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File: 118 KB, 670x950, it is a good dawn to die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12094262 No.12094262 [Reply] [Original]

Because new thread ain't gonna create itself.

>do you believe SF and fantasy books are superior because they require setting development on top of whatever story they're conveying?
>softcover, hardcover or digital books when it comes to reading preferences?

Monthly Reading for November: A Night in the Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


>> No.12094269
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First for Chinkshit

>> No.12094339

i love gene wolfe so much you guys

>> No.12094379
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>> No.12094385
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Does anyone have updated version of the Malazan guide?

>> No.12094394
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>I'm so glad I spent that time reading science fiction and fantasy!

>> No.12094397

Superior to what? Most YA does that too, even Da H8 U Gib

>> No.12094410

Depends, I guess.

>detective in New York is trying to solve a murder
>robot detective on Mars is trying to solve a murder involving aliens in Mars Space Jurisdiction

>> No.12094414
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How can one man be so based?

>> No.12094437

“Time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted!“ :^)

>> No.12094442
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>> No.12094464
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What are your thoughts on Lud-in-the-Mist, /sffg/? I'm really enjoying it.

>> No.12094478

Read it like a month ago, it's a pleasant read.

>> No.12094479

Any fantasy books with female protagonists that aren't cringy tumblr power fantasies?

>> No.12094506

The Mists of Avalon
Howl's Moving Castle

>> No.12094516

I definitely wouldn't read that, make the robot black or something

>> No.12094520

has december's book been decided yet?

>> No.12094526

was their something between mat and elayne?

>> No.12094531

No, nominations will be collected during the discussion thread around the 30th and voting will take place during the thread after that.

>> No.12094548

Black God's Kiss

>> No.12094571
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What makes Jirel stand out today, over seven decades after her first appearance in 1934, is that C. L. Moore stubbornly refused to mold her character to fit the pattern of the male heroes of the day. Readers expecting a female Conan when they first delve into the Jirel stories are in for a surprise. Jirel rarely defeats her foes with slashing steel or muscular brawling. She uses the power of her overwhelming personality, her fierce determination to be who she envisions herself to be, to lay her foes to waste. It isn’t merely that Jirel is tough, brave, and needs help from no one — man or god in man’s shape — that make her such a vibrant creation. She has a receptive emotional core and an aching empathy that make her unlike the majority of male warriors with whom she shared the pulp pages…and, unfortunately, the majority of female warriors created today.

>> No.12094572


There's something precious to me about the unbuilt genre, fantasy stories written before they found out they were supposed to be writing fantasy stories. With all the due respect in the world, no other genre is so inveigled as fantasy and LOTR and books like Lud-in-the-Mist and Ouroborous and Nightland and Oz and Gormenghast and the sundry Dunsany show the protean wilds that was that fleeting moment between thoroughly Victorian and thoroughly Modern.

>> No.12094631


Do you mean Oz like the Wizard of Oz? Do you have any other recommendations in the same subgenre/time period? I've read The King of Elfland's Daughter by Dunsany but that's it.

>> No.12094632

I agree on fantasy but only shitty science fiction is pulpy

>> No.12094633
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Nice chainmail.

>> No.12094653


The Worm Ouroboros is amazing if you can handle the dense prose.

>> No.12094681

Mad Max-inspired sci-fi and fantasy needs to be more of a thing. The idea of post-apocalyptic barbarians on motorcycles with axes battling orc mutants and alien sorcerers appeals to the inner 12 year old in me.

>> No.12094685
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>> No.12094705

>Monthly Reading for November: A Night in the Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny

Is it too late to start now?

>> No.12094745


Hokuto no Ken is Mad Max done right.

>> No.12094754

Mad Max is Mad Max done right, you pleb.

>> No.12094759

>holding shonen manga to a high standard, ever

>> No.12094813
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>Best chained-male

>> No.12094882
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Wouldn't that make zero sense, though? Oil and processes to refine such don't run themselves. Vehicle would probably be the first thing to go as we fall back to animals.

>> No.12094900
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"Haha, wouldn't it be cool if there was a Stormlight or Mistborn video game? Man, I wish someone would make one. Do you guys think CDPR would make one if I gave them the rights for free?"

>> No.12094906

It makes absolutely no sense, but people here seem to value rule of cool above anything else

>> No.12094916

>Watch video on how shounen flavor of the month breaks new ground
>Watch it
>It's as formulaic as it gets and the only standout thing it has is the animation during fight scenes

>> No.12094928


Does he actually say (something like) this in one of his lecture videos, or is this bait? Please tell us which video and timestamp.

>> No.12094934
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>> No.12094953

Depends how devastating the apocalypse was.

