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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 4 KB, 201x251, war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12098466 No.12098466 [Reply] [Original]

The thread where anon grabbed a copy of Kissinger's thesis died.

If you're reading this thank you for digitizing it and uploading to libgen.

There is a vast difference, which most people will never comprehend, between viewing future history as it will be and viewing it as one might like it to be. Peace is a desire, war is a fact; and history has never paid heed to human desires and ideals

>> No.12099186

I was waiting for the link to the upload, but never got it.
Is it still up in the archives? Can you link it up here for other anons? Thank you either way, and thanks OP, those are sincerely 400pgs I'm dying to go through.

>> No.12099273

Reminder Kissinger was a hero.

>> No.12099298

>reading undergraduate papers

There is a reason it was never published.

>> No.12099334


>> No.12099348

Link pls.

>> No.12099381

Hey guys. The last thread hit the bump limit.

I'm laboring to finish the draft of my own thesis, so you're going to have to bear with me as I just don't have the time to go to the library and spend 2 hours scanning 400 pages right now. I will post an announcement thread as soon as it's up on libgen. I will hopefully be finished today and so I will aim for scanning it on Monday.

>> No.12099398

gibs link

>> No.12099403
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>> No.12099572

Its just the last section on poetry

>> No.12099582

this shit is so autistic

>> No.12100042

Why is it "autistic"? Did you read on redddit that autistic is le cool marker word for le wacky 4chan?

>> No.12100452 [DELETED] 

fuck this is good I want more

>> No.12100458

>peace is a desire, war is a fact; and history has never paid heed to human desires and ideals

>> No.12100497
File: 630 KB, 2048x1367, 1506002967512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for this OP
You're doing gods work.

>> No.12101226
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I'm just happy someone is doing it.

>> No.12101314
File: 187 KB, 600x739, MhfcNpb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump, only interesting thread on lit

>> No.12101400
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t. brainlet

>> No.12101437

Overrated war criminal. Real politik is a meme.

Read Carl Schmitt's Nomos of the Earth instead.

>> No.12101455

I mean let's not forget that Kissinger was 27 by the time he finished his Bachelor's. The guy served in WWII in Europe and had done and seen a lot of shit.

It's not like he was some 21 year edgelord

>> No.12101457
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>Implying reading this won't shed light on his madness

>Implying reading this won't make it easy to diagnose his batshit insanity and expose realpolitik for what it is

Best threads on /lit/ in a long time, bravo thesisanon you hero.

>> No.12101495

Nazi is codeword for impotent wanna-be imperialist

>> No.12101951

Schmitt's thought isn't Nazi. The Nazis knew this.

>> No.12101984

Also he was at Harvard as a transient Bavarian Jew, which was not common as it is today, WASPs actually defended admissions to their institutions then.

So letting in a sergeant peon from a foreign ethnic group was not the established societal norm, and this was his second try at undergrad.

So he had to be of some merit.

>> No.12102612


>> No.12102634

I can’t tell if Kissinger is one of those retards trying to argue the treaty of Versailles wasn’t a direct cause of ww2

>> No.12102788

Can you fuckers please read an I.R. book that isn't kissinger

classical realism is a fucking meme

>> No.12102930

there is no WW2 mate
WW1 never stopped

>> No.12103197


>> No.12103332

>learning is remembering
t. Platonist

>> No.12103505

Is there a link to the thesis? I was in the original thread, but I never checked back to see if OP delivered.

>> No.12103536


>> No.12103539
File: 3.56 MB, 256x188, 1541533617846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled

>> No.12103593

anon look what I posted above


>> No.12104040
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>> No.12104104

i see no one said this yet so i will: you're a fucking legend. thank you

>> No.12104273


>> No.12104286

Mad respect dude. Good luck

>> No.12104848


>> No.12105630
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Bump my guys

>> No.12106105

bump OP here. Sorry I keep pushing it back but I keep getting stuck on my thesis. Aiming to scan it tomorrow now.

>> No.12106337
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>> No.12106373

haha jacob is a queer

>> No.12106804

Spengler is too woke

>> No.12106897

How woke?

>> No.12107036

>thank you for digitizing it and uploading to libgen
Is this a thanks in advance? This isn’t online yet is it?

>> No.12107475

Not very

>> No.12108103

Is someone going to go ahead and type out the thesis for us?

>> No.12108109
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It's being uploaded in PDF but it's 400 pages long

>> No.12108187

Friendly reminder that OP is a self-aggrandizing fuck who would be better off analyzing Kissinger's work to inform his own study of history, rather than violating copyright law for e-peen points.

>> No.12108306

I mean yeah, but I still remember someone saying they were going to go through it and type it out.

>> No.12108513

>not violating copyright for massive E-WEINER

OP is a hero to me, and I won't be upset if he gives me his thesis as well.

>> No.12108689

OP, i'm interested to hear about your thesis.
I'm a PhD student writing my thesis on Spengler as well in the way of critiquing his weltanschauung.
I think this Kissinger essay could help me a little more. We ever going to see it?

