'not talking about women's feelings' mean you pseud? If you have characters in your novel, then they would have feelings that you, as an author, would naturally describe.

>> No.12111072

If someone asks you this, just say Ann Coulter and watch them screech autistically at you

>> No.12111075
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fucking pleb there's like seven read my books

>> No.12111083

Ahab’s Wife and the wives back at home. The book ends with Rachel’s cry for her lost children.

>> No.12111085

oh come on m8

>> No.12111087

plath plath plath

>> No.12111114

easy comment to ride out, shame you don't have the confidence or atractiveness to do so

>> No.12111136

Nadine Gordimer, Anne Carson, Mavis Gallant

>> No.12111150

JK Rowling

>> No.12111157


>> No.12111161

>Well, you know

>> No.12111203


>the book doesn't talk about women or women's feelings
>implying male authors don't talk about men and their feelings

how dense can you be?

What the fuck is Moby Dick if not a book about a men and their feelings. Sure it isn't dished out all sentimental and wish-washy but that's beside the point. Your criteria is absurd.

>> No.12111206

Anna Komnene

>> No.12111271

Wow really stretching there

>> No.12111273


>> No.12111281

honestly name one female author peterson might put on par with dostoyevsky, considering how fucking obsessed he is with him and his philosophy

i'm curious, who did he end up answering?

>> No.12111296

Lou Salome and Anna Freud would have been pretty based answers, but i guess Peterson doens´t know his own profession psychology

>> No.12111302
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The Hitler Spirit is taking control, be prepared for the second coming of Kalki and a cataclysmic cosmic race war to end the Kali Yuga.

>> No.12111303

>on par with dostoyevsky
He was asked which female author he likes the best, not which he considers on par with Dosto.

>> No.12111317

Malwida von Meysenbug

>> No.12111323

Margaret Laurence, and it took him about 5 seconds, unlike >>12111157 video makes you believe, not that it would matter.

>> No.12111328

>Female author on par with Dostoyevskys
Yea she does not exist mate

>> No.12111339

The overcoat by Gogol

>> No.12111340

Women are boring, shallow, inferior beings. I would sooner read a book written by a small child that engage with female """"literature""""

>> No.12111347

>I would sooner read a book written by a small child
Yeah, we know.

>> No.12111380

maybe i'm projecting myself onto him, but if i was him i'd like to give an answer that would not show indirect contempt for women in general.

idk if i'm making sense, it's like if you asked me who is my favourite chess player and i say Kasparov, then who is my favourite female chess player and i have to say Polgar, who might be like 200 elo points below him at best or something like that

the real answer is that i don't have a favourite female chess player or if i have one, she is a bit too far behind the males i like that it might be interpreted as implying that i don't like women or that i consider them worse at chess

this chess analogy is not appropiate in some ways

>> No.12111408
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>Margaret Laurence


>> No.12111421
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Alisa Rosenbaum, who used the alias Ayn Rand, played a major role in Jewification of American conservatism. A Jewess whose family had been sojourning in Russia, she fled the revolution mounted largely by her own tribe and took up residence in America, where she worked as a writer, first in Hollywood and later independently. Her “school of thought”, basically extreme anti-government free marketism, she called Objectivism. And she expounded it mainly through unreadable novels like Atlas Shrugged.

>b-but muh rationality

Just as her novels are devoid of the traces of ordinary humanity that make a story worth reading, so, too, her vision of an ideal state was one stripped of all traces of custom, culture, religion and compassion; everything that defines an ancestral community as an ancestral community, in fact. In the new Judenstaat she envisioned, we were all to live as atomised individuals.

>> No.12111431

How is that contempt? Despite what /pol9k/ would have you believe, most people are well aware that men are the sex with more variance of characteristics and more outliers as a result.

>> No.12111467

why did the journalist ask it?

>> No.12111494

>The situation described in OP literally doesn't exist, just some edited meme video from twitter

He gives an answer in seconds. The long pause is edited from another question. The internet was a mistake.

>> No.12111497

>Peterson was unnecessarily aggressive in this interview.

Peterson has always described himself as a relatively angry person, or at least more angry than most. He incorporates it pretty well most of the time and it makes discussions interesting.