>> No.12094957

alien romance?

>> No.12094963

Fifty Shades of Grey

>> No.12094966

I like you Anon

>> No.12094977

If we are at a point when roaming barbarian packs exist we can assume it's well past the point of maintaining any advanced infrastructure. Or we're in Africa, I guess.

>> No.12094986
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Fuck me, how self-important.

I don't think he realises CDPR/Sapkowski's strengths are in character interactions and personality and that's his biggest and most obvious flaw.

I'm sure that lots of fans would buy a Sanderson videogame though, as sure as I am it would be utterly dire.

>> No.12094989

Fucking zoomer scum.

>> No.12094990


Forgot to add that him lampshading his own self-importance somehow makes it worse.

>> No.12095003
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Bros I really enjoyed Jack Vance's Tales of the Dying Earth.

It scratched a seemingly endless itch I have for stories in settings where much of the world still seems unexplored and there are wondrous, unknown things still waiting to be discovered, with any overarching plot about 'saving the world' completely absent.

Is there any other fantasy/science fiction books you could recommend similar to this?

>> No.12095004


>> No.12095035

True but if you're using fantastical elements like >>12094681 wanted, I'm sure you can find an apocalypse scenario that gives the entire world Africa's structural and societal problems

>> No.12095049

I never start till the week of. As long as you finish by deadline it doesn't matter.

>> No.12095056

Did you morons skip over the first part of that post where I mentioned MAD MAX? A beloved film franchise that does EXACTLY what you goobers say isn't believable? I simply would like to add more fantastical and sci-fi elements to such a setting.

>> No.12095078
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It's no Vance, but I think it fits your description well.

>> No.12095211
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Is there any good progressive fantasy around? I tried reading some of that shit and it's horrible.

Not those anons but no one cares about your Mad Max fanfiction.

>> No.12095218

>progressive fantasy
What's progressive fantasy?

>> No.12095232

>Not those anons but no one cares about your Mad Max fanfiction.
Literally everyone cares about it, faggot.

>> No.12095233
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Fantasy with progressive themes like feminism, transsexuals, communism, etc.

>> No.12095239

No, he's right nobody cares. Only complete fucking retards are into ANY kind of fan fiction.

>> No.12095254 [DELETED] 
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The Traitor Baru Cormorant

>> No.12095255

No one is writing Mad Max fanfiction, you daffy queer.

>> No.12095259

I'm afraid it can't be anything but terrible

>> No.12095266
File: 42 KB, 314x500, The_Breeds_of_Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe something like this, but we'll all be happier if you just embrace the endless dark.

>> No.12095269
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The Traitor Baru Cormorant

>> No.12095298
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I am beginning to think that too. I am still holding out for traps and trannies in fantasy tho.

Oh that was just horrible. How much of a basedboy you have to be to write about economics in fantasy?

Sounds like Darwin's Radio by Greg Bear.

>> No.12095311

hilarious, never mind the other shite

>> No.12095319
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>> No.12095360
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Read Damnation Alley

>> No.12095385

what are some books
where the protag enters a long term relationship with an ayylmao

>> No.12095389

Dancers at The End of Time
Dare - Philip J Farmer

>> No.12095395

Why not just fap to tranny porn and read good literature no the side

why do lgbtards have to put their sexual shit in everywhere they touch

>> No.12095397

Did you suffer a stroke while typing? The fuck are you even trying to say?

>> No.12095408

the only person having a stroke here is you

>> No.12095422

Hello, newfag.

>> No.12095424

>why do lgbtards have to put their sexual shit in everywhere they touch
Cuz it's progressive nigga.

>> No.12095441
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Wtf i love single mothers now

>> No.12095572

Seriously anon he is right. You are on /lit and you type like a neanderthal. Drop the memes and green arrows and type like a human being.

>> No.12095578

the only neanderthal here is you
Mr. Neanderthal

>> No.12095580

This is what happens to your brain when you read Sanderson

>> No.12095611

What are you fags reading?

>> No.12095619

I don't know. I think your best bet would be reading some short story collections. Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives comes to mind.

>> No.12095623

He cute

>> No.12095630

readings for nerds bruh

>> No.12095634

I'm in the middle of several books unfortunately.

The sffg relevant ones are
Heretics of dune
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Goblin Slayer book 5

I'm actually looking for some super easy SF to read on my phone, I need something to distract myself when I'm too tired to flip pages or it's too dark for a book.

>> No.12095645
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Reading is too inefficient for those blessed by the Omnissiah. I am playing Wh40k: Mechanicus.

>> No.12096037

Vorkosigan is comfy af if you like space operas.

