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12091983 No.12091983[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to live the ascetic lifestyle?

>> No.12092195
File: 172 KB, 1024x1211, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quit university
>quit work
>quit gf (politely)
>acquire a humble dwelling with a single bed, a desk and a chair at most
>slowly train yourself to give up luxuries until you're at the point where you can live on grains beans and vegetables and drink water while wearing second hand clothes

That's the basics.

>> No.12092201

Also buzz off your hair. If you feel resistance to this you are overly vain.

>> No.12092211


>> No.12092226

read rule of st benedict

>> No.12092248

Have you done all this?

>> No.12092285 [DELETED] 

Yes, but after periods of strict abstinence I know no longer avoid alcohol, tobacco and meat. I don't pursue them either, but it's not something I worry about. They're relatively inconsequential vices compared to work or romantic relationships, way less harmful.

>> No.12092291

Yes, but after periods of strict abstinence I no longer avoid alcohol, tobacco and meat. I don't really pursue them either, but it's not something I worry about. They're relatively inconsequential vices compared to work or romantic relationships, way less harmful.

>> No.12092292

This isn't ascetic. Minimalism is too influenced by trendy design. I imagine a modern ascetic living in a shit apartment with only the necessities. This guy has too much useless trendy junk

>> No.12092295

Can you elaborate on how you did all this?

>> No.12092298

Did you build up savings? How can you afford it?
>inb4 my parents were rich

>> No.12092318

Deleted to fix a sentence, sorry. I don't really understand your question, what about the method seems not straight forward?
Yuropoor welfarian.

>> No.12092324

Thats a nice little facade of a life he has going there. Although he tries to appear as this charming and modest guy, hes really a self absorbed cunt who masturbates to his own videos. "Oh yeah. let me put in this super smooth jazz-hop shit in the background while I make cute little ironic jokes about being a hipster when I literally am one." I guarantee he tweets basedboy shit about republicans every day too. Cunt.

>> No.12092335

But what about money?

>> No.12092355

Leech from the state or something else that allows you to live frugally. You need less than 10k a year in most first world countries.

>> No.12092359

No True Ascetic would ever have a Youtube account.

>> No.12092372

Why not? This guy is obviously not an ascetic you could easily live Diogenes tier with the exception of a chinkphone to spread your message in the contemporary agora.

>> No.12092383

LOL. Nice.

>> No.12092389

>relying on society to maintain an antisocial lifestyle
Wew lads

>> No.12092403

I'm semi ascetic in university ama.

>> No.12092428

i get what you're saying, but unless you a) become the conqueror of an entire society thus allowing you to do as you please, or b) learn to subsist entirely off of nature, you will always be relying on others in society for subsistence. Even billionaires aren't guaranteed to be able to do as they please (e.g. that clinton buddy epstein who somehow miraculously was jailed)

>> No.12092436

how to live the AESTHETIC life tho

>> No.12092442

you dont senpai cause its expensive and you cant afford it if you live the literary life proper

>> No.12092445


>> No.12092454

fitlit is beautiful

>> No.12092468

roid apes are grotesque, ottermode reigns supreme.

it also doesn't require you to eat obscene amounts of food every day, which is completely antithetical to ascetic ideals.

>> No.12092482

ottermode is for fags go big or go home

>> No.12092488


>> No.12092521

>I no longer avoid alcohol
but alcohol is the basis of an abstinent monks life

>> No.12092524

It's almost like they can't smell themselves.
Protein farts aren't aesthetic folks...

>> No.12092533


>why not?


>> No.12092539

How do I pay for my dwelling if I quit work

>> No.12092552

Where do you get the antisocial part?

>> No.12092561

might it be that anon is trying to justify his failed life

>> No.12092578

>Where do you get the antisocial part?
we basically live in a society

>> No.12092584

Might it be someone discussing failure and making cheap internet attacks doesn’t know how to use a question mark?

>> No.12092604

but qt grills love ottermode

>> No.12092613

>lifting for hoes
not gonna make it

>> No.12092628
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>> No.12092648

depends on your genetics
I think every man shoudl spend 2 years getting big, then cutting. you will never have to 'get big' again.

you will always look good after that cut, and if you stop lifting for a while then get back to it, you will look like a god within 2 months of LIGHT WEIIGHTT

>> No.12092653


>> No.12092698

Sure, but why do you think that someone who doesn't work is antisocial? Most people who don't work have more of a social life than wagies.

