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/lit/ - Literature

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1209300 No.1209300 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about /lit/?

>> No.1209309

It's improved slightly over the last month. I'm surprised. Still not as good as it was during the first few months, but it's okay.

>> No.1209314
File: 52 KB, 640x431, man holding gla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice /lit/

>> No.1210375

I'm concerned about the disappearance of the Marx and Hegelfags. I think that when we thought all the stupid kids would go back to school, the intellectual wankers went back to school too. I miss them so much!

>> No.1210382
File: 5 KB, 274x184, VanMorrison4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss reading arguments between marxists for hours. also the guy that thought if nazis won the war our culture would be more developed. also people would talk about foucault & prisons for a long time.

cant believe all those people were high schoolers. reminds me of that survey thread on /mu/ when it was actually the older anons that were all weezer/muse/trollfags/etc

>> No.1210383

This, I kinda miss summer /lit/

>> No.1210395

I don't think they were all highschoolers, uni students have school as well

>> No.1210399
File: 163 KB, 1100x733, inception1lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im at uni & on here all my free time.

>> No.1210402

Yeah but you're the worst person on this board, you might as well leave.

>> No.1210405
File: 27 KB, 395x450, Jo-Go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. but it would be unfair to inflict my presence on people irl so i need you guys.

i love you all for this sacrifice you give tho

>> No.1210417

Doing pretty shitty right now, as always. We had a few glory days in between the end of summer and the start of school where the irritating trips just quit posting, but it's gone downhill since then.

The week we had World War Rand was probably the best

>> No.1210419
File: 47 KB, 376x490, joseph-gordon-levitt-picture-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also i miss the tinychats during summer when it was only /lit & /lit2. people would get accused of being stagolee & people would read books & things like that. i think stag played pokemon yellow for us at one point.

summer was probably the happiest point in my life for a longtime (childhood was prob happy). there was only the impending doom of uni & apart from that i could just be on here all day, read books & listen to music. i even felt stagolee was one of my real friends & also mogwai too. i miss summer so much.

>> No.1210427


But you're at uni now, and uni is cooool

>> No.1210429


It's unfair to inflict it on us too. Everyday you get people telling you to fuck off and die yet you persist in living. I find this extremely offensive.

You could always just sit by yourself in your room with the lights off. You don't have to bother anybody.

>> No.1210434
File: 20 KB, 500x254, joseph-gordon-levitt-header-500x254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really i have no friends, not doing any of the activities & the group work is stressing me out. people are gonna mark me down cause im too scared to say anything. also i hate being in public since im a freak & i think people laugh & me & such. dont think i can cut it as an adult.

>> No.1210439

it is unfair but you're all assholes anyway. sitting in a room myself i wouldnt have anyone to talk to, you guys are my bffs & life support.

>> No.1210441


You should talk to one of the lecturers. Not neccesarily your assigned tutor, though you could talk to her/him as well. Let them know what things have been like.

>> No.1210450

She treated /lit/ like shit on a stick prior to being alienated in university only to come back bawwing to us like a bitch. The pathetic twit does not deserve any our respect

>> No.1210451

Where do you go to University and what do you study?

>> No.1210452

To be honest, I thought /lit/ was much better in March-April-May than it was during the summer (when the tripfags invaded and the level of discourse plummeted). At the end of the academic year when everybody was bored, but also trying to finish term papers, we had a lot of serious intelligent discussion of literature. Now, not so much.

>> No.1210454
File: 70 KB, 500x261, joseph-gordon-levitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk to someone under premise of being a freak/outcast
how about no. also i went through the whole nhs thing but they were given me weak medicine, appointments that would be 2 weeks after calling at minimum & way too much independence. the good thing about that last part is that they havent called me up for dropping the thing alltogether yet.

>> No.1210461

*actually im under the impression the wont actually which is a relief.

>> No.1210468

I go to uni in the city of glasgow & i do comp sci. i think i could really be dedicated to that degree if i wasnt so sub-human just because its so fun & relevant.

>> No.1210469

/lit/ has the most bareable tripfags.

Even Stagolee was a pretty cool guy.

>> No.1210474
File: 15 KB, 228x221, 1287190141933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WTF? /lit/ isn't your fucking therapist you piece of subhuman shit.

>> No.1210473

>What does /lit/ think about /lit/?
Opinions about "books".
As opposed to critical analysis and literary discourse.

Make a thread (a polite one even) about something even remotely related to theory and it gets ignored because most people don't know what it's about. Sometimes people post very useful, interesting and funny things.

Meanwhile people give their opinions on the same old, tired authors, which usually amounts to pitiful shit-flinging. Fantasy, Sci-fi threads. Ayn Rand. Hey /lit/ help me find this hopelessly obscure book from my generic childhood. Amateur poetry hour. Help me with my homework. Grade my scribbles. Worse still, each of these has its equivalent in troll threads.