Listening to that woman say that what Count Dankula did with his stupid pug wasn't actually a joke, right after she got done talking about how horrible it would be to live in a time when comedians were imprisoned for jokes, would've made me pretty fucking mad too. Ignorance and poorly-thought out arguments are a thousand times more frustrating when they come from an otherwise intelligent person.

>> No.12111499

Because she wanted to know? Again, she just asked for his favorite authors, not to "r8 my patrician chart /mu/".

>> No.12111529

one thing pol has teached me is to appreciate the content others make without taking it at face value

>> No.12111547

Pop pop

>> No.12111550

>I didn't read the book but I wanted there to be no female in it because I hate womynxD
>why did you prove me wrong
This is you.

>> No.12111555

Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor

>> No.12111556
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Bitch he can just stop going to interviews then. Literally what does he have to lose?

>> No.12111569

tfw i havent read enough books to have a favourite. tfw i will never be caught out by questions like this

>> No.12111570

Is there even a female character who actually appears in the book (not just mentioned or in a quote), I can’t remember any from the first chapters before they ship out, even the cook at the inn is male.

>> No.12111573

edith wharton
emily bronte
jane austen

>> No.12111580
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Although I do hate women, I don't care much for Peterson, and inferring anything from this is retarded.

>who's your favorite ottoman statesman?
>who's your favorite irish clergyman?
>who's your favorite french prostitute?


>> No.12111583

Do you like beer? What is your favorite beer? HAHA gotcha Kavanaughty

>> No.12111588

he wants to spread his ideas, gain popularity and gain money. i like to think that his priorities are in that order, but the 3 things reinforce each other.

what i wish that he would do instead is just a fucking podcast inviting different people, specially the people that hate him

>> No.12111618

>I do hate women
Stay in your containment subreddits, this is a high IQ board.

>> No.12111650


I don't know which board you're referring to therefore I'm not a real misogynist.

>> No.12111684

How can one man be so based

>> No.12111686

Um, sweetie, higher than Africa's isn't "high"

>> No.12111766

I’m not the person who made the argument but I’ll point out that the issue is not that men do not write about men’s feelings. It’s that there have been plenty of great male writers that wrote convincingly about female concerns (see Joyce or Faulkner) and the same cannot be said of women writing about men. They can only write about female concerns. Men can do both and, more importantly, transcend the issue altogether. It’s not a big deal. Literature is not the most important thing in the world. Far from it. Women have very enviable skills too. Anyway, you’re a faggot.

>> No.12111773

Rand is a contra-Soviet ideologue with some enjoyable work. Where the fuck is Total in that image?

>> No.12111774

How many books by women have you read, inceloid?

>> No.12111834

can you reply to >>12110909

>> No.12111852

Memoirs of Hadrian
Wolf Hall
Mrs. Dalloway (2 of the male characters at least. 1 is just a stuffed shirt.)

>> No.12111876

Alexievich, Yourcenar, Renault, O'Connor

>> No.12111888

Now your turn. How many books, based incelbro?

>> No.12111893

I don't have a favorite female author because rarely ever read them. I'm much less inclined to read a book when I find out the author is female because I assume they're being propped by ideologues purely because they're female. There's not enough time in the world to bother with consuming garbage for diversities sake.

>> No.12111912

>implying Moby Dick is not a gorgeous female whale
>implying you wouldn't fuck her

>> No.12111915

Bronte, Glaskell, Woolf, Ausetn. I quite like Victorian women writing actually, but that's becuase I like realism.

>> No.12111921

and off course, Woolf and Austen aren't realist nor Victorians, before you try to strawman me.

>> No.12111922
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Who is the female Melville or the female Joyce?

>> No.12111929

Why do women get so ass blasted that they just aren’t that important to us? There’s more money in women readers anyway.

>> No.12111931
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>Who is your favorite auth-
enough to roast this pseud

>> No.12111938

Gertrude Stein is probably the closest thing to a female Joyce

>> No.12111941

>implying high IQ men don't hate women

>> No.12111947

>no Enneduanna

The only author worth reading of any gender.

I would say I am disappoint but I know better than having expectations for this board.

>> No.12111951

>female Joyce
Unironically Woolf as much of her dislike.

