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12110377 No.12110377 [Reply] [Original]

If while your adolescence you weren't a nihilist rightwing pseudintellectual probably you are dump.

>> No.12110379

Op here: dumb*

>> No.12110400

i was more of an existentialist

in b4 nihilist rightwing pseuds are just incel beta virgins

>> No.12110435

That's why they re smarter than the average.

>> No.12110458

I had a traditionalist pseudo-catholic phase which was helped along by this place, but after ~2 years I realised I didn't agree with right-wing thought on anything nor actually believe in God despite all the medieval theology, so that was the end of that.
Luckily after some months of depression, I got into economics and history and realised my worldview is consistent with Marxism-Leninism, so it has been soothing to actually hold some principles. Turns out anti-Marxist criticism is extremely weak so I haven't read anything that has fundamentally challenged me in a few years now. Probably the best attempts were Durkheim's critiques against Marx's methodology.

>> No.12110472

I was a nihilist leftwing pseudointellectual

>> No.12110479

The critique of Durkheim is very interesting. Anyway marxism leninist is an antihuman ideology. If you believe or not the human nature exists in our dna and the communism is against that.

>> No.12110480
File: 72 KB, 992x744, HAHA TIME FOR EVROPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real sophisticated adults grow up to embrace unironic neoliberalism.

>> No.12110485

>believe in moral

Pick one stupid anon

>> No.12110491

Neoliberalism is the best economic system we know.

>> No.12110505
File: 86 KB, 433x427, 1540991379192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being an eternally pseudo depressed pseudo anarchist that rejects left-right politics
Never gonna make it

>> No.12110532

I do not see how "human nature" constitutes an argument against striving for a socialist society, anon. This implies that Marxism holds that humans are somehow fundamentally altruistic, which it does not at all. My view is pretty close to Brecht, basically - humans are pretty fucked up and evil, but that's exactly why they should be produced by social relations which discourage destructive behavior, and live in a socio-economic structure which constrains their worst traits. A socialist society is not one where each individual human becomes angelic and perfect, it is a society in which prejudice cannot be made systemic due to individuals and small groups holding an excess of economic power. The argument that capitalism is somehow good because humans are terrible and self-interested is entirely backwards and idiotic, desu.

>> No.12110544

Hierarchies exist in every place of the world. If the human is evil inside; if you try to exstirpate this evil you do worst things than not try to do that at all.

>> No.12110548

I was not reading books. I was skipping classes, selling hash and flirting with the hottest high school chicks.

You guys obviously should've done the same.

>> No.12110554
File: 30 KB, 590x350, mfw nationalistic brainlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how Mutti has an incredibly large head (due to her exceptional IQ)

>> No.12110558

Im doing the same plus selling xans and valium selling and i read too

>> No.12110559

Neoliberalism = imaginary money and debt. Cryptoanarchism is the best economic system. It channels the best of money and minimizes the harm to cyberspace which is relatively mild.

>> No.12110573
File: 150 KB, 1200x675, DD5nm9bXgAA-KW-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morality is a spook, wage labour is not.

>> No.12110580

If they’re so smart, why can’t they get laid?

>> No.12110585

Pure ideology. As you're not saying anything that engages the substance of socio-economic analysis, there's not much we can debate here. You fail to see how social structures fundamentally produce human behavior. What does a "hierarchy" mean in primitive hunter-gatherer society as opposed to late capitalism? Is this biological hierarchy synanymous with class antagonism, or something that appears in social interaction regardless of one's economic position? If I inherit a bunch of property does this mean I hold a natural hierarchy?
You need to clarify your terms and think about this more probably.

>> No.12110606

Because you need to be extroverse and not a monster for fuck, not smart

>> No.12110631

anarkiddies trying and failing to join in

>> No.12111642

>you are dump

you're waifu a shit

>> No.12112042
File: 380 KB, 607x608, nerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like a tiny baby

>> No.12112052

>not embracing any system of belief as an illusion
>not meditating on the nature of the world
>buying into propaganda
boys will be men

>> No.12112073

I don't want to think about my adolescence. I had a blog where I said the cringiest pseudo-intellectual things. I think you're wrong. People who get caught up in this sort of shit during their teenage years are the dumbest of all.

>> No.12112205

what do you mean by nihilism?

>> No.12112760

Exactly what i mean

>> No.12113441

How does the State's Dick taste, bitch nigger?

>> No.12113463


>> No.12113486

What do you do about people who do not agree with you?

>> No.12113532

leftists shouldt write about beta virgins

>> No.12113676

please.. stop with the bennies