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12102894 No.12102894 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, this book fucking sucks

>> No.12102904

Did you actually read it before saying that? It completely turned my life around.

>> No.12102906

Hope you pirated it

>> No.12102920

Yeah, it was a major disappointment. I used to be one of those guys on /lit/ who criticized people for unfairly disparaging Jordan Peterson. Now, after reading his garbage book, I'm starting to see where they're coming from. Perhaps I should have read Maps of Meaning instead.

>> No.12102933

>people are still shitposting about Peterson

How are people not over this fad yet?

>> No.12102946

Read Kondo-sama-chan instead.

>> No.12102979

you're probably a fucking incel faggot who only turned his life around because you weren't actually raised well, and you need Peterson to shove the most basic ass philosophy down your throat because you've never heard these super basic insights into life that have been around since the greeks were fucking little boys.

>> No.12103004

The only people shitposting about him are irate leftists and progressives. Just imagine being so insecure about your pet ideology that you feel compelled to (impotently) rage against a fucking self help book lmao

>> No.12103878

What do you expect from a Self-help book written by a Youtuber?

>> No.12103891

Literally nothing wrong with that tho

>> No.12103965

>Maps of Meaning
Hard calls. 12 Rules has the classic scene where he imagines punting a toddler, but Maps of Meaning has the dream where his grandma shoves her muff in his face.

>> No.12103967

>unironically reading a self-help book
>unironically reading a book from a renown pseud

>> No.12104039

Am I the only one here who thinks about JP in terms of his intellectual merit, and not in terms of the political implications?

I mean he is first and foremost an intellectual whose claims rest mostly on peer-reviewed papers, scientific authors and experience in the field. It's getting pretty fucking lame to connect an intellectual to alleged hidden political agenda. In stead of a conversation about meaning it becomes polarized debate, for which we are on the wrong board here desu

>> No.12104061

Say what you will about Peterson, he’s certainly open to attacks and criticism.

But if you’re attacking him from a position of “lol he’s on YOUTUBE!!” You’re really showing your age. Even if YouTube itself doesn’t stay around this type of media is the future of discourse. The rise of alternative media is amazing, and it’s so comfy watching the MSM burn itself down.

>> No.12104378

>The rise of alternative media is amazing, and it’s so comfy watching the MSM burn itself down.

Not subtle enough, drumpftard.

>> No.12104395

just imagine being blown away with a book like this

imagine how brainlet you have to be

>> No.12104418

I'd say he's only secondarily an intellectual. Jordan Peterson as public persona is primarily a best selling self-help guru, a tough-talking baby boomer whose blase aphorisms are taken as wisdom to anxious and adrift teenagers. And the only reason anyone knows who he is is because he has positioned himself as a reluctant endorser for the adjacent-of-alt-right, a role that even he knows has gone too far, but the patreonbux are too big to back away now, so he comes out every few months to renew his conservative bona fides through media appearances or doing videos for the Koch brothers' pragerU.

He's got a good gig going, and I can't blame him for continuing with it. But anyone who thinks this guy is an intellectual has probably never read an actual intellectual.

>> No.12104426

Well said

>> No.12104441 [DELETED] 

>peterson is alt-right

When the fuck will this meme end.

>b-but I say adjacent
Fuck off, you know what you're implying. What blase aphorism is he using anyway?

>> No.12104445

I’m liberal and I agree with him

>> No.12104459

He’s a moderate whom derives his conclusions from psychological study and sceptival reading of philosophy

Also he’s not even a baby boomer wtf

>> No.12104475

>sceptival reading of philosophy
I will bet my left nut he has never read a single primary source on any philosopher he discusses with the sole exception of Nietzsche. He's clearly a proficient psychologist, but he has absolutely no ground in philosophy and rambles no better than your average meme-regurgitating il/lit/erati.

>> No.12104484
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misusing whom

>> No.12104502

Guys we HAVE to attack this self-help book designed for beta teenage boys; it's threatening our progressive leftists agenda! We have to be relentless: Keep making posts about it everyday give it a low score on Goodreads and make sure to post your results on /r/chapotraphouse. Thanks guys.

>> No.12104514
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>no actual politics discussed in the thread
>drumpfkins still screeching about muh leftists

>> No.12104527

>an intellectual
Intellectual of what?
> peer-reviewed papers, scientific authors and experience in the field.
What field?
The answer to both of these is psychology. So what has Peterson been doing?
>Communism is bad a novel told me so
>appears on a bunch of right wing internet shows
>hocks a diet on Dr. Oz
There's not alleged hidden political agenda. There's just an obvious political agenda and an obvious snakeoil agenda. But there's an even worse thing he does:
>makes 10 arguments against allowing women in the workplace
>"so women shouldn't be in the workplace?"
>"I'm not saying anything I'm just posing thoughts."
Everyone watching that video filled in the blank. Nobody sees 1 + 3 + 6 = "I'm just posing ideas." That shit is cowardly because he's clearly begging the question among young men but doesn't have the confidence of his beliefs to finish his argument. And your attempt to intellectualize and depoliticize such an anti-intellectual and political career course for this man really shows how far 4channers will put their head in the sand to look smart.

>> No.12104578

would you mind linking him arguing against allowing women in the workplace? i dont think hes ever argued that

>> No.12104609 [DELETED] 


>> No.12104621 [DELETED] 

Careful with that strawman it might catch fire.

>> No.12104630

He did a PragerU video? My God he has to be aware of what he is becoming.

Let him be a warning to all who aspire for acclaim and audience... that deep hunger to be heard and respected and sought after will leave you standing on no ground at all. Especially if it comes overnight, and you had no time to prepare.

I cant imagine how its been for him. After a lifetime of unrecognized academic work, suddenly millions of people are lining up to hear you speak, with great hope and expectation in their eyes, and this the same man whose book went unread, who taught classes where kids left early, unaffected, uninterested.

And now this... JP is fucked.

>> No.12104634

Lol hi, I hate Trump and I don’t suck corporate media cock. Hello sweetie pie.

>> No.12104638

say what u will about peterson, but hes rite about 1 thing

wemen are simply infirior

>> No.12104648 [DELETED] 


This. Fuck wamen.

>> No.12104658

Inferior in terms of what men can do, yes. The dude also says women are better communicators and men are the murderers/rapists of society. And we are. If that’s the cross we have to bear then we should get more promotions and better raises than Becky at the office and that’s just how it is. When you can’t walk past a park without getting uncomfortable stares, you deserve more money.

>> No.12104662

It was autocorrect weirdly enough
But you got me I’m a filthy phone poster

>> No.12104678

the far right hates him too for refusing to name the jew

>> No.12104686

>women are inferior
He has literally never EVER said or implied this
He has always maintained that women are different, not worse. Not because that’s what he believes but because that’s what the data points to.

>> No.12104687

Someone try to refute this.