>> No.12111967

>only read stuffy classics from uptight anglos of unmemetical patriarchy age
>hurr why do wimmen only rite bout their feels
Truly an intellectual.

>> No.12112004

>stuffy classics
fuck off they're still good. fight me.
>hurr why do wimmen only rite bout their feels
Sorry if I have limited time to read.

>> No.12112005

And I thought the author is dead!

>> No.12112012
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>Margaret Laurence I think
>I dont know her <(^-^)>
Damn... woman everybody

>> No.12112216


>reads Woolf
>claims women can't capture male feelings
>who are Charles Tansley and Mr. Ramsay

She quite well captures the insecure, pathetic, male archetype.

>> No.12112218

Name one book written by a man that doesn't talk about men or men's feelings

>> No.12112223


Woolf's prose seems closer to Faulkner than Joyce imo.

>> No.12112264

a man still full of anger at his age is not someone people should be listening to and emulating

>> No.12112274

emily dickinson. this is actually much easier to answer than "who is your favorite author" because there are so few female authors to care for in the first place they basically make the decision for you

>> No.12112280

Women are the ultimate attention junkies. They need everyone and everything to be about "them."

>> No.12112295
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>How would your life have been different if you had been born female?
what a fucking pseud

>> No.12112300

young women, they grow out of it (or they become bitter old feminists)

>> No.12112309

Moby Dick is pretty sentimental, desu

>> No.12112336

some of them are not like that at all

>> No.12112350

not at all, it has a romantic streak in there but it isn't sentimental

>> No.12112356


I would say that's all there is to womanhood but even that is an overstatement. I doubt any one woman has actually experienced a single climax, in and of herself, rather than enjoying the fact or the idea that she is experiencing one in her daddy's gaze.

>> No.12112362


Moby Dick is pretty sentient.

>> No.12112401
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Edith Stein's Knowledge and Faith is a Socratic dialogue between Husserl and Aquinas.

>> No.12112402
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>Who is your favorite auth-
>George Eliot
>Who is your favorite female author?

>> No.12112703

the innkeeper at Nantucket with the chowder is female iirc

>> No.12112708

My brother and I actually went to school with his son. He was an odd dude.

>> No.12112722

>wise blood
>subsatanic trips

>> No.12112836
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>saying there are no good female authours but hasn't read Lispector, Woolf, or even Plath.

>> No.12112862

So is this Margaret Laurence chick any good or not?

>> No.12112865

Flannery O'Connor

>> No.12112876

high IQ men dont hate, its irrational, unhelpful and unpleasant. not a progressive btw

>> No.12112885

the amount of male writers that can write convincing females, let alone characters in general is relatively low. Same goes for women.

>> No.12112909
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>mentioning Plath instead of Emily Dickinson
>not mentioning the Brontë sisters or Flannery O'Connor

>> No.12112927

>the joke

>> No.12112937

easy peasy
Emily Bronte

>> No.12112955

The issue is not writing “convincing” characters. Plenty of people can do that. It’s a low skill. But I’m not going to bother crafting an argument since you didn’t in the first place and also clumsily tried to reframe the issue.

>> No.12112992
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emilly dickinson
silvina ocampo
carson mccullers
fernan caballero
maria zambrano
shirley jackson
edith wharton
joyce carol oates
gertrude stein
saint teresa of avila
rosalia castro de murguia
flannery o'connor
gillian flynn
sor juana
the bronte sisters
toni morrison
simone weil
james tiptree
anna akhmatova
fumiko enchi
fleur jaeggy
mira gonzalez
anna kavan
ann quin
anais nin
anne sexton
agata kristof
annie dillard
eleanor catton
rachel carson
edtih stein
alison bechdel
susan sontag
anne rice
fuka mizutani
frances burney
mary renault
clarice lispector
maria firmina dos reis
simone de beauvoir
natalia ginzburg
herta muller
hilda hilst
marguerite duras
marguerite yourcenar
djuna barnes
marilynne robinson
alice munro
sylvia plath
alice walker
rachel de queiroz
conceiçao evaristo
natalia borges polesso
geni guimaraes
george elliot
marguerite radclyffe hall
ali smith
virginia woolf
mary shelley
tove jansson
elena ferrante
selva almada
gabriela mistral
carolina maria de jesus
jane austen
angela davis
sei shonagon
hannah arendt
rosa luxemburg

>> No.12113002


>> No.12113023

>Oscar Wilde

>> No.12113030

>tfw carson mccullers will never sit on your face

>> No.12113191

Whether the portrayal is accurate or not is not to be confirmed by you. Only a female would be able to tell if the author got their feelings right.

