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/lit/ - Literature

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12110466 No.12110466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Christcucks are delusional.

>> No.12110478

Maybe, but schizophrenia is also what created irreligion

So, basically we're all delusional

>> No.12110506

Schizophrenia created language.

>> No.12110510

This tobehonest

>> No.12110513

no it didn't, what we can measure scientifically is right in front of us and verifiable so its real

>> No.12110522


>> No.12110523

You realize 'God is dead' only insofar as we simply abandonned the ancient beliefs, not because we proved the existence of god to be false.

>> No.12110543
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the impossibility of language to codify the actual, the real, and the experience of unfiltered reality that is felt during transcendent experiences results in the same type of sense making, narrative making that occurs on awaking from a dream. you believe the dream is coherent only on reflection and this reflection is purposely an illusion.

>> No.12110552

Define literature scientifically

>> No.12110563

Sounds like something a schizo would say

>> No.12110565

Computer scientist has been doing that for last 60 years sweetie. That's why you're talking to an English speaking dog from Mars.

>> No.12110577

Music > words

>> No.12110590

Is there any way we can meddle with the brains of STEM people to turn them into the philosophical zombies they so obviously want to be. I am absolutely one hundred and ten percent serious about this. It really is worth considering that we should look into some method of removing all the functions of the brain which allow STEMfags to do anything other than whatever they need for their autistic little field. Honestly. Give me a mathematician and an ice cream scoop and half an hour. Love and passion, nope not using it, you don't need it (*SCOOOP*). Desire for meaning and authenticity, don't think you even knew you had this (*SCOOOOOOP*). Basic ethical and aesthetic sensibilities, well known to any well-adjusted three your old, you certainly won't miss this (*SCOOOOOOOOOOP*). Then we screw the top of his head back on and marvel at our creation: the ideal STEMfag, reduced to his essential part, a human calculator in the case of our mathematician. And I genuinely believe that he would thank me if he could. This is all STEMfags want to be, this is all they're really capable of being.

Give them all to me and with an ice cream scoop I'll fix all their problems. They won't have to worry about any of the dastardly, irritating aspects of life, such as beauty, or religious hope, or virtue, or even sensuality (which will be merely sense-data once I'm done with my scoop).

You really do have to understand, noble reader, that this isn't even in the slightest a cruel thing to do. It's removing from them those things which would do nothing but bother and irritate them till the end of their days. They don't want these things which are so valuable to you and I, noble reader. In fact, their every utterance is a plea to the universe to "reduce" and "eliminate" and simplify and I, and my trusted associates at the clinic, with our scoops would do nothing more than give them that freedom from unnecessaries that they so desire.

It's a perfect solution, which frees us from having to listen to their opinions on things outside of objectively measurable phenomena pertaining to their field and their field alone, and it frees them from the distractions, such as moral intuitions and human consciousness, which they are so disturbed by that they need to deny the very existence of these things.

Just picture it, thousands upon thousands of STEMfags walking out the clinic back towards their test tubes or whatever they do. Imagine the grotesque rictus smiles on their chinless anglo faces. "I'm finally free", they would think, were they not indeed finally free from that thing which they felt most keenly to be a burden on them, qualia, human consciousness, and all the beauty, passion, love, emotion, all the duty, the sense of virtues, the religious hunger, the ups and downs and bends and curves of being *human*, all that aesthetic, moral, spiritual... noise, which plagued them like tinnitus until my act of kindness.

>> No.12110628
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>Oh dumb-d-dumb,
>what was the curriculum
>hum-hum, a German dictum
>no, no, faylasufs all of them
>and contrarians too.

>> No.12110640

You need some Edward Wilson in your life.

Science stems from philosophy, that is the reason most of the great physicists were also philosophers.

>> No.12111758

Nothing is real

>> No.12111795

why are the atheists out in such force today
is it because we're approaching the godly season celebrating the birth of our lord and savior?

>> No.12111811

And OCD sustains it

>> No.12112157
File: 31 KB, 380x676, what i'm reading atm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course illiterate undergratuate engineer-food STEMfags are gonna be complete retards that don't understand to literature philosophy poetry, aesthetics or even mathematics (but nether do most undergraduates in /lit/ fields anyway) unlike actual mathematicians. Kant was trained in mathematics and physics. Newton was deeply religious and Leibniz is a literal philosopher as well as a mathematician. The Bourbaki group, apart redefining the ways literally all mathematics are done are also famous for their humors and the math-related poetry they wrote. Wittgenstein studied mathematics Evariste Galois' life was straight out a novel from the romantic era. The Oulipo was co-founded by a mathematician. Cedric Villani might be an autistic faggot but he is/was involve in some forms of literary or musical movements.
You're a little faggot.

>> No.12112249

I agree, but I think he is using "STEM" to mean engineers, CS and other low IQ techno-materialist bugs.

>> No.12112284

Well i would have understood otherwise but he clearly said
>Give me a mathematician and an ice cream scoop and half an hour.

>> No.12112293

Maybe he meant applied maths

>> No.12112311

The only god created from Schizophrenia is Loki.

>> No.12112324

>He doesn't know about magic shrooms.
Religion comes from psilocybin, dumbasses.

>> No.12112338

not literature

>> No.12112346

based and humanitiespilled

>> No.12112435

How Richard Dawkins of you OP. Christfags are indeed dumb in this era but to boil down all religions and history into “literally 99% of human being ever were mentally ill lol” is faggot talk and reductionist at best.

It’s shitty to be an atheist and frankly horrifying. We literally have lower life quality and expectancy. Religion is an outgrowth that’s much more sophisticated than you might realize and has provided moral structures and systems that account for millennia of social evolution. Just because it doesn’t map on to this bran new technocratic hellworld well or really at all isn’t reason enough to reduce it in such a way. This is a problem among mildly intelligent people who can see through the matrix and illusion of modern religion and think they’re so fucking smart, you aren’t though.

t. Atheist

>> No.12112455

Good post