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/lit/ - Literature

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12110741 No.12110741[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Fascism BAD
>Nationalism BAD
>Capitalism BAD
>Tradition BAD
>Christianity BAD
>Masculinity BAD
>Orange man BAD
>Jews GOOD

>> No.12110748


>> No.12110749

>I think in exactly the same way as 99.99% of 4chan
>it's the others who just repeat what they hear

>> No.12110761

lit is pretty half and half on this one

>> No.12110765

>whine about the loss of tradition
>whine about the laziness and comfort of modern man
>whine about the prevalence of femininity
>whine about the diminished role of Christianity in Western society
>whine about Jews
>whine about the loss of national identity
>whine about immigration and demographic changes
>whine about lost jobs
>whine about pointless wars for Israel
>support capitalism
/retard with cold wet pigshit between his ears/ general?

>> No.12110769

i mean the USSR was not exactly great for tradition, Christianity, national identity and most of what you have on there

>> No.12110771

Good to see another rational centrist around these parts.

>> No.12110777

You seem to have misunderstood in your haste to post a meme. We have quite a few outright nazi types and quite a few outright Marxist socialists, and they have debates on these topics all the time where the sides are fairly evenly matchd

>> No.12110787

Yes, let's compare Russia and USA and see which country is not an open-air shopping mall filled with fat deracinated morons

>> No.12110790

I think he's arguing for Feudalism.

>> No.12110795

Jews love capitalism, what are you talking about?

>> No.12110796

because crumbling commie blocks inhabited by men dying of liver cirrhosis at age 50 is very superior

>> No.12110797


>> No.12110799

>Shitpost BAD

>> No.12110809
File: 303 KB, 600x600, hecutemirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why National Socialism is the only real solution. You cant have socialism without nationalism (because otherwise the social welfare system is being exploited by migrants) and you cant have nationalism without socialism (because otherwise CEOs will shill for mass migration to lower wages and to move production to third world countries).
National Socialism with an economic system modelled after Gottfried Feder's manifesto is the only system that could respect traditional values in general. But then there is the advance of technique, that makes even this NatSoc system obsolete, if it doesnt deal with the question of technique (read Ellul, Kaczynski and Spengler).

>> No.12110812

/lit/ - literature
/pol/tards fuck off

>> No.12110820


>> No.12110851

Why don't you go argue about this shit with your employer, big boy?

>> No.12110860
File: 38 KB, 852x480, 1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I support capitalism because it's the one system of governance that is both functional for the masses and which truly permits the possibility of escape from itself. Under capitalism it is theoretically possible to establish an agrarian hermetic community or home that is antithetical to capitalist values like competition, materialism, consumerism, efficiency, and modernity. Under capitalism it is possible to starve yourself.

However, I understand the tremendous social cost of this privilege and recognize that most people are too weak to make use of it, because they are deliberately made dependent on the system

>> No.12110874

>Muh communes full of smelly hippies

I mean ok

>> No.12111058

That's because the ussr was created and run for most of its duration by the same jews now running the west.

>> No.12111067

jesus Christ sometimes I hate this place

>> No.12111071

Three of those people are idiots, and one of them (Hayek) raises some interesting points about economic controls, but at least recognizes monopolies should exist.

I’m still on the fence about the gold standard. I think the dollar should be pegged to something but I don’t think it needs to be gold, per se.

I think Hayek is just about as smart as Keynes. Remember that sentence too, you will hardly ever hear ANYONE say it

>> No.12111079

USSR was pretty much feudalism though

>> No.12111097
File: 68 KB, 750x521, 3834DB32-AF18-4E38-A476-A9B52B7F7A35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USSR was pretty much feudalism though

>> No.12111122

i couldnt even think of a reaction pic to his post so i didnt bother