>> No.12108724

>m-muh copyright law
God, Americans are such cucked creatures.

>> No.12108727

why did he teachers at harvard praise him so much then?

>> No.12108731

yh I dont think he meant that

>> No.12109163

>tfw decades of new Spenglerian content out of this generation

Nrx and Thermidormag were completely worth the implosion. It really is true that suffering guides art. I love meta history.

I wonder what PT Carlo does these days?

>> No.12109259


It's an undergrad senior thesis so it's nothing serious, something of a comparison between Thomas Carlyle and Spengler's philosophies of history regarding technics, machines, and industry. I plan to continue my research on Spengler as I go into my Master's program next year though.

I could see the Kissinger thesis actually helping you enormously if you want to get into what happens when Spengler's Weltanchauung is adopted at least partially by a prominent statesman.

Anyway yeah the plan is still to scan it tomorrow as I'm finishing up my writing now.

>> No.12109398

I hope someone actually uploads this shit

>> No.12109474
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Good luck my dude, I'm in a Ph.D program myself, and did my undergrad honors on Russian ethnofederalism as a model contra China, Burma, and the United States.

I lived in Siberia a year researching for it too, I'll just say, I hope you are in a place you can actually investigate your questions. Slavic studies in the states is effectively, departments dedicated to subverting every country there, it was intolerable for me, so I had to switch focus.

>> No.12109662

The common view is that Versailles was punitive but not enforced and that by not occupying Germany it did more to piss them off and create grievances and anger than establish deterrence by demonstrating a humiliating defeat to show that they were in fact the losers of WW1. Take it out leave it, but that's the analysis often said and was used to justify the actions taken by the Allies, at least Britain and the U.S., to bomb the fuck out of their cities, humiliate and then occupy Germany.

>> No.12109967


>> No.12109989
File: 64 KB, 377x398, 151346326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that war is totally rad and a fundamental part of the human experience

>> No.12110012

This seems interesting but the halting sentence structure is distracting, does this mean I'm an aspie or is Kissipoo the retard?

>> No.12110368


>> No.12110378

The OP with the thesis is a godamn retard. Don't expect him to post it. An unreliable faggot

>> No.12110459

Kissinger is not a native Engrish speaker, that's why.

>> No.12110715

that's very rude of you anon

>> No.12111970


>> No.12112007

Bump because I've been wanting to read this thesis for ages now

>> No.12112292


>> No.12112307

It's really German in style, lots of weird compounds and neologisms ("changing-situation"). I would guess he wrote quite a bit of his notes in German then translated them.

>> No.12112327

Archive link for those too lazy to search warosu:
Off topic, but does anyone know how the various archival websites will be handling the switch to 4channel?

>> No.12112349

Fuck, this is how I write when I’m just writing for myself. Just goes to show you can get away with much more when you’re successful

>> No.12112961
File: 2.70 MB, 5312x2988, workinprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60 pages or so in right now. This is probably going to take over 2 hours. I think we will need to get a board project going to type this up as I'm taking a photo copy of a bound photo copy so many parts are tilted and poor quality.

>> No.12113085

Thank you anon, and after I read and share it, I'd happily help type.

>> No.12113132

The library is so bleak over thanksgiving break. Nothing but international students with no home to go to so they just study all day.

>> No.12113284
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going op

>> No.12113578

>Nothing but international students with no home to go
find some foreign qt to seduce, anon.

>> No.12113599

Holy fuck the copy machine just randomly shut off at 5pm, so I had to find another one. Getting there.

>> No.12113604


Thank you for doing your part to share some knowledge.

>> No.12113611

It seems like the perfect opportunity

>> No.12113721
File: 7 KB, 184x184, 24b809ae3cd031ff2c38e10b7d828f7519ab5479_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp I just finished off the last part but still waiting to get it. If it never shows up in my inbox I'll have to go back tomorrow.

>> No.12113755
File: 154 KB, 1001x823, 4E953E5B-C68C-43C2-A312-7C35FAD1834E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your efforts man.

>> No.12114143
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Bump for civilizational winter

>> No.12114539

Did any of you guys read Thermidormag? Or Carlsbad?

I was particularly receptive of Spengler in Bloom, and they had a number of good posters, but it Carlo killed the magazine which is a shame. Most people in the circle of people who care about this stuff can't ever seem to get along. Which is a trait I notice in most dissedent circles.

>> No.12114558
File: 76 KB, 640x483, D0169F67-CE08-41C3-9BF8-1EDCD988AFC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just here to leave some encouragement for OP :)

>> No.12114618

Yeah i really enjoyed that stuff too.

I really want him to reupload the podcasts if possible, or at least allow someone to archive it.

>> No.12114907

Appreciate it man.

>> No.12115282
File: 85 KB, 650x817, kissinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12115355

I wonder if he's going to publish a swan song fuck you to the state department. That's what I would do.

