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12092300 No.12092300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you love Her so much, /lit/?
She only makes you suffer.
>pic unrelated

>> No.12092313
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because its easier than asking her out

>> No.12092316

except i dont love her anymore, the last time we were together i felt nothing but a slight contempt for the shape of her nose(i had become racist in the years between our two relationships)
the other hers i never loved in the first place, they were just sensual accompaniment to intoxication

>> No.12092332

Because she just glows

>> No.12092351

im I the only one that doesn't have a onetis and thinks that shit is stupid. Seriously though it always comes across as childish when people talk about "my onetis" like their fucking 5th graders and make up imaginary realities with people they barely talk to.

>> No.12092368

I've got hardcore oneitis for my best friend of 5 years because I'm the biggest autist in the world

>> No.12092380

Cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.12092381
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>> No.12092453

>don't love her
>when OP said Her she instantly came to your mind
Make your mind up lying-ass nigga

>> No.12092464

I don't think it's too strange. Everyone has some kind of obsession or complex they can't get rid off.

>> No.12092479

I don't love anyone except myself.

>> No.12092527

I know I'm far too egotistical to exist in a stable and happy relationship and yet too cowardly to actually change or pursue it.

Really I love the idea of being in love rather than actually being in love.

>> No.12092557

>Why do you love Her so much, /lit/?
Because she doesn't exist, and neither do I as her lover.

>> No.12093957

How sad

>> No.12094033

I got over it years ago, stop being a loser anon. Seriously I went through this when i was a teenager, grow up.

>> No.12094051

They're borderline /r9k/ crypto normies.
I see three paths for them.
>Wallow as an incel, maybe shoot up a school.
>Harden up and get a gf.
>Become an unironic waifufag and ascend, dedicate your life to her and let her become your constant companion, an almost religious experience.

>> No.12094056

>i felt nothing but a slight contempt for the shape of her nose(i had become racist in the years between our two relationships)

>> No.12094142

Because you're not lit enough. You are unable to see the subtext of that "one girl". You go through the world superficially, caring only about what's useful, grounded firmly on the earth, instictively refuting everyone who has their "heads in the clouds", distancing yourself from anything that has to do with dreams. While the onetis-affected cohort dream a life rich of allegories, full of symbolism, flooded by intertextual parallels wreaded within their narratives, invaded by sensations indifferent to the brevity of the present: where memories reveal themselves. That is, these people, we, are magical, transporting ourselves between past, present, and future, capable of seeing our destiny in a toast or in our favorite book, and perceiving the world through an interface of our invention!!

>> No.12094176

I don't love

>> No.12094298


>> No.12094309

I don't know who you're talking about.

>> No.12094338

It's hard to breathe around her. Whenever I see I go into fight or flight mode. Her confidence - Beauty. I had her. But I couldn't keep her.

>> No.12094494

No actually anon you're just a virgin.

>> No.12094507

based virgin-killing chad