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/lit/ - Literature

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12102758 No.12102758 [Reply] [Original]

is this /lit/?
the title is a Shakespeare reference so i am just wondering.

>> No.12102773
File: 95 KB, 650x650, sodomy inspire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's some new young-adult bullshit and the author is essentially fucking retarded. this is one of the worst things ever please run please anon!

>> No.12102787

Proof that Shakespeare is shit.

>> No.12102795

Yes. John Green is one of America's foremost literary minds. People deride him on here because they can't deal with the fact that some other white male is better than them

>> No.12102796

wow what a idiot you retard the book is basicly the best romance nobel to been written in the 21st century your just two much of a snob to recognize it XD also fyi the author is rlly smart he has a youtube channel where he does science retard

>> No.12102828
File: 57 KB, 894x894, smug whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like you have some form of retardation. seek help anon.

>> No.12102834

shove it up your ass

>> No.12102844

Thank you I’ll keep that in mind

>> No.12102860

Thanks for the (You) fuckface

>> No.12102865

excellent bait

>> No.12103118

>"I keep a cigarrette in my mouth, but I never light it, because it's a metaphor."
Honestly it's shockingly bad. Typical manic pixie dream guy archetype and a sad fat girl fall in love, also they both have cancer and are edgy nihilists because of it. And his prose is gross and the sex scene is underwhelming. It made me mad

>> No.12103125

Why do we call this kind of stuff "YA" fiction, as in young adult, when it's clearly aimed at teenagers. Shouldn't young adults be smart enough to read real shit that isn't just romanticising high school relationships?

Or am I simply misunderstanding the english "adult" as a word?

>> No.12103132

Burgerland thinks menchildren are young adults.

>> No.12103136

This sounds awful other than the nihilism
Is the meaningless nature of reality a subject John Green tends to dwell on?

>> No.12103156

yes, because he's a retard and can't get off one topic

>> No.12103158

Name a better work that references Shakespeare in the title

>> No.12103164

brave new world

>> No.12103172

YA clearly covers the tween spectrum

>> No.12103173

Looking for Alaska

>> No.12103176

A Heart So White, Tomorrow in the Battle Think On Me.

>> No.12103182

the movie had a cute girl as a lead actress

>> No.12103185

Man I thought he was a Christian or something
That’s cool so maybe he isn’t so bad after all

>> No.12103356

It was boring

>> No.12103370

Needs a serious rebranding then, because "Young Adult" seems to imply - or atleast it's something that a lot of people infer - that it's a book fit for 20-somethings.

>> No.12103761
File: 1.88 MB, 825x1064, 1540169210057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i cannot think of one

>> No.12103866

>John Green is one of America's foremost literary minds
I mean, that bar isn't exactly high

>> No.12103884

>Melville, Faulkner, Pynchon, Gaddis, McCarthy
It is waaay higher that you might think

>> No.12103890

>>Melville, Faulkner, Pynchon, Gaddis, McCarthy
As I said, it isn't exactly high.

>> No.12103936

Contemporary America has virtually no literary minds at all. John Green is shit but there's not much competition because this country has no taste

>> No.12103943

Melville and Faulkner especially are two of the greatest writers to ever live

>> No.12103949

Okay, if it isn't high for you why don't you write something better than Moby Dick, Sound and the Fury, The Recognitions, Gravity's Rainbow and Blood Meridian combined? Show us master.

>> No.12104842

Mein Kampf

>> No.12104869

Do they make out at Anne Frank's attic while other people applaude jn the book too?

>> No.12105867

well, 14 year olds eat that shit up, "look at how MATURE and ADULT I am." it's a marketing tactic

>> No.12106306

I already have.

>> No.12106316

The Sound and the Fury

>> No.12106328

A tween romance novel wearing the skin of dying children.

>> No.12106332

Nihilism is the philosophy for losers. Its for people who can't create themselves. Guess it makes sense that Green is a nihilist then.

>> No.12106344

Hahaha you're pathetic.

>> No.12106349
File: 30 KB, 275x393, 158321484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rejection of nihilism is for losers that wanna cope

>> No.12106378

It’s a YA book so don’t expect writing above an 8th grade level but I enjoyed it.
I read it a year after I lost a lover to a sudden heart attack and I feel like this book helped me finally really cry it out. It put some complicated emotional issues into words in a relatable way when I wasn’t able to articulate what I was going through.

>> No.12106453


>> No.12106546

Young Adult = Teenager

>> No.12106570

Is this the strange one that describes a blowjob in a strange level of detail? I remember finding that strange

>> No.12106739

>multimillionaire john green who has single handedly cornered the YA market, has had movie adaptations of his novels and has his work taught in schools, is retarded

>> No.12106743

>Proof that Shakespeare is shit.
Just as me quoting your comments proves that you're shit too.

>> No.12106776

>genius kim peek, the rain man, wasn't retarded

>> No.12106780


I will say this: I have not read the book. Will not read the book. Am not interested in the content.

But I will also say this: that is a great title.

>> No.12106787

nihilism is the comfiest philosophy

>> No.12106794

Read his books if you ever want to pick up girls 18-30. They're fucking obsessed with him