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/lit/ - Literature

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12098224 No.12098224 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I'm probably what you could call a STEM-fag who's looking to try literature.

For as long as I can remember, maths has been my only intellectual pursuit but I want to try and expand to the humanities. The problem is I really don't know where to begin. I am familiar with a few figures but only have a cursory knowledge of them. No real rigorous understanding.

So, in short, where and how do I begin?

>> No.12098234

Teach me the maths. Also don't bother with literature, it's only for copers that are too low IQ to be a mathchad or some kind of respectable artist like a sculptor or composer.

>> No.12098240

Humanities are worthless, don't bother.

>> No.12098241

Why does nobody ever read the sticky?

>> No.12098242

Well OP tell us about yourself and what you're interested in and what kinda mood you're in

>> No.12098246

say it with me now everyone
start with the greeks

>> No.12098247

this is honestly the first time i have ever even realized there's a sticky. My mind just passed over hysterical italian man and old roman guy and blanked on the text next to it

>> No.12098259
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Why did you become interested in humanities and what subject are you interested in especially? (Ethics; metaphysics/philosophy of mind; aesthetics; politics, economics and social sciences?)

>> No.12098271

>Well OP tell us about yourself

What specifically? I did well in school. I was not the most popular or well liked but wasn't exactly an outcast. Always insecure about something or busy inventing something to be insecure about

>and what you're interested in

Honestly, nothing in particular.

>and what kinda mood you're in.

Pretty much been depressed for the past year and 3 months but that's cleared up recently so pretty good.

>> No.12098286

>Why did you become interested in humanities

More out of curiosity. I enjoy learning and thinking. I never liked English in my second level education but that could be chalked up to atrocious teachers more than anything else.

>and what subject are you interested in especially? (Ethics; metaphysics/philosophy of mind; aesthetics; politics, economics and social sciences?)

I can't say definitively but I did read this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice:_What's_the_Right_Thing_to_Do%3F and really enjoyed it. Espically the kant sections

>> No.12098291
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>not the most popular or well liked but wasn't exactly an outcast
>not interested in anything in particular
>been depressed but that's cleared up, feeling pretty good

get out normie

>> No.12098355

I'm trying to answer the questions you guys are asking about my personal situation/feelings but I get the impression that what I'm saying isn't really helpful/pertinent.

Try to understand, this is all new to me and I'm doing my best to answer what youre asking even though it might not what you're really asking

>> No.12098432

>I can't say definitively but I did read this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice:_What's_the_Right_Thing_to_Do%3F and really enjoyed it. Espically the kant sections
Ok, so it's ethics and the philosophy of mind (especially the problem of freedom which is fundamental to all ethics).

There's a myriad of literature on ethics. Therefore, it's really hard to recommend specific books. If you are interested in Kant's ethics, I'd help myself to a good and extensive history of philosphy (definitely not the one from Russell; I'm German, I could only recommend a good German one, which won't help you that much) from a library and read the section about Kant. If you want to start with Kant himself (I wouldn't recommend that), go for the "Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten / Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals", but make sure you know the bases of the KrV (Critique of pure reason) before starting it.

Considering the philosophy of mind, I personally like Bennett/Hacker's "Philosophical foundations of neuroscience" - but it's a very specific (Wittgensteinian) way to approach said topic - and definitely not the only one.

>> No.12098438

Start with the Greeks is probably the best advice this board can give. That’s the beginning of the western tradition of literature. You can simultaneously read the Hebrew Bible.

>> No.12098470

Btw. here's a pretty nice encyclopaedia on philosophical themes. For example: just search for "Kant".

>> No.12098473

Listen to me. Trust me buddy.

Read "We" by Yevgeny Zamyatin. You'll love it.

>> No.12098480

Thank you very much. So, to summarise

1.history of philosophy
2.Critique of pure reason (to understand groundwork)
3.Groundwork of the metaphysics of Morals
4.Philosophical foundations of neuroscience

Why not the one from Russel?