>> No.12096044

Vance generally does small-stakes stories in weird settings. Obviously, keep reading the Dying Earth stories. Also check out Lyonesse, Araminta Station, and Big Planet by him.

>> No.12096054


How come it never achieved much prominence?

>> No.12096075

The MLA Edgar Allen Poe compendium.

I knew he was influential but holy shit. "Bon-Bon", a story I'd never heard of, obviously inspired C.S. Lewis's Screwtape Letters. His poem "Dream-Land" IS Lovecraft's Dream Cycle. The City in the Sea IS R'Lyeh. Clark Ashton Smith's entire corpus is basically a takeoff on Poe.

>> No.12096095
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The god awful covers definitely played a big role. That said the books are still quite prominent in sf circles even though they never gained any traction in the mainstream.

>> No.12096107

SF audiences in the late 80s/early 90s wanted harder tech. They'd be a hit today where Broken Earth is doing hat tricks at the Hugos.

>> No.12096118

>tfw no furry mommy gf

>> No.12096129

True, it has plenty of sjw themes too but most of it is handled in a tasteful manner. The hacks that write today that like to preach and shove that shit down our throats could learn a lot from reading Vorkosigan.
If they were newly released now with some tasteful covers the books would make mad bank.

>> No.12096155

the little dude fucks that beast in a cell and takes her virginity just after she kills and eats a huge rat
She's not supposed to be that ugly in the book, the artist got carried away. She's big but beautiful, doesn't have a mane, has claws and fangs though.

>> No.12096173

Picked up

>> No.12096179

I'm about 3/4 through The Straggler's Mask by our local furry and it's actually surprisingly good. Unless the ending suck I'll probably end up rating it 3/5.

>> No.12096194

Don't start there, that book is deep in the series.
Follow this
It's a great series up until Miles in Love which is when it turns into a full on romance for a couple of books.

>> No.12096263

hiroshimoot is nuking 4chan.
see you faggots on 4channel.org

2 nukes werent enough

>> No.12096387


>> No.12096394

the big red alert message at the top of the screen

>> No.12096399

read the blotter.
basically hiroshimoot is splitting 4chan.
all nsfw boards stay on 4chan.org while all sfw boards go to 4channel.org. in his own words its because 4chan is blacklisted by big firms. so they wont advertise on it. he wants a blank slate basically to make ad revenue.
threads with people complaining get disappeared.

>> No.12096408

So it's nothing?

>> No.12096415

>threads with people complaining get disappeared.
>look at /qa/
Yeah I don't think that's quite true

>> No.12096419

You really think that's gonna be the end of it?

>> No.12096424
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>Make sure to update your script blockers and whitelist the new domain

>> No.12096428

remember how a week after hiro took over 4chan suddenly had popup ads infested with malware?
i hope notch really buys 4chan.

>> No.12096430

I fail to see how this is a big deal. It's just two separate domains, no?

>> No.12096439
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That slanty eyed jew. He's basically splitting this site in reddit-lite and a porn dump. What's the point in even visiting this place if I can't say nigger?

Yeah it seems he really didn't think this through. The 4channel domain can blocked just as easily.

If all else fails we also have that other place.

>> No.12096442

it starts with separation.
then the cleansing begins.

>> No.12096448

>If all else fails we also have that other place.
cripple chan is an alternative true. its painfully slow though and the interface is really clunky in many points. i dont even think there is a /lit/ board at this point.

>> No.12096474

I embrace this. At least there will be a /co/ where people actually discuss comics instead of wanking on fanart with inflated asses all day long

And hopefully there will be a blue /ic/ where people discuss art instead of anime smut

>> No.12096489

Based and redpilled.
Sarah on suicide watch


>> No.12096490
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I think the bigger problem is lack of posters. Last time I visited one of the top 10 boards was /cuteboys (thank fully it was about a bunch of trannies in denial). The rest of the list on the home page was some flavor of /pol retardation.

Are you telling me there is no discussion of shitty superhero comics on /co/mblr?

>> No.12096496

Nigga you already posted that. That chubster reviewer is kind of funny, but not *that* funny

>> No.12096501

>I think the bigger problem is lack of posters.
absolutely. but the performance i think is the main contributing factor. only the top 5 or so boars on cripplechan actually get posters regularly.
i checked /lit/ out there btw.
there are threads from early 2017 still up.
its kinda depressing.

>> No.12096525

True. The situation here would have to get really bad to force people to move somewhere else.
I guess I'll go back sf.recs at Google groups.

>> No.12096534

When they were written, the "SJW themes" in Vorkosigan were a lot more along the lines of Bujold participating in a long-running conversation than insufferable apparatchiks dictating the party line. The political and social environment was completely different.