>> No.12104688

Except he constantly references Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky, Jung, and Foucault

>> No.12104693

He’s hated by both extremes in the same way that moderates are despised by them for being agents of the opposing side.
He’s a centrist though he clearly leans alittle right wing

>> No.12104719

Oh wow, an unironic redditor thinking he's allowed to post on my board

>> No.12104766

>The only people shitposting about him are irate leftists and progressives
>in a thread where OP complains about self help shit
Projevction:the post

>> No.12104768 [DELETED] 

He's not completly wrong desu. I just looked through Goodread and the three top negative reviews were written by a butthurth atheist, an assblasted leftist and a /lit/ user.

>> No.12104790

You might want to try one of the 20 or so synonyms for this word, polypo. There's also nothing to refute, people are paid for their work performances, not for their feefees in free time.

>> No.12104912

I'm not the biggest Peterson fan, but this accusation is pathetic. A recent MSM article in my country essentially blamed him for being alt-right adjecent, the source being a study of youtube "connections".

The idea is that if you've ever talked to someone who has ever talked to someone who is alt-right—regardless of whether you agreed or not—you're alt-right adjacent, and this is supposedly dangerous because this way, people who listen to someone like Peterson might eventually be exposed to someone like Richard Spencer through these so-called connections. Never mind that lots of mainstream media have talked to Peterson, meaning they would be at the very least alt-right adjacent adjacent...

It's basically six degrees of Kevin Bacon for political ideologues where even the most distant association is a sin.

>> No.12104973

>self help books are for people who need help
What a shock! I don't know why you're so angry and feel the need to demean me.

>> No.12105002

By making comments like these, you're contributing negatively to society while also not making any personal gain. Fucking brainlet.

>> No.12105024

That report was less of Peterson being one of them and more of how YouTube algorithms works.

>> No.12105151

>Intellectuals = Academia

>> No.12105172

>By making comments like these, you're contributing negatively to society while also not making any personal gain. Fucking brainlet.
Where the fuck do you think we are?

>> No.12105189
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Yup, it's really pointless. It's only use is probably teaching wolf children, as this is shit you pick up in society. I had high hopes for it but it really fell flat.

>> No.12105239

Well to be completely honest, a book doesn't have to be good in order to do that. I can read a classic novel right now and be fairly confidant it will not change my life in the slightest. 12 rules for life however meant to be dogmatic. It's a prescription of rules which you are supposed to follow, if you don't or won't be planning on doing so the read is completely different. Compare it to reading the Quran for intellectual reasons (learning, writing peer-review papers, etc.) or reading it because you have faith in its values and you want to live according to them. Two completely different experiences, and yes, it will change your life if you are prepared to take the leap of faith.

>> No.12105281

Well said!

>> No.12105304

The paper itself is fine; critical investigations of how social media algorithms affect us are IMO necessary at this point because they seem to create "filter bubbles" and I think this mechanism ultimately enforces tribalism. Moreover, I think that it creates a feedback loop where youtubers get more and more one-dimensional in their content.

My gripe is with much of the MSM coverage of Peterson I've read and how there's a strange tendency to portray him as alt-right or far right, while in my estimation he's just a fairly conservative, center-right curmudgeon who has some interesting Jungian ideas but tends to ramble and lacks nuance when it comes to particular subjects such as postmodernism. Plenty to criticise about the guy, but I really don't see how he's alt-right.

I mentioned a specific article that was published recently in a popular Dutch web magazine, which used data from this particular paper to justify a rather personal attack on Peterson by essentially interpreting it to label him as someone who has ties to the alt-right. It was literally titled "why Jordan Peterson is more dangerous than he seems"... that's hardly an appropriate title for coverage of a study on youtube algorithms, but that's not what the article was about in the first place; it was about Peterson and how we should look out for him (and this is a bit of a pattern with how MSM covers this dude). The way this article was framed is intellectually dishonest IMO: the problem that was being presented actually has little to do with Peterson himself, but instead with algorithms.

>> No.12105517

What peer reviewed paper made him claim that c16 was compelled speech?

>> No.12105519

>read self-help
>expect it to not suck

>> No.12105739
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>> No.12105779

Listened to it on tape, like I generally do with popular flavor of the month books. It's basically a great hits of his YouTube videos.

At it's core it's a self help book. I guess there's nothing wrong with the message of "man the fuck up and start helping out."

It's funny, after the podcast with Sam Harris and his idea of "useful truth" and his cries for men to take on a societal responsibility all I can ever hear from him is how oddly collectivist all of his personal ideologies are for all the blathering he does about "muh marxists."

Maybe it's to gain a slice of that fox news pie for book sales. The book doesn't mention much in the way of politics, which I'm sure disappointed much of his fanbase.

>> No.12105804

That's 4CHANNELERS to you, kiddo.

>> No.12105811

I didn't read that Dutch article but if the point it was making was that 'Peterson shepherds people to alt-right ideologies hence he is kinda alt-right' based on the Youtube study than it is a fair one. The problem is that Peterson with his owning the libs epic style is that he is so vague with his theory and shit that it leaves the vacuum and pieces perfect for the alt right to pick up with their talking points. Maybe if he shit talk alt-right shit it would alleviate the accusations but now the data is clear that shows he is a Pied Piper leading unaware white males to alt-right territory.

>> No.12105840

I enjoy his maps of meaning thesis. The observation of the sponge's 1:1 interaction with physical patterns, etc. is helpful.

>> No.12105869 [DELETED] 

>he is vague

Because you're a brainlet that can't understand him doesn't mean everyone is.

How is he collectivists? He does encourage an universal way of living, but his precepts allow for far more inequaliy and diversity than marxists.

>> No.12105894

Lol as if life was fair

>> No.12105910

He is in a very vague sense. A huge theme in all of his stuff is the Abel/Cain story and he deeply affirms that we are indeed our brothers' keeper.

He definitely doesn't deep-end with that and preach outcome equality but he's informed by the same basic idea as collectivists.

Not that it's a bad thing at all.

I just found it funny that he demonizes them so much and then pulls from the same sort of foundational thought of "brothers keeper" and "true is what is helpful."

>> No.12106075

>Because you're a brainlet that can't understand him doesn't mean everyone is.
Bitch I am describing how he is leading people to alt-right talking points. Nitpicking on my word choice to undermine my word choice is not an argument

>> No.12106151 [DELETED] 

t.small brain

>> No.12106259


>> No.12106260

>The idea is that if you've ever talked to someone who has ever talked to someone who is alt-right—regardless of whether you agreed or not—you're alt-right adjacent

This is actually not that far off since the far-left all the way through to the centre-left and even some of the centre-right will not talk to people who are far-right, even if they disagree unless they are reporters looking to slander them

>> No.12106273

W-woah the brutally cynic and real take on JBP has really made me see him for the charlatan he is! Bravo!

>> No.12106277

No it doesn’t.

>> No.12106279

It’s funny how progressives get their assholes rubbed raw by the fact that he appeared in a PragerU video.

You faggots know the Koch’s fund NPR too right? KYS

>> No.12106424

>owning the libs
He doesn’t do this, that is entirely his shitty fedora fan base. All of the videos on his channels are about his book or psychology. I mean even the sam Harris debate was super friendly and they billed it as a takedown or ufc match

>maybe if he shit talk alt-right
He does this in literally any interview where people call him alt-right.

