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/lit/ - Literature

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12105386 No.12105386 [Reply] [Original]

What's the purpose of fiction? Like what was the point of writting "Crime and Punishment". Jesus dude, if you want to say some bullshit about christianity just come up and say it to my face, I don't care about these nonexsistant "characters" I forget about them the next week.
Seriously the more "classics" I read the more I think that fiction writing is just a crutch for dumb people who can't into real philosophy.


>> No.12105391

You have autism

>> No.12105396

Fiction was entertainment like the video games of the present. Most people who read them didn't care about any hidden meanings.

>> No.12105404

People are designed to see the world through stories. If you want to break it down further, humans are psychology evolved to infer causality chains, to interpret the world through a series of causal relationships. Everything is a story. If you control the narrative, you control humanity.

>> No.12105409

>Jesus dude, if you want to say some bullshit about christianity just come up and say it to my face

Okay tough guy.

>> No.12105413

All art is the product of sexual repression.
This why so many authors are and were fags.

>> No.12105414

This, especially low IQ trash like Dostoevsky.

>> No.12105419
File: 395 KB, 575x333, deleuze-and-guattari[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*laughs in french*

>> No.12105429
File: 97 KB, 498x594, C1545CDA-C70E-4CE6-8C1D-9F2C56B3E9B7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making Art is simply fulfilling the need to share feelings
Consuming Art is simply fulfilling the need to feel

>> No.12105462

fiction is about what it means to be a fucking human being

>> No.12105482

You seem to put a lot of weight on the importance of realness, but what's the practical value of being 'real'? Raskolnikov is a fictional character who never existed. But what if he did? Would it improve the novel in any way if it was a true story? I'd argue that it would make the novel worse. I tend to approach fiction and non-fiction in different ways. Being imaginary, I can appreaciate the genius of Raskolnikov's character, he's a construct of a powerful human intellect and through that character I can sense and comprehend that intellect. Which, some may argue, is the whole point of art. But if Raskolnikov was a man, I get nothing. I have to start questioning the authenticity of his words, I have no wonder to just which degree the story is lying to me and embellishing itself. And even if I choose to trust Crime and Punishment: Nonfiction, all I get is a story of one man. Who lived a curious case of life and died. At best he's a historical figure me. Fictional Raskolnikov lives forever within the shared consciousness of humanity

>> No.12105491

There is also beauty in the writing and mastering the art of telling stories

>> No.12106547

You’re autistic and possibly gay

>> No.12106561

For you

>> No.12106562


The only reason anyone in the past read fiction was simply because Netflix and vidya didn't exist yet. Written fiction is completely obsolete in 2018.

>> No.12106568
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>hurr just read philosophy
i hope for your sake this is just a good bait

>> No.12106572

Actual autism

>> No.12106573

What is the point of anything? Why play ridiculous games with terribleb stories? Why watch movies? Why jack off? Why fuck?

>> No.12106585

You absorbed his philosophy while you thought you were reading a story about some nonexistent characters. Whose the dummy?

>> No.12106587

How do people like you post on a board about literature? You don't even understand the first thing about it holy shit! Read Don Quixote you fucking mong and maybe you'll get it.

>> No.12106594

It baffles me the fact that faggots like >>12106562 post here. What are they even doing here?

>> No.12106604

I am gay.