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12103533 No.12103533 [Reply] [Original]

Any other books like No Country that have two characters after one another, outwitting each other step by step?

>> No.12103535

Nope, none. It's a completely original idea.

>> No.12103540

somehow I feel you're being facetious

>> No.12103544

Harry Potter

>> No.12103563


>> No.12103572


That's actually closer to Death Note in terms of it being "two apparently smart beings who end up doing the dumbest things imaginable and screwing themselves over in the process"

>> No.12103576

If that's all your interested in then unironically Death Note.

>> No.12103583

Well this is awkward

>> No.12103597

DN was okay. Up until a certain girl comes arrives I'd call it a pretty intelligent show/manga.

>> No.12103676

Death Note lacks a lot of the gritty realism. Frankenstein too, but it's better than DN. This is the shit I want more of -- when he went and bought a tent for the poles so he could reach the bag in the vent that he stashed from the adjacent room. that level of autistic realism.

>> No.12103794

He's referring to the fact that an entire subgenre exists with this premise, it's called cat-and-mouse.

>> No.12104723

Schismatrix, by Bruce Sterling. Although Lindsay tended to outsmart Constantine more often than the other way around.

>> No.12104734
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Not quite a book but I hope this helps:^)

>> No.12104797

epic xdd

>> No.12105170

Unironically Sherlock Holmes and Batman.

>> No.12105503

The Duel by Guimarães Rosa

>> No.12105512

The Double by Dostoyevski is pretty close but not that much. It's probably his worst novel(still not bad though)

>> No.12105524

well cheers, you've sold me on reading NCFOM
t. another lover of autistic attention to those sorts of details

>> No.12105687

I didnt care for No Country for Old Men.

>> No.12106805

What did L do that was dumb

>> No.12106972

i love spy vs spy

>> No.12107427

Siege by James Mason.
Oh wait no, I was thinking of Les Miserables.

>> No.12107448

arent the sherlock holmes books just this?

>> No.12107748

my diary desu

>> No.12107814
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That's not the plot structure of No Country

>> No.12108220

In a weird way it has a huge resemblance to Breaking Bad.

>Protagonist makes choice to be involved in illegal/immoral act
>Justifies it by saying it's for a noble cause
>Is in incredibly close proximity to those who are trying to catch him
>Becomes increasingly power hungry and callous
>Nothing left of the protagonist we knew at the beginning by the end

>> No.12108320
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I know a hidden gem along those lines.

But I'm not telling anyone what it is called.

>> No.12108326

sure it is. Llwellyn is constantly doing things to keep himself one step ahead of Chigurh and the gang. Chigurh ends up giving up on chasing him and finds his wife instead.