>> No.1210477

After last night's thread you've lost everyone's respect, not just the people that hate you.

>> No.1210480

I respect him.

>> No.1210481

Sup Stag

>> No.1210483


What thread is this? Post a link or it didn't happen

>> No.1210485

Oh and another thing;

opinions about people rather than what they're saying.

Make plenty of intelligent threads and people ignore them in favour of demonising you for one

>> No.1210488
File: 38 KB, 400x338, trumandealswithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am /lit/.

>> No.1210531

how do you get the dealwithit font?

>> No.1210535
File: 34 KB, 450x332, Reactionslap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't being demonized. You're a consistently shitty poster, blatant troll, and nobody falls for it.

Subhuman trash.

>> No.1210544

>You aren't being demonized.
>You're a consistently shitty poster, blatant troll, and nobody falls for it.
>You aren't being demonized.

>opinions about people rather than what they've posted

*sigh* degenerate slop-poster

>> No.1210545

The reason people have strong opinions about you is because you're a shitfucker

Seriously, you blatantly troll, like, all the time. Why are you surprised that people realize this and dislike you? If you took a fucking chill pill you would be a good poster.

>> No.1210552

>>opinions about people rather than what they've posted

What does this even mean? This is 4chan. People ARE what they post. People's opinion of you is entirely derived from the threads you post. Those threads (while very intelligent) are also antagonistic, elitist trolling. All the time. So, people have derived a negative opinion of you from the things you post. What's so mysterious about this?

>> No.1210556

I like it deep with edges

>> No.1210560
File: 38 KB, 200x200, 1271643189005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
/lit/ = /shit/

>> No.1210567
File: 46 KB, 600x567, Controversy 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever. You're a bag of faggots. Go hang yourself. Make it an epistemological project or something. Are my lexical phonemes making a dent in that neanderthal skull skippy?

>> No.1210569

/lit/ = lame fantasy threads, thread where Deep&Edgy is a prick, shit-tier high school poetry, Tybrax attn:whoring, CAPSGUY being the man, Infinite Jest thread, repeat.

Why do I even bother?

>> No.1210572


>opinions about people rather than what they've posted

>What does this even mean?

Pretty much this
>The reason people have strong opinions about you is because you're a shitfucker

>People ARE what they post
The character of a person is inferred by what they post, and of course this is completely different.

>So, people have derived a negative opinion of you from the things you post. What's so mysterious about this?
People have derived a negative opinion from the tone of my posts (because they want to be spoon-fed knowledge of course), not the content.

>> No.1210577

>Are my lexical phonemes
They are at the very least morphemes, twerp

>> No.1210581

I think the board is doing ok but I wish Tybrax and D&E would leave/stop posting as much.

Ty is a social failure and does not seem to get how annoying they are.

D&E would actually be a GREAT poster if he just didn't have the attitude problem. If he dropped the arrogance and treating everyone like idiots for not having read as much as he has he'd get better responses and we'd have some good solid threads on the first page for once.

Sadly neither of the two of them seem to notice the things they are doing that annoy us, I can only hope they come to terms with themselves and stop this behaviour sooner rather than later.

>> No.1210584

>People have derived a negative opinion from the tone of my posts (because they want to be spoon-fed knowledge of course), not the content.

No. It's not because your posts are 2 ELITE 4 YOU. It's because you're a trolling prick whose attitude is constantly elitist, antagonistic, and fucking hostile. People realize that you're a troll. They realize that you are constantly angry, belittling, insulting, attacking everyone else. And they realize that the purpose of your threads (which are really very intelligent) is to allow you to troll and insult people and shit (and if you want to argue about this, go ahead. I'm not going to listen. That's how you're perceived, whether of not it really is your intent). And consequently, they dislike you. What is so hard to understand about this.

>> No.1210586

nail on the head bud.

>> No.1210588
File: 7 KB, 260x260, Deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone puts the dealwithit text on this picture I will love you soo much.

>Tybrax attn:whoring
i dont do tht.

>> No.1210592

Did I misread something?

>>not really i have no friends, not doing any of the activities & the group work is stressing me out. people are gonna mark me down cause im too scared to say anything. also i hate being in public since im a freak & i think people laugh & me & such. dont think i can cut it as an adult.

>> No.1210591

Meanwhile people give their opinions on the same old, tired authors, which usually amounts to pitiful shit-flinging. Fantasy, Sci-fi threads. Ayn Rand. Hey /lit/ help me find this hopelessly obscure book from my generic childhood. Amateur poetry hour. Help me with my homework. Grade my scribbles. Worse still, each of these has its equivalent in troll threads.

i must say this is pretty spot-on

>> No.1210593
File: 9 KB, 183x275, TyBrax15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ty is a social failure and does not seem to get how annoying they are
You are so fucking retarded it's unbelievable. The first part is true, the latter is not. Don't think because I continue to post here I dont know how annoying I am it's just i need some people to talk to & you fucking assholes deserve it. But if you taught me how to get friends I would likely leave.