>> No.12113272

why do beta males always sit that way?

>> No.12113293


>> No.12113305

>Wheaties not in Elder God Tier


>> No.12113306
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>Brontë sisters

>> No.12113311

Absolutely based.

>> No.12113312

Anne is the best it's true

>> No.12113343

Manufacturing automation : metal cutting mechanics, machine tool vibrations, and CNC design

>> No.12113454

Allows you to rock a boner and stimulate the benis while appearing relaxed

>> No.12113481

>tfw I don't own a single book written by a woman

>> No.12113484

unironically Marguerite Yourcenar.

>> No.12113506

>can (you) name 1(one) good female author?
>hard mode:there's no rape involed in the novel.
>Dante Must Die mode:the book doesn't talk about women or women's feelings.
Caitlyn Jenner's Biography TBA

>> No.12113519


>> No.12113538


>> No.12113884

Holy shit, exactly why I sit like that.

>> No.12113907

>high IQ men don't hate
Categorically incorrect.

>> No.12113914

Then he shouldn't be whining about how monotonous it is to do his work like some bitch. He is pretending that he has no agency

>> No.12113940


You have to remember he's a leaf

>> No.12113942

Arent you done with peterson? After doing so many talks and interviews of the same shit. God its mind numbing. At least zizek makes you laugh.

>> No.12113952

K.A. Applegate

>> No.12113971

Has a black person

>> No.12113978

yeah, but whats your favorite idiot

>> No.12114279
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> tfw its not JK Rowling or Stephenie Meyer

>> No.12114281

I want to fuck a Bronte.

>> No.12114949

Henrietta Rollins

>> No.12115183

rolling for based austen

>> No.12115195


>> No.12115202

Mary Ann Evans (George Elliot)

>> No.12115232

Joyce Carol oates

>> No.12115259


Hitler Spirit.

Niggers and Jews in that same room, on the same team.

Pick one.

>> No.12115275

Shut up dad

>> No.12115288

Rosa Luxemburg :3

>> No.12115337
File: 435 KB, 1303x2000, 5c86a823696cecb8aeb3208665f6bea6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J.K. Rolling

>> No.12115353

rolling for

>> No.12115385


Woolf and Dickinson are both geniuses. Dickinson is totally beyond my grasp and ability as a reader, its almost infuriating to read her.

>> No.12115396

holy fucking shit he's mad hahahaha
It's been a couple years since I listened to him and he's definitely gotten edgier and more sarcastic. I think the normies are breaking his already fragile self-control. Excited for Punished Peterson screaming spittle into some poor feminist cuckquean's face in 2019.

>> No.12115486

beryl markham

>> No.12115519
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There are a lot of inferior things about being a woman, but the orgasm is not one of them. If you only knew.

>> No.12115569

The Hobbit includes no women

>> No.12115632

Anna Karenina

>> No.12115661

Never heard of em

>> No.12115678
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I disagree

>> No.12115709

Out of interest which of the male character’s in Mrs Dalloway is it you find unconvincing?

>> No.12115931

Flannery O'Connor

>> No.12115942

Some of us can actuay say stuff like that and still smash, as hard it is for white knights to believe

>> No.12115953

Holy fuck cringe

>> No.12116189

Collette, Hilda Doolittle, Virginia Woolf, Jean Rhys, Magurite Duras,
Sappho and that's about it

>> No.12116202

Monique Wittig

>> No.12116222

>honey nut cheerios
>not shit tier
excuse me?

>> No.12116398

The Red Badge of Courage

>> No.12116504

willa cather

>> No.12116685
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>> No.12116693

If I ever met someone who unitonically thought mini-wheats were god tier I would probably shoot them dead

>> No.12116788

There's nothing wrong with anger. In fact it is necessary.
You're just a onions. You would have folded like a cheap suit the second any of this started.

