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/lit/ - Literature

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12105406 No.12105406 [Reply] [Original]

Starting this thread again. What are some good secondary and supplementary texts on philosophical topics? I think they would be a great help for those of us that lack the time, skill or tools for doing philosophy entirely on our own. Recommendations on any topic is welcome, but I am personally interested in books Kantian thought and its relations to his immediate predecessors and contemporaries.

>> No.12105571

>Good thread anon.

I was curious about some second literature to help further understand and develop the three “Gleichnisse” (Comparisons) in book 6/7 of Politeia;
and some secondary literature that could help me understand Tractatus Logico Philosophicus without meddling with my possible interpretation too much, rathe rgive a guiding hand.

Any personal recommendations are appreciated.

>> No.12105581

bumping for interest, good thread

>> No.12105585

I found Deleuze's lecture on Kant extremely illuminating, and I don't even like Deleuze

>> No.12105660

>frog poster
>blatant samefaggotry
Just let this die

>> No.12105686
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>5 IPs, 4 replies
>blatant samefag
Love it when newfags try to fit in by misusing lingo.

>> No.12105696

The articles on the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy are good:

Like I said in the previous thread if you want a neo-Kantian perspective look into the works of Wilhelm Windelband, particularly his History of Ancient Philosophy to ground things historically:

You can compare this with Hegels lectures on this history of philosophy.

Also in the previous thread you mentioned you were interested in Swedenborg, if you're into fringe stuff an academic worth looking into is Eric Dingwall he wrote a 4 volume work "Abnormal Hypnotic Phenomena" (but I can only find vol. III online) that deals with this sort of stuff. Some books by him are on archive.org, first chapter in this deals with Swedenborg:
>Very Peculiar People: Portrait Studies in the Queer, the Abnormal and the Uncanny
There's another volume here:
>Some Human Oddities: Studies in the Queer, the Uncanny, and the Fanatical


>> No.12105723

Thanks friend, seems very interesting. I asked you a question about Windelband's Introduction yesterday, specifically I wondered if this was more specific to the issues raised by Kant's contemporaries.

>> No.12106520

More so the issues of relativism and such which were more pressing in the late 19th century:

>the issues raised by Kant's contemporaries
I suppose the attempt to overcome the "irrationality" of contents was the motive force for the development of German Idealism

get the article with sci-hub