>> No.12115885


>> No.12116249


>> No.12116253
File: 250 KB, 680x638, helper grad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imperialism is the inevitable product of Civilization
>an outward thrust to hide the inner void.

>> No.12116415

It was just one of the causes anon.

Nazi Germany wouldn't have even existed if the Conservative Party of then-Germany was competent enough.

>> No.12116427

Franz Von Papen was a real one though

>> No.12116602

You've never gotten in a fight, incel. Shut it

>> No.12117160

Waiting for the blizzard to calm down before heading back to scan the rest.

Any standard precautions for uploading something to libgen?

>> No.12117172

>Any standard precautions for uploading something to libgen?
what format?

>> No.12117335


>> No.12117348

scans of the images or text?

>> No.12117358

make sure you have removed any name or identifying information from the file when creating it.

>> No.12117367


>> No.12117590

Is it going to be the whole book? Can you make it mobi? I'm kidding but not really.

>> No.12117640

The plan is to get the pdf up, and then we'll divide up the work to type it up since the scan isn't great and probably won't lend well to recognition.

>> No.12118299

Can I get quick rundown on Kissinger ideas?
Real politics - only military matters and how you redistribute alliances to achieve balance of power?

>> No.12118709

Essentially classic international law with a few tweaks due to the bipolar world, there is an unspoken rule of conduct between nations enforced by power balances and capacity for aggression.

The world of diplomacy is amoral, anarchic, and non-ideological, an idealist in international politics is the first to die. It's better if understands are worked out between nations formally, but these agreements are not at all debatable in a democratic process, similar to the Congress of Vienna, which Kissinger wrote a book about that you can find on libgen "A world restored". Basically ignoring the laws and dynamics of power by say, invading Poland to satisfy your populist political base, or saving your alliance with Austria over Serbia when you could invade Austria with Russia because of some sense of misguided decency are actions that are predestined to fail because they ignore the balance of power or what resolution to international affairs would be actually beneficial.

>> No.12119236

use djvu then

>> No.12119419

Libgen upload isn't working. I hit send and the connection eventually times out after 15min.

>> No.12119483

You could post it on eightchan /PDFs/

>> No.12119489

And then tell us which thread you uploaded to by linking to it.

>> No.12119495

Just mega.com

>> No.12120329


>> No.12120600

Survive till morning, my guys

>> No.12122000


>> No.12122126

This but unironically. The real end to the “120 years great war of mankind” will end in nukes soon. Only savages in remote areas will record it as such.

Began 1914 ended-2030-something

>> No.12122587


>> No.12122634


>> No.12123107
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>> No.12123159

So why did you use a picture of that overrated alt right guy for kissinger (who has infinitely more interesting ideas)

>> No.12123262

(timesxtwo)chan links might still get you banned

>> No.12123380

why shill for shekels on boards?

>> No.12123552

Ok it's up on libgen now.

>> No.12123623

That's why you modify the domain silly. But even If he said he did and we went there we could find it, it's not like /PDFS/is running at /v/ speeds

>> No.12123649
File: 96 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit hol up

Thank you my dude! I'm going to get on this immediately.

>> No.12123775


>> No.12123786

just search libgen with the title you see

>> No.12123843


How did the original anon get it btw?

>> No.12123844

Godspeed OP.

>> No.12123862

His library had a copy for whatever reason.

>> No.12123917


>> No.12123933
File: 229 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have similar views as history as fundamental meaning and metaphysics. This is going to be good.

>> No.12123943
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>> No.12124064

Just a note on the quality. It's basically a xerox copy of a shitty xerox copy, so was the best that could be done. There's a bit of warping later on near the edges which is annoying to read, would be cool if we could type it all up.

>> No.12124163

Thank you anon for your great work. I wanted to read it for years

>> No.12124729
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>> No.12124743

If OP weren't a retard and an attention whore then we wouldn't have heard about this project until he posted the libgen link. Fuck OP

>> No.12124844

What did you mean by this anon?

>> No.12124873

Thanks man, absolute legend.

The guy goes to the trouble of uploading this for us and the best you can manage is "fuck you"? Show some gratitude for once in your miserable life.

>> No.12124955
File: 147 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, a couple of days delay after he copied it because we asked him to, better antagonize him like a shithead.

I bet you are personally Karl Popper, in the flesh.

>> No.12124959

Bump because

>> No.12124973
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>> No.12124983
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This is unironically page by page fascinating.

>> No.12124986

Once again, thanks OP

>> No.12125056

Good stuff thanks

>> No.12125125
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>> No.12125156

this shit sounds like it was written by an undergrad stoner in some 101 class.

>> No.12125477


>> No.12125626

regardless of your opinions on kissinger there is great value in these documents, interesting to get some insight into the thought processes of the head architect of modern american foreign policy

>> No.12125635
File: 130 KB, 750x749, 1542782288685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are a god OP.

>> No.12125640


>> No.12125642

Agreed, and it's clear that he gives the gloomier ideas of Spenglerian thought serious consideration, he sees the decline, and I believe you can see the train of thought from there as his role of Secretary of State and NSA.