Really though, watch his videos because this paragraph doesn’t even describe him

>> No.12106461

His hatred of Marxism is that the ideology ends up destroying the productive people and leaving everyone else to starve. He has nothing against collectivism in itself.

You know I kinda feel like no one in this thread has seen his videos. I mean I’m a social Democrat, and I don’t see any of this “lead them to extremism” claim. He’s literally the only public intellectual arguing AGAINST extremism in all of its forms

>> No.12106602

which are said rules? can someone give me a quick rundown? I wont waste my time reading this book

>> No.12108117
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>> No.12108119

Is this a joke?

>> No.12108127

Hope you're trolling.

>> No.12108155



>> No.12108270

>Nuh uh, watch his shit:the post
Not a single argument was made. You people still aren't explaining or even acknowledging the data that YouTube study reveals

>> No.12108314

The book is terrible and clearly just a cash grab. It's marketed as a generic self-help book and completely estranges his main youtube audience for whoever buys books with cringy titles like this one. If you want to benefit from his ideas, watch his lectures because they're much more intellectually honest and devoid of pretensions.

The problem with these threads is that people can't think outside of black-and-white terms.
Either he's all-bad or he's a saint. No, the guy has some good ideas, some bad, some terrible ones, and he's an opportunist but also wants to genuinely help people.
He's a slimy self-help guru, but he's also a eloquent interesting professor etc.

>> No.12108319
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Jordan B. Peterson is a Koch Brothers shill

>> No.12109329

>Peterson is only 56
Holy shit I thought he was in his sixties.

>> No.12110486

>because you weren't actually raised well,
as if that were his fault.
kudos to the lads for getting their shit together.
and fuck you too.

>> No.12110744

Wash you're penis

>> No.12110754

>literature and culture board
>raging, unchecked Christianity
>worship for self-help gurus
>obsession with IQ
why is /lit/ the worst board on 4chan?

>> No.12110843

wash your mouth and eyes out with bleach

>> No.12110983

You know there's a huge difference between top down, government directed collectivism and horizontal fraternal feeling and social responsibility.

The problem with the former is that the further it goes along, the more likely it is to turn to totalitarianism.

>> No.12111027

You don't visit many boards

>> No.12111036

No. This one is the worst. I've never seen more retarded, pseudo intellectual neo-conservatism in my entire life.

>> No.12111043

Honestly i prefer the pseudo-wankery here compared to the absolute shit show most of the other boards are like.

>> No.12111046

m8 what? where are the fervent fans of Paul Wolfowitz exactly

>> No.12111679

>a self help book gets infinitely more attention than your post-post-post-modern masterpieces
>a self help book gets hailed as sublime and artistic
>while your is considered ramblings of a disturbed, lonely mind

God I love it when you faggots go into impotent jealous rage, say pseud one more time I dare you. I fucking hate peterson he's a dumbass but good god I'll probably donate just because he makes you go coocoo

>> No.12111752


>> No.12111925

I think his lectures are way better and reall where its at. That said i do think ita a good book just not amazing. Also its really cringe hiw desperate the /leftypol/ people are to smear him.

>Calls him youtuber thinking we'll momentarily forget hes also a psych professor
>thinks /lit/ is inherently suspicious of strange ideas and punting todlers not rightly intrigued

Case and point

>> No.12112033

Leftypol is a redd*t code word ;)

>> No.12112034

Top kek

>> No.12112044
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>he's also a psychologist, have some respect!

>> No.12112045

T.b.h (fuck that desu shit) as a raging leftist I like Peterson a lot. I can easily imagine myself becoming like him in ten years. He's no towering philosopher however, fanboys need to calm down.

>> No.12112079

>pointing out that it is a self-help book is smearing
The level of cope in Peterson Internet defense force

>> No.12112114

He's hardly "blasé" m8. I can agree with you on the audience milking part however.

As for "intellectual", it is not that exalted a position anyway, some have even argued that the modern intellectual is basically a degraded clergyman. So Petersen can claim that title if he wants, doesn't mean much.

>> No.12112123

Pretty decent list as far as self-help go. It's not like it was ever meant to rival Spinoza.

I personally need to apply 2 and 4, and this whole board should really start applying 9 and 10.

>> No.12112149
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>> No.12112204

Pointing out that just calling him a youtuber makes no sense and is obviously a shallow smear by a moron is not at all off base or fanboying lol

>> No.12112230
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stop posting

>> No.12112372

Im pretty sure I know more than anyone who considers Peterson illuminating

>> No.12112472

I'm pretty sure you're a pretentious presumptuous ponce.

>> No.12112486

>donating your hard earned money to some dumbass you apparently dont even like to own the libs
Ok now this is epic

>> No.12112491



>> No.12112503

Is it a friend of yours ?

>> No.12112517

>read book for people that weren't raised well because you weren't raised well
>"WOW this book is retarded, it seems to be only for people who weren't raised well!"

>> No.12112533

>complain about how most on a reading hobbyist board doesn't go for bottom of the barrel guttertrash

>> No.12114065

>He's got a good gig going, and I can't blame him for continuing with it
I can, it's intellectually dishonest and damaging to society at large just for a few quick reactionarybux. And like you said, he knows what he's doing is wrong, which makes it worse.

>> No.12114592

I call him a youtuber because his fame began with a youtube video rant, not with his academic career.

This is an important fact. I wish Petersonfags would be more aware of it. There is a great deal of difference between acheiving stature by distinguishing yourself in academia and acheiving stature by saying something controversial on Youtube.

>> No.12114707

>Jordan Peterson as public persona is primarily a best selling self-help guru
He wrote that book out of the problems youths have to deal with these days he witnessed while being a practicing psychologist. Deep stemming lack of principle, discipline and meaning rooted in a lack of understanding and decent upbringing are central themes in a lot of JP's patients. Yes, he is a self-help guru of some sorts, but at least his method is based in some grade of empirical experience and date, contrary to the other 99% of the genre. The dogmatism he is promoting in his book is aimed to give a well overdue upbringing to mankids who need it. Of course this book will not be regarded as an intellectual master piece - it isn't. But if we look at it for the thing that it is - a dogmatic guideline to fill in that which the dad who went to get cigarettes 30 years ago had to do - it isn't worthless, and can actually help a lot of people who need it.

>he has positioned himself as a reluctant endorser for the adjacent-of-alt-right
He hasn't positioned himself, he was positioned as an emblem for alt-right thought by alt-righters for what I think a lack of well-spoken alt-right speakers. But if you look at what Petersen is essentially doing in regards to republican political groups of alt-right groups, it's next to nothing. Mostly he is just doing is own thing - be it giving lectures, promoting his book or giving public talks - and is keeping away from the direct political discussion. Of course there is the on exception where he goes to town on c16, but as he calls it it was something that he couldn't let through, something he had to stand up and fight for. The precedent that this law would make was a step too far for him and he had to put his foot down. Skeptics can say that he only did this to get into the public eye and use the fame for his own gains, but I don't wholly believe that. This fucking society over-politicizes every goddamn thing to the point where you can't say shit ant it's taken to be a political backdrop statements against republicans. JP is from Canada, where things are not as insanely polarized as in murica (thank god). Whenever someone says something they disagree with, they just make it political to instantly get support from brainless maggots who don't shy away from pointing fingers at anyone on the other side of the Themes.