>> No.12096552

Turns out that Peter Watts' dad was a closet gay Baptist minister and only came out after being beaten up by his wife.

>> No.12096630

Don't make fun of someone's dementia anon.

>> No.12096648

thanks fren

>> No.12096715

They probably will ask him eventually

>> No.12096722

I think he's already said he wouldn't do it because of the sex scenes. Maybe enough money would change that though.

>> No.12096727

There are strangers on the Plain.

>> No.12096740

I wouldn't consider that any kind of guide to anything except exasperation.

>> No.12096760

>do you believe SF and fantasy books are superior
Nope. I read them because I enjoy it, I'm not a pseud so I don't care how "superior" my hobbies make me to other people.

>softcover, hardcover or digital books when it comes to reading preferences?
Mass market paperback is my preferred style, unfortunately it's becoming less and less common to print these especially for fantasy series. Anymore only the biggest and most popular names will get them, but even those are starting to cut back on mass markets. Oathbringer will never have a mass market paperback release in the States, for example, and if Sanderson can't justify it then basically nobody besides the likes of GRRM or Tolkien is safe.

>> No.12096771

Bigger problem is /lit/ being shit.

>fantasy and SF literally segregated to one thread

>> No.12096784

As cool as Blindsight was some of the shit got on my nerves, though. Especially with him trying to legitimize "headmates" in any real sense and not just as people A) pretending or B) having legitimate mental problems. And to even fathom someone like that would have a job in the military is mental.

>> No.12096811

When you take out slef-inserts, waifus and bad fantasy there really isn't a lot of left.

Headmates? The character in Blindsight was the product of cutting edge neurosurgery (and let's face it, you gotta be insane to let something like that be done to you) not some fat loser posting on tumblr.

>> No.12096939

This place is slow that way. You could have dedicated threads, but they'd just die.

>> No.12096943
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Hey, I've seen a Dune Frank Herbert reading guide on /lit/ can someone post it if they have it?

>> No.12096954

Here, i will save you some time.
Read the first book and only the first book.

>> No.12096960

What would you even need a guide for? There's only 7 books and they're all sequential.

>> No.12096967

>Brandon finally get GRRMs notes for the last book
>it's a 1200 pages long orgy and a legal document demanding he follow every note

>> No.12096968

I always felt like there was nothing else to explore that wasn't covered in the first book.

>> No.12096971

Open ended finale also works perfectly fine.

>> No.12096974

And if you really like it read until God Emperor.

>> No.12096995
File: 1022 KB, 1144x2560, Chart1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.12097055

What book is this image about?

>> No.12097084

Google image search tard.

>> No.12097089

yeah, /lit/ is slow but how is whatever equivalent reddit has? books seem like a hard topic to get controversial over so that might be a place to get more people circulating.

>> No.12097110

I have tried all kinds of sub-reddits but you can't escape from the fact that it's onions central.

>> No.12097137

Is 4channel not up yet?

>> No.12097160

Nah nigger.

>> No.12097174
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Pretty much every book is stand alone,so you can stop reading whenever you want.

>> No.12097231


Samuel Delaney's Return to Neveryon Neveryon

Ursula K LeGuin's oeuvre, although the more blatantly progressive tends to fall more on Sci-Fi, although I feel usually its just a setup more than a driving feeling (The Dispossessed, The Left Hand of Darkness)

China Mieville talks shit, but his Bas-Lag cycle was engaging reading and deals with ethnic/racial power plays and essentially has a train-bound socialist commune in one book.

>> No.12097250


I'm reading a story from Dangerous Visions every few days, but right now I got suck(er)ed into Renegade from the Spiral Wars. It hits that nostalgic sweet spot of clunky Baenist writing while also having a really involving plot. Military adventure with a sci-fi trapping always gets me happy to read more when it has this level of interest.

>> No.12097263


I've spent more time on /r/fantasy than the sci-fi equivalent, and its very much a hug box where quite a few authors drop by to discuss their work and hang out. I like it, but it doesn't have the contrarian nature that 4chan's anonymity has.

>> No.12097265

reminder that John Wyndham is the goat

>> No.12097272

>Actual Dune porn exists

>> No.12097278

The faps must flow.

>> No.12097290

I'd rather deal with the waifuposting and shitposting here than deal with reddit's hugbox-enabling censorship-encouraging voting system. I've gotten some good recommendations for less popular books from these threads just by scrolling through as I catch up on posts, you couldn't do that on reddit where stuff like that is always buried by upvoted canned responses that are safe and easy to approve of.

