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File: 29 KB, 1200x630, jordan_peterson_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12097837 No.12097837 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12097841

He is a dum dum drumphster fire, that is all.

>> No.12097842

what he said.

>> No.12097853
File: 87 KB, 123x136, 1541952777343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12097856

he's a neomodern postmarxist

>> No.12097876

Evidence suggests he's a polyfoam & fleece frog puppet wearing a costume of a white male.

>> No.12097877
File: 567 KB, 2448x1228, memerson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan Peterson is not a psychiatrist.

>> No.12097887

he's a self-help guru

>> No.12097888

Thank god

>> No.12097892

I'm mad at this but it is funny

>> No.12097896

Thanks for reminding this thread of the truth. This is Dr. Frasier Crane, thanks for listening.

>> No.12097910

No, he is a hack psychologist. A philosophical psychiatrist is Karl Jaspers, maybe Binswanger can be counted as well.

>> No.12098030

no, he's just a pseud

>> No.12098250

he's a nonce

>> No.12098260

He's clearly a philosopher, but we seem to have trouble admitting the work he is doing, faults and all, is exactly what philosophers of the past have done, namely continentals.

>> No.12098349

what she said, but ironically.

he's a best selling self-help guru for boys who didnt have daddies

>> No.12098353

and what was nietzsche

>> No.12098362

I really, really like where this is headed

A philosopher. Nietzsche was a philosopher.

>> No.12098401

I can't respect him after seeing that video where he thinks Raskolnikov murdered his landlady

>> No.12098416

what gives Zarathustra's ubermesnch greater philosophical credibility than Jordan Peterson's divine individual? Jordan Peterson builds his dubious propositions on an order/chaos categorization of the world much like Nietzsche does with the appolonian/dionysian. Nietzsche tells us how to live in a world governed by "wills" and "drives" which are at best abstractions and at worst instances of magic concieved for convenience's sake. And this is fine. If you read On The Prejudices of the Philosophers you'll see how Nietzsche acknowledges the untruth inherent in all philosophizing. But we can't just arbitrarily designate Jordan Peterson as something other than a philsoopher because we find his ideas reprehensible or oversimplistic or god forbid middlebrow.
I think there is a real problem with the appeal to authority in philosophy and the authority of the canon. I wonder who today could be worthy of the title? It seems only academics like Zizek who so lose the reader in a matrix of references and obtuse terminologies are considered philosophers because of the authority they pull from a canon of scholarly work.
Isn't philosophy the love of knowledge, the investigation of truth?

>> No.12098427

No, he's a psychiatrist using jungian analysis.

>> No.12098439

Academically, he's not saying anything new when it comes to psychology or philosophy

>> No.12098447
File: 427 KB, 960x960, 1541352450788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't bother reading the rest of the thread or even seeing the comparison meme
He is not a psychiatrist, period, brainlet.

>> No.12098944

>His students are obsessed with understanding literature and philosophy as Peterson understands it, and not the mainstream interpretations of the works. For example, they commonly convene to interpret Das Kapital without reading the text itself, relying on a trained psychologist who I'm sure hasn't read the primary text. This sloppy scholarship is (surprise!) a magnet for frogs, Le Pen supporters, and people obsessed with the genitalia and bedroom antics of others.
>Has he read a little James, Rorty, and the Communist Manifesto? Maybe. Has he read The History of Sexuality, Capital, or Simulacra and Simulation? I doubt it. For if he had, he'd know that the people he refers to as postmodern were very fearful of the same conditions that Peterson himself is fearful of. I think when all this outrage culture moves on, his pupils may either move on as well, or will be turned on by a Dostoevsky or Baudrillard to pursue their own studies and that's the best we can hope for.
>Peterson is a sloppy teacher when he steps beyond the bounds of psychology.

>> No.12098972

Peterson is a Koch Brother shill
his help is ushering them into the altright pipeline

>> No.12099005

The Will to Power is based on the idea of the struggle for survival turned on its head with reference to a primitive understanding of thermodynamics, and entropy specifically. The idea being that all things are expanding and seeking to spend their potential energy, which is vaguely the case, not really but for the purposes of school children and the public its a good explanation. Taken as a psychological heuristic, ascendant species and types are trying to dominate their environments, something which we do see temporarily among invading species overtaking their competition and filling many niches or siphoning off energy from a system. He never systematized the apollonian:dionysian dialectic at all, and completely stopped referencing the former in his later books and only passingly spoke of a differentiated and aggressive form of the latter. I think what gives N status as a philospher might be that he actually addresses Kant's arguments directly in many of his books, often word for word rebutting them, and then proposes something else in their place grounded in basic principles and observations derived from Nature. He discusses the character, motivations and grounding for western culture, and offers a personal ethics and prognosis for the race. All of this really does constitute philosophy, if a fatalistic and possibly self-slaying phillosophy to end all philosophies. Peterson literally has not read nor is interested in reading other philosophers, does not address their arguments directly, has no training in philology or classics, is poorly read and lacks anything like coherent style. He is less remarkable than Zizek because Zizek engages in critique and construction, Peterson only reifies existing structures and lambasts passing social phenomena from a narrow minded, small view of reality. Peterson also just relies very strongly on Jung, N and the existentialist writers and philosophers to speak for him. N disavowed and ignored most of Schopenhauer's assertions, borrowed from Mainlander but departs from him starkly especially in his later works and ends his corpus with a prophecy which is something one rarely sees outside of teleological thinkers like for instance Hegel, or holistic thinkers like Heidegger. Its not really comparable.
What is done in the bedroom of many affects nearly everyone, just as AIDS being spread in a village in Tanzania affects hundreds of thousands of other people in disparate demes and settlements.

>> No.12099009

he's a bucko, bucko

>> No.12099018

This picture is an example of the hijacking of our meme format for the purpose of subversion.

>> No.12099335
File: 27 KB, 313x500, 41Bsa0GNB5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bafflegarber and charlatan

>> No.12100196

Imagine being this far gone.

>> No.12100257

Go back.

>> No.12100264

You’re a fucking loony, mate.

>> No.12100296
File: 23 KB, 400x400, AF1E9A86-A03C-4E75-9BF1-F9940711637A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do commies hate it that he’s helping young white male losers sort themselves out? You’d think they want that considering how they’re always calling people basement dwellers and incels. Why are they so dishonest in their attacks? Ressentiment?

>> No.12100725

You're either retarded or didn't read the thread before posting if you think this post contributes anything at all

>> No.12100789

Hey brainlet, it's a meme about career path, which anyone should realize psychiatry is a no-brainer over clinical psychology. Only a literal retard would look at this as some sort of comparison as to which one you should go to for treatment (evidence of your diseased mind) and conclude a psychiatrist--- and then from that think it's some attempt to subvert people. It's almost laughable that this was your first thought.
>b-but I'm against it
Then your criticism against it would be even more valid as a psychiatrist. Only a literal retard would choose to go for an unfunded psychology PhD program.