Don't fall for the 'whites can't get welfare' meme, it's a trick.

>> No.12093242
File: 22 KB, 422x316, 183059300284932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically he isn't a minimalist. A minimalist would use public transport, not own a fucking car. A minimalist would have a cheap adjustable set of dumbbell weights at home to stay in shape, not go to a fucking gym everyday. A minimalist wouldn't own thousands of dollars worth of filming equipment either, they would at most own a basic smartphone to film their life with and upload to YouTube (assuming that's part of their work). This guy HAS A FUCKING BLENDER. What fucking minimalist HAS A BLENDER? The fuck? That's an incredibly non-essential item. What a fucking pointless video, he's literally jut like any other city dwelling bugman his age albeit with a few less possessions.

>> No.12093262

fucking cringed so hard at that asian looking mong mutt of a woman doing the accent

>> No.12093268

i legitimately question the value of an ascetic lifestyle for reaching a transcendent state of consciousness. i'd rather take a nuclear bomb to my brain with LSD and not be poor

>> No.12093309

Ascetics are about not wanting, not about economic status. A lot of the famous ones were richer than sin. You probably want more stimulation than they do, but if you were forced into their low stimulation lifestyle, you'd probably be the most likely to experience it as transcendent. Ascetic monks thinking they've fought demons and cannot go back now Satan has seen them happens a lot, and a lot of it among people who didn't really want the pilgrimage. The same thing happens with Jerusalem and Stendhal syndrome, but to people who feel the opposite about stimulation and become overloaded by it.

>> No.12093327

His point is that you're leeching the State for your lifestyle

>> No.12093334

owned the libs epic style

>> No.12093348


i see what you mean, i made that statement thinking mostly about the starvation and neglect of the physical body that ends up leading towards those experience
(from drugs). so if i could get glimpses or something close enough to what i want in a drug, do i really need all the suffering that goes along with it?

but yeah, once i pay the rest of my debt off and say goodbye to my family i'm going to fuck off to a cabin in the woods for a long time with my books and potions

>> No.12093357

>ottermode reigns supreme
I bet you're one of those low T fags who thinks he'll get ripped doing push-ups.

>> No.12093358

so a poor person's ascetic sentiment has less merit than a rich person's? Because a poor person never had the wealth so he never learned how to let it go. So a poor fuck turning towards asceticism seems less legitimate than a rich person?

>> No.12093367

wtf i'm ascetic and i didn't even knew
>neet (no job, no university)
>no bf/gf
>single bed, desk and chair home
>can only afford second hand clothes
>i eat beans and vegetables everyday bc i'm vegetarian
>i only drink water bc juice is too much work
>i buzz my hair bc is low maintenance

fuck man, i'm an inasc: involuntary ascetic

>> No.12093377

>has more items than me
fuck again

>> No.12093378

even buzzing your hair is vain
just ignore it's growth, same with face

>> No.12093380

upboted. :)

>> No.12093383


>> No.12093385

not him, but that's true, i spend all my neet money in books, i don't even have a couch in my micro apartment

>> No.12093388

No, poor people still want things. Money often being top among them and with better reason than a rich fag. If you're going with "economic status and morality are linked" asceticism doesn't hold to that. Also: making asceticism a race to be more sacrificial is just wanting to win. Wanting to make races and win are not ascetic. It's not a competition. If it were, plenty of dead guys already won.

>> No.12093403

It's not so much the suffering (some monks have happy visions about saints or God). It's the low stimulation environment. You could probably get the same thing off a sensory deprivation tank faster. Whether it's suffering or glory, it's usually more transcendent for people who do better in high sensory environments.

>> No.12093406

I've been told that minimalism is trying to live with items that you need only.
But there are people who have extremely flexible interpretations of what that is.
His youtube equipment is basically a necessity for his channel. So him owning it doesn't really bother me as much. Neither does his blender so long as he uses often.
The car and gym I agree though. He doesn't really need it.
I would just call him someone who tries to live life cheaply. A simple living sort with some extra bits and bobs.

>> No.12093409
File: 8 KB, 244x206, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to live the ascetic lifestyle?

By being actually well-read in the literature which formed the basis of most ascetic traditions around the world, e.g. Upanishads/Vedanta, Daoism, Tantra, various Buddhist texts, Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, The Bible and both western and eastern Christian mystics all the way from St. John to Palamas etc. All the rigourous lifestyle practices are in the end just meant to eliminate distractions so one can experience or focus on the absolute. If you are well read in all the actual texts that formed most ascetism throughout history you'll have a good understanding of what to do. It helps with getting past entry-level obstacles like overcoming boredom, distracting thoughts, quitting early etc that a lot of other people never get by.