>> No.12114717

>he knows what he’s doing is wrong
Actually Watch his videos
He is very convinced that psychology is to be trusted

>> No.12114725

Isn't it compelled speech?

>> No.12114728


A twat writes a shitty self-help book (redundant) and you expected it to be even decent? I'm shocked.

>> No.12114736
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>having a cringe compilation

>> No.12114740

cringe is the umami of feelings

>> No.12114756

He did achieve stature through academia. Fun fact: the public gives fuck all about psychology as an academic field.

>> No.12114775

I thought that was glory gained from seeing your adversaries succumb to your superior skills in combat

>> No.12114779

12 rules would, the lecture tours and his fame all exist as a result of his Youtube video. He did not gain the publics attention through his academic work. As far as I can tell he is a two bit professor. Maps of Meaning went largely unread for several decades.

I wished the public gave fuck all about psychology. Maslow's Hierarchy is common knowledge, as is the phrase "youre projecting." Its fairly enmeshed in how common people interpret themselves and others.

>> No.12114792

I mean, I definitely heard of him before c16. He’s a pretty good fucking professor

>> No.12114794

no it's really just watching furfags and bronies on youtube

>> No.12114801

Alt-Righters don’t even like him, the only people who associate him with them is the extreme left. It’s seriously fucked because he’s pretty moderate

>> No.12114802

Thats surprising to me. Where/how did you come across him?

>> No.12114816

Non but a handful of psychologists got fame through their professional work. That doesn't mean that their aren't any professors within the field that achieved academic stature.

If the benchmark for taking him seriously as an academic is for him to come up with an equivalent of coming up with a term like 'you're projecting', then I kindly question that benchmark. Peterson had tenure at Harvard ffs.

>> No.12114827


Do you know how many tenured psychology professors at Harvard exist and have existed? Im not terribly well read in psychology, but I dont think its a stretch to say he was not even a vaguley prominent figure in the field, based on a quick assesment of his pre Youtube academic output (which is available somewhere online).

He was barely referenced in journals.

>> No.12114836

I'm not really interested in the numbers. What I'm saying is that he clearly has stature in the field. The requirements for teaching at Harvard imply as much

>> No.12114843

I was doing some self-teaching a couple of years ago on YouTube and came across some of his classroom videos.
But I had also heard of him in paper citations, he’s heavily cited throughout academia

>> No.12114847
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Spotted in the wild

>> No.12114849

And yet most Harvard tenured psych professors dont do lecture tours to packed houses, or get interviewed by Joe Rogan, or get millions of readers. Neither, for that matter, did JP, until he began to talk about politics, which is my exact point.

>> No.12114850

>He was barely referenced in journals.
he’s heavily cited throughout academia


>> No.12114904

Here is the Google Scholar page for JP.

Here is the Google Scholar page for George A. Alvarez, the first listed faculty member on the Harvard Psychology Dept. Webpage.

Here is the Google Scholar page for Martin Seligman, the 30th most influential psychologist according to an online listing from "bestmastersinpsychology."


>> No.12114915

>I’m a filthy phone poster

>> No.12114918


>> No.12114925

What are the 12 Rules and why is the book not just a couple of pages?
Is this better than 10 things I hate about you and 8 simple rules for dating my daughter?

>> No.12114931

>Is this better than 10 things I hate about you and 8 simple rules for dating my daughter?
Better but not even close to the 14 Words desu.

>> No.12114934
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>Better but not even close to the 14 Words desu.

>> No.12114951

welp. >>12114827 clearly does not know his shit

>> No.12114964

What are you arguing? I think i just made an extremely strong case that JP is an extremely average professor with little stature in the field. His citation figures are comparable to people like George Alvarez, whom nobody has heard of, and are miniscule compared to say Martin Seligman.

I dont get why people on here disengenuously double down when confronted with strong arguments. Is the point being right or figuring out what is true? Its infuriating trying to talk with you guys sometimes.

>> No.12114972

Well if it gets to the point where you call someone who had tenure at Harvard and is now teaching at the top psychology department of Canada someone with little stature, then I guess there is little hope of agreeing on anything with you. We tried though.

>> No.12115034

What is the point of being like this? Being wrong is a goos thing. It means we can dispense with an incorrect belief blocking our apprehension of truth.

Jordan Peterson, a tenured professor in psychology, had citation figures (10,517 total citations) comparable to Harvard's George Alvarez (8,010) or University of Toronto's Robert Gerlai (13,799), also tenured psychology professors. And he has FAR FEWER citations than Martin Seligman (170,207) or Stephen Reicher (35,553) or Albert Bandura (526,811).

Now, which person of these 6 has a best selling self help book? Which one is regularly discussed on 4chan? Which one was featured on Joe Rogans podcast?

And which one made a Youtube video on a controversial political topic launching them into popular fame?

>> No.12115038

More than enough was just political fluff with no basis. The rest gave advice then rambled about metaphysics. I wish the political infection would just fucking stop.

>> No.12115044

I’m gonna be honest
I don’t know what’s even being argued any more

He was clearly well cited before his fame
Now post fame, he is indeed famous

>> No.12115058
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>> No.12115068

This is a criticism of his opponents right

>> No.12115075

I'm not at all arguing the counterfactual that if JP hadn't messed with the c16 discussion, he wouldn't have been this famous.

JP spends a shitload of time lecturing and has spent a shitload of time on practicing with patients. One (amongst others obviously) reason he wasn't cited as much as other academics; he wasn't spending as much time on it as them.

But what is your point? That an academic became famous because of the public attention he got after taking part in a very hot topic at the time? I'm very willing to give you that for all that's worth.

>> No.12115086

"Well cited" is a relative term. Earlier I said he was "not even vaguely prominent in the field", also a relatice term. Citations arent everything, but the numbers are a good quantitative indicator of how often an author is referenced in academic publications.

I have shown Jordan Petersons academic stature is comparable, based on citations, to psychologists nobody has heard of, and are far fewer than psychologists average persons have also not heard of.

My point is that JP is not like, say, Richard Feynman or V. Ramachandran, both of whom gained popular readerships and audiences after establishing themselves as significant academic writers in their fields.

JP is different. He is a product of an internet viral video. His supporters insist he is relevant because of his academic chops, but then why doesnt anyone care about George Alvarez?

The answer is that JP decided to engage in political controversies. I would argue there are thousands of midlevel professors with good charisma/speaking skills who could make the same leap into fame.

My hope is to encourage people to be skeptical of people who obtain celebrity in this fashion, to try and stick to reading authors who are more concerned with their subject matter and less concerned with fame. I would also hope that people stop pretending JP is a predominantly a psychologist. He is a Youtuber with a psychology career.

>> No.12115088

I wish instead of arguing about his fame or his dumb book, people would actually try to refute any of his points, because he makes a great case against radical viewpoints, yet all anyone does is criticize his shitty fan base and call him a nazi(he’s a fucking centrist)

>> No.12115091

can you please jump out of a window bro, you sound like an awful person.