>> No.12116790

>There are a lot of inferior things about being a woman, but the orgasm is not one of them. If you only knew.
That's the biggest meme on the planet.
The male orgasm is obviously more powerful, meaningful, necessary, and compelling. Explain the disparity in sex drives if not.

>> No.12116803

It's like Peterson and Dostoyevsky completely missed the enlightenment. I feel disappointed because I'm sure he would have been a great forward thinking mind if he didn't ground all his reasoning on faith.

>> No.12116807

Of Austin I’ve only read P&P and it was tedious and boring. Bronte (Charlotte I mean) is incredible on the other hand. Jane Eyre is a real masterpiece.

>> No.12116810

Never understood why people like Jane Eyre so much. Wuthering Heights was so gad damn much better.

>> No.12116857

What about Robin Hobb?

>> No.12117262

roll me over

>> No.12117543

>I doubt any one woman has actually experienced a single climax, in and of herself
>The male orgasm is obviously more powerful, meaningful, necessary, and compelling.
imagine the smell

>> No.12117685

rolling for clarice lispector

>> No.12117740

Lets try to be objective.
If you disregard gender entirely, and simply rank the greatest writers of all time, females would not hack it into top 1000. Nobody has the time to read 1000 different authors, life's too short. So, again, objectively speaking, by choosing to read female-written literature you spend you literary time ineffectively.

>> No.12117786

Funny how /lit/ hasn't had a single top 100 books chart without at least one female author.

>> No.12117796


>> No.12117839

Mr Dalloway was pretty much a non entity.

>> No.12117847

Think of the type of asshole it takes to make such a list and you have the answer of why that is.

>> No.12117924

How much of a role does the gender of the author play in the quality of their writing? I'm being serious, I'd like to know if it has any objective effects.
I have read a few female authors because I was interested in their work, and objectively speaking, I couldn't really find anything that different from a man's writing. I could just be unobservant, though.
What I did notice was that the novels seemed to be aimed more towards a female public, with female characters as the main focus while masculine characters remained fairly one dimensional throughout the story, but I believe that's a matter of personal preference over any inherent qualities.

>> No.12117963

wemen are simply infirior

>> No.12117978

Ana frank?

>> No.12117995 [DELETED] 

See, that's misogyny.
Incels may or might not be misogynistic, even if the two do in fact align on many occasions.
However, it is interesting how incel has substituted "virgin" as an insult, proving once again that judgement over people's sexual lives is something that both genders suffer.

>> No.12118024

I've noticed in bad female writers they have a very obvious tell. Their protagonists will have a constant inner monologue even when they're interacting with other characters. The author will occasionally interrupt a conversation so a protagonist can make sarcastic or snide remarks about the person they're talking to. You'll see it a lot in Twilight and the Handmaid's Tale. It makes me wonder if that how female minds operate in real life.

>> No.12118028

>science conclusively proves that female brain is smaller and less capable than male brain

>> No.12118040

Is that exclusive to female writers, or is that just a telling of inexperienced writing in general?

>> No.12118046

I haven't seen it with any male authors. Maybe it exists, I don't know.

>> No.12118072

I'm not claiming that you are lying or trying to be condescending to you, and I hope that was obvious. However, those signs you are describing seem more typical of a young writer who is trying to prove how "witty" and "above all" their protagonist is.
Nabokov for example did that in Lolita, and I personally consider that to be a pretty good usage of that technique since Humbert is supposed to be a pretty detestable and pretentious man.

>> No.12118076

He's acting like a lot of his shit is just self-evident, and while I agree with him for the most part, he's honestly sort of a brainlet. Boomer intellectual. I don't care what his IQ is.

>> No.12118168

Keep up the great work champ.

>> No.12118188

roll for 45

>> No.12118311

I have a few by dead white lesbians. I refuse to support living non males. I will never forgive them for Ghostbusters and Star Wars.

>> No.12118876

>people ITT answering anything else than Theresa of Avilla
I can't fathom the plebness.

>> No.12118891

>science conclusively proves that female brain is less capable
[citation needed]

>> No.12119029

I’ve read enough of both genders to make some observations. For the record, I’m going to be comparing good male and female authors, since certain tropes bad authors use can be chalked up to incompetence rather than gender.