>> No.12093411

This place is really comfy

>> No.12093416

>It helps with getting past entry-level obstacles like overcoming boredom, distracting thoughts, quitting early etc that a lot of other people never get by.
what do they say about overcoming these obstacles

>> No.12093423

You could join a monastery for a month? I heard there places that offer religious retreats for people. All you have to bring is a change of clothes, your wallet with ID and yourself.
That's it, no cellphone, no books, no laptops.

>> No.12093440

Not him but a lot of it is because those are all false needs and desires. They're designed to keep you running and foraging thinking
>I need to be doing something
>I need to be entertained
>I need to think about this right now
You probably don't. If you are not hungry and don't feel sleepy, you're able to do nothing and nothing bad will happen. You can be silent and full and just experience the world. The idea you need to do much more than nothing is better reserved for times when you're hungry or being chased by a bear, and doesn't need to be your default state.
That's a basic run down but it varies some from Buddhists to Jesuits and so on, since some of them add AND THEN YOU CAN THINK ABOUT GOD NON STOP or other caveats.

>> No.12093451 [DELETED] 

>what do they say about overcoming these obstacles

gimme me some specific examples and I could give you examples of what they would say to do

>> No.12093477

idk overcoming the distracting thoughts of masturbating to that hot looking hoe that you saw on the subway and 'tfwnogf' type feels, or quitting due to hopelessness of repeated failure in life

>> No.12093500

Some of the ones who don't think sex is a no-no even with yourself (and some of the sneakier cults who lie about their sex rules being liberal at first) reason that it's disrespectful to you and her because you're creating a fantasy woman, something that can never be realized, and the reason why we do that is so that we can be dissatisfied with reality, and constantly pursue the desire because it can never be filled by her or you.

Some of the Buddhists figure you are creating illusions whenever you imagine things any way, so they'd be horrified at your world building consisting mainly of half remembered tits in T-shirt when you could do anything in there.

A lot of the Catholic ones think you should live being a failure and making up for it despite the chances it's a fruitless effort. It's almost the opposite reasoning from the others because they believe in good desires (eg you don't have sex outside marriage and for babies: wanting to be chaste otherwise is a good desire, wanting sex round ovulation every month is a good desire in a marriage)

>> No.12093527

what about family duties

>> No.12093556

Depends on the ascetic. Anyone under Confucianism for a long time is not going to put anything in front of filial piety that much. A lot of ascetics are chaste and asocial in other religions too, so they never see their family or anyone else once they enter the monastery, or very rarely see them.

There isn't a set prescription on them across ascetics. They veer towards antinatalists in the west, but a lot of that is Catholicism or Orthodoxy, like a lot of the family duty focus in China is Confucian more than ascetic. Some mummify themselves because asceticism to the point of death is the key to their ideal state. It really doesn't have a unifying force that I can think of in ascetics.

>> No.12093572
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saving money to buy land in southern rural new zealand one day

>> No.12093574

The stoics in the West have a similar set up to the Confucian ascetics in China/Japan. A lot of Nazism asceticism is inspired by the stoic fascists in Rome, like Seneca's work, because it teaches obedience to the state comes through the pater familias, like Confucianism was used in the East by pretty much every imperial power since.

>> No.12093576
File: 156 KB, 500x333, 6a00d8341ce39f53ef011572280ba4970b-500wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some mummify themselves because asceticism to the point of death is the key to their ideal state.
Pretty brutal desu

>> No.12093595

I dunno dude I wanted to be a mummy when I was a kid. If I'd stuck to it instead of splitting my time with being a ninja, I could be in nirvana by now.

>> No.12093622

>When the devout felt death approaching, his disciples would lower him into a pine box at the bottom of pit three meters deep in a predetermined spot. They would then pack charcoal around the box, insert a bamboo airway through the lid, and bury their master alive. Sitting in total darkness, the monk would meditate and regularly ring a bell to signal that he was still alive. When the ringing ceased, the disciples would open the tomb to confirm their master’s death, remove the bamboo airway, and seal the tomb.
>A thousand days later, the monk would be disinterred and inspected for signs of decay. If any such signs were found, the body would be exorcised and reinterred with little fanfare. If not, the body was determined to be a true sokushinbutsu and enshrined.
Possibly the most /lit/ way of death

>> No.12093629


>> No.12093694

>If you are not hungry and don't feel sleepy, you're able to do nothing and nothing bad will happen.
What if I need to pee or poo

>> No.12093736

>tfw upper middle class but pretend you're middle class on the internet under the guise of "minimalism"

>> No.12093742

Should've gone before we left.

