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12098455 No.12098455 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, if you feel a burning wrath against your parents but you still love them what are some books that could give me some insight to this. For the tldr they basically killed me and I have less than a decade to live because of their ineptitude because they didn't believe me and now they sit here saying well that's how it worked out and now you need to move on. I will die before they do unless one of them dies in a freak accident. All I'm comfortable to go into but I think that gives the gist. Only picture I have is this cool Pepe.

>> No.12098463

No books I've read. Sounds like you need to get away from them though, for your own sake. Work on that instead of reading books.

>> No.12098469


>> No.12098471
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Thanks for the Pepe nerd.

>> No.12098472

It really is a good one.

>> No.12098474

Were they late in getting you medical attention?

>> No.12098491
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My father was a very commanding person. He would often yell, shout and even beat me. I grew up hating him for it, but after reading pic related I cried. Parents are human just like you anon. Our years may be short but they are filled with thousands of years of grief.

>> No.12098492

Late on a lot of things, even though I kept trying to work against them. All I'm going to say, and now I'm dead and the doctors like "well shit dude, what the hell were you doing all that time?" And I'll tell you guys a bit more but that's just for context, I got baker acted by my parents and then was stuck in a mental institution by court order for almost half a year because they claimed I was schizophrenic when I wasn't. So yeah.

>> No.12098494

Okay. I will read it because of your gay anecdote. Thanks.

>> No.12098498


>> No.12098554

The Elementary Particles (or Atomised) by Houellebecq has a very searing portrait of parental neglect and it’s personal + generational repercussions. Kafka’s stories usually have the theme of tortured parental relations but for you I’d recommend The Metamorphosis. Haven’t read it but maybe The Brothers Karamazov by Dosto. Alberto Moravia’s Agostino is a good portrayal of the mixture of affection and repulsion one develops toward their parents as they come of age.

I’m kinda curious now anon. The diagnosis(?) as well as the context of your relationship with your parents seems interesting. I understand if you don’t want to go into detail telling strangers on the internet about that sort of shit though.