In a nutshell:
>Male authors externalise conflict, female authors internalise it

>Male authors focus on the material impact of events on characters, female authors focus more on psychological impacts

>female authors love purple prose and poetic writing, male authors are generally more blunt in writing style (excluding the Romantics and Aesthetics)

>Male authors view the love interest as a muse for the protagonist’s path to self improvement, female authors view them as a gateway to the protagonist’s material and spiritual happiness

>female authors are more likely to use irony and sarcasm

Read enough female authors, and you can often detect their gender from the first few pages alone.

>> No.12119118

it works like this:

men want it more
women enjoy it more

The greeks knew this, see Tiresias.

>> No.12119246

Name one (1) male author who doesn't talk about men or men's feelings.

>> No.12119311

what do you mean by "science" anon?

>> No.12119585
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>Who is your favourite female author?
>Evelyn Waugh

>> No.12119592

>Male authors focus on the material impact of events on characters, female authors focus more on psychological impacts
>male authors are generally more blunt in writing style (excluding the Romantics and Aesthetics)
Embarrassing. Do the whole world a favor and never voice your retarded observations again.

>> No.12119929

>implying high IQ men are rational, helpful, or pleasant.

>> No.12119937

nice bait pic.

>> No.12120118


>> No.12120136

if anyone asks me this I just say jane austen

>> No.12120151

I mean, can (you) name 1(one) good male author? hard mode:there's no gay rape involed in the novel.Dante Must Die mode:the book doesn't talk about men or men's feelings.

>> No.12120279

What have totally, fully, unironically equally intellectual females contributed to mankind so far? Can you name 5 things, in any field of activity, science, art, whatever, where females actually brought a significant change for the better? Once you fail in doing so, I ask you - why must I waste my time engaging with the minds so obviously impotent and powerless?

>> No.12120315

Sure, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, Homozapiens, 2666, White Nights, Pale Fire, Crime and Punishment, The Metamorphosis, Argonautica, Satyricon, Antigone, Heart of Darkness, War and Peace, Inferno, Ubik, The Sheep Look Up, Eumeswil, Story of the Eye, Dead Souls, American Psycho, Valis, Gravity’s Rainbow, Finnegan’s Wake, Tartuffe, King Lear, A Potrait of Dorian Gray, Faust.

>> No.12120343

all those talk about mens fellings

>> No.12120375

>see Tiresias
You are such a fucking retard.
Let me enlighten you -
The second I posted that comment, I KNEW that some reddit-tier moron was going to name-drop """"Tiresias"""" like we never heard of it before.
News flash - the greeks were wrong about virtually everything. Congrats on propping up your giant inflated head on a quip that literally all of us heard by the time we were in fucking middle school, wow you're so fucking lit.

>> No.12120422

Virginia Woolf

>> No.12120629

I agree cinnamon toast crunch is ebin but
>frosted flakes
>not grrrreat tier

>> No.12120742

I unironically am fascinated by the works of Dickinson, Woolf, Wollstonecraft, Simone de Beuavoir and George Sand. What does this say about me?
My penis is 6.5" inches fully erect, and I am uncut.

>> No.12120751

Actually the disparity in sex drives is not that great, and it tends to indicate the opposite of what you're thinking anyway. Less fulfilling orgasm leads to a more constant craving as men are naturally more pleasure-starved than women.

See: nymphomaniac women actually get less pleasure in sex than norml women. Look also how the pleasure système differs between males and females.

>> No.12120753

Add Cristina Campo, Enneduanna and Sappho.

>> No.12120778

>no Simone Weil
pathetic, dont even need to roll if im going to reread Gravity and Grace anyway

>> No.12120801

There's at least one Simone Weil in his post, but perhaps a second one would help.

>> No.12120825

low IQ statement

>> No.12120830

>rosa luxemburg
big yikes

>> No.12120860

holy shit where, am i blind

>> No.12120869

Right below toni morrison. Not easy to notice in that long list. Don't know which of the two Simone it i, but probably the Christian philosopher so you should be good.

>> No.12120888

didn't he end up saying some literal whocanadian psychologist or something?