>> No.12115096

>I would also hope that people stop pretending JP is a predominantly a psychologist. He is a Youtuber with a psychology career.
Yeah nah this guy spent over 20000 hours easy on his academic career and if he spent 1000 hours on his youtube vids it would be insanely high in my view. He is predominantly a psychologist

>> No.12115098

I agree with you in general, but his YouTube career is seriously new
He’s been a psychologist for 30 years with at least a reasonable amount of success

>> No.12115108

“People should stay in their lane and keep their head down while the word goes on around them”

Okay faggot

If nothing else all this new blood is amazing for the intellectual sphere. Fucking Brett Weinstein just sparred with Richard Dawkins and used his old work agiant his new ideas. This is an amazing things and we’re only going to see more of this. Don’t get your pussy hurt, as far as I’m concerned this is a tool of meritocracy and we can view charismatic, educated, and brave thinkers without forcing them to be of a certain breed of class/education pedigree. Good ideas and conversations can flourish. If it was a leftist that had broke out this way this is what would be said of them, that they subverted the class narrative.

>> No.12115130
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Jordan Peterson is just the latest version of Alistair Crowley, Eliphas Levi or Peter Carrol.

His first book is pathetic, it only sold 500 copies before he was famous. In it he describes his intense attraction to his first cousin. He tells us to make sure we have balance between order and chaos, literally jedi philosophy.

As well as all of this, he drafted the UN Agenda 21.

>> No.12115133

So did my Sociology professor. Im not about to let him tell me how to live and be my guru though.
Yet the only reason were having his thread is the Youtube career.
I havent made a single argument about Jordan Petersons views. I have only tried to argue against the notion that he should be famous. I would add that we shouldnt be reading his book to find purpose in our lives. There are better writers, better ideas, better books. You dont get to cut in line because you have an opinion on trannies.

>> No.12115157

>he has an opinion on trannies
If he does he hasn’t mentioned it

>> No.12115171

>The most influential public intellectual in the Western world right now"

Hasn't this dude been famous for like one year because he quit his teaching job over refusing to learn people's pronouns?

>> No.12115227

No he was being sent death threats because he believes that compelled speech leads to totalitarianism

You’d think that would be appreciated on 4chan of all places

>> No.12115732

You okay?

>> No.12115748
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Normies absolutely love this book, and they think Peterson is some hot shot philosopher, though, which goes to show how shallow this book really is.

I was on a summer trip with a few guys I didn't really know, and one of them told me "hey, you seem like a quiet, philosophical guy. I have just the book for you, I thought you might enjoy it!"

As I got quite excited, and thought "Hey, these guys might actually have something in common with me!", he whipped out 12 Rules for Life and I was sincerely disappointed.

I even did read the first 20-30 pages or so - the book is either common sense or absolute nonsense.

>> No.12115778
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I liked it, but my problem is that he tells stories that contradict stories he tells in interviews and speeches

he's a liar.
but were all post truth anyway so who gives a shit

>> No.12115788

What the fuck would NYT know to begin with?

>> No.12115807

your points are largely correct with the exception that he is some "two-bit professor": he has something like 100+ peer-reviewed papers on Researchgate, and is often cited, that's quite significant.
but as to gaining fame through controversy, so bloody what?

>> No.12115866

idk anon ur asking thinks you have to be einstein level of genius or else you're 'cutting in line' for your initiation into fame.

>> No.12115870

sounds like a serious case of sour grapes yeah
must be Vox Day or one of his minions!

>> No.12115894

she doesn't love you anymore m8 lol

>> No.12116049

I love Peterson purely for how assblasted he makes brainlets the world over, they're frothing at the mouth to try and discredit him (as if he has any credibility to begin with) and in the process only embarrass themselves. This thread is a good example.

>> No.12116146

>I even did read the first 20-30 pages or so
>welcome to /lit/ where we discuss books we never really read

>> No.12116163

Out of all the biggest pop intellectuals, is he the one who sticks closest to his field? Most of his public talks I've seen he usually qualifies his position by reference to studies in his field.

>> No.12116206

He """""references""""" in the same way right wing teenagers reference names whose books they never read. Its obvious to any initiated he never read any of the names he cites. Peterson is great at awing dumb people and looking witty but thats it

>> No.12116267

The people calling Peterson a pseudo intellectual are just very obviously projecting and it's fucking cringeworthy. I have a masters degree in philosophy (studied at the KCL Institute of Psychiatry) and it's clear to me that the man is a genius, particularly those lectures he did last year on the psychology of the Biblical stories. If you don't like his politics well too bad, go and cry about it. But to call him some kind of intellectual fraud is just ridiculous. The bitter faggy people who populate this board should stick to calling each other pseuds, rather than respected scientists like Peterson. Not read 12 rules though so can't comment on that.

>> No.12116271

>I have a masters degree in philosophy
I, too, have a roll of toilet paper

>> No.12116276
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>masters degree in philosophy

>> No.12116290

Thank you sir. I haven't laughed that hard in months.

>> No.12116300

...do you think lit doesn't have an education? Why did you bring up your degree?

>> No.12116301

/lit attempts philosophical discussion all the fucking time. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to watch you retarded apes essentially just sling shit at each other and calling it an argument. It makes perfect sense that you would mock somebody who has had formal education like that. This site really is a crab bucket filled with watery nigger shit.

>> No.12116310

Why does everybody want to hate this guy? I think he's gotten full of himself after he went viral arguing with trannies or whatever, but it's always filled with high and mighty fucks mad that people have liked his works and been helped by them.
>Okay but if you're a functional adult, you shouldn't need help lol!!!
Fucking cringe

>> No.12116312

Because of the pervasive stereotype that Peterson is the 'stupid person's smart person' or that he only appeals to morons who never had a proper father figure of whatever.

>> No.12116316

Spoken like a true intellectual.
Glad I dont have a degree that only serves to brag and call people niggers on an anime site. I can see why you think jbp is a "genius"

>> No.12116320

what did you expect from a psychologist? The guy is just a firebrand. Much of what he says is common sense but he tries to push it to the extreme to stay relevant. For example he identifies himself as a 'Christian' because while he doesn't believe in the faith he wants to emulate Christ's values (or at least how he interprets them). That's like me saying I'm a 'Diogenesean' because I happen to relate most to his brand of philosophy.

>> No.12116336

I'm not trying to brag, I'm trying to get rid of the notion that Peterson only appeals to a particular demographic of mentally or emotionally stunted individuals. I'm not even a huge fanboy of his but the stereotyping and misrepresenting of this man is beyond ridiculous. Just watch the very first Biblical lecture, then decide if he is some kind of charlatan.

>> No.12116337
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>I have a masters degree in philosophy (studied at the KCL Institute of Psychiatry)
I too love showing off in an anonymous Taiwanese beatbox imageboard

>> No.12116346

See >>12116336

>> No.12116347
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>tfw Jordan Peterson was William Stoner

>> No.12116357
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and he's Canadian

>> No.12116365

>I'm trying to get rid of the notion that Peterson only appeals to a particular demographic of mentally or emotionally stunted individuals
Like who?