I've always been interested in the fact that Zhou Enlai thought of America as probably about to capitulate in the 1970's, hence making us approachable as a mutual against Moscow, but then I remember New York, and DC, and the sixties, and nam, and just the general attitude of culture at that time, and it ceases to be a wonder at why they thought that. It's 1950, and Kissinger feels the US as western decline, but eh you gotta make ends meet, and Kissinger's Kantian reflections and idealism seem to endow him with life. If he was born today, I wonder if he'd OD on heroin.

>> No.12125800

Slightly off-topic, but what are some good IR/geopolitical reads?

>> No.12125809
File: 217 KB, 750x1334, 1541899174799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good one is titled "The Cock".

>> No.12126138

In all my years on this site I don't think that an OP has come through in such an impactful way. Porn sauces come and go but to put such a historic document into the public domain you have given insight into one of the key players who have made our world what it is today.

>> No.12126609

Now is anyone bored enough/has enough time to OCR/type it up into a text/LaTeX file?

>> No.12126735


I'm looking into it, I've typed up about the first 5k words but by my estimates the whole thing is 94k and that's going to be a bit of a bitch to do, especially with proofreading and making calls on formatting and accessibility WRT making a modern document.

>> No.12126921

Partitioning up the work load would be ideal.

>> No.12126943

>regardless of your opinions on kissinger there is great value in these documents

>> No.12127004


This, if 10 people did 1,3k words a day which should be very easy, we would collectively be done in a week.

>> No.12127587


>> No.12128122


>> No.12128337
File: 498 KB, 351x351, 3d anime magical girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, there's thousands to choose from, you could start with Kissinger's "World Order" I suppose.

>> No.12128377

Mearsheimer - The Tragedy of Great Power Politics
Brzezinski - The Grand Chessboard
Waltz - Realism and International Politics

>> No.12128511

Memoirs of Metternich and Tallyrand.

>> No.12128939
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>> No.12128976
File: 221 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissinger mindset to government and philosophy?

How he reconciles practical work in a dying civilization?

I feel this is the most illuminating insight into his own justification of government work, since he ended philosophy with his first book on 1815-1830. I hope we get one more book out of him, maybe reflecting on this disaster of a century from his sincere point of view. Maybe that's hoping for Ivan Karamazov to turn to Christ though.

>> No.12129013
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The city faith and world-as-city

>> No.12129047
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This honestly resonates with me pretty deeply.

I almost can't understand him as a man, or how he carried on through life.

>> No.12129286
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12129301

How can I get a copy of this boys? I'm too retarded to know how to use libgen and the site looked scary. I'm old and practically techno-illiterate.

>> No.12129303
File: 38 KB, 413x395, aus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12129306


go to link anon and just hit get, it's that simple.

>> No.12129332
File: 76 KB, 259x194, 151346157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me raise my eyebrows and say "hm"

>> No.12129563

kissinger discussing spengler?
very interesting

>> No.12129572


>> No.12129581

are you one of those University of Moscow cunts filling IR journals with Putinist shillings?

>> No.12129589

>Slavic studies in the states is effectively, departments dedicated to subverting every country there, it was intolerable for me, so I had to switch focus.

More about this please

>> No.12130594


>> No.12130935

To put it this way, graduate programs are heavily based around student activism and participation with NGO's and partnered institutions. In particular, my school was partnered with Central Eurpean University, and it was deliberately taking a hostile stance towards the Hungarian government. It was so brazen, that we were going to go over there and make propaganda for basically Antifa like splinter parties that serve as agit prop because they were built to put on a media fiasco whenever they got suppressed in public. And considering the fate of CEU since, I'm not entirely unjustified in thinking that they were slaughtering all of us for the media attention, Orban has removed accreditation and is trying to evict the university, a move popular in Hungary and bitched about in the press. I just got the impression of us being meat shields for NGOs.

Beyond that, our department had no Orthodox or Catholic Slavs, Vengrs, Vlachs, or Balts, a telling absence when you consider who was actually the faculty. There were no Russians in a department whose central language of study was Russian. And because we were organized under the same college as the very important and historic Kinsey Institute, sexuality papers got funding and ethnography got a shit taken on them. Here we have Ukraine, perhaps the biggest social and political oddity and catastrophe of the 20th and 21st century, and instead of investigating any litany of the problems or institutions there, my colleague was translating studies on polyamory and its "benefits" for child rearing into Ukrainian. Another got a research grant for studying to culture and history of Drag in Ukraine.

Needless to say, it was not a serious place, and those who were serious had an ethnic a visceral hatred towards the Slavs and Vengrs in particular and a animosity towards the backwardness of Eastern Europe generally. These people are more sneering cultural imperialists than any but the most reprobate Victorian. I'm not the biggest fan of Putin or Orban or PiS personally, but I could not stand how fake and jilted the research about their countries was.