>> No.12120893

>everyone is a literal who

>> No.12120894

Ursula LeGuin by far.

>> No.12120897


>> No.12120899

High IQ but physically weak men feel loads of rage
If you're unconfident in your phisical abilities you tend to get frustrated and pissy very easily, not to mention your hormone levels will be more variable causing mood swings compared to a man with naturally high yet balanced testosterone.

>> No.12120911

aw man it was on the list but not the chart, thanks man

>> No.12120919

I sort of think he's insecure.

>> No.12120964

He's a public enemy in the mainstream media's eyes. I'd be fucking pissed too if every single interviewer was out to trap into admitting that I'm a literal nazi who hates womyn and trannies.

>> No.12120993

Men have less chance to reproduce thereofore they are biologically encouraged to take every chance they get.
Female suffer more severs consequences from sex and thus have to be more careful about it.

>> No.12120998

how is Emily Bronte not every NEET's favourite female writer? She was an introvert who rejected conventional work, she wrote her only novel to criticise her sisters and suggest novel writing was easy, she died at a young age never married and probably a virgin. Wuthering Heights clearly reflects a lot of her own personal frustrations.

>> No.12121031

Great joke

>> No.12121071

> never worked
> never married, probably a virgin
> didn't like going outside
> didn't really like her sisters or anyone else
> literally wrote the book on misanthropic people living on the fringe of society

at least try and come up with a rebuttal, anon

>> No.12121095

Introverted behavior != introverted person
You're the kinda moron who looks at the dog and thinks its smiling.
Females aren't capable of introspection.

>> No.12121098

Plato's entire bibliography is homosex m8

>> No.12121103

Why aren't females capable of being introverts, anon? Please educate me on this because your lack of elaboration isn't really refuting anything.

>> No.12121106

> being a literal introvert
> "it doesn't count when it's wimmins"

sound logic, m8

>> No.12121160

Hitler dubs. Read Anne Frank instead

>> No.12121204

Being an introvert means you get tired from talking to randos. (Conversely, extraverts feel refreshed from talking to randos.)

It has nothing to do with being mentally ill.

Many wildly successful people are introverts, and many extroverts are insane. (E.g., those creeps on the bus who start ranting at you. They are extroverts.)

>> No.12121213

Fair enough, my mistake, thank you

>> No.12121342

Unironically the best female author. Her stores are facile, comforting, and oriented toward children, which comprise the feminine ideal.

>> No.12121345

Charlotte is the only Bronte sister worth a damn. Fight me.

>> No.12121355

>Dante Must Die mode:the book doesn't talk about women or women's feelings.

>> No.12121377

Bit of an oversimplifcation. Everyone needs human interaction. Introverts can get refreshment from it too, its just they're naturally sated after a point

>> No.12121441


>> No.12121571
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>> No.12121574
File: 151 KB, 555x477, 1542896061238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>favourite female author

>> No.12121646

> Ctrl f: Dafna du Maurier
> 0 results
Ladies check your tampons.

>> No.12121726

this is a cheap shot

1your favorite author, THE ONE, it's a love, you have it on the tip of your tongue, you have given this answer many times before

2. your second favorite author? that takes some thinking, favorites in many ways are abstract and pointless, but you can keep track of one

3. favorite female author is a more precise question than favorite author. dostoyevksy was not the answer to favorite male author. it wouldn't have made a large difference but gendering the quesiton makes it more to process.

4. so the question goes like this: what is your favorite author? now that you have given us the one favorite we know you have, and that he is male, we will make you fish for another, and make it female

5. women are bad writers lol

>> No.12121788

women are simple

>> No.12121829

Talks about men and men's feelings. That apparently is a disqualification.

>> No.12121998

Keep rolling rolling rolling

>> No.12122037
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>> No.12122185

Camilla Pagilia writes about men with more depth than men write about men. Granted it's classified as nonfiction but she goes so far into psychoanalytical stuff that it might as well be fictional nonfictional criticism.

>> No.12122215


There are women in the first five chapters. What the hell? The innkeeper? The Pequod's inventory woman?

>> No.12122219


>> No.12122223


Stupid superfluous quantification.