>Just watch the very first Biblical lecture, then decide if he is some kind of charlatan.
ffs that is not even the part of his shit that people are annoyed about you retard

>> No.12116367

>because of the pervasive stereotype that Peterson is the 'stupid person's smart person'

Nah that's Stephen Fry famalam

>> No.12116585

>is often cited

Every fucking time man, every fucking time.
Please see

>> No.12117071

Jesus Christ this board really does have the biggest faggots on the channel

>> No.12117325

He's not wrong

>> No.12117390

DELET 2,4,9

>> No.12118898

is Jordan Peterson alt-right?

>> No.12118901


>> No.12118951

No, the alt-right hates him and he hates them. He leans conservative, but he’s very critical of extremes.

His only relation to the alt-right are his accidental pepe connection and his fan base tend to also be the “libtard ownage” crowd which is funny because those “liberal takedown” videos are usually well meaning discussions or debates

>> No.12119360

I desperately need sauce on this. This sounds fucking hilarious.

>> No.12119433

As opposed to what? A faggot like you whose mother never hugged him?

>> No.12119434

Also his incel interpretation of c16 that made him famous to begin with

>> No.12119441

A decent human bean

>> No.12119456
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get a load of this cunt

>> No.12119485
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I have avoided it for awhile now but I'm finally at my lowest as I've let anything good fall apart.

Is this book actually helpful? I know I still have to be whatever change I want to be and some book won't uplifted me and fix my shit. But is it helpful?

>> No.12119497


>> No.12119504

Rats. I guess I'll just actually have to put in a concerted effort to put things back together then.

>> No.12119510

Very un-Christian on you brother.

>> No.12119787

It actually could help but it doesn't answer the questions you may have. It basically tells you how to be a good boy.

It would be more helpful to someone who is a lazy fuck up who spend his time doing Jack shit and doesn't think too much.

Maybe I'll get back to it. I doubt it's gonna help me right now.

>> No.12119807

>It basically tells you how to be a good boy.
In an "obey the state" way or a personal autonomy way?

>> No.12119820

I might just stick to his lectures. I always take in what he says or what any loved ones say it's just hard to put that hard to light that fire under your ass when you don't have to.

>> No.12119900

>t. Jordan Peterson's personal banker

>> No.12120326

Are you being obtuse on purpose
Anyone with any sort of intelligence can see how dangerous compelled speech is

>> No.12120397

dude his h-index is FIFTY ONE.

>> No.12120458

>Fucking Brett Weinstein just sparred with Richard Dawkins and used his old work agiant his new ideas. This is an amazing things and we’re only going to see more of this.
let me die

>> No.12120534

>but he’s very critical of extremes.
LIke when? When did he shit on alt-right stuff

>> No.12120618

I like the guy and listened to the Audio book and skim-read the book. He really drags into examples, which has it's merits. The issue is, I don't think it affected me too much at all. Maybe I didn't read carefully enough or try to note important things.

>> No.12120622

he spends a huge amount of time shitting on nazis, and on anything that remotely resembles white ethnocentrism. He has explicitly said that he sees himself as a force for taking young men from the extreme right and bringing them into his boomer liberalism

he wont even touch the subject of Jews

>> No.12120634

His interview with Forbes comes to mind, even though it was less of an attack than a clarification.

>> No.12120639

Sorry GQ not Forbes
Also one doesn’t need to be a part of the right to criticize the left. In reality we have an obligation to criticize dangerous behave on our own side

>> No.12120672

You can tell by the amount of replies that this post hit some nerves.

>> No.12120958

>This is an important fact.
It's literally not important

>> No.12120961


>> No.12120963

The latter.

>> No.12120975

What did he say exactly? Word for word.

>> No.12121010

Jordan Peterson's advice isn`t supposed to be novel or leave your head spinning with how avant garde it is. The entire point is that getting your life together is actually fairly simple and involves a series of actions which done in succession and repetitively over a large enough period of time will help turn your life around. The beauty in what he says lies in its simplicity.

What Peterson does differently is that he makes this kind of common sense advice compelling and meaningful for people, and I think it`s kind of snobby for people to look down on those with whom his work resonates.

If that`s what it takes for something to click in a person`s head and for them to finally get out of bed and into the shower, what`s so wrong with that?

>> No.12121018

>pet cats
oh, he's got brain parasites
that explains everything

>> No.12121040

I never used to be that well-versed in classical literature or psychology, but was really interested, so Peterson's lectures served as a great stepping stone/introduction to both of those fields.

His lectures are, quite frankly, fucking enlightening. The way he frames and explains everything is amazing. And it serves as a gateway for further learning on your own.

I hope no one else who could otherwise be really fascinated or even helped by his work gets put off because of /lit/ memers.

>> No.12121054

He prefers dogs, but cats are more temperamental which demonstrates his point better.

>> No.12121068

He also explains it using evidence and logic, which is why I personally found it so compelling. What JP is saying isn't revolutionary, but he's explaining the fundamental psychological underpinnings why these things are important and why it will lead to a more fulfilling life.

>> No.12121119

you literally have to eat cat shit to get toxoplasmosis

>> No.12121215

Yeah and that's not what that bill was focused on.

>> No.12121222
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>> No.12121224


>> No.12121232

>Also he’s not even a baby boomer wtf
He was born in 1962

>> No.12121280

like most self help books, can we please get over this

>> No.12121317

stop making fun of my internet daddy!

>> No.12121380

Just because it wasn't the focus of doesn't mean it wasn't a consequence of the bill, which it was.

>> No.12121387

Not really

>> No.12121644

Yes really.

>> No.12121645


>> No.12121661


>> No.12121675

Only on the slightest of technicalities. There can be issues with some of what the bill could imply, but he's woefully mischaracterizing the spirit of the bill, hopefully out of ignorance by going into histronics over it, but hey gotta pay the bills!

>> No.12121699

Okay but Peterson's work is mostly based in personality psychology, a more niche field, as compared to Martin Seligman who is working on depression and positive psychology. Same's true for George Alvarez.

>> No.12121720

yeah its pretty bad. its turned into a bunch of pseuds and leftpol types. the sad thing is therse probably only like 20 of us here on a good day

>> No.12121778
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dabs on Resetera fags BTFO by edaddy self help book

>> No.12122077

>gotta pay the bills
>even though this predates his fame and subsequent patreon followers
>when it in fact almost got him fired multiple times
and that's not the only thing you're happily lying about
you're a weasel and a coward anon who probably doesn't even understand why they're deceiving others, deceiving yourself in the process

>> No.12122187

Which means he’s a gen X’er

>> No.12122222

>Getting self-help from a guy who can't keep his own daughter in check


>> No.12122271

>daily stormer
>wild, schizoid rambling
>can't attack peterson directly so they hit his daughter


>> No.12122289

does anyone actually read that?

>> No.12122351

Who cares about tenure when you're selling rugs for $5000 a pop?

>> No.12122368
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I might have to start reading it. They got pretty dank memes.