>> No.12097300

>Not wanting to fuck Baron Harkonnen

>> No.12097316

>The Mists of Avalon
Not that guy but if I'm not really all that familiar with Arthurian legend, would I enjoy this less?

>> No.12097319

This is the main problem with reddit, that horrible upboat system. It's fine for sites like stackoverflow with narrowly defined technical questions but for actual discussions? Fuhgeddaboudit.

BH would be disgusting even in rule 63 form.

>> No.12097322

humans are animals. we’re not gods lol or divine or rational or thoughtful

>> No.12097324

This,and also they barely talk about older fantasy on reddit.

>> No.12097338
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>BH in Rule63
Y-yeah that would be gross,ha ha

>> No.12097386

That's fucking disgusting nigger.

>> No.12097417

I'll still be able to call people faggots r-right?

>> No.12097428

of course goy. you will be shadowbanned of course so no one will see your post but you obviously dont know and wont even notice people not replying to you

>> No.12097465
File: 215 KB, 1920x1701, whitney-lanier-rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good books in which faeries, pixies and the like are the main focus?

>> No.12097509
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I don't usually read science fiction, but I found this at a yard sale for free a while back and never read it. Should I even bother? Is it trash?

>> No.12097514

>Not one but TWO naked chicks on the cover
It's probably a masterpiece

>> No.12097549

Thanks, I'll give it a try and get back to you whenever I happen to finish it

>> No.12097551
File: 14 KB, 490x74, Screen Shot 2018-11-17 at 6.28.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this is epic.

>> No.12097560
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What are some books like this movie?

>> No.12097565

Not a book but Homestuck.

>> No.12097568

I'll take rule 34 and 35 for 100 Alex.

>> No.12097578

The story works without any prior knowledge but you'll probably enjoy it more if you have some knowledge of Arthurian legend.

>> No.12097584
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Now that /lit/ looks like it's coming to an end, I just wanted to say one thing. I've always hated these science fiction/fantasy threads and, more importantly, FUCK all of you niggers. It had been a true pleasure that your mundane, consumption oriented interest in reading was confined to these threads. To offer some consolation, I rank you higher than the undergrad English major DFW and Phillip Roth worshiping niggers.

>> No.12097594

Dumb frogposter

>> No.12097626 [DELETED] 
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Dumb froggy.

>> No.12097631

>Because new thread ain't gonna create itself.
But what if it DID?
Original book idea, don't steal.

>> No.12097653
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my boss just walked by and she fired me thanks you fucking faggot

>> No.12097662

Cheer up anon. In a few months you could be a spaz in the warm, sanitized embrace of 4channel where jannies (who do it free btw) will keep bad apples like myself away from you.
Don't forget to click on ads for weeb shit.

>> No.12097665

Guys, I just got promoted!

>> No.12097671


>> No.12097696
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yea that one ty very much

>> No.12097867


>> No.12097890
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Do you know any books with both hard sci-fi AND fantasy elements?

Pic very related.

>> No.12097944

Where's the hard sci-fi in A Fire Upon the Deep?

>> No.12097955


Closer to the galactic core.

>> No.12097976
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Chalker is okay. Can't say I've read that particular one of his though.

>> No.12098012

Is Borges a Fantasy author?

>> No.12098015
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>> No.12098026

Will bakker posting be banned on 4channel?

>> No.12098040

Magical Realism isn't Fantasy.

>> No.12098079

Well shit, thanks anon. I've been trying to get my hands on a copy of Hunters because my kindle informed me it was the last book in the series, now I know not to bother. I'm actually really glad because I couldn't have given less of a shit about Heretics and Chapterhouse and was only trying to finish it out with Hunters for completion's sake. God Emperor = Dune > Messiah >>> Children >>>>>>> the rest.

>> No.12098088


>> No.12098108

Only if someone pays for it.

>> No.12098132
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Don't be throwing shade on based Baen

>> No.12098248

Now that's a hairy pussy

>> No.12098277

I've had it with trilogies, tetralogies and long series. What is the best stand alone fantasy book you have read /sffg/?

>> No.12098314

Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights by Ryu Mitsuse.

>> No.12098345

if im going to do the wise asian master trope should I just go all-in and make the magic he teaches require meditation and shit?

yes, its me

>> No.12098359

King of Elfland's Daughter
The Broken Sword
Three Hearts Three Lions
The Worm Ouroboros
The Well of the Unicorn
The Well at the World's End
The Dragon Waiting

>> No.12098497

A Dead World, which is a Fallout: New Vegas/[PROTOTYPE] fanfiction.

Sorry, not sorry.

>> No.12098681
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>Sorry, not sorry.

