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12108798 No.12108798[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12108806

We have already fucking tons of thoughts about him in the archive.
Go search for it newfag.

>> No.12108807

pseud like all postmodern conservatives
i wish they would stop using things i care about like religion and tradition as a talking point for defense of their cancerous system of opression

>> No.12108813

Oh my god do you people get paid to shill multiple times a day

>> No.12108814

He has a funny voice.

>> No.12108822

he's a dead meme love, noone has read his book and is still making memes and embarrassing themselves - what a bore

>> No.12108849

Except his new work's just been released and all comments prior have no meaning in relation. Stop with the snarky anti-intellectualism.

>> No.12108893

gross Gnostic should get a mandatum before preaching

>> No.12108901

What does the word "postmodern" mean to you?

>> No.12108908

Fuck OP and fuck JP and someone please shoot me in the balls so I can die a slow and painful death it would be better than having to see this douchebags face everywhere

>> No.12108940

Pseud-hack who leeches of the people he's supposed to be helping, at the same time he reinforces their worst pathologies, continuing their downward spiral of alienation and aggrievement. Peterson and his readers are soaked in their neuroticism.

>> No.12108950
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forgot the pic

>> No.12108955

How the fuck is he making people more neurotic, he's actually giving obscure philosophy through practical wisdom, stop jerking off to hegel and look at the world- THAT'S his point.

>> No.12108962

Renegade intellectual visionary unchained by the dominace-hiearchy, a larger-than-life archetypical great-man on a crusade for truth using his Chirst-like understanding of humanity to reach out to the world and get rich in the process. The Jesus syllogism doesn't end there, he performs miracles, oh-yea, he turned a crock of shit into a million dollar brand.

>> No.12108983

For every one part truism self-help advice he gives you, he feeds you two parts bullshit. Also, I think everyone should read Hegel, especially you.

>> No.12109022

Stop reading about epistemology and just see the TRUTH!
Jbp fans are the ones who need to read Hegel the most:
>"This easy contentment in receiving, or stinginess in giving, does not suit the character of science. The man who only seeks edification, who wants to envelop in mist the manifold diversity of his earthly existence and thought, and craves after the vague enjoyment of this vague and indeterminate Divinity – he may look where he likes to find this: he will easily find for himself the means to procure something he can rave over and puff himself up withal. But philosophy must beware of wishing to be edifying."

>> No.12109059
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Jordan pe-trap-son

>> No.12109082

please FUCK OFF

>> No.12109104

I do not mind Kermit himself. I just wish he would stop cultivating followers whose entire experience with philosophy is a dozen cliffnotes for Nietzsche and Dosto and 30 Simple English Wikipedia articles, who yet insist on "redpilling" people on "postmodern karltural marxists" and "subversive hegelian dialectic".

>> No.12109139
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I'm just surprised at the amount of backlash that Peterson gets, he doesn't seem to go out of his way to provoke or start controversy - and even when his words gets politicised (which doesn't fit well, but any public figure in the mass media era gets assigned a role on the "left-right" spectrum regardless of intent) he seems to liken himself as a classical liberal, rather than a conservative or reactionary

>> No.12109146

Simple, bland, and far too inoffensive to merit any hostility.

I don't understand the internet's obsession with him, positive or negative.

>> No.12109187
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he cute

>> No.12109196

NPC confirmed. Don’t trust anyone over thirty is now a right-wing idea.

Prepare your holes accordingly.

>> No.12109202


>> No.12109292

Most likely. His audience being 20-something males and the same demographics of 4chan are no secret.

His viral exposure at exactly the time social media AI was being exploited relentlessly for political sway is probably not an accident either.

>> No.12109309

Watched a video of his about Robert Crumb where he said Crumb was vital to the creation of graphic novels. Pretty obvious he doesn't know as much as he pretends he does.

>> No.12109316

You know he’s right about Crumb right? If for no other reason than his involvement with American Spledor, ya know, the gold standard of graphic novels.

Jesus Christ it’s like you guys aren’t even trying.

>> No.12109328
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>> No.12109333

That's not a factor in the creation of graphic novels. Graphic novel is a specific term created by Will Eisner that Crumb had no influence in. Crumb had a massive influence on the way comics are viewed and what people realized they could express through them but he wasn't a seed that needed to be planted for them to exist.

>> No.12109341

CTRL + F: Crumb
0 of 0 results

Last edit being November 3rd

>> No.12109345

Look at this faggot experimenting with his look now that hes a big bad meme. I bet he practices his pose for headshots.