>> No.12130951
File: 7 KB, 218x231, shockedpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit anon. That sounds absolutely miserable. I hope you're in a better position now.

>> No.12130978

Nope, I was interested in ethno-federalism and its policies regarding minority languages and political autonomy in comparison with a few other models. And I was at Irkutsk State University.

It was hardly a Putinist project, in fact my journey to the Caucasus got me arrested twice. But ultimately, you can't really paint the whole system as bad, either from a governance or a preservationalist perspective. It's worst representatives are Karelia, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, and Komi, it's best are Yakutia, Tuva, and North Ossetia.

>> No.12130998

Well, time will tell, I took a two year hiatus from the academy after that, eventually I decided upon a backwoods university, and switched to a poli sci Ph.D program without a state funded research arm. I start next semester and time will tell if I can work in relative peace.

>> No.12131000
File: 19 KB, 600x705, 555555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instead of investigating any litany of the problems or institutions there, my colleague was translating studies on polyamory and its "benefits" for child rearing into Ukrainian. Another got a research grant for studying to culture and history of Drag in Ukraine.

When is this thousand year reign of faggotry going to be over

I don't even care so much about the faggotry itself, I just don't understand why it had to choke out all legitimate scholarship. What ever happened to serious scholars?

>> No.12131067

>I don't even care so much about faggotry

This is why it has choked people like you out. Passion beats apathy. Faggots are mentally ill narcissists so of course more and more study is focused on them. Until you reject them and fight against it, they will continue to take.

>> No.12131099

There was an 'incident' at my university earlier this year and now the administration is pushing to implement a mandatory diversity and inclusion seminar for all students.

Thank fuck I am graduating in december.

>> No.12131401

Bump will post more Kissinger pages after gym.

I wouldn't worry to much about the continued lack of scholarship in Eastern Europe btw. I've given up, it's either going to be freelance or else they'll have to outreach to us. Just know you probably won't get more than a few stragglers and English speaking natives that will tell you honestly about the region.

>> No.12131515

I'm legit up for it if others are, (you) me, give me some info and I'll start working in a group.

>> No.12131666

If someone wants to make a post for it, go ahead. I think asking for 10 people is realistic, and then we simple divide the text up by page numbers into 10 sections and people can REPLY and claim a section. There's 400 pages or so, so 40 pages per person should be doable in a week.

Someone should then volunteer to be the editor, as there's extensive footnotes too which must be included, as well as basic formatting that needs to be done when the text is compiled together.

Are we going to try and preserve the current layout? So making sure that the typed-up version has the same content per page as the original. I think we should.

We can just put our completed sections on pastebin, as all that matters is that we get the text typed up.

>> No.12132055
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>> No.12132068
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49-53 are just fire Kissinger just lets lose here.

>> No.12132084
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I wonder if you can say the n-word in your thesis at Harvard these days.

>> No.12132169


>> No.12132205


>> No.12132207
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Lol no

>> No.12132324
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Interesting takes on the Virgin Mary and the insecurity of western theology which I think he correctly dates

>> No.12132332
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>> No.12132334

my hd got formatted

>> No.12132386
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I think it's beyond that.

Duty to consume

Is the final representation I'd put. Perhaps Kissinger couldn't see the advent of Amazon, NEETBUX, and social media in the 1950's though.

>> No.12132465
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>> No.12132507

I remember reading about this is in Ferguson's biography and being so disappointed there were no copies online. Thank you OP!

>> No.12132527

Can someone say what's so mindblowing about this thesis?

>> No.12132600

I'm sitting here wondering the same thing. It seems to be "undergrad paraphrases Spengler, flails about for many, many pages."

>> No.12132647

Mostly I appreciate it for Kissinger the man, he's 26 here, and recently Ferguson published the first volume of the biography on him describing the sort of Jaundiced youth of Kissinger, and he's kind of an appealing character for the times.

Also it's fun to read.

>> No.12132895
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>> No.12132901
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"Freedom" spergs as the final domination of the cold and material.

>> No.12132938


From Ferguson's biography -

“The Meaning of History” has gone down in history—as the longest-ever thesis written by a Harvard senior and the origin of the current limit on length (35,000 words, or around 140 pages, still known to some as “the Kissinger rule”).The thesis was 388 pages long—and this was after chapters on Hegel and Schweitzer had been cut. According to one account, Friedrich refused to read past page 150. But its size was not the most remarkable thing about it. In a dazzling distillation of three years’ worth of reading, Kissinger gives us not just Spengler, Toynbee, and Kant but also Collingwood, Dante, Darwin, Descartes, Dostoevsky, Goethe, Hegel, Hobbes, Holmes, Homer, Hume, Locke, Milton, Plato, Sartre, Schweitzer, Spinoza, Tolstoy, Vico, Virgil, and Whitehead—as well as Bradley, Huntington, Joseph, Poincaré, Reichenbach, Royce, Russell, Sheffer, Stebbing, and Veblen in the appendix on the logic of meaning."