>> No.12098733

No they won't. GRRM has it in his will to never finish the series if he dies before completing it. They legally cannot publish a continuation of his series.

>> No.12098739

War of the Flowers by Tad Williams.

Most of his work features fae creatures, something of a fixation with him.

>> No.12099175

Mists of Avalon. It's problematic now but the ideas in the book are progressive.

>> No.12099213

What exactly is "progressive" fantasy?

>> No.12099241
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>set up this incredible, rich, dark sci-fi world full of intriguing creatures and lore in the first half of the book
>instead of a payoff, the second half is entirely about two lovebirds giggling at each other and they take a jolly stroll back home
Goddamn this shit made me mad.

>> No.12099265
File: 401 KB, 750x844, the_lord_and_the_colonel_by_abiogenisis-d6zpyow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the rest of the hyperion books past 2 any good? I love them and I've read up to Fall several times now, but the ending always gave me huge "buckle up, I'm about to write some real bullshit" flags, so I never went further.

>> No.12099283

Nobody can agree on that, the Endymion books are VERY different from Hyperion books. More linear, more action-packed. I personally love them for world-building alone. You only got glimpses of the worlds beyond planet Hyperion in Hyperion and Fall, the following novels take you on a full carousel ride through the Web and beyond. There's also Federico de Soya, who's almost as based as Paul Dure.

>> No.12099307

Because it's basically a world from which there is no escape or victory. It's already over. Might as well take the little pleasures.

>> No.12099316

nothing that's /sffg/

>> No.12099330

Adjustment Day. It is rubbish.

>> No.12099342
File: 492 KB, 933x1330, top_25_reddit_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like everyone already said Reddit's problem is the upvote system because it ensures only popular opinions make it to the top. Not to mention absolute karma whores that infest the place and wouldn't dare say something "out of line" out of fear they'll lose their useless points. These two things pretty much quell any legitimate discussion and you're far better off posting here even if it is slower.

>> No.12099402

>Excellent: 4
>Good: 2
>OK to bad: the rest
I haven't read them all but I don't want to read a bunch of books on that list.

I'd also shit on a /sffg/ top 25 list

>> No.12099419

problem with any "top X" lists is they're always far too general. that means you NEED to include the classics and shit. only way to create a good list is go full autism mode on curated and specifics. only modern fantasy released on per-decade basis, only established classics, historical fantasy gets its own category, etc.

>> No.12099425

>4 excellent

>> No.12099507

>Assassin's Apprentice

>> No.12099522

thoughts on the Night's Dawn trilogy?

>> No.12099531

Which Ringworld books apart from Ringworld are worth reading? I really enjoyed it, but heard it goes to shit fast.

>> No.12099573

None. Sequel attempts to "correct" some of the issues, but it's not on the same level. Stick to the first book.

>> No.12099591
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What's the consensus on this?

>> No.12099603

Wish Rand would just break Cadsuane's legs the fucking pussy.

>> No.12099678


Great Book of Amber by Zelazny.

>> No.12099709
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>> No.12099723

That sounds awfully grimderp. Are you trying to take me on a ruse cruise anon?

Sounds like a hardboiled detective novel in spaaaace.

>> No.12099747
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>translator is getting married
>no chapter updates for a few days

>> No.12099753

Fuck off with your chink shit. If you had any sense you'd be getting married too instead of reading crap.

>> No.12099756

i would like to get married too, but there's no one for me to marry

>> No.12099760

That's all on you.

>> No.12099767

You can marry holograms nowadays, what's stopping you?

>> No.12099771

i would probably kill myself first before getting to that point

>> No.12099784

Man no one likes a Negative Nancy.

>> No.12099824

if only her pussy were hairy

>> No.12099832

Should I start with the New Spring instead of The Eye of the World

>> No.12099837

what, you want me to lie?

>> No.12099881


>> No.12100181

It's the opposite of libertarian sci-fi

>> No.12100422
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was this a good deal /sffg/?

>> No.12100436


>> No.12100445

>Name of the Wind in the second spot
fucking cancer

>> No.12100462 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12100472

Of course it wasn't.

>> No.12100476

No. Don’t read Endymion.

>> No.12100520


so what are some audiobook you'd say are on par or even better than straight up reading experience?

>> No.12100560

Spy thriller > Horror > Mystery > Science Fiction > Western >>> Fantasy

search your feelings, you know it to be true

>> No.12100589
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Why not everything?

>> No.12100592

I just read a russian litrpg. I had to check the author name but still, I believe these books are churn out by a russian AI who played too much WoW.