>> No.12093770
File: 577 KB, 540x540, moesadforyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"what about things that bring you joy?"
>"i got rid of that as well."
bugmen are truly the saddest of the species

>> No.12093791

>sleeping among your books
>eating silverfish in your sleep

>> No.12093800

In a future life you might be a silverfish and hate yourself even more.

>> No.12093808

Do what needs to be done in your life. The things you want to do the least right now are the things that need to be done. No matter who or where you are, you'll live the ascetic lifestyle then.

>> No.12093854

Should've watched the rest.

>> No.12093873

I did. It was actually sadder.
>"lol XD no mom hustle not hustler"

>> No.12093887

>You need less than 10k a year in most first world countries.

Motherfucker, what? Studios in my area average at $900. If you're struggling to average $1k/month you're not living on that.

>> No.12093913

Fuck off we're full.

>> No.12093920
File: 416 KB, 1710x2560, change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has excellent observations about asceticism - not necessarily 'how to' more 'let's talk about.'

>> No.12093959

>has a gf

>> No.12093969

this guy just has an incredibly clean house and thought-out lifestyle. hardly a minimalist
>posting yt recommended-tier vids

>> No.12094009

but anon i already live there
t. dunedin

>> No.12094031

My bad, have fun in southland. (lol)

>> No.12094057
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It's okay. Thinking a yurt would be a good idea, stayed in one near Little River in Akaroa for a few days. Some companies build them in Golden Bay for sorta cheap, just got to find a nice bit of land.

>> No.12094068

Are you sure? Can I come? I'm black.

>> No.12094732

Agree on most of what you say besides
>minimalist would have a cheap adjustable set of dumbbell weights at home to stay in shape, not go to a fucking gym everyday
A pair of dumbbells will do jack shit, if you wanna go for the minimalist way of staying in shape you go for calisthenics and running. But it's subjective as fuck, dumbbels will keep you in one place so that aspect of it is minimalistic. From an athletic point of view running and calisthenics it's the most basic shit you can without sacrificing efficiency.
>This guy HAS A FUCKING BLENDER. What fucking minimalist HAS A BLENDER? The fuck? That's an incredibly non-essential item
Really dumb thing to say, have you ever had a food blender? Still subjective, blending food really saves my time. I workout so something like milk, banana, peanutbutter, sunflower seeds, eggs, protein powder is a beast of a meal and It literally takes 5-10 minutes to make, including cleaning.

In my opinion that's the fault with minimalism, you can't reallly define what real "minimalism" is. For example, a couple of years ago I thought having as few clothes as possible is really minimalistic but I had to clean them very often because I would run out of things to wear. Now I have a shitton of clothes and i do my laundry aprox once a month.

>> No.12094761

adiposity is estrogenic, my fat friend

I don't care about being "ripped", I lift and run so as to maintain a decent level of muscularity at circa 10% bodyfat

>> No.12094796

In a similar vein:
I want to smack them. I want to be a normalfag without schizophrenia and chronic back pain. I hate they have a normal life and I can't. The only people I find relatable are lonely old folk and tragedy stricken mothers.
Fuck everything desu

>> No.12094812

>in my area
spooked? just leave

>> No.12094820
File: 351 KB, 820x1024, gettyimages-3402484-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't recapture the detachment and sense of wonder I had when I was reading as a kid and young teen. Maybe if I get a bit more introverted and sick I can nail it.
Also check my cool pic

>> No.12094822
File: 67 KB, 494x750, 3961f3a56882cd3be54a79dc96b0d34c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool pic n.2
The photographer is Andre Kertesz. Great guy

>> No.12094838


>> No.12094847

Are autists more inclined to /ascetic/ since they have trouble handling sensory information overload? Asking for a friend

>> No.12095046

>A minimalist would have a cheap adjustable set of dumbbell weights at home to stay in shape, not go to a fucking gym everyday
>a minimalist would own equipment as opposed to using a service in which he shares equipment

>> No.12095101

As this post says >>12094732 it's subje tive.