>> No.12132968
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>> No.12132995

I wonder if the chapters on Hegel and Schweitzer are somewhere? We should write him a letter, and ask if we can scan it.

>> No.12133004

I have no idea what this nigga is talking about desu.

>> No.12133106

this guys written loads of book and even a phd dissertation yet you guys are obsessed with this?

>> No.12133153
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I'm going to see if we can get the chapters on Hegel and Schweitzer bros. I sent his secretary a letter on our behalf.

>> No.12133290
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>> No.12133307
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>> No.12133328


>> No.12133488
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>> No.12133492


pretty much op confirmed for idiot

>> No.12133585

t. /pol/

>> No.12133771

I think the likelihood they even existed at all is virtually zero. I doubt Kissinger ever typed them up from his notes.

Keep posting your pics with commentary, I enjoy it.

>> No.12133809

Well I'll keep you posted.

I'm enjoying these metaphysical overviews to the authors as each chapter start, here we see Toynbee's Christianity and idea of progress that melds with his cyclic theory, I have a feel for how Kissinger is going to proceed now, showing Spengler, Toybee, and Kant as a "slider" of historical meta narrative and metaphysical positions. I await his conclusion at the end. If his other chapters did exist, I can see why he cut them for the paper to have more natural progression.

>> No.12133865
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>> No.12134261



>> No.12134304

Having read a few pages it seems the guy has barely above average intellectual capacities. His arrogance seems severly outsized compared to the actual insight he shows in the text, his writing is more puffed up than possession actual genius. In fact, I'd say there's no signs of genius to be seen here. If not for the name associated with the text, I think everyone would consider this a mediocre thesis that many would be tempted to flunk due to the unwarranted grandiosity with which it is presented.

>> No.12134732

youre just realizing now that Kissinger is a pseud war criminal and "real politik" is a meme?

>> No.12134899

how in hell is he a war criminal?

>> No.12135094

Cambodia? Vietnam?

>> No.12135206

I'm pretty sure it was given a summa and awarded the Dean's Prize actually

>> No.12135218

Automatic weapons ruined war

>> No.12135383
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The Diamond-Faulk Hegelian synthesis of proto-history.

>> No.12135444

Has to be a joke. Mediocre universities in Europe churn out better papers regularly. Is he jewish or from an influential family?

>> No.12135465

Yes and yes

>> No.12135507
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I would say the thesis is exactly what it claims to be, reflections on Toynbee, Kant, and Spengler, with the last thirty pages on his conclusion and his favorite poetry.

I like it because it gives me an image of Kissinger, his usage of the N-word in tasteful context, and his opinion on the Irish or Chinese in this early era. Also it's funny that he likes and resonates with Spengler so easily, but Toynbee and his reworked empiricism and Christianity. I really wonder what he feels on Kant, and what his thoughts on Hegel were.

>> No.12135539

If i download it i get an error? Want to read this so badly.

>> No.12135622


Try doing it manually, go here, click on libgen.io in blue text listed next to all the other sites

then click on get at the next page.


>> No.12135630

Alternatively go to libgen.io, search for it, pick the only mirror, and hit get book. Just tried it a moment ago and seems to be working fine.

>> No.12135740
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Lol William Yandel Elliot was his advisor and oversaw his thesis. Take a look at his works and legacy my dudes.


>> No.12135761
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>> No.12135770

>Executive Intelligence Review
ummm dude, that's a larouche publication



>> No.12135776
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A world restored is online too, and "western political heritage" is on the archive link I gave. That would have been Kissinger's first collaborative writing effort done in conjunction with his advisor at the time. Kissinger credits him in A World Restored.

>> No.12135806

I know, I just wanted to choose the most turd flinging publication talking about this I could find, and he obliged.

>> No.12135843

Really I just wanted an excuse to post this LaRouche-Kissinger video: https://vimeo.com/185672265

their whole feud is relevant

> But the name that comes up perhaps more than any other in LaRouche's pantheon of enemies is former secretary of state Henry Kissinger. The preoccupation with Kissinger increased after June 10, 1982, when Kissinger's wife Nancy was escorting him onto a plane at Newark Airport for a trip to Boston, where he was to undergo triple-bypass surgery.
>When a LaRouche supporter, Ellen Kaplan, started yelling abusive comments at him, such as, "Is it true that you sleep with young boys at the Carlyle Hotel?" Nancy Kissinger allegedly grabbed the woman by the throat. She was acquitted in a Newark court of assaulting Kaplan.
>LaRouche publications have said that Kissinger is a Nazi and a murderer. In his deposition, LaRouche said Kissinger is "a faggot." LaRouche's supporters have demonstrated against Kissinger and heckled him at his speeches.

>> No.12135933

When will the megauplod be ready?

>> No.12135934

i did but i get the error that the pdf document is broken, and can't open it with any program? So that's only me?

>> No.12135959

nvm got it on my desktop. Mac being fucked.

>> No.12136025

nope - only the opening page... Any help greatly appreciated!