>> No.12100605

spy thriller and myster are momcore

western is dadcore

horror is littlebrothercore

science fiction is just unsubtle projections of modern day anxieties onto the future, often IN SPAAAAAAAAACE

fantasy is patrician

>> No.12100616

spy thrillers are boomercore, they are for people who grew up during the cold war

>> No.12100624

patrician taste, friendly tip : make sure all of your tech priest have the skill that gives you one CP at the start of each turn.

>> No.12100641

>fantasy is patrician
oh no no no no no

fantasy is bottom of the barrel even by genre fiction standards, every hack tries to get into fantasy because it has the youngest readership base and no real rules on what you can do

>> No.12100656
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Oh I got that one, it was too game breaking not to get (meaning you are fucked without it). I would also take the +6 cognition points canticle on the next turn for the phosphorus rape train.
Have you been able to finish the Grave Goods mission (given by that little rat Scaevola)? I am unable to deploy the troops and get connection lost message.

>> No.12100662

Dark is the Sun, Philip Jose Farmer

>> No.12101092

This life is way too long anyways

>> No.12101098

I finished Poppy War recently and I really liked the heroine. She's a bit of a Sue at the beginning but it gets better and towards the end she's a downright cunt.

>> No.12101128

Name 5 genuinely good spy thrillers.

>> No.12101136

Fucking stop with that shit, it's awful and bland

>> No.12101181

Tinder Tailor Solider Spy
Our Man in Havana
Epitaph for a Spy
The Riddle of the Sands
The Quiet American

>> No.12101196

I've read one of those and it was actually genuinely good. I assume that goes for the others as well and now do not consider spy thrillers absolute garbage anymore. Cheers.

>> No.12101204

Newfag spotted

>> No.12101221

Groundhogs-Day-at-Wizard-School web novel called Mother of Learning. It's pretty good. Time looping done right.

>> No.12101341

Don't forget that it's written like a juvenile describing an exciting trip to the park or perhaps a winning game of Fortnite.

>> No.12101531

>implying Jewish lawyers won’t be able to do whatever they want
I means it’s cute you’re this naive

>> No.12101681

it quickly becomes clear he was writing about his waifu

>> No.12101788

Mad Max is pure shit.
It was the worst fucking movie I saw in years. Nothing happens.
When you ask people about it they always talk about "flamethrower guitar" and "metal aesthetics". What a load of crook.
I wish I could get my time back. We already have enough books where nothing happens. We don't need one with spray paint fetishists.

>> No.12101805

So two guys in trap are tonguing each other, while pretending to be the same person. So it's gay incest with yourself?

>> No.12101808
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I'm a Tolkienfag, but I'm really wanting to read some sort of space opera at the moment. any recommendations for something where everything is centered on the ships/actually being in space? my understanding of something like Dune is that it almost all takes place on a planet, which I don't really want. I'd like to read something that really captures the scale of space.

>> No.12101861

Any scifi books about races that use tech made by their ancestors that they no longer understand, like in wh40k.

>> No.12101898
File: 40 KB, 305x500, old mans war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you lads thing, currently on book three

>> No.12101909

book 1 and 3 are the only ones you should read

>> No.12101920

I agree, it's a terrible franchise that runs entirely on its aesthetic

>> No.12101943
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I always found The Postman superior. Then again, wasteland never appealed to me.

>> No.12101957


>> No.12101969
File: 551 KB, 800x1314, his-majestys-dragon-novik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's pic from an actual book or just a fantasy art pinterest?

1/3 in to pic and i'm enjoying it so far, Napoleon war except nations also have dragons, British Naval captain bonds a dragon hatchling and has to switch to the airforce

>> No.12101975

Uplift Saga

>> No.12101980

Heritage Universe

>> No.12101981

>murder mystery on a space station
>intelligent dolphins bent on rape
>gorilla (hehehe) warfare as earth gets invaded

it sure is a weird trilogy

>> No.12101997
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>not listening to audiobooks during commute/shower/cooking & cleaning
it fills dead time

>> No.12102032

>Uplift Saga

Underrated. I think I skipped the new trilogy for some reason.

>> No.12102066

Female author skip

>> No.12102071

depends if you like pedophilia and hate Catholics. if yes you'll get a love story that hops several planets and a sad/happy ending

>> No.12102073


>> No.12102087

>T. Average iq

>> No.12102100

so far its all navy talk and dragon bonding. only females characters so far are the MC's mother and the woman he's no longer going to marry, who only appear because he flies back home to say "hi i'm off to scotland and i'm no longer a navy captain"

>> No.12102109
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so what do you do whilst you drive to work? listen to the radio?

>> No.12102127

I read this when it came out but never finished the series, got about halfway. Quite enjoyable desu. I've considered reading some of her newer books but they seem a little to much like YA so I've put it off.