>> No.12095117

In a way yes, but some autists tend to be extremely orderly with their stuff. So clutter is possible but only as much as the autist can maintain systematic control over his clutter.

>> No.12095161

Can't wait until a hardcover falls off the top shelf and busts your face when you're sleeping. Nice try though

>> No.12095331

>I'm adding extra time price and maintenance to making a smoothie
Like you can't suck cock and not be gay, the word smoothie being in your vocabulary and needing a special machine means you're not a minimalist. I'm not the guy you're responding to, I'm just not dumb enough to think you are the only person with those products who isn't a trend following shill. You're not minimalist. The only reason to have a blender as a minimalist is it it helps you get the baby and old lady with no teeth food out faster to a greater number of people than six. Everything else, thousands of years of mankind are more minimalist than you by simply not buying shit advertised to you post 1995 and using a spoon. The fact you can't see that is hilarious though.

>> No.12095348

People like these are clearly real, you're probably just lazy

>> No.12095353

i get laid tho, faggit, do u?

>> No.12095411
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>Doesn't make his smoothies by smashing his fruits and veggies to a pulp with his fists
uhhh okay fren

>> No.12095447

>in my area

Go to a cheaper area. You don't need to live above the indie coffeeshop downtown.

>> No.12095451

Yurts require a lot of maintenance, you'd be better off with some sort of prefab cabin or a trailer.

>> No.12095453

I went 31 years without ever having a smoothie, can't you just, you know, eat the fruits and vegetables?

>> No.12095465

Living a simple frugal life on welfare is less damaging to your fellow man than being a careerist consumerist competing with them for jobs and resources.

>> No.12095471

Yes, it's actually healthier.

>> No.12095474

>A minimalist would use public transport
no he would walk everything by foot

>> No.12095480

>involuntary ascetic

>> No.12095575

Asceticism is not about deprivation, but rather, balance. The process of detachment is like the process of learning to ride a bicycle without training wheels. The more momentum you have the easier it is to stay balanced. Once your mind is set towards wisdom and you are daily involved in your goal all you need to do is give yourself to it, and the rest will fall into place, or fall off like old skin. It is not appropriate to ask "how to live the ascetic lifestyle" since asceticism is more like a consequence rather than a means. Instead you should be asking yourself, What do I do today to become more assured in my heart's devotion to x (God, wisdom, Brahman, inner peace, etc.)? The more you contemplate your object, the more assured you are in your love for it, the faster you will move towards it, the less you will be hindered by trivialities, and so on. The more momentum you have the less you will need to "resist" or "abstain", since it would appear absurd to do otherwise than to remain still and allow your heart to move towards its goal.

>> No.12095582

Yeah that's the nicest thing my mom had to say when she saw my apartment.
>It's very...ascetic, dear

>> No.12095588

So behaviorism doesn't work?

>> No.12095631

See if conditioning can change the will of your heart and not merely reflexes and habits. You could no more do this than you could influence a compass to point anywhere but north. Besides the fact that devotion is about understanding, and this is something you cannot force on a person. I am not saying discipline and rigor are not beneficial, but in the end, the will is something which, the more you try to contain it and steer it along some particular course, the more it wants to break free. You could train a dog not to bite, but you cannot take the bite out of the dog without destroying what it is, no?

>> No.12095688

Very correct. So what are my remaining options if I want to change the very core (if this is ever possible) and lead a more honest life? Psychoanalysis? Intense self reflection and self knowledge?

>> No.12095731

that's a really beautiful place

>> No.12095740

You don't.

>> No.12095829

god this video is so pretentious, the commentary sounds like someone from a hippie commune.

>> No.12096059

Make clear your object and aim. Do not be a hypocrite. You will know you have your truth when death no longer causes despair, time is no longer a relentless enemy but a generous friend, and nothing can sever you from your path. All the pretenders will be discovered in the end. Here is a quote from Mainlander:

>The individual, who is caught in moral rapture, it may be temporary or permanent, has eye only for his real or presumed advantage, and for everything else he is dead. Thus the noble one, who has ignited himself to the mission of his fatherland, sends back wife and children with the words: “go beg, if you’re hungry”, thus the righteous one rather starves on the streets, than taint his pure, light soul with injustice; thus the Saint leaves his mother, his sisters and brothers, nay, he betrays them and says: “who are my mother and my brother?” for all bonds, that kept him shackled to the world, are torn, and only his eternal life captivates his whole being.

>> No.12096226
File: 662 KB, 1181x788, into great silence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone ITT needs to watch this.