>> No.12136347

Fuck you retard

>> No.12136439

Anon if you're talking about the full thing, it's already up on libgen.

I just downloaded it again and the entire thing works, so I'm not sure what's going wrong on your end.

This is the direct download link I used: http://download.libgen.io/get.php?md5=DC3A2C7C508BDA4B2037EC74F1852E7A&key=412PNJOEOSMFPI2P

>> No.12137076

Bump, will post more pics latter

>> No.12137450
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>> No.12137480
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T*rks confirmed for agricultural decadence and also, because of this, the only stable ruler of Balkans after Justinian.

>> No.12137588
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Oh fug, Kissinger arrives with his discussion on Toynbee to the conclusion (using Toynbee's empirical model which he has an obvious distaste for) that the Soviet Union is the first of the new form to dominate this next century. I don't think Kissinger has read the Managerial Revolution at this stage or Public Opinion. I honestly wonder what he would say now about this conclusion.

We certainly look socially like the Soviet Union when it comes to achieving institutional power, but our CPSU is more diverse, spread out into differently named departments. I agree with Kissinger's relative distaste of Toynbee over Spengler. But I have trouble negating this hypothetical Kissinger throws out non chalantly here (which he makes clear he does not believe in sincerity, but it's 1950 then.)

>> No.12137716
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Kissinger talks about the origins of the NPC meme and its consequences in the next three pictures.

>> No.12137724
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>> No.12137729
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This bodes very poorly.

>> No.12137794

I need megaupload so someone please hook me up

>> No.12138041
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Citizenship through military service and Kissinger once again showing his utter distain for the nigger dances.

>> No.12138150

his writing style is a product of when it was written

>> No.12138337
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This next section should be called, "Kissinger dunks on Toynbee, Calvinist Empiricism, and takes a shit on Locke."

>> No.12138341
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>> No.12138343
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>> No.12138354
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This is a big shift from the first part of the Thesis, and reveals how much Kissinger is actually a genuine follower of Spengler and not a near paraphraser, of course, I have to finish his section on Kant and conclusion to make sure, but the dude is assblasting Toynbee's "it there because it is the only" historical metaphysics at every chance he can get.

>> No.12138370
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These last pages of his conclusion lay out the weaknesses of Toynbee (and empiricist) approaches to historical meta-narratives. It is Kissinger standing in his own, rejecting what would become the dominating force of materialist post-Calvinist historical narratives. He may not know it, but he just assaulted the most moderate presentation of Whig history

>> No.12138382
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In fact, this last bit of the Toynbee section is becoming a high point in the work overall, at least thusfar. It is interesting that he comes to many of the same conclusions about triumphalist empiricism that Moldbug does.

>> No.12138396
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Ultimately, that's what the conclusion reminds me of, and it's not as if Kissinger is diving through the Victorians in his paper, and he is too early to be familiar with newer Zinn and Beard varieties of Whig. He has before him, the most strained and reserved Calvinist Anglo historian, and yet spares no time in pointing out at every instance Toynbee's Whiggish assumption of decline and sin and growth as divine glory and closeness to Christ as historical and empirical fact.

It makes me reflect on the fundamental Protestant assumptions and Protestant history of empiricist thought more than anything else. He reframed Toynbee (and Anglo approaches to history) in a way I must admit I hadn't thought about to much. He almost slides into the ethno-religious observation on attitudes towards crafting metaphysics, though I'm certain he did not intend it this way.

>> No.12138508
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I'll see you tomorrow gamers brebare ur angus for massive enlargement.

>> No.12138586
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>> No.12138613

Is there a place I can check other than here to see when you transcribe the text?

>> No.12138789

Why did Kissinger even try solving Spengler's philosophy when one of it's major points is that civilizations come to an end no matter what?

>> No.12138876

because he was a pedantic snore bore

>> No.12138994

>Imperialism is the inevitable product of Civilization
hahaha oh wow is this guy serious?

>> No.12139738

Well it's not "solving" Spengler, it is really just talking about him and his conclusions and seeing if he ultimately agrees, which he does except for Spengler's lack of attention to the interaction between civilizations.

But if you read what I've just posted he HATES Whig historiography. Like every few pages he reminds the reader how much it pisses him off.

Haven't sat down to look at his last chapter on Kant today, but that's soon.

>> No.12139754

He's not one of those retards. He critcises the treaty a lot in Diplomacy.

>> No.12139784

>Long ago, in youth, I was brash enough to think myself able to pronounce on "The Meaning of History." I now know that history's meaning is a matter to be discovered, not declared. It is a question we must attempt to answer as best we can in recognition that it will remain open to debate; that each generation will be judged by whether the greatest, most consequential issues of the human condition have been faced, and that decisions to meet these challenges must be taken by statesmen before it is possible to know what the outcome may be.

The last paragraph in his World Order. Not sure exactly what it's implications on The Meaning of History is; possibly it's a rejection of it.