>> No.12102133

Read a book, God gave me two eyes for a reason.

>> No.12102176

Not OP, but I usually listen to the radio, yeah. I find audiobooks hard to concentrate on. I have some thrillers, mysteries, and westerns to listen to when my eyes give out. They work well because I don't care about the story very much. SFF I might listen to if I've already read the book.

>> No.12102187

I got into spy books recently and some of them are great, it's just nobody on /lit/ talks about them

>> No.12102201

I think.

>> No.12102213

every time i do that i think about turning into oncoming traffic

>> No.12102218

reading Shadow of the Torturer right now and struggling a bit
I don't think Gene Wolf is for me if he always writes like that

>> No.12102222

Me too.

>> No.12102231

he is very much a postmodern writer who happens to use science fiction/fantasy settings

if you prefer straightforward storytelling Gene Wolfe won't be to your liking

>> No.12102247

I just finished Chronicles of the Black company. What a great series. I hear the Books of the South aren't as good but I may give them a shot anyway.

Don't have anything to read at the moment, might go back to light novels and manga for a while. Been reading fantasy for the last 3 months.

>> No.12102251

...There's more than one?

>> No.12102254

How old are you?

>> No.12102256

Are you serious?

>> No.12102257

Are you underage?

>> No.12102261

are you telling me you watched fury road and thought that is all there is to the series?
shit nigga you are missing the glory of the thunderdome.

>> No.12102263

The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume Twelve
Skimming through, some nice stories, like the charming story “The Smoke of Gold is Glory” by Scott Lynch, which was a really nice surprise, in addition to the dose of Alastair Reynolds I picked up the book for.
Kinda weird to read short works after all these deep dives into world building and series-long set-ups.

>> No.12102284

29. Only saw the Road fury shit because everyone was raving about it.
I didn't care enough to search up on it's prequels or sequels.

>> No.12102307

Read it. Great stuff. Want more but probably with more scifi.

>> No.12102315
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Has anyone read pic related?
I love how it spans millennia and how inhuman the protagonists are.

>> No.12102328
File: 1.24 MB, 600x1000, Idolaf_Battle-Born.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lady or Soulcatcher

>> No.12102486


How does that rank as an anthology? I've kind of held off of short stories and anthologies as a whole because when I was younger I demanded more pages per dollar and hoped for more consistency, but I've come to realize that the sci-fi short story is a superb format.

>> No.12102520

>action movie is shallow
Wow tell us more

I lieked book 1 and will continue later. I've heard the series ends badly but that's what happens when you milk a franchise for 9 books.

>> No.12102536

a beautiful faux-haiku, anon.

>> No.12102652

/r/ing the right-wing fantasy and sci-fi charts

>> No.12102660

Go watch mad max this instant you invalid

>> No.12102709

It's been so long since a book has made me go "wow" and that I couldn't stop reading. I either find things alright or boring nowadays. Anyone else know this feel? A-Am I growing out of SFF?

>> No.12102713

I watched it, it was shit.
I'm not an Americlap. I don't find flaming music trucks and spray paint masks appealing.

>> No.12102732

It's australian

>> No.12102741

yeah you are
try blindsight

>> No.12102742

maybe you're a bit burned out on it

variety is the spice of life, read a mystery novel or something you don't usually read

>> No.12102748

The second movie in the series is ok

>> No.12102756

>Actually bothering to respond
It is either a troll or a retard. You will just lose your time replying.

>> No.12102845

Opinions on Patricia McKillip? Where should one start with her?

>> No.12102851
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Why does this board have to attract basedboys and contrarians?

>> No.12102900

Night Land is really underrated as a work of waifu literature.

>> No.12102910


The major work she's known for would be the Riddle-Master books, which are fine.

But the book I first read of hers, which was given to me at far too young of an age, is The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, which remains my favorite work for subjective reasons.

>> No.12102914

>too young for a fantasy book written by a roastie

>> No.12102940



>> No.12103032

I have only read part of the stories, but they have been interesting so far. Some pretty good. The audio book narrators are different for the stories, which is OK. Then again there's no buyers remorse if you get a copy for free on the internet.

>> No.12103103

LeGuinn's Tehanu 100% fits that bill.

>> No.12103298

what were the books that made you say "wow"?

I read the first two of the Riddle Master trilogy. She doesn't do the usual quest in this series and the magic system is unique. I think her prose is kind of weird but other ppl seem to like it. I think this series isn't for me but I'm willing to finish the last book sometime to see if it pays off at the end.

You know how 4chan has containment boards? 4chan itself is a containment site.