>> No.12122459

>Neil deGrasse Tyson shouldn't be called a PhD physicist, he should be called an actor because most people know him from TV and not from reading his PhD thesis
>Stephen Hawking shouldn't be called a PhD physicist, he should be called an actor because most people know him from TV and not from reading his PhD thesis
>Carl Sagan shouldn't be called a PhD physicist, he should be called an actor because most people know him from TV and not from reading his PhD thesis
>you shouldn't be known as anything important because most people learned about you through your faggotry

>> No.12122531

And Isaac Newton should have been long forgotten as the village idiot who couldn’t get out of the way of a falling apple

>> No.12122541

My two cents on it: In the time of the absence of organized religion & structure with value systems, it is essential you give people a routine to create a cultlike following. Jordan’s goal is to distract & attract the young disenfranchised generations into a road to nowhere.

>> No.12122550

Not that guy but most of /lit/ is high schoolers.

>> No.12122570

well that's a take

>> No.12122597

Kek, Peterson is not original enough to be an occultist. He cribs Jung, that's about it.

>> No.12123288

That would be /asp/

>> No.12123304

>His hatred of Marxism is that the ideology ends up destroying the productive people and leaving everyone else to starve.
Which goes to show he has a very loose grip of history, and should stick to his clinical psychology and bland self-help books. Attacking "marxism" in itself is one thing, but attacking it based on history is pure bullshit when he defends religion and capitalism.

>> No.12123316

>the only people who associate him with them is the extreme left.
Man, you are dumb. Or deluded.

>> No.12123424


No sweetie youve got it all wrong. TV shows and appearances follow from academic distinction (Hawking) or highly succesful books (Sagan. Dont know about Tyson). It is the order of distinction (academic->television) that clarifies what a thinker essentially is (peterson: youtube viral video star->meme dad, NOT academic->meme dad)

This is a new era where internet viral videos can propel one into the spotlight without ever doing anything very good or important. 12 Rules wouldnt have even been published without the Youtubes. Even if published, it wouldnt have sold.

>> No.12123514

really, how young are you?
mb there is no such thing as intellectual. you have experts in certain fields, though said fields can be broad in a sense they still care to answer a limited type of question. never cared to read his academic work on psychology, maybe it's good. but the misuse of foucault and jung in his pop philosophy is as shallow as it gets.
also is he one of the types that attack """le cultural marxism"""""? i wouldn't doubt it.

>> No.12123532

He critiques capitalism and religion too, but he thinks religion is dead and that capitalism must be socialized carefully to protect the underclass. He’s loud about Marxism because a lot of his students and colleagues are pushing dangerous revolutionary worldviews.

>> No.12123537

Not an argument or actually anything at all. Why don’t you post a refutation?

>> No.12123541

>I wouldn’t doubt it
So you don’t know his views but criticize him anyways?

In any case, he attacks Marxist-based Post-Modernism, which is what a lot of his contemporaries view the world through

>> No.12123557

How is this bad though? It's like saying that without TV, many famous people wouldn't be known. It doesn't mean anything except that you're an elitist twat.

>> No.12123647

We already have libraries full of books by Freud, Jung, Joseph Campbell, Frazer, Eliade, Geertz, etc.

We have books by Russell, Chomsky, Guenon, Marx, Buber, Nietzsche, Hayek, Kierkegaard, Foucault, Wittgenstein, etc.

Name one thing JP has thought which you could not find thought (better) in the above list of authors etc.

JP only has a following because people want a neat, packaged deal that explains politics, gives them an edgy, unique angle, and also tells them how to live.

He only sounds interesting to people who havent bothered searching for answers on their own, who are so uneducated and ignorant that ideas nearly a centiry old appear revolutionary. He is a never-ending TED Talk: a one stop shopping center for "dude whoah mind=blown", political snaps and self-help guidance.

And he has no intent but enlarging himself. And he is blocking the library entrance.

>b-but he got me to read Dosto and watch a Youtube video on Jung!
Good for you, seriously. Don't stop. Keep going and you'll cease embellishing him and begin leaving him.

>> No.12123670

Also a boogie man meant to rile the uneducated masses into giving him $5000 for a rug

>> No.12123672

That’s insane my dude
Why should we even talk about anything ever again? They’ve already figured everything out and everyone can understand them.

Oh I get it you haven’t watched any of his talks

>> No.12123679

No, why should we talk about JP ever again when he has nothing insightful to say

>> No.12123691

I can’t speak for the rug
But are you saying that Leftists are not a part of the shitty political discourse right now? I’m left myself and I see it all around me

>> No.12123696

Because apparently he has SOMETHING to say, as he’s become exceedingly popular among centrists in a world that is becom

>> No.12123698

>are you saying that Leftists are not a part of the shitty political discourse right now
Uh, No

>> No.12123700

What the fuck..

*becoming more and more dangerous, extreme and unstable.

>> No.12123702

*exceedingly popular among incels

>> No.12123710

Okay well I’m above talking to an ideologically blinded wall.

>> No.12123711

Like all gurus, like Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra, he doesnt have anything original to say. He has an original way to say it. He is a compelling speaker and a charismatic personality with a grab-bag of niche ideas largely unfamiliar to the general public. And he stitches and fuses and intertwines them in an wndlessly fascinating way. But at the end of the day he is saying nothing. Come back for more, tell all your friends.

>> No.12123727

>he doesnt have anything original to say. He has an original way to say it.
That is all good teachers

>> No.12123735

Prove me wrong ;)

>> No.12123741

>He has an original way to say it.
lol read more

>> No.12123752

To an extent, yes. And all great teachers run the risk of making themselves the ultimate object of education, and a great teacher who is also a good teacher bows before a thing greater, and uses his charisma to point towards something he himself is taught by.

You can spot a guru right away. He charges fees for you to hear his truth.

>> No.12123773

No, that's a sophist

>> No.12123797

He doesn't charge anything, all of his apparrnce get uploaded for free. People who pay him to talk on their universoty or shows alway gets an enormous boost in audience so its not like they don't benefit from him either.

>> No.12123816

>he charges fees
Well that still includes all uni teachers
But also
He posts all of his stuff online for free
With the exception of the book obviously but I’m not defending that or even plan to read it

>> No.12123970
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I viewed some youtube videos focused on his pop philosophy, no mention to cultural marxism. That was dumb af, but I'm not criticizing his psych credentials.
I entered this thread just because people are starting to talk about ""cultural marxism"" in my country, but it makes no sense to me.
Post-modernism comes from a fundamentally different place relative to marxism, which has the grand historical narrative perspective. so how can there be marxist-based post-modernism? they might have somewhat similar worries about modern society (marxism and post-modernism), but I think marxists would agree that post-modernism produces useless theory for things related to political economy.
postmod is probably great for communication analysis, but doesn't find meaning in grand politics.
Case in point was Foucault arguing with Chomsky, and later on chomsky criticizing post-modernist academia.
No matter what, cultural marxism sounds like a made up concept so you can criticize two very different things at the same time. Closest thing I can think of, gramatically, is gramsci's marxist analysis of culture for global relations of power, but even then gramsci was more worried about the history of the labor movement in italy.

TL;DR: Broad usage of post-modernism sucks, but what does marxism have to do with it?

>> No.12123981

i dont see the problem in that you dense faggot

>> No.12123990

He explains it, look it up on google you should easily find a short article written by JP on that.

