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/lit/ - Literature

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12092948 No.12092948 [Reply] [Original]

Was I the only one who found Notes from the Underground funny? I couldn't help but snicker and wheeze at some parts. It's relatable and saddening, sure, but It's still funny. Kinda give me a watamote feel (for those weebs out there)

>> No.12092956

i think the majority of readers find funny

>> No.12092987

so we call agree that the mc was autist, right?

>> No.12093086

I did the same for Bartleby the Scriviner. Am I a broken soul?

>> No.12093091

Dostoevsky is supposed to be funny, so yes.

>> No.12093138

Bartleby is almost a mirror to Gogol’s the Overcoat, and they’re highly similar in that Gogol always does the thing where you can and are supposed to laugh at the patheticness of the character at first, but soon realize how bad the situation for him really is and feel bad at yourself, but not bad enough that you regret the laughs. Just a bit of the magic that makes Gogol and Melville tick and leaves an interesting impression on the reader

>> No.12093141

Humor is one of the main things Dostoevsky is famous for. It's literally the first point in every "Tolstoy vs Dosto" argument

>> No.12093151
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Sorry I'm a brainlet. I always thought people took his literature seriously, guess I was completely wrong. Please forgive my newfaggyness on /lit/

>> No.12093155

Don't worry, a lot of people think very funny writers are supposed to be deathly serious. See also Kierkegaard.

>> No.12093156

Things can be both humorous and serious, often at the very same time. It's okay though anon, good to see you're enjoying something.

>> No.12093223

Probably the funniest book I've ever read. At times it was like reading autistic greentexts from /r9k/.

>> No.12093257

I genuinely thought it was hilarious.
Hunger by Hamsun also.
I bust out laughing with both of them

>> No.12093346

>some chad mogs you
>autistically fantasize about shoulder checking him

>invites himself to dinner party
>gets drunk and makes an ass out of himself
>not invited to the after party

>actually makes a salient speech to whore
>whore comes to him, best chance an old ugly retarded faggot like him will ever have for female companioship
>spergs out

It's pretty funny desu. Also helpful for me since I imbibed a lot of utilitarian philosophy from a college seminar on libertarianism (we read a lot of John Stuart Mill).

>> No.12093352

Reading Brothers K. atm and I was surprised by how funny the scene at the hermitage was when the dad spergs out and makes an ass out of himself with the elder.