>> No.12098508


>> No.12098527

OP, you are a reddit spacing normalfag and an NPC. Get the fuck out.

>> No.12098541


>> No.12098595

>Why not the one from Russel?
Put briefly: it's way too short and it's pretty biased.
I'd personally recommend to read a summary of Daoist ethics, too, since it doesn't seem to be included in Sandel's book and "為無為/wei wu wei" is a kind of a completely different and interesting approach on ethics.

Oh, and here are some podcasts on classical philosophy, if you prefer to hear it: https://historyofphilosophy.net/

>> No.12098603
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Try this

>> No.12098608
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The only NPC who's parroting platitudes here is (you).

>> No.12098627
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Read Gödel, Esher, Bach. It's a thicc book but it's math related and probably will give you interest to dive deeper into philosophy and art. There's tons of resources online also a MIT Open Courseware lecture on youtube.

>> No.12098642


>> No.12098651


>> No.12098657
File: 1.39 MB, 3672x3024, B96CD9F1-E5AB-4130-8B62-614FF560E4CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this if you want to start with the Greeks

>> No.12098882

Fuck, I can't do it. What is it?

>> No.12098909

Read the Bible. Also check out the Greeks.

>> No.12098912

Rh1 (Zugzwang)
No matter what Black's doing, White checkmates the next move.

>> No.12099000

What about Re3?

>> No.12099025


>> No.12099072

I see, thanks, anon

>> No.12099084

I recommend start with the classics, Go for Homer's main works, then some ancient Greek plays. Proceed to Cicero, and really with fiction I would go on from there. Maybe start with Cervantes? It's up to you my dude, but as a dude who loves Biology, it's fun shit.

>> No.12099637 [DELETED] 



>> No.12099647

White queen to G4 is a checkmate in one move isn't it?

>> No.12099727

Moby-Dick; or, The Whale.

>> No.12099733

1.Rh1 c3 2.Nd3+ 1-0
1.Rh1 Re7 2.Rh4+ 1-0
1.Rh1 Rf7 2.Nd5+ 1-0

>> No.12099734

Start with the Greeks.
I’d recommend Edith Hamilton’s Mythology and then Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey translates by Robert Fitzgerald.

>> No.12099741
File: 606 KB, 728x2680, litcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try "entry level" on this chart if you really don't know where to start.

I'm a STEMfag who got into lit at the age of 21. Camus and especially Dostoevsky were what really started my interest. So my picks would be The Strange and Crime and Punishment - or maybe Notes from Underground first instead.

>> No.12099998

based D-503

>> No.12100386

Get Pessoa. Book of Disquiet makes for fantastic reading, and is one of my favorites of all time. It can take a while to get through because each page is like reading a chapter, but it has an ethereal feel to it.

>> No.12100481

>It can take a while to get through because each page is like reading a chapter, but it has an ethereal feel to it.
This, I can only do like 25 pages a day where I can do at least 100 with most books. But that's not a bad thing, it's just more of a book you keep dipping in to, and it stays with you.

>> No.12101048
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>1. Rh1

-c3 2. Nd3#

-Bxc7 2. Rh4#
-Be7 2. e3#
-Bf6 2. Qf5#
-Bg5 2. Qh2#
-Bh4 2. Rxh4#

-Re7 2. Rh4#
-Re6 2. Nd5#
-Re5 2. Qg4#
-Re4 2. f3xe4#
-Re3 2. Bh2#
-Rxe2+ 2. Nxe2#

-Rf7 2. Nd5#
-Rf6 2. Rh4#
-Rf5 2. Qxf5#

-Bxh7 2. Nd5#
-Bf7 2. Qf5#
-Be6 2. e3#
-Bd5 2. Nxd5#


>> No.12101525

looks like r/books

>> No.12101559

The entry level stuff does, which is why it's entry level.