>> No.12123997

literature and art can have profound impacts, but our experience can be unintended by the writer/artist and isn't related to its quality. specially when it's intended.
i had a whoa moment with otto e mezzo, but i'd understand if it was only me.

>> No.12124111

Cultural-Marxism and the combination of postmodernism/Marxist critical theory aren’t the same thing. you’re right that cultural Marxism is bullshit, usually spoutted by the Alt-Right.

>> No.12124124

The way I understand it
Is that the power dynamics of postmodern thought seems to be the direction that Marxists went after Class-Warfare became outdated.
Basically Oppressor/Opressed vs Rich/Poor

>> No.12124133

There was a time not long ago, when people just said "gee i dunno nothing about that."
Those were good times.

>> No.12124191

Go on..
If you’re saying that I’m wrong then let me know.

>> No.12124292

just did what
suggested, and right from the start it seems that he is basing his cultural marxism concept solely on department politics. he would agree with:
but unlike our fellow anon he extrapolates way beyond reason.
marxists becoming post-modernists is wrong. they may be colleagues and divide the humanities etc., but they are clearly opposed in many issues, because they differ on principle.
it all becomes a babble which has roots on his personal anti-egalitarianism .
>how can one be egalitarian if stalin was an evil man!!???
>how can one use critical theory for political economy? HUURR only if you are dumb!
he is so triggered because of the canadian political landscape, in which anyone can observe the limits of postmod in actual politics. but he is too obtuse in his diagnostics.

>> No.12124317

desu the social-democrats, neo-marxists, keynesians and developmentists should take the hint and breakup with post-modernists. the real problem is that they are losing the capacity to set the agenda of debate.

>> No.12124406
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>> No.12124627

That’s the entire dilemma of the left in the west in a nutshell

>> No.12124644

In Some interview I saw, I can’t recall which one, he explained that he found Postmodernism and Marxism to be incompatible, yet despite this, a lot of his students and colleagues would pick and choose from both until they became Virtue-guilting, any-view-is-valid intellectual bullies. Which definitely accurately describes a lot of people I know on the left.

I know he doesn’t actively criticize marxists or socialists in general, but rather attacks the notion that we should try communism again

>> No.12124660

Nigga why are you so angry that someone fixed his life up?

>> No.12124726

because his life is still fucked up, obviously.

>> No.12124981

Oh a self help book sucks? How surprising.

>> No.12125064

Newfag please we were here long before you came around

>> No.12125253

We're 7 posts away from the bump limit

quick - say something nice about Jordan Peterson

>> No.12125273

Even if you don’t agree with him, it’s nice to have a political voice who isn’t swinging the discourse into deeper extremes.

>> No.12125276

Final notes: If you attribute a political motivation to a post about Peterson, for or against him, that isn't explicitly political, you're projecting.

Just Don't Fucking Buy His Merch

>> No.12125283
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I think the most commendable thing about Jordan is the carnivore diet. This shit is like steroids, it’s like pumping fire into your psyche.

Geburah on the hermetic qabalah, or Mars in mythology. Red. The Muladhara chakra. Masculin3. The dragon’s breath. Strength, judgment, severity, individual, nature, instinct, memory; this is what Peterson represents as a philosophy. An emanation of DNA operating on the mental plane.

>> No.12125375
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Huge rebuttal.

>> No.12125397

You can access the quality of the author from their fruits. I sincerely mean this when I say every JB fan i've encountered in real life came off as very dull and were only aware of, and interested in JBs subjects. Unless you count Joe Rogan, they didn't listen and weren't aware of any other philosophers or pop-philosophers, not even molyneux.

>> No.12125400

I didn't think people outside of like /v/ were dumb enough to use projecting. You aren't even playing psychologist but parroting trendy 4chan vernacular.

>> No.12125405

Peterson mattered in my life for the 3 hours I actually chose to clean my room.

>> No.12125410

it always takes longer for a room to get dirty than to get clean. It's more optimal and fulfilling to let it get messy and clean it all at once.

>> No.12125416

You can’t break up with something you were never married to in the first place

>> No.12125869

>JP only has a following because people want a neat, packaged deal that explains politics, gives them an edgy, unique angle, and also tells them how to live.
saves time and effort, just like all the other modern conveniences you are currently enjoying.
would you like to write your next reply on a parchment and post it by carrier pigeon?

>> No.12125940

Peterson is reliably destroyed by authentic people left and right. His biggest flaw is that he is a mystic who's desperately trying to be a scientist/philosopher hybrid, which simply doesn't fit his particular archetype - the ultimate irony considering his biggest icon is Jung.

>> No.12126256

>marxist based post modernism
why are you on a lit board if you clearly don't read

>> No.12126292


>> No.12126328

I've yet see him get DESTROYED as ypu said. Might posting a few exemples?

>> No.12126391

/lit/ was a leftist board before the influx of christposters in 2014, if you can believe it. Gamergate and the election somehow managed to make this shithole website even lower.

>> No.12126613

moron lmao

>> No.12126893
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all new JBP The Carnivore Diet (all rights reserved) four easy payments of 49.99!

>> No.12126984

>It's supposed to be shit!


>> No.12127076

Is it possible to have personal autonomy in a capitalist state?

>> No.12127099

not for you maybe

>> No.12127106

More than in a collectivist state.

Personal autonomy comes at a cost of high risk. No risk, no liberty. To think you can have personal autonomy while being taken care of by the state/collective is wishful thinking at best, and a downright delusion at worst.

You can only have personal autonomy if nobody gives a shit about you, because if they do, they'll want to control you,

>> No.12127125

You say that as if /lit/ being a leftist board was a good thing.

>> No.12127166

>You can only have personal autonomy if nobody gives a shit about you, because if they do, they'll want to control you,
I'm hoping that there's a comma at the end of this post because agents of the state busted his door and took him away before he could finish his retarded rambling

>> No.12127267



>> No.12127362
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>if you're not a leftists faggot stuck in his world of make-believe you're automatically a poltard

>> No.12127396

Not what I said, sweetie

>> No.12127525

Found the non-self-sufficient oversocialized extrovert bugman.

>> No.12127906

Found the incel

>> No.12128156 [DELETED] 
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What's the ideal education system?

Education obviously has a significant impact on the growth of the individual, but there's so much controversy surrounding pedagogical methods.
I don't know anything about EU education, but in NA there's dogshit public education that don't teach any critical thinking, progressive charter schools that pretty much let the kid do whatever, and expensive private schools.

Do yall agree with Plato that they should teach music and fitness as well?

Is the goal is education to create citizens that will directly contribute towards the goal of society or to tune the strings of the body and mind to perfect spiritual harmony? The latter seems preferable except that people whose appetites dominate their reason are an essential part of Western society, since they are the primary consumerbase (fast food, beer, iphones)

I think the most important thing is identifying the natural inclinations of students on an individual basis. For example, if a kid excels in sports then he should be on track for this sort of physical life: classes about fitness, nutrition, and maybe even military science.

>> No.12128276

>found the incel
>found the tranny
>found the incel
>found the tranny
Peterson is largely irrelevant
Because not one of you ideologues could refute your way out of a paper bag

>> No.12128284

>if you don't agree with me you're a retard