>> No.1210594

Point out a single thing besides my posts and the posts of others that you can use here to infer my character XD

>> No.1210596
File: 52 KB, 260x260, UHR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1210597

That's pretty much just what I get from your posts

Obviously, I don't know your character. Maybe you're a real nice guy who works in soup kitchens and stuff! But on /lit/ you're a hostile dickhead.

>> No.1210598


>No. It's not because your posts are 2 ELITE 4 YOU.

dude shut up. i'm tired of these teenage intellectual midgets farting on anything that attempts to approach critical analysis or an exchange of ideas on this board.

you people need to learn how to argue points without getting your feelings hurt. you know, like growns up.

>> No.1210601

>you people need to learn how to argue points without getting your feelings hurt. you know, like growns up.

fucking lol

if that's the case, then D&E needs to learn to argue his points without insulting the entire world for daring to approach his terrible majesty

>> No.1210605

I saw in the tinychat not long ago that you had met up with god and had coffee and a chat.

There you go, a friend who is one of the nicest people I've even heard of that you could ask out for coffee again at any time and what have you done about it?

This is why you are hated Ty, we have told you what to do.

Go. Talk. To. People.

You have at least one person now that you don't mind, ask them out for coffee again, talk, this is how friends are made.

Hell God is nice enough he'd probably hold your anxious hand through learning how to function as a social human being.

We have done as much as we can for you Ty, either start working or stop bothering us about it, don't become that guy at a book club who keeps talking about how he'll write a book 'one day...' and never does.

>> No.1210608


actually i've never really paid any attention to that guy so i don't know if he does exactly what i'm discouraging. however, i'm speaking to the general sense i get on here that anytime anyone tries to discuss something interesting they get called pretentious or elitist or whatever epithet is in style at the second.

can we move beyond giving opinions on, say "the best writer of the 20th century?" and actually, like, talk about ideas and shit?

>> No.1210613
File: 3 KB, 130x98, TyBrax19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

♥ 3rd is the best! ♥

>complaning about a 4chan board
same old, same old.

Also D&E you know how you say sometimes that people that dont know certain things about linguistics & other theory stuff dont deserve to post here? does that mean people that only knew as much as you did when you were 18 arent allowed to post here despite being 18 themselves? what i mean is that theres people doing the same degree as you here but are much younger.

>> No.1210615

most of the ppl who don't like D&E are babies who can't take being called retarded without throwing a fit (most of this board).

>> No.1210619

I didnt really connect with him i dont think. no fault of his i mean, hes just to interesting & nice & confident. i need someone thats boring & kinda shy to relate to i think otherwise im just boring them to death, no one wishes to hang out with someone that doesnt contribute anything.

>> No.1210620

alright, i now realize that all this griping is actually some cliquey, probably IRC related shit that some bozos closely follow and have built up little personal grudges over. not interested. thanks for the thread.

good luck with your internet friendships

>> No.1210632

for future reference the "dealwithit" font as you called it is called Impact.

>> No.1210635

Now lets get this straight

Ty is a whiney bitch who sucks /lit/'s collective cock for self-esteem every single day and still gets mad when we point it out to her

Deep and Derp is a troll with overinflated sense of self worth who blatantly samefags virtually every post he's ever made (See: >>1210598) and then pretends he didn't just look up his definitions on wikipedia.

/lit/ is a terrible board,
Case closed

>> No.1210639

Ty it's best to have someone to help pull you up in these situations, the people around you are a great influence ON you.

If you meet a shy person you will both kinda hang out, mostly be to shy to talk to each other or do things and nothing will really change, if you meet a confident person who wants to be friends then they will talk to you, get you talking back and encourage you to DO stuff, to get out of your comfort zone and deal with people better.

Since he left such a good first impression and you talk to him a lot anyway why not ask for some tips or something?

>> No.1210640

>gets mad
does not compute. youre the ones that always drop the argument when you get TOLD

>jealous of my infamy
>jealous of D&E intelligence
seriously you should just stop pretending your some special snowflake & that you choose not to trip when its really that you dont know how or are too scared to be responsible for your posts & shit complaining like this.

>> No.1210651

>get you talking back and encourage you to DO stuff, to get out of your comfort zone and deal with people better
It's not ok to be a person that doesnt do stuff? i dont think i really want to change as a person, i just want a friend that is like me to do boring things like just staying in.

>> No.1210653

Uh hope you know you're not actually talking to me there

>> No.1210654

>so blinded by rage she can't even type in complete sentences

>> No.1210659
File: 9 KB, 192x209, TyBrax11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn2read if you think i was.

pic is me caring. jus too depressed to type properly ;(

>> No.1210671

Oh Tybax has managed to convince people of this?