>> No.12096245

fucking kek

>> No.12096828

this video is just a front for him to shill that brilliant site

>> No.12096837

i hope inasc/volasc become the new memes of the month

>> No.12096904

Nice, thanks

>> No.12096920

can i rock a fade instead

>> No.12097452

Unironically I have less shit than this guy.
>mattress on floor, whatever blankets I got from goodwill or as gifts
>clothes from goodwill
>have one knife, use chopsticks for everything because no forks, one plate, one bowl
>no fucking pourover hipster coffee machine, my coffee is free at work or instant at home
>eat whatever was on sale
>no car, backpack from goodwill, use public transit
>media is all stuff I get for free, digital only
>laptop is my nicest possession, use it for absolutely everything
>no social media, no online "image" or accounts or shit
And I still have too much fucking shit.
tfw no blender

>> No.12097505

Holy fuck, i can't bear fucking minimalist hipsters. Literally a normal almost rich young person that owns possessions with minimalist designs.

FUCK him.

>> No.12097780

I love how he thought having a bowl was extreme minimalist
>He (Diogenes) destroyed the single wooden bowl he possessed on seeing a peasant boy drink from the hollow of his hands. He then exclaimed: "Fool that I am, to have been carrying superfluous baggage all this time!"

>> No.12097902


Where do you live?

>> No.12098052

Why would you even want to live an "ascetic" lifestyle? Isn't pleasure the only good part of the human experience?

>> No.12098075
File: 248 KB, 1024x1302, chaste and breadpilled carthusians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone ITT needs to join this.

>> No.12098080
File: 131 KB, 724x1024, study cell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joy (constant, ever increasing) > Pleasure (short-term always fleeting).

>> No.12098099
File: 131 KB, 683x959, breadpilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renounce the flesh. Temper your desires while lessening your appetite. Lessen your labors and remain in your cell. Do this and you will know peace.

>> No.12098109

this man is the face of the increasing joy

>> No.12098323
File: 85 KB, 934x720, 1513947383125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12098459

Asceticism is not an end in itself by the way.

>> No.12098468

easy for old people who cant get it up and incels with no game to say.

>> No.12098495

Incels are unironically the ones that can't let go of sexual pleasures despite the fact that they never experience it, literal hungry ghost.

>> No.12099640


>> No.12100173

>easy for incels
It means to abandon lusting after flesh. No masturbation. No pornography. No sex. To totally eschew and renounce it.
By definition, their "celibacy" is not only involuntary, meaning "it" is not imposed by their self and would break it the moment sex became avaible. Moreover, celibacy refers to a state of sexual abstinence which would include masturbation which makes the label incorrect. Incels are the sort who want to buy a sex doll to masturbate into 5 times a day.

You also incorrecrly imply otherwise virile men would have difficulty with celibacy which is untrue too. When in a state of abstinence, the sex drive decreases. There are studies that show men who've abstained a few days have more voided seminal vesicles which in turn leads to lower response to sexual images. I can attest this as true, when absinent, especially after two weeks, I have no urges whatsoever. In fact, if I feel more contented than were I masturbating or having sex, which would be at least 3 times a day and that could go up even higher if unrestrained.

>> No.12100192

Living an ascetic life without the absolute focus being on Christ is ultimately futile.

>> No.12100285

>in my area
it must be hard to be retarded

>> No.12100291

>primary colours are bullshit
what does this mean?
is he speaking generally or as far as use in film is concerend?

does david lynch not believe in color theory?

>> No.12100359

great videos.

>> No.12100405

>hey this is actually pretty funny
>1 minute mark
>close video

>> No.12100432

Where can I start with Diogenes, anon?

>> No.12100712

Not that anon but I've got a bunch of works on them here:


I'd recommend starting with Navia's "Diogenes the Cynic" if interesting in him personally or his "Classical Cynicism" if you're interested in the Cynics as a greater movement. Both great books.

>> No.12100734
File: 2.30 MB, 1920x1080, ts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to me that there is very little difference between addicts and ascetics ultimately. Both sacrifice everything to a singular purpose.

>> No.12100739

low iq post

>> No.12100742

The Buddha made the same remark but >>12100739 is correct

>> No.12100755
File: 34 KB, 326x294, 1541695685552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ding ding

>> No.12100760

I don't know about other autistic people but I have very little stuff. I don't know about sensory overload (doesn't really happen to me) but I just don't _need_ more stuff.