>> No.12122226


>> No.12122229
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>> No.12122234


If we have men to thank for the current world I only see that as an indictment of them.

>> No.12122235


>> No.12122255

>Lucky Fucking Charms in top tier
>Honey Combs shit tier

>> No.12122257

I honestly havent read a lot of women authors, but liked le guin a lot and found lispector to have some of the most startling and impressive prose I've ever read. A lot of men on /lits/ opinion of women and their writing can be whittled down to one thing: they're misogynist. It's not based on any logic- its feeling. They don't like women. They feel alienated from them. It seems clear to me.

>> No.12122283

He is reportedly weird around women.
I go to his school and a girl in my grad program interviewed him for a paper she wanted to write. He was nice enough to talk with her but he totally ignored the interview to lecture her about birth control and 'women these days' for an hour.
Lots of similarly uninteresting anecdotes floating around, apparently he was a big meme on campus before becoming an eceleb for kids.

>> No.12122294

The interview assumed that Peterson would answer with a male author. I would love to see her mind scramble had Peterson given a female author.

>> No.12122310

I'd love to see underage Peterstein fanboys' minds scrambled against the sidewalk, would increase board quality here significantly.

>> No.12122312


>> No.12122337

the lady who made the moomins

>> No.12122361

This. Never fails to make me laugh.

>> No.12122371

Quads get. Humiliation fetish max level.

>> No.12122374

I would blow a fat load in Virginia Woolf, Gillian Flynn, and possibly rupi kaur

>> No.12122384

George Eliot is such a qt

>> No.12122516


I'd blow several in Margaret Mitchell

>> No.12122528

7 seconds is a pretty long pause dude.

>> No.12122760

Leena Krohn

>> No.12122770

jane austen, i gotchu juden peterstein

>> No.12122774

he was bitter, not angry

>> No.12122789

>>Male authors focus on the material impact of events on characters, female authors focus more on psychological impacts
what??? you've got that backwards

>> No.12122829

Bread roll

>> No.12122891

this will be my litfu

>> No.12123237


>> No.12123378

"Wommen desiren to have sovereynetee
As wel over hir housbond as hir love,
And for to been in maistrie hym above.

fuck Wommen

>> No.12123381
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>Rosa Luxembourg

>> No.12123397


The presence of women is heavily implied.

>> No.12123490

I'd Woolf that Virginia too

>> No.12123559

I find Gaiman's, Moore's, and Morrison's combined philosophies both more coherent and more palatable than Peterson's.

>> No.12123720


>> No.12123740

Tove Jansson, but I won't blame Peterson for not knowing her.

>> No.12123749

fuck you ill masturbate to all of them
17 GET

>> No.12123754

>women are rape
At last, I truly see

>> No.12123764

Savitri Devi

>> No.12123865

>Savitri Devi
Fake and gay.

>> No.12123882


>> No.12124018

51 Pls

>> No.12124026

The Old Man and The Sea

>> No.12124100


>implying the sea isn't a harsh mistress

>> No.12124117

It means you're comfortable with your masculinity and don't feel that reading actually good female authors is an affront to it

>> No.12124183

>Anne Frank 88 get

>> No.12124236

Ursula Le Guin
Marguerite Yourcenar

>> No.12124285

The Peterson conundrum goes like this: his interviewers are retarded, but so is he, just not as much.

>> No.12124310


>> No.12124311

rolling in a women can't write thread

>> No.12124459

>Oscar Wilde


Flannery O' Connor and the Brontes are all you need.

>> No.12124505


>> No.12124614

>Fruity Pebbles not being Omniscient

Die you fuck.

>> No.12124820

Emily Bronte was a good writer. Wuthering Heights was eminently enjoyable. That being said, its nowhere near my favorite book.

>> No.12125289

I asked myself this question just a few minutes ago, and ran to my bookshelves and scanned down them. a lot of them are in boxes, but those on the shelf, these are the ones I have:
>Murasaki Shikibu - Tale of Genji
>Murasaki Shikibu - Diary
>Sei Shonagon - Pillow Book
>Lady Sarashina - As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams
>Emily Dickenson - Selected Poems
>Chen Jo-Shi - The Execution of Mayor Yin and Other Stories from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
>Camille Paglia - Sexual Personae