>> No.1210680

/lit/ - no actual literature discussion, ever

>> No.1210681

I've been saying I am a guy constantly, especially on the tinychat. don know why you guys thik otherwise.

>> No.1210685

oh, I 100% agree with this post

D&E is just a dick, I like that he talks about interesting stuff.

>> No.1210691

because you used to say you were a girl

>> No.1210690

>Also D&E you know how you say sometimes that people that dont know certain things about linguistics & other theory stuff dont deserve to post here? does that mean people that only knew as much as you did when you were 18 arent allowed to post here despite being 18 themselves?
No. Anyway, /lit/ wasn't around when I was 18.

I like this guy. He keeps it short and sweet, doesn't take a paragraph to enunciate his dislike of me.

>> No.1210698

i never *said* i was, i just went along with it when you guys said it. i still say stuff like "gender: widely disputed" in hook up threads for fun.

its just weird & funny, like that time some guy thought i was actually tybrax just because i posted some of his stuff for a joke.

>> No.1210703

I don't mean do things like go out and such but just do little things like for instance when you went for the coffee, from that chat I picked up that it was the first time you'd ever really gotten one and that you liked it.

you don't have to leave the house to do things, it could be as simple as playing a video game together or talking about a book you've both read recently, these little things will get you out of your shell and make you feel better, even if you never go to a concert get drunk and fuck people, those things are not for everyone.

Also honest question, why do you want to not change when you have stated more than a few times that you don't like who you are now?

>> No.1210724

>why do you want to not change when you have stated more than a few times that you don't like who you are now?
dont think i have ever said that. i think the confusion is that i admit im unbearable for anyone i have to interact with. that doesnt mean i dont like being me when im just at my house reading & stuff like that. i like being me then, just not in public.

ok thing you say above makes sense. but to do those things i need to find a boring person that likes them.

>> No.1210728

The sad thing about you D&E is that I so very easily COULD like you.

You are smart, you contribute to the board and you post interesting information for me to look up and digest.

The only real problem I have with you is that you are oddly rude for no real reason. If you were at least neutral for a while then opinion of you would probably go up and your threads would be more successful but you don't seem to be interested.

>> No.1210817

Deep&Edgy may be a failure as a human being now but with enough cognitive restructuring and antipsychotic drugs he may yet become a useful member of society but don't hate him. It's too easy. Let the troll be a troll.

You know?

>> No.1210833


>failure as a human being
>cognitive restructuring
>useful member of society
Stale ideological shit. Intellectual numbness and rhetorical mouth-farting. Take a hint from >>1210685

>> No.1210847
File: 76 KB, 350x218, 1275435642357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your post are all going to be hilarious now that imagine you with an irish accent. hehe

>> No.1210855

Aren't you scottish or something?
Even moar hilarious.

>> No.1210859


>> No.1210867

>implying scottish is funnier & isnt used in films for "manly" characters such as >>1210859 whereas irish accent is used for "weirdos"

>implying its not funnier since d&e uses so much jargon & witty insults

>implying despite this you just wanted to bring up the fact im scottish for some lol xD randum action

>> No.1210873
File: 27 KB, 305x475, reversenarrative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a reverse narrative still a reverse narrative if you read the book from back to front?

A reverse narrative is a story told backwards

This seems to me to be a rather superficial narrative technique which depends on the purely arbitrary, although well ingrained and pragmatic convention of the reader to read the book in a certain manner (front to back).

>> No.1210875


fuck, meant to post as thread

>> No.1210876

lol inb4 delete post.

>> No.1210878


No, you explicitly stated that you were him. You spent hours trying to convince me.

>> No.1210887

>explicitly stated
linking to his work != explicitly stated

theres a reason i found that thread so weird & interesting.

but i wish we wouldnt fight over it anymore, i was an incredible experience, thats why i was posting so long.

>> No.1210897


Stop being a fucking liar then, you stated you were him and when I said it didn't matter whether or not you were him because his work sucked in any event, you linked me to more work you explicitly introduced as 'yours', trying to convince me to like 'you'. For five hours you did this. You're a loser. Go out and talk to people, for fuck's sake.

>> No.1210938

>trying to convince me to like 'you'
nope, i was egging you on to post your own work.

>You're a loser. Go out and talk to people, for fuck's sake
true but id rather inflict myself upon you guys than some nice irl folks. by coming here you probably expect me shit

>> No.1210948


You never posted your own, having claimed that as an 'artist', you could tell us that no artist has ever smoked.

>> No.1210994

go & get pissed you fucking peon

>> No.1211000


Try again. I'm no peon, and you're no artist.

>> No.1211006

i dont need to be one to know that no real artists submits to peer pressure.