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/lit/ - Literature

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12107545 No.12107545 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like we're only discussing classics lately. Here are some questions for you lit:
>What are your personal top 3 of underrated novels?
>How do you choose a new book you have never heard of? What hooks you?
>What features will be necessary in future books to become not only popular but also classics to be remembered?
I'll start in the comments, but gimme some time, since I'm an old fart.

>> No.12107570
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>> No.12107573

>How do you choose a new book you have never heard of? What hooks you?
1. First sentence. Should force me to read the rest. 2. Basic idea or premise. Should be innovative or intriguing. 3. Cover. Should be cool. Or at least not absolute fucking eye-cancer inducing.

>> No.12107590

1. Laurus
2. Lancelot by walker Percy
3. Kim by Kipling and Germinal by Zola, both masterclasses in 19th century lit that are ignored for russians, proust, Austen and shit
4. Lit, lit discords, goodreads, journals
Your last question is stupid

>> No.12107592

>>How do you choose a new book you have never heard of? What hooks you?
Cool title. Cool premise.

>> No.12107617
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Jesus fucking Christ, I don't normally react too much to nude paintings but that one really got to me. It's infinite resignation for me.

>> No.12107621

>How do you choose a new book you have never heard of? What hooks you?
it's usually in the bibliography of the book I'm reading

>> No.12107628

thanks for the list. checking it out one by one.
>Your last question is stupid
I dunno, man. could be. but don't you think the book market and the readers' expectations have changed?

>> No.12107675

>What features will be necessary in future books to become not only popular but also classics to be remembered?
1. It should work as both book and series. 2. It should be about politics, yet not propagandistic. 3. Breaking the fourth wall is still amusing, but it needs to be subtle and clever. 4. Sex must sell for both sexes. Which is hard to do in one scene, but easy over the long run.

>> No.12107687

It's not even that well drawn

>> No.12107693

why are you replying to yourself?

>> No.12107699

yeah but boobies

>> No.12107769

Excuse me for starting a conversation in this manner, sir. I figured it would serve my purpose to give questions first, but also my personal opinions. It might give us all a sense of to where my thoughts are headed.

>> No.12107808

Have you read The Thanatos Syndrome by Walker Percy? The setting seems thrilling as I'm browsing the web for his books.

>> No.12107831

it's done by a modern painter, if that demystifies it for you:

>> No.12107852

Yeah but those fucking tits, anon. I recognise that it's not a classic

but those fucking tits

>> No.12107884

reminds me of sof

>> No.12107896

that's why I chose it. This summer I had my face buried in such a lovely pair, and let me assure you, it was heaven on earth for the time being.

>> No.12107905


>> No.12107920 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12107925

guess where that snake's gonna bite

>> No.12107949

holy moly! for a second I had thought we think of the very same breasts, but they look just really similar to someone's I know on first sight.

>> No.12107963

Stop encouraging my descent into the aesthetic slavery, anon!

That interior decoration is terrible though. What's with the god damn writing on the wall?

>> No.12108214

Don't give in brother. Don't throw your will into the abyss.

>> No.12108233
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Too late, anon. I am a slave to the aesthetic realm.

>> No.12108248


>> No.12108256


>> No.12108259

something about epic bread

>> No.12108269

“Zero“ by Ignacio de Loyola Brandao
“Andreas“ a fragment of a novel by Hofmannsthal
“Petersburg“ by Andrei Bely

>> No.12108274

Just some /soc/ temptress; devote yourself to jesus, anon. It's for the best.

>> No.12108288

Distant Star by Roberto Bolaño
Laughter in the Dark by Vladimir Nabokov
Martian Time-Slip Philip K Dick

>> No.12108292

You don't understand much I actually need to do that anon, I'm meeting with an Athonite monk this week.

>> No.12108307

may you have the strength to walk with god. have a wife and children, if you must. be a monk if you can. just never become a catholic pedophile. or any kind of pedophile for that matter if it needs to be said in this place and time.

>> No.12108327

I know this is bait but thanks anon

>> No.12108368

thanks for the rec, lancelot looks interesting

>> No.12108399

One of my favorite threads here was when someone demolished that shitty painting. Now to see if I can find it and post it...

>> No.12108408

please do i need it before i break nnn

>> No.12108462

Here we go.

>> No.12108487

>dozens of paragraphs devoted to if the painting is realism or not

>> No.12108494

it sure is no masterpiece. the painting is made by juan what's his name who is a chinese art teacher who was too mediocre for the art copying business. his works are technically uninteresting, without style or substance. the painting here is without tension albeit there is a snake about to bite some breasts. the colouring is pale, the shadowing shallow. I'm being generous here, because the tits are quite fine and the reason this pic is here. they remind us of other tits in real life. one of the lower purposes of art.

tl;dr: focus on my questions, not on tits.

>> No.12108510

>tl;dr: focus on my questions, not on tits.
there is literally 1 rule to 4chan and that is never post an image more interesting than your test

>> No.12108515


>> No.12108521

Not for nothing but I don't think Zola is ignored. He would fit squarely within 'the classics', a minor classic. Oxford and I think even penguin have published Germinal. Great book.

>> No.12108571
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>there is literally 1 rule to 4chan and that is never post an image more interesting than your test
I used to get pretty good LotR threads started by posting something stupid like pic related. Anything else, like fantastic related artwork from Ted Nasmith or Alan Lee, led to dead threads no one noticed.

>> No.12108610

Idk why anons are gawking at her breasts. They’re badly drawn, way too round. Also, her stomach is too long.

>> No.12108639
File: 192 KB, 1080x1080, 1537893854259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since this thread is about thread pics now, here is my close second choice. Likewise hardly interesting, yet even more misleading for all intents and purposes.

>> No.12108665

Is it just North American women that like getting these shitty tattoos? I'd hate to think that the rest of the civilized world does this.

>> No.12108759
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there are people with bad taste everywhere, anon. Pic related is Alizee in 2018

>> No.12108785

>What are your personal top 3 of underrated novels?
Journey Into Fear by Eric Ambler
The Rose of Tibet by Lionel Davidson
The House In Norham Gardens by Penelope Lively

>> No.12108788


>> No.12108933

Thanks, anons! Got 12 new books on my list called "Books I'll give a chance". Nighty-night to all of you*!

*Except that one anon that just had to destroy my crush for France's best pop starlet of the 90's.