>> No.12139897

I don't see that, unless he does some serious postulating and sets out his own theory at the end of this. I mean he's "trying" to discover history's meaning here. And merely concludes that he still isn't sure, and he's not sure here either, at least with how the text exists currently after he submitted it. Of course he realizes his generation will be judged seperately from the rest of the many in the history of Western civilization, and this leaves the reader with a open interpretation that hinges on the next 30-200 years after his death. Which is the only context he can be viewed in. Were the Silents, and the boomers that followed exceptional in the face of real problems, mediocre in that they presided over the machine of civilization for their shift and clocked out, or the most decadent piece of shit egotistical retards who fucked the entire civilization for an easy retirement and personally superficially gratifying hedonism?

I think Kissinger just ends with a resignation and a "no-nothing" modesty rather than give himself entirely away and be ridiculed. I think he's been that man so long it's what he has become even in perhaps his last writing.

But it could also be a defeat as he looks forward on the geopolitical horizon and sees only incomprehensible nemesis and chaos. If I was 92 years old, and made it to this decade after complaining about nigger dances as civilizational decay, I would not be able to stomach glimpses into what this has become. Jaques Barzun was more honest, because he was an academic with only a legacy to lose, but despite his lucidity, he did not delve into obscenity that has been the only thing we've known. How could you describe the 60's onwards without being obscene? You can't really, in order to not, you have to politely omit, and you have all the more reason to omit and abstain being a member of a doomed presidency's successful but perpetually controversial foreign policy regime.

That's how I interpret that statement anyhow.

>> No.12140026

There's no such thing as a war crime

>> No.12140265
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He might be heading to Kantian synthesis of Toynbee and Spengler, to negate scientism while trying to summon Spengler into the presence of actual meticulous (or banal, however you like it) history.

We will see what he does with this.

>> No.12140300
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On the necessity of the Westphalian system and absolutism, and the void of spirituality and metaphysics that necessitated Kant.

>> No.12140653
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>> No.12140662
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>> No.12140988
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>> No.12141064
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He goes on to talk about Sartre and his critique of Kant pretty negatively after this, between this, Spengler and his admiration of the congress of Vienna, an image of a very reactionary and spiritually isolated Jew, atomized and unsympathetic to newer ideas of the French existentialists and looking ahead at the abyss forms.

>> No.12141210
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More hate on Anglos and empiricism by Kissinger. It's clear that whatever he believes reality to be, he understands that it isn't inherently moral, and thus needs a solid metaphysical morality that isn't superficial and doesn't presume a progressive flow to maximum pozz.

>> No.12141798
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>> No.12141845
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This is what i get if i visit the link. I'll try at different locations. or wait for the megaupload. Thanks anyway.

>> No.12142118
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>> No.12142329
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The importance of the categorical imperative with man's communication with God, and transcendence into higher truth.

>> No.12142429
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Kissinger on why poetry is superior to History, and delving into Bronze Age Pervert territory of the true spirituality of man manifest in literature.

>> No.12142434
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this should have a few fans here

>> No.12142518
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The conclusion of this wild ride and again, to Kissinger Spengler comes out on top, but he doesn't commit to any sort of vision of empirical history or predictions, nor does he settle the debate of history that he started with himself, he admits to not really knowing and not being able to really improve.

>> No.12142525
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In addition to the conclusion I'll be posting his bibliography for you guys.

>> No.12142531
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I hope you anons have had a fun time reading along with me, if I ever get a response back from his office about the chapters on Hegel and other Getman historians, I'll happily post it, and a big thanks to the Anon who scanned this in to libgen, it's been an extremely stimulating read about an actual man and his thoughts.

>> No.12142536
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As I post this bibliography, I'll note that

>Kissinger's paragraph of his last book World Order on Meaning couldn't have been a negation, because there is very little to negate here in empirical terms.

>> No.12142544
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>Kissinger was very much the same author in On China and Diplomacy, which leads me to believe his views are mostly those he held in the 50's especially since he's been trying to get people to read Spengler since.

>> No.12142552
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>this paper raises more questions about Kissinger's own self relation to his Jewishness, and especially to the neoliberal order. He never once speaks particularly well of Jews, progressive history, or negros but believes in duty to the state as a necessity anyway

>> No.12142558
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>in fact, his elation at the most draconian ideas of Kant's ethics seem to suggest he viewed service to the American state as an absolute moral, in the way a Prussian functionary might have held out through the miracle of Brandenburg.

>> No.12142563

Hey thanks for the commentary, this has been great and I'm going to follow along again while I do my own reading once the semester is over.

>> No.12142565
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>I'm almost certain as a result we will never see an authentic Kissinger lament at everything that was lost. For him to weep is as impossible to express joy or elation, he has chosen the position of Spengler's vesuvian soldier, perhaps the centurion even, folding his arms behind his back as he watches the pyroplastic flow rush towards his men in the walls.

He looks Dow from the stoa, and sheds no tears as its all obliterated around him.

Thanks to everyone in the thread.

>> No.12143027